"We have to move on and find the legendary cave." Chen Xuan suggested, his eyes firm.

"But how should we act in such acid rain?" the middle-aged man asked worriedly.

"We can wait for a while to see if the acid rain will stop." The young man suggested, obviously hoping to move forward in a better environment.

"This is a good suggestion. Let's wait here for a while. If the acid rain stops, we will move on." Chen Xuan agreed to the proposal.

The four of them found a relatively dry corner in the cave and sat down, waiting for the acid rain to stop.

There was a tense atmosphere in the air ahead. Chen Xuan and the three men from the Qingyun Sect immediately stopped vigilantly. As the footsteps approached, a group of disciples from the Tiger Dragon Sect came into view. They looked fierce, Hostility flashed in his eyes.

Chen Xuan took a quick look at the three members of the Qingyun Sect, and then decided to take action. He quickly said: "We have nothing to do with the Qingyun Sect. We just met by chance and have no intention of provoking the Tiger Dragon Sect. We are rushing there now Somewhere, I hope you won’t stop me.”

The three members of the Qingyun Sect also nodded in agreement, saying that they were just passing by and had no intention of interfering in the affairs of the Hulong Sect.

However, the disciples of the Tiger Dragon Sect obviously did not trust Chen Xuan and the three people from the Qingyun Sect. One of them said sarcastically: "Oh, you were just passing by, and it was such a coincidence that you met us from the Tiger Dragon Sect. What a coincidence. The world is so big that I can meet you by chance.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the battle broke out. The disciples of the Tiger Dragon Sect no longer listened to the explanation. They believed that Chen Xuan and the three people from the Qingyun Sect were threats and must be eliminated.

Chen Xuan and the three men from the Qingyun Sect immediately fought. Chen Xuan held the Vermilion Bird Sword, and his sword moves burned like heavenly fire, with every sword move carrying a scorching aura. The three members of the Qingyun Sect also displayed their unique skills and cooperated with each other to force the disciples of the Hulong Sect into a desperate situation.

In the fierce battle, Chen Xuan and the three men from the Qingyun Sect gave full play to their fighting power. Their sword moves were as fast as lightning, and every attack hit the opponent's vital point accurately. Although the disciples of the Tiger Dragon Sect were powerful, they gradually fell into passivity due to the unity and cooperation of the four people.

The battle lasted for a while, and the disciples of the Tiger Dragon Sect gradually felt the increasing pressure. They began to hesitate and waver, while Chen Xuan and the three members of the Qingyun Sect took the opportunity to launch a fierce offensive, forcing them to retreat. .

In the end, the disciples of the Tiger Dragon Sect were unable to withstand the joint offensive of Chen Xuan and the Qingyun Sect, and retreated one after another, completely defeated. Chen Xuan and the three Qingyun Sects each stopped what they were doing. Although they defeated the enemy, they also paid a great price. Not a small price to pay.

After the battle, Chen Xuan turned to the three members of the Qingyun faction, looked at them deeply, and expressed his gratitude. Although they had different backgrounds, in this strange land, it was their unity that allowed them to defeat their powerful enemies.

"Thank you for your help. Our goal now is to find a safe place and fight against greater threats together." Chen Xuan said with a firm tone and resolute eyes. The three members of the Qingyun faction nodded in agreement.

So, the four of them joined forces again and headed deeper.

Chen Xuan and the three men from the Qingyun faction got back on the road and continued to move forward. Walking among the dense woods, the four began to talk to each other to relieve the tension caused by the previous battle.

"Where are you from?" Chen Xuan asked curiously.

A disciple of the Qingyun Sect, named Li Feng, replied with a smile: "We are from the Qingyun Sect, a cultivating sect in the Central Region. We came here for exploration, and we did not expect to encounter so much trouble."

"Qingyun Sect?" Chen Xuan was slightly stunned.

"I heard that you are also a famous sect in the Central Territory and quite prestigious in the world of cultivation."

Li Feng nodded: "Yes, we do have some influence in the Central Territory, and what about you? It seems that you are not from the sect in the Central Territory. Are you from a cultivation sect in other places?"

Chen Xuan smiled and said: "We come from a far away place and just passed by this place. Unexpectedly, we were involved in this battle."

Another disciple of the Qingyun Sect, named Liu Qing'er, looked at Chen Xuan and asked, "What are you here for? Is there any purpose in this strange land?"

Chen Xuan was silent for a moment, and then said slowly: "We are looking for an ancient ruins. According to legend, there is a power that can change destiny. We hope to find that place and find the answer."

Li Feng and Liu Qing'er exchanged glances, obviously curious about Chen Xuan's words. Then, Liu Qing'er said: "We also came here to find a legendary magic weapon. I heard that in this land, there is A mysterious cave that is rumored to contain countless treasures. We are here for this goal.”

Chen Xuan smiled and nodded: "It seems that our goals are the same. In that case, why not cooperate? Maybe we can explore together and face possible dangers together."

Li Feng and Liu Qing'er smiled at each other and agreed, so the four decided to continue moving forward hand in hand.

In the dense forest, the four people continued to move forward. Unknowingly, the pursuers of the Tiger Dragon Sect appeared in their sights again. This time, the disciples of the Tiger Dragon Sect were obviously more fierce. They were dressed in golden battle robes. Holding a sharp sword in hand, he charged towards Chen Xuan and others with great force.

"We have to move on and find the legendary cave." Chen Xuan suggested, his eyes firm.

"But in such acid rain weather, how should we act?" the middle-aged man asked with some concern.

"We can wait for a while to see if the acid rain will stop." The young man suggested, obviously hoping to move forward in a better environment.

"This is a good suggestion. Let's wait here for a while. If the acid rain stops, we will continue to move forward." Chen Xuan agreed to the proposal.

The four found a relatively dry corner in the cave and sat down, waiting for the acid rain to stop.

There was a tense atmosphere in the air ahead. Chen Xuan and the three people from Qingyun Sect immediately stopped vigilantly. As the footsteps approached, a team of disciples from Hulong Sect came into view. They looked fierce and hostility flashed in their eyes.

Chen Xuan quickly glanced at the three people from Qingyun Sect, and then decided to take action. He quickly said: "We have nothing to do with Qingyun Sect. We just met by chance and have no intention of provoking Hulong Sect. We are going to a certain place now, and I hope you will not stop us."

The three people from Qingyun Sect also nodded in agreement, saying that they were just passing by and had no intention of interfering in the affairs of Hulong Sect.

However, the disciples of the Tiger Dragon Sect obviously did not trust Chen Xuan and the three people from the Qingyun Sect. One of them said sarcastically, "Oh, you just passed by and happened to meet our people from the Tiger Dragon Sect. The world is so big that I can meet you by chance."

As soon as the voice fell, the battle broke out. The disciples of the Tiger Dragon Sect no longer listened to the explanation. They believed that Chen Xuan and the three people from the Qingyun Sect were threats and must be eliminated.

Chen Xuan and the three people from the Qingyun Sect immediately fought. Chen Xuan held the Suzaku Sword, and his sword moves burned like sky fire, and each sword carried a burning breath. The three people from the Qingyun Sect also showed their unique skills and cooperated with each other to force the disciples of the Tiger Dragon Sect into a desperate situation.

In the fierce battle, Chen Xuan and the three people from the Qingyun Sect fully exerted their combat effectiveness. Their sword moves were as swift as lightning, and every attack hit the opponent's vital points accurately. Although the disciples of the Tiger Dragon Sect were powerful, they gradually fell into a passive position under the unity and cooperation of the four people.

The battle lasted for a while, and the disciples of the Tiger Dragon Sect gradually felt the increasing pressure. They began to hesitate and waver, while Chen Xuan and the three people from the Qingyun Sect took the opportunity to launch a fierce offensive, forcing them to retreat step by step.

In the end, the disciples of the Tiger Dragon Sect could not resist the joint offensive of Chen Xuan and the Qingyun Sect, and they retreated one after another. Chen Xuan and the three people from the Qingyun Sect stopped their actions. Although they defeated the enemy, they also paid a heavy price.

After the battle, Chen Xuan turned to the three people from the Qingyun Sect and looked at them deeply, expressing his gratitude. Although they had different backgrounds, it was unity that allowed them to defeat the powerful enemy in this strange land.

"Thank you for your help. Our current goal is to find a safe place and fight against greater threats together." Chen Xuan said, his tone was firm and his eyes were resolute. The three people from the Qingyun Sect nodded in agreement.

So the four of them joined forces again and moved deeper.

Chen Xuan and the three people from the Qingyun Sect got back on the road and continued to move forward. Walking in the dense woods, the four people began to talk to each other to ease the tense atmosphere caused by the previous battle.

"Where are you from?" Chen Xuan asked curiously.

A disciple of Qingyun Sect, named Li Feng, smiled and replied: "We are from Qingyun Sect, a sect of immortal cultivation in the Central Region. We came here to explore this time, but we didn't expect to encounter so many troubles."

"Qingyun Sect?" Chen Xuan was slightly stunned.

"I heard that you are also a famous sect in the Central Region, and you are quite famous in the world of cultivation."

Li Feng nodded: "Yes, we do have some influence in the Central Region, and what about you? Judging from your dress, it seems that you are not a sect in the Central Region, but a sect of cultivation in other places?"

Chen Xuan smiled and said: "We came from a distant place and just passed by this place. I didn't expect to be involved in this battle."

Another disciple of Qingyun Sect, named Liu Qing'er, looked at Chen Xuan and asked: "What are you here for? Do you have any purpose in this strange land?"

Chen Xuan was silent for a while, then slowly said: "We are looking for an ancient relic. Legend has it that there is a A power that can change destiny. We hope to find that place and find the answer. "

Li Feng and Liu Qing'er exchanged glances, obviously curious about Chen Xuan's words, and then Liu Qing'er said: "We are also here to find a legendary magic weapon. I heard that there is a mysterious cave in this land, which is rumored to contain countless treasures. We are also here for this goal. "

Chen Xuan smiled and nodded: "It seems that our goals are the same. In this case, why not cooperate? Maybe we can explore together and face the possible dangers together. "

Li Feng and Liu Qing'er smiled at each other and agreed, so the four decided to continue to move forward hand in hand.

In the dense forest, the four continued to move forward. Unknowingly, the pursuers of the Tiger Dragon Sect appeared in their sight again. This time, the disciples of the Tiger Dragon Sect were obviously more fierce. They were dressed in golden robes, holding sharp swords, and rushed towards Chen Xuan and others with great momentum.

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