"We must be careful. This flying dragon monster is extremely powerful, and we are no match for it." Li Feng held the weapon in his hand tightly and said warily.

Chen Xuan's brows were deeply furrowed. He had no intention of retreating. He took a deep breath and said in a firm tone: "We cannot escape, we can only face it with strength. We must defeat it, otherwise we cannot move forward."

The three of them nodded tacitly and decided to face the powerful flying dragon monster. They quickly found a relatively flat place and prepared to start a fierce battle with the monster there.

The flying dragon monster made a deafening roar, spread its wings, and rushed towards Chen Xuan and others. Chen Xuan instantly released the power of the Suzaku, and blazing sky fire ignited around his body, forming a shield of sky fire, blocking the fierceness of the flying dragon. attack.

Liu Qing'er and Li Feng fought against the flying dragon on both sides. They were flexible and agile, using their body skills to avoid the flying dragon's claws and sharp mouth, while launching fierce attacks. The battle was extremely fierce, trees were knocked down, earth and rocks flew, and the entire forest seemed to be plunged into a doomsday-like scene.

Chen Xuan calmly observed the movements of the flying dragon. He knew that only by finding the right moment could he cause effective damage to this monster beast. Feilong's attack was extremely fierce, and Chen Xuan remained vigilant at all times, waiting for the best opportunity to strike.

Suddenly, the flying dragon let out a sharp roar, and a blazing sky fire was released from its mouth. Chen Xuan's expression condensed. He quickly faced the sky fire and dissolved it, but was hit by the heat wave of the sky fire. Take a few steps back.

"This flying dragon actually knows how to use sky fire attacks!" Chen Xuan sighed secretly in his heart. He had a deeper understanding of the strength of this flying dragon. He knew that this battle would not be easily solved.

During a flying attack, Liu Qing'er skillfully avoided the flying dragon's attack and stabbed the flying dragon's wing with her sword. However, the flying dragon's skin was as hard as iron, and Liu Qing'er's sword only made a slight wound on the surface. It cannot cause substantial harm at all.

"This monster's defense is extremely high, we must find its weakness." Li Feng suppressed his anxiety and calmly analyzed the battle situation.

Suddenly a light flashed in Chen Xuan's eyes. He looked at Feilong's eyes and found that there was a kind of wildness and ferocity in those eyes. With a move in his heart, he suddenly realized Feilong's weakness.

"Its eyes!" Chen Xuan shouted loudly, "We must aim at its eyes and attack its eyes!"

Upon hearing this, Liu Qing'er and Li Feng turned to Feilong's eyes, aiming at the fatal weakness of this monster beast.

Chen Xuan seized the opportunity and released the more powerful power of Suzaku. His fist turned into a ball and suddenly hit Feilong's eyes. The flying dragon let out a scream, and the pain briefly disabled it from fighting.

Liu Qing'er and Li Feng also launched attacks quickly. They took advantage of this opportunity and launched fierce attacks on Feilong's other eye. The flying dragon struggled in severe pain, but could not avoid the three men's attacks. Its eyes were bloody from the three men's attacks.

The flying dragon roared in pain, its wings struggling in the air, but in the end, it could no longer maintain its flight and fell heavily to the ground, kicking up a cloud of smoke and dust.

Chen Xuan and others did not stop attacking. They continued to besiege the fallen flying dragon, until finally, this powerful monster stopped struggling and closed its eyes forever.

The battle was over, and Chen Xuan and others heaved a sigh of relief. They looked at the flying dragon lying on the ground, and their hearts were filled with a sense of accomplishment.

"We finally defeated it." Liu Qing'er said with a smile.

"Yes, but we cannot take it lightly. This is just the beginning. There may be greater challenges waiting for us ahead." Li Feng said vigilantly.

Chen Xuan nodded: "Li Feng is right, we cannot relax and must always be vigilant. Only in this way can we successfully find what we are looking for."

After defeating the flying dragon monster, Chen Xuan and others did not relax, because they knew that there were still countless dangers hidden in this forest. They continued to go deep into the forest, vigilantly searching for movement around them.

In the process of moving forward, they encountered various dangers.

One evening, when the afterglow of the setting sun shone on the ground through the leaves, they suddenly heard a low howling sound. This sound was full of wildness and threat, which made Chen Xuan and others' nerves immediately tense.

"Be careful, there are monsters!" Chen Xuan warned in a low voice.

Liu Qing'er and Li Feng also immediately became vigilant. The three of them quickly found a relatively safe place to hide. As the howling sound got closer and closer, a huge shadow appeared in sight.

This is a huge wolf monster. Its tall body is covered with thick fur, and its eyes are flashing with fierceness. Its mouth is full of sharp teeth, each one of which is enough to tear through iron armor. This kind of wolf monster usually moves in groups. Action, fast and fierce attacks, it is the top hunter in the forest.

When Chen Xuan and others saw this wolf demon, their hearts tightened. They knew that with the strength of the three of them alone, it would be difficult to resist such a huge wolf demon. However, they did not choose to retreat, but decided to fight with The wolf demon started a life and death struggle.

"We have to be careful. This flying dragon monster is extremely powerful, and we are no match for it." Li Feng held the weapon in his hand tightly and said warily.

Chen Xuan's brows were deeply furrowed. He had no intention of retreating. He took a deep breath and said in a firm tone: "We cannot escape, we can only face it with strength. We must defeat it, otherwise we cannot move forward."

The three of them nodded tacitly and decided to face the powerful flying dragon monster. They quickly found a relatively flat place and prepared to start a fierce battle with the monster there.

The flying dragon monster made a deafening roar, spread its wings, and rushed towards Chen Xuan and others. Chen Xuan instantly released the power of the Suzaku, and blazing sky fire ignited around his body, forming a shield of sky fire, blocking the fierceness of the flying dragon. attack.

Liu Qing'er and Li Feng fought against the flying dragon on both sides. They were flexible and agile, using their body skills to avoid the flying dragon's claws and sharp mouth, while launching fierce attacks. The battle was extremely fierce, trees were knocked down, earth and rocks flew, and the entire forest seemed to be plunged into a doomsday-like scene.

Chen Xuan calmly observed the movements of the flying dragon. He knew that only by finding the right moment could he cause effective damage to this monster beast. Feilong's attack was extremely fierce, and Chen Xuan remained vigilant at all times, waiting for the best opportunity to strike.

Suddenly, the flying dragon let out a sharp roar, and a blazing sky fire was released from its mouth. Chen Xuan's expression condensed. He quickly faced the sky fire and dissolved it, but was hit by the heat wave of the sky fire. Take a few steps back.

"This flying dragon actually knows how to use sky fire attacks!" Chen Xuan sighed secretly in his heart. He had a deeper understanding of the strength of this flying dragon. He knew that this battle would not be easily solved.

During a flying attack, Liu Qing'er skillfully avoided the flying dragon's attack and stabbed the flying dragon's wing with her sword. However, the flying dragon's skin was as hard as iron, and Liu Qing'er's sword only made a slight wound on the surface. It cannot cause substantial harm at all.

"This monster's defense is extremely high, we must find its weakness." Li Feng suppressed his anxiety and calmly analyzed the battle situation.

Suddenly a light flashed in Chen Xuan's eyes. He looked at Feilong's eyes and found that there was a kind of wildness and ferocity in those eyes. With a move in his heart, he suddenly realized Feilong's weakness.

"Its eyes!" Chen Xuan shouted loudly, "We must aim at its eyes and attack its eyes!"

Upon hearing this, Liu Qing'er and Li Feng turned to Feilong's eyes, aiming at the fatal weakness of this monster beast.

Chen Xuan seized the opportunity and released the more powerful power of Suzaku. His fist turned into a ball and suddenly hit Feilong's eyes. The flying dragon let out a scream, and the pain briefly disabled it from fighting.

Liu Qing'er and Li Feng also launched attacks quickly. They took advantage of this opportunity and launched fierce attacks on Feilong's other eye. The flying dragon struggled in severe pain, but could not avoid the three men's attacks. Its eyes were bloody from the three men's attacks.

The flying dragon roared in pain, its wings struggling in the air, but in the end, it could no longer maintain its flight and fell heavily to the ground, kicking up a cloud of smoke and dust.

Chen Xuan and others did not stop attacking. They continued to besiege the fallen flying dragon, until finally, this powerful monster stopped struggling and closed its eyes forever.

The battle was over, and Chen Xuan and others heaved a sigh of relief. They looked at Feilong lying on the ground, and their hearts were filled with a sense of accomplishment.

"We finally defeated it." Liu Qing'er said with a smile.

"Yes, but we cannot take it lightly. This is just the beginning. There may be greater challenges waiting for us ahead." Li Feng said vigilantly.

Chen Xuan nodded: "Li Feng is right, we cannot relax and must always be vigilant. Only in this way can we successfully find what we are looking for."

After defeating the flying dragon monster, Chen Xuan and others did not relax, because they knew that there were still countless dangers hidden in this forest. They continued to go deep into the forest, vigilantly searching for movement around them.

In the process of moving forward, they encountered various dangers.

One evening, when the afterglow of the setting sun shone on the ground through the leaves, they suddenly heard a low howling sound. This sound was full of wildness and threat, which made Chen Xuan and others' nerves immediately tense.

"Be careful, there are monsters!" Chen Xuan warned in a low voice.

Liu Qing'er and Li Feng also immediately became vigilant. The three of them quickly found a relatively safe place to hide. As the howling sound got closer and closer, a huge shadow appeared in sight.

This is a huge wolf monster. Its tall body is covered with thick fur, and its eyes are flashing with fierceness. Its mouth is full of sharp teeth, each one of which is enough to tear through iron armor. This kind of wolf monster usually moves in groups. Action, fast and fierce attacks, it is the top hunter in the forest.

When Chen Xuan and others saw this wolf demon, they couldn't help but feel nervous. They knew that it would be difficult for the three of them to resist such a huge wolf demon with the strength of the three of them alone. However, they did not choose to retreat, but decided to fight with The wolf demon started a life and death struggle.

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