Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 6670 Thinking back to the battle just now

The demon beast felt the threat from the sword energy. It waved its claws wildly, trying to block Chen Xuan's attack. However, Chen Xuan's sword energy was like a prairie fire.

The sword energy penetrated the monster's resistance and instantly pierced its heart. The monster let out a shrill howl, its body trembled violently, the fierce light in its eyes gradually extinguished, its body gradually lost strength, and finally collapsed to the ground.

Chen Xuan looked at the fallen monster and felt the joy of victory in his heart. He knew that victory in this battle was no small matter. The monster's strength far exceeded his imagination. However, he still relied on his talent and Strength, successfully defeated powerful enemies.

However, Chen Xuan did not stay too long. He knew that the howling of the monster beast might attract other monster beasts, and he had to leave this dangerous place as soon as possible. He carefully observed the surroundings and made sure that there were no other monster beasts, and then left quickly to the scene of the battle.

He decided not to use the secret method of time and space for the time being, so as not to attract the attention of more monsters. He chose a hidden path and moved forward cautiously. The bodies of the monster beasts behind him gradually moved away, and Chen Xuan continued to move forward, looking for a safe place to practice and rest.

As he was marching, he kept thinking about the battle just now and summarizing his experience. He realized that although his strength had improved, he was still far from being truly powerful. He needed to work harder and constantly improve himself. Only with unique swordsmanship and time-space secrets can one gain a foothold in this world of monsters.

As time went by and the sky gradually darkened, Chen Xuan found a relatively safe cave. He decided to rest and practice here for a while. He lit a bonfire, roasted some game and filled his stomach. Then, he crossed his legs Sit down and start practicing using the Vermillion Bird Sword Technique and the Secret Technique of Time and Space.

He was immersed in practice, his sword energy burned like heavenly fire, and the power of time and space flowed like running water. His body was surrounded by spiritual energy, and the entire cave was filled with strong spiritual energy fluctuations. His eyes flashed with determination. He knew that only Only by working hard can you achieve your goals.

As time passed by, Chen Xuan's cultivation level continued to improve. He felt that the fire attribute aura and space-time power in his body became stronger. His sword skills also became more skillful. His state of mind gradually calmed down. He The integration with swordsmanship and time and space secrets is getting deeper and deeper.

While practicing, he suddenly felt a strange movement in the surrounding space. He opened his eyes alertly and found a powerful wave of spiritual energy at the entrance of the cave. He immediately stood up alertly, pulled out the Suzaku Sword, and prepared to face the possible attack. enemy.

At the entrance of the cave, a vague figure appeared, and as the figure gradually became clearer, Chen Xuan saw the figure of a demon clan. His eyes shone with a strange light, and he seemed to be full of interest in Chen Xuan.

"Did you just defeat that monster?" The monster's voice was like the wind blowing through the treetops, distant and distant.

Chen Xuan nodded. He stared at the demon clan vigilantly and asked vigilantly: "Who are you? Why do you appear here?"

The demon clan smiled slightly, with a hint of mystery in his smile: "I am the guardian of this land and the owner of this land. You can call me Fanyin. I saw your battle, your sword The law is very good.”

Chen Xuan was slightly stunned. He didn't expect that the demon clan in front of him was actually the owner of this land. He asked alertly: "What do you want from me?"

Under the guidance of Fanyin, Chen Xuan became very interested in the origin of the mysterious crystal stone.

Fanyin looked at his curiosity, smiled and began to explain.

"This crystal is not an ordinary gem. It is a legendary fairy crystal. It is the inner elixir of an ancient fairy beast. It condenses the essence and power of the fairy beast. This ancient fairy crystal is the foundation of this land. The guardian who once protected the peace and tranquility here.”

When Chen Xuan heard this, he was immediately amazed. He did not expect that he would get such a precious treasure. Fanyin continued, with a mysterious light shining in his eyes.

"This ancient fairy beast unfortunately died due to a huge disaster thousands of years ago. Its body contains powerful vitality and space-time aura. In order to protect this power from being used by the demonic forces, it uses the inner elixir It was condensed into this crystal stone and passed on to the destined person.”

Chen Xuan felt a sense of solemnity and reverence. He understood that this crystal was not only a treasure, but also a sacred responsibility. He was determined to cherish this inheritance, exert its power, and protect this land.

Fanyin continued, his tone solemn: "Chen Xuan, you are a destined person and have been chosen for this inheritance. This fairy crystal is not only a symbol of power, but also a symbol of mission. You need Feel the talent and power contained in the inner elixir with your heart, learn to master its aura, and become the guardian of this land. "

Chen Xuan nodded solemnly, his heart full of determination. He raised the fairy crystal in his hand and stared at it, as if he could see the eyes of the ancient fairy beast twinkling in it. He decided to inherit this power and become this Guardian of the land, safeguarding its peace and tranquility.

Under the guidance of the Sanskrit sound, Chen Xuan began to feel the power of the fairy crystal with his heart. He closed his eyes and immersed his mind in it. As time passed, he gradually felt the mysterious power contained in the fairy crystal. This is an ancient and With powerful power, it made Chen Xuan's body full of vitality and his thinking became sharper.

Under the guidance of Fanyin, Chen Xuan learned how to guide the aura of the fairy crystal. He gently placed his palm on the fairy crystal and felt the vitality contained in it. He began to mobilize his own aura to resonate with the aura in the fairy crystal. , and with the flow of spiritual energy, the spiritual energy in the fairy crystal also began to gradually release.

Chen Xuan's body was wrapped in the light of the fairy crystal. He felt a powerful force injected into his body. His eyes flashed with determination. He knew that he was approaching the realm of guardianship step by step.

The demon beast felt the threat from the sword energy. It waved its claws wildly, trying to block Chen Xuan's attack. However, Chen Xuan's sword energy was like a prairie fire.

The sword energy penetrated the monster's resistance and instantly pierced its heart. The monster let out a shrill howl, its body trembled violently, the fierce light in its eyes gradually extinguished, its body gradually lost strength, and finally collapsed to the ground.

Chen Xuan looked at the fallen monster and felt the joy of victory in his heart. He knew that victory in this battle was no small matter. The monster's strength far exceeded his imagination. However, he still relied on his talent and Strength, successfully defeated powerful enemies.

However, Chen Xuan did not stay too long. He knew that the howling of the monster beast might attract other monster beasts, and he had to leave this dangerous place as soon as possible. He carefully observed the surroundings and made sure that there were no other monster beasts, and then left quickly to the scene of the battle.

He decided not to use the secret method of time and space for the time being, so as not to attract the attention of more monsters. He chose a hidden path and moved forward cautiously. The bodies of the monster beasts behind him gradually moved away, and Chen Xuan continued to move forward, looking for a safe place to practice and rest.

As he was marching, he kept thinking about the battle just now and summarizing his experience. He realized that although his strength had improved, he was still far from being truly powerful. He needed to work harder and constantly improve himself. Only with unique swordsmanship and time-space secrets can one gain a foothold in this world of monsters.

As time went by and the sky gradually darkened, Chen Xuan found a relatively safe cave. He decided to rest and practice here for a while. He lit a bonfire, roasted some game and filled his stomach. Then, he crossed his legs Sit down and start practicing using the Suzaku Sword Technique and the Secret Technique of Time and Space.

He was immersed in practice, his sword energy burned like heavenly fire, and the power of time and space flowed like running water. His body was surrounded by spiritual energy, and the entire cave was filled with strong spiritual energy fluctuations. His eyes flashed with determination. He knew that only Only by working hard can you achieve your goals.

As time passed by, Chen Xuan's cultivation level continued to improve. He felt that the fire attribute aura and space-time power in his body became stronger. His sword skills also became more skillful. His state of mind gradually calmed down. He The integration with swordsmanship and time and space secrets is getting deeper and deeper.

While practicing, he suddenly felt a strange movement in the surrounding space. He opened his eyes alertly and found a powerful wave of spiritual energy at the entrance of the cave. He immediately stood up alertly, pulled out the Suzaku Sword, and prepared to face the possible attack. enemy.

At the entrance of the cave, a vague figure appeared, and as the figure gradually became clearer, Chen Xuan saw the figure of a demon clan. His eyes shone with a strange light, and he seemed to be full of interest in Chen Xuan.

"Did you just defeat that monster?" The monster's voice was like the wind blowing through the treetops, distant and distant.

Chen Xuan nodded. He stared at the demon clan vigilantly and asked vigilantly: "Who are you? Why do you appear here?"

The demon clan smiled slightly, with a hint of mystery in his smile: "I am the guardian of this land and the owner of this land. You can call me Fanyin. I saw your battle, your sword The law is very good.”

Chen Xuan was slightly stunned. He did not expect that the monster in front of him was actually the owner of this land. He asked alertly: "What do you want from me?"

Under the guidance of Fanyin, Chen Xuan became very interested in the origin of the mysterious crystal stone.

Fanyin looked at his curiosity, smiled and began to explain.

"This crystal is not an ordinary gem. It is a legendary fairy crystal. It is the inner elixir of an ancient fairy beast. It condenses the essence and power of the fairy beast. This ancient fairy crystal is the foundation of this land. The guardian who once protected the peace and tranquility here.”

When Chen Xuan heard this, he was immediately amazed. He did not expect that he would get such a precious treasure. Fanyin continued, with a mysterious light shining in his eyes.

"This ancient fairy beast unfortunately died due to a huge disaster thousands of years ago. Its body contains powerful vitality and space-time aura. In order to protect this power from being used by the demonic forces, it uses the inner elixir It was condensed into this crystal stone and passed on to the destined person.”

Chen Xuan felt a sense of solemnity and reverence. He understood that this crystal was not only a treasure, but also a sacred responsibility. He was determined to cherish this inheritance, exert its power, and protect this land.

Fanyin continued, his tone solemn: "Chen Xuan, you are a destined person and have been chosen for this inheritance. This fairy crystal is not only a symbol of power, but also a symbol of mission. You need Feel the talent and power contained in the inner elixir with your heart, learn to master its aura, and become the guardian of this land. "

Chen Xuan nodded solemnly, his heart full of determination. He raised the fairy crystal in his hand and stared at it, as if he could see the eyes of the ancient fairy beast twinkling in it. He decided to inherit this power and become this Guardian of the land, safeguarding its peace and tranquility.

Under the guidance of the Sanskrit sound, Chen Xuan began to feel the power of the fairy crystal with his heart. He closed his eyes and immersed his mind in it. As time passed, he gradually felt the mysterious power contained in the fairy crystal. This is an ancient and With powerful power, it made Chen Xuan's body full of vitality and his thinking became sharper.

Under the guidance of Fanyin, Chen Xuan learned how to guide the aura of the fairy crystal. He gently placed his palm on the fairy crystal and felt the vitality contained in it. He began to mobilize his own aura to resonate with the aura in the fairy crystal. , and with the flow of spiritual energy, the spiritual energy in the fairy crystal also began to gradually release.

Chen Xuan's body was wrapped in the light of the fairy crystal. He felt a powerful force injected into his body. His eyes flashed with determination. He knew that he was approaching the realm of guardianship step by step.

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