Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 6677 The Dragon Scales of the Bloody Fire Dragon

In the palace of the Lord of Huanyao City, a tense atmosphere permeated.

When the news came, the Lord of Huanyao City heard Chen Xuan's victory, his brows were furrowed, and a flash of anger flashed in his eyes. He slapped the dragon chair with one palm, making a deafening sound, as if venting his inner anger.

"Someone dared to challenge the majesty of my Huanyao City! Chen Xuan, you are looking for death!" The Lord of Huanyao City gritted his teeth and said, his voice full of anger. He waved his hand, and the demon warriors around him immediately stepped out, their eyes flashing with murderous light, as if they were going to cut Chen Xuan into pieces.

Outside the palace, the alertness of Huanyao City reached an unprecedented level. The demon warriors wore fiery red battle robes, holding various weapons, guarding on the city wall. Their eyes were sharp, and they patrolled the surroundings vigilantly, ready to deal with any possible threats at any time.

The Lord of Illusionary Demon City snorted coldly, and his fingers drew a phantom in the air, as if he was arranging some kind of formation. A trace of coldness flashed in his eyes. He vowed to completely eradicate Chen Xuan to warn all those who dared to offend the Illusionary Demon City.

"Go, capture Chen Xuan, I will personally cut him into pieces!" The Lord of Illusionary Demon City ordered, his voice full of anger and murderous intent. The demon warriors responded to the order, flew up, turned into streams of light, and flew towards Chen Xuan.

At this moment, the entire Illusionary Demon City was filled with a tense and depressing atmosphere. The demon warriors quickly shuttled through the streets in the city, with a firm look in their eyes, as if they wanted to crush Chen Xuan into pieces.

Chen Xuan's body shook violently, and his eyes burned with heavenly fire, as if to ignite the whole world. He felt the anger of the Lord of Illusionary Demon City, and this anger aroused the anger deep in his heart. He swore that he would never let any demon hurt him and his people. He would use his own hands to turn this city into ruins and let all the demons pay the price.

Under the command of the Lord of Huanyao City, the demon warriors ran towards Chen Xuan like hounds. They were wearing fiery red battle robes, holding sharp blades, and filled with murderous aura. Their eyes flashed with murderous intent, as if they were going to tear Chen Xuan to pieces.

Chen Xuan was in a dense forest with tall trees and lush grass. The forest was filled with dense greenery. The sun shone through the gaps between the leaves and sprinkled on the ground, forming mottled spots of light. This was a natural world, but it was also Chen Xuan's battlefield.

Chen Xuan crouched under the tree canopy, staring at the demon warrior in front of him. His body was shrouded in the aura of the sky fire, like a shadow of the sky fire, allowing him to blend into the forest. His breathing was steady and powerful, and his heart was burning with firm determination.

The demon warriors crossed the dense forest, majestic, holding weapons, and vigilantly patrolling the surroundings. Their eyes flashed with murderous light, as if they were ready to meet the enemy's attack at any time. However, in this dense forest, Chen Xuan had turned into a shadow, waiting for the opportunity to come.

Suddenly, a demon warrior stepped into Chen Xuan's sight. His figure looked particularly burly, holding a huge battle axe, and his steps were steady. He seemed to be the leading warrior. Chen Xuan's eyes flashed with cold light. He knew that this was a perfect time to attack.

Chen Xuan made a quick decision. He moved quietly and approached the demon warrior quietly. His steps were light and agile, like a beast lurking in the forest. He condensed the sky fire sword energy, and the sword body emitted a faint light, ready to strike the enemy.

When the demon warrior walked in front of Chen Xuan, Chen Xuan quickly made a move, and the sky fire sword energy instantly pierced the warrior's throat. The demon warrior let out a roar, and blood gushed out, but the sound was quickly cut off, and his body fell to the ground, motionless.

Chen Xuan gently put the warrior's body on the ground, and his eyes flashed with cold light. He knew that this was just the beginning, and there were more demon warriors waiting for his arrival.

Continuing to crouch in the dense forest, Chen Xuan waited for the next target to appear. The demon warriors walked through the forest, but did not find his trace. Chen Xuan's movements were like ghosts, like a beast lurking in the dark, waiting for the best prey.

After a while, a demon warrior came near Chen Xuan. This warrior was a demon woman with a graceful figure and holding a sharp flying knife. There was a vigilant light in her eyes, as if she wanted to see everything around her clearly.

Chen Xuan's eyes flashed with cold light. He knew that this target should not be underestimated. He approached quietly, waiting for the best time. The demon woman walked and kept patrolling around, as if she had sensed the existence of some danger.

When she walked in front of Chen Xuan, Chen Xuan quickly made a move, and the sky fire sword energy cut through the air and went straight to the demon woman's vitals. The demon woman felt the breath of danger and dodged instantly, but the sky fire sword energy cut her shoulder, leaving a deep wound.

The demon woman screamed, her flying knife flew out of her hand and rolled to the ground. She covered her shoulder tightly, blood seeped from her fingers, and her eyes were full of fear and anger.

Chen Xuan didn't wait for her to react, and quickly made a move, stabbing the sky fire sword into her body. The demon woman screamed, then fell to the ground and closed her eyes forever.

Chen Xuan gently placed the warrior's body on the ground, and his eyes flashed with a cold light.

In the palace of the Lord of Huanyao City, a tense atmosphere permeated.

When the news came, the Lord of Huanyao City heard Chen Xuan's victory, his brows were furrowed, and a flash of anger flashed in his eyes. He slapped the dragon chair with one palm, making a deafening sound, as if venting his inner anger.

"Someone dares to challenge the majesty of my Illusory Demon City! Chen Xuan, you are seeking death!" The Lord of Illusory Demon City said through gritted teeth, his voice full of anger. He waved his hand, and the demon warriors around him stepped out immediately, their eyes twinkling. With a fierce light, it seemed as if Chen Xuan was about to be torn into pieces.

Outside the palace, the vigilance of the Illusory Demon City has reached an unprecedented level. The demon warriors are wearing fiery red battle robes and holding various weapons. They are guarding the city wall. Their eyes are sharp and they are patrolling the surroundings vigilantly, ready to deal with any possibility. threats.

The Lord of Illusory Demon City snorted coldly. His fingers drew a phantom in the air, as if he was setting up some kind of formation. A trace of coldness flashed in his eyes. He vowed to eradicate Chen Xuan completely as a warning to all those who dared to offend Illusory Demon City. .

"Go and capture Chen Xuan. I will cut him into pieces with my own hands!" The Lord of Illusory Demon City ordered, his voice full of anger and murderous intent. The demon warriors responded to the order, flew up, and transformed into Streams of light flew towards Chen Xuan.

At this moment, the entire Illusory Demon City was filled with a tense and depressing atmosphere. The demon warriors were quickly shuttled through the streets of the city, their eyes flashing with determination, as if they were going to crush Chen Xuan into pieces.

Chen Xuan's body shook violently, and his eyes were burning with heavenly fire, as if he was about to ignite the whole world. He felt the anger of the Lord of Illusory Demon City, and this anger aroused the anger deep in his heart. He swore that he would never He will not let any monsters harm him and his people. He will use his own hands to turn this city into ruins and make all monsters pay the price.

Under the command of the Lord of Illusory Demon City, the demon warriors ran towards Chen Xuan like hounds. They were wearing fiery red battle robes and holding sharp blades. Their eyes were filled with murderous intent, as if they wanted to kill Chen Xuan. Shred.

Chen Xuan is in a dense forest, with towering trees and lush grass. The forest is filled with dense greenery. Sunlight shines on the ground through the gaps in the leaves, forming mottled spots. This is a natural world, but it is also Chen Xuan's. battlefield.

Chen Xuan crouched under the tree canopy, staring at the demon warrior in front of him. His body was enveloped in the aura of sky fire, like a shadow of sky fire, allowing him to blend into the forest. His breathing was steady and powerful, and in his heart Burning with determination.

The monster warriors walked through the dense forest with majesty, holding weapons and patrolling the surroundings vigilantly. Their eyes flashed with fierce light, as if they were ready to welcome the enemy's attack at any time. However, in this dense forest, Chen Xuan had turned into a Shadow, waiting for the opportunity to come.

Suddenly, a demon clan warrior stepped into Chen Xuan's sight. His figure looked particularly burly, holding a huge battle ax and walking steadily. He seemed to be the leading warrior. Chen Xuan's eyes flashed coldly. He knew, This is an excellent time to strike.

Chen Xuan made a quick decision. He moved softly and quietly approached the demon warrior. His steps were light and agile, like a beast lurking in the forest. He condensed the Sky Fire Sword Qi, and the sword body emitted a faint light, preparing to Defeat the enemy with one blow.

When the demon warrior came to Chen Xuan, Chen Xuan quickly took action, and the Skyfire Sword Qi instantly pierced the warrior's throat. The demon warrior roared, and blood gushed out, but the sound was quickly cut off, and his body He fell to the ground and remained motionless.

Chen Xuan gently placed the warrior's body on the ground. His eyes flashed with a cold light. He knew that this was just the beginning, and there were more demon warriors waiting for his arrival.

Continuing to crouch in the dense forest, Chen Xuan waited for the next target to appear. The demon warriors walked through the forest, but found no trace of him. Chen Xuan's movements were like ghosts, like a beast lurking in the darkness. Waiting for the best prey.

After some time, a demon warrior came near Chen Xuan. This warrior was a demon woman with a graceful figure and a sharp flying knife. Her eyes flashed with vigilance, as if to See everything around you clearly.

Chen Xuan's eyes flashed coldly. He knew that this target should not be underestimated. He approached quietly, waiting for the best opportunity. The demon woman walked and patrolled the surroundings, seeming to sense some kind of danger. exist.

When she walked in front of Chen Xuan, Chen Xuan quickly took action. The Sky Fire Sword Qi cut through the air and hit the demon woman's vitals. The Demon Race woman felt the dangerous aura. She dodged instantly, but the Sky Fire Sword Qi hit her. There was a deep wound on his shoulder.

The demon woman let out a scream, and her flying knife came out of her hand and rolled to the ground. She tightly covered her shoulders, blood seeping out from between her fingers, and her eyes were full of fear and anger.

Chen Xuan didn't wait for her to react, and quickly struck out, piercing the Heavenly Fire Sword Qi into her body. The demon woman let out a shrill scream, then fell to the ground and closed her eyes forever.

Chen Xuan gently placed the warrior's body on the ground, with a cold light shining in his eyes.

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