The battle was over. Chen Xuan stood on the spot, his body rising and falling rapidly, and the Heavenly Fire Sword Qi danced around him.

The mood of the colleague Huan Yao City Lord was like a burning volcano, and the flames of anger were burning in his heart. He had always been the majestic representative of the Demon Clan City Lord, possessing supreme power and status. However, the appearance of Chen Xuan was like a star. The fatal sting struck his weak spot.

He was in the main hall of the mansion, his eyebrows furrowed and his face gloomy. The trusted demon clan warriors around them lowered their heads and remained silent. They also felt the anger and uneasiness of the city lord. The lord of the phantom demon city knew that Chen Xuan's existence was a threat to his majesty and dominance, and was also a danger to the entire phantom demon city.

"This Chen Xuan is so rampant!" The Lord of Illusory Demon City gritted his teeth and roared, his voice resounding throughout the hall, "He actually broke into my Illusory Demon City's territory many times and killed so many strong demon clansmen. This is a disservice to me. An insult from the demon clan!”

The city lord's fists were clenched, his nails dug deeply into his palms, and blood seeped out from between his fingers. His eyes were filled with anger and resentment. It was a rare loss of control for him in many years.

"Lord City Lord, how should we respond to Chen Xuan's provocation?" A trusted demon warrior asked cautiously.

The city lord's eyes swept across them coldly, with merciless killing intent flashing in his eyes. "Since Chen Xuan is so arrogant, let him see the true power of Illusory Demon City! I will personally go out and cut him into pieces!"

Upon hearing this, the trusted demon clan warriors bowed their heads and accepted the order. The city lord's anger and determination were conveyed to every strong demon clan member. They knew that this battle was not only a battle between individuals, but also a battle for the dignity of the entire Illusory Demon City.

Under the wrath of the city lord, Chen Xuan was still lurking in the dark. He knew that the wrath of the illusory demon city lord would trigger a more intense battle, but he was not afraid. On the contrary, his eyes shone with determination, and he was ready to face any challenge.

Chen Xuan quietly entered a cave. The cave was dark and deep, with only a faint light projected through the entrance of the cave, reflecting a shadow. He carefully stepped on the stone steps of the cave and went deeper along the curved passage. There is a cold breath in the air, and it is cold and cold inside the cave, making people feel chilly.

The rock walls inside the cave are rugged and covered with moss and vines, making them look ancient and mysterious. Occasionally, there was a faint sound of dripping water, hitting the cave wall, making a pitter-pattering sound. Chen Xuan knew that this cave was an excellent hiding place. It was highly concealed and even the strong master of the Demon Clan City could hardly find it. His traces.

The interior of the cave is spacious and deep, and the floor is covered with a thick layer of quartz stone, which is smooth and hard. There are some stalactites of different shapes hanging on the top of the cave. On one side of the cave, there is a small stone platform with several ancient books and bottles and jars placed on it. It looks like a place for cultivation.

The light in the cave penetrated through the cracks in the stone, forming mottled light spots, outlining the outline of the cave. Chen Xuan found a hidden corner and hid his body in it. He sat down cross-legged, closed his eyes to rest, and began to practice the Vermillion Bird Sword. Law.

His mind sank into his cultivation, and the surrounding cave environment gradually faded away. In his inner world, he transformed into a sword cultivator, holding a Vermillion Bird Sword, and the sword energy was arrogant and burning like heavenly fire.

Time passed quietly in the cave. Chen Xuan continued to mobilize the spiritual energy in his body and integrated the essence of Suzaku swordsmanship into his skin and bones. His body gradually exuded a fiery aura, as if it was wrapped in heavenly fire, and every inch The skin is dancing with the melody of Sky Fire Sword Qi.

In the process of practicing, Chen Xuan's consciousness gradually entered a transcendent state. He felt the perfect combination of body and soul, and realized the mystery of Suzaku sword technique. The sword intention was like fire and the sword energy was blazing. He seemed to It became the embodiment of Suzaku swordsmanship and became one with the swordsmanship.

As time passed, Chen Xuan's cultivation level continued to improve, and the cave was filled with a strong aura of heavenly fire. A smile gradually appeared between his eyebrows. He knew that he was reaching the pinnacle of his cultivation path, and the power of the Suzaku Sword Technique will reach a new level.

There was silence inside and outside the cave. The cave chosen by Chen Xuan as a training place became a dojo for him to break through his own limits. In this deep environment, he continued to hone his swordsmanship and surpass his own limits. In order to be able to To better prepare for the coming battle, he fought tooth and nail.

Outside the cave, night falls and the stars shine brightly. Two strong men from the demon clan, one is a lion demon, huge, proud and mighty, and the other is a fox demon with a cunning light in his eyes. They are one of the most outstanding warriors in the Illusory Demon City. At this moment, they are following the clues. , came to Chen Xuan's hiding place.

The lion demon walked steadily, with a look of triumph in his eyes. His rough voice echoed through the cave, breaking the silence: "Chen Xuan, do you think you can escape the tricks of the lord of the fantasy demon city by hiding in this broken cave? Now, we Already found you!"

The fox demon stood beside the lion demon, with charming eyes, and chuckled: "That's right, Chen Xuan, you can't escape from our grasp. We got the instructions from the city lord and came here to find you. It seems that you What an unlucky fate it is.”

Chen Xuan took a deep breath and felt calm in his heart. He knew that he had been discovered. The most important thing now was to stay calm and be ready to deal with emergencies at any time.

"The Lord of the City personally ordered us to capture you and bring you to justice. You have killed too many of our kin and you should be punished accordingly." The lion demon had a sarcastic smile on its lips.

"However, you can also choose to surrender. Maybe the city lord will spare your life."

Chen Xuan looked at them calmly and said calmly: "You can give it a try." He had already prepared in his heart. If faced with the demon clan's pursuit, he would never surrender. The Suzaku Sword has been quietly unsheathed, and the Heavenly Fire Sword Qi is beating on the tip of the sword like a wild flame.

The lion demon and the fox demon looked at each other, and couldn't help but feel alert. They knew that Chen Xuan was not an easy enemy to deal with, and they had to be careful. The lion demon roared, and the demonic power in his body surged, turning into a huge fire lion. Breathing flames, the fox demon swayed charmingly, turned into a shadow, and quickly attacked Chen Xuan.

The battle was over. Chen Xuan stood on the spot, his body rising and falling rapidly, and the Heavenly Fire Sword Qi danced around him.

The mood of the colleague Huan Yao City Lord was like a burning volcano, and the flames of anger were burning in his heart. He had always been the majestic representative of the Demon Clan City Lord, possessing supreme power and status. However, the appearance of Chen Xuan was like a star. The fatal sting struck his weak spot.

He was in the main hall of the mansion, his eyebrows furrowed and his face gloomy. The trusted demon clan warriors around them lowered their heads and remained silent. They also felt the anger and uneasiness of the city lord. The lord of the phantom demon city knew that Chen Xuan's existence was a threat to his majesty and dominance, and was also a danger to the entire phantom demon city.

"This Chen Xuan is so rampant!" The Lord of Illusory Demon City gritted his teeth and roared, his voice resounding throughout the hall, "He actually broke into my Illusory Demon City's territory many times and killed so many strong demon clansmen. This is a disservice to me. An insult from the demon clan!”

The city lord's fists were clenched, his nails dug deeply into his palms, and blood seeped out from between his fingers. His eyes were filled with anger and resentment. It was a rare loss of control for him in many years.

"Lord City Lord, how should we respond to Chen Xuan's provocation?" A trusted demon warrior asked cautiously.

The city lord's eyes swept across them coldly, with merciless killing intent flashing in his eyes. "Since Chen Xuan is so arrogant, let him see the true power of Illusory Demon City! I will personally go out and cut him into pieces!"

Upon hearing this, the trusted demon clan warriors bowed their heads and accepted the order. The city lord's anger and determination were conveyed to every strong demon clan member. They knew that this battle was not only a battle between individuals, but also a battle for the dignity of the entire Illusory Demon City.

Under the wrath of the city lord, Chen Xuan was still lurking in the dark. He knew that the wrath of the illusory demon city lord would trigger a more intense battle, but he was not afraid. On the contrary, his eyes shone with determination, and he was ready to face any challenge.

Chen Xuan quietly entered a cave. The cave was dark and deep, with only a faint light projected through the entrance of the cave, reflecting a shadow. He carefully stepped on the stone steps of the cave and went deeper along the curved passage. There is a cold breath in the air, and it is cold and cold inside the cave, making people feel chilly.

The rock walls inside the cave are rugged and covered with moss and vines, making them look ancient and mysterious. Occasionally, there was a faint sound of dripping water, hitting the cave wall, making a pitter-pattering sound. Chen Xuan knew that this cave was an excellent hiding place. It was highly concealed and even the strong master of the Demon Clan City could hardly find it. His traces.

The interior of the cave is spacious and deep, and the floor is covered with a thick layer of quartz stone, which is smooth and hard. There are some stalactites of different shapes hanging on the top of the cave. On one side of the cave, there is a small stone platform with several ancient books and bottles and jars placed on it. It looks like a place for cultivation.

The light in the cave penetrated through the cracks in the stone, forming mottled light spots, outlining the outline of the cave. Chen Xuan found a hidden corner and hid his body in it. He sat down cross-legged, closed his eyes to rest, and began to practice the Vermillion Bird Sword. Law.

His mind sank into his cultivation, and the surrounding cave environment gradually faded away. In his inner world, he transformed into a sword cultivator, holding a Vermillion Bird Sword, and the sword energy was arrogant and burning like heavenly fire.

Time passed quietly in the cave. Chen Xuan continued to mobilize the spiritual energy in his body and integrated the essence of Suzaku swordsmanship into his skin and bones. His body gradually exuded a fiery aura, as if it was wrapped in heavenly fire, and every inch The skin is dancing with the melody of Sky Fire Sword Qi.

In the process of practicing, Chen Xuan's consciousness gradually entered a transcendent state. He felt the perfect combination of body and soul, and realized the mystery of Suzaku sword technique. The sword intention was like fire and the sword energy was blazing. He seemed to It became the embodiment of Suzaku swordsmanship and became one with the swordsmanship.

As time passed, Chen Xuan's cultivation level continued to improve, and the cave was filled with a strong aura of heavenly fire. A smile gradually appeared between his eyebrows. He knew that he was reaching the pinnacle of his cultivation path, and the power of the Suzaku Sword Technique will reach a new level.

There was silence inside and outside the cave. The cave chosen by Chen Xuan as a training place became a dojo for him to break through his own limits. In this deep environment, he continued to hone his sword skills and surpass his own limits. In order to be able to To better prepare for the coming battle, he fought tooth and nail.

Outside the cave, night falls and the stars shine brightly. Two strong men from the demon clan, one is a lion demon, huge, proud and mighty, and the other is a fox demon with a cunning light in his eyes. They are one of the most outstanding warriors in the Illusory Demon City. At this moment, they are following the clues. , came to Chen Xuan's hiding place.

The lion demon walked steadily, with a look of triumph in his eyes. His rough voice echoed through the cave, breaking the silence: "Chen Xuan, do you think you can escape the tricks of the lord of the fantasy demon city by hiding in this broken cave? Now, we Already found you!"

The fox demon stood beside the lion demon, with charming eyes, and chuckled: "That's right, Chen Xuan, you can't escape our grasp. We have received instructions from the city lord and came here to find you. It seems that you What an unlucky fate it is.”

Chen Xuan took a deep breath and felt calm in his heart. He knew that he had been discovered. The most important thing now was to stay calm and be ready to deal with emergencies at any time.

"The Lord of the City personally ordered us to capture you and bring you to justice. You have killed too many of our kin and you should be punished accordingly." The lion demon had a sarcastic smile on its lips.

"However, you can also choose to surrender. Maybe the city lord will spare your life."

Chen Xuan looked at them calmly and said calmly: "You can try." He had already prepared in his heart. If faced with the demon clan's pursuit, he would never surrender. The Suzaku Sword has been quietly unsheathed, and the Heavenly Fire Sword Qi is beating on the tip of the sword like a wild flame.

The lion demon and the fox demon looked at each other, and couldn't help but feel alert. They knew that Chen Xuan was not an easy enemy to deal with, and they had to be careful. The lion demon roared, and the demonic power in his body surged, turning into a huge fire lion. Breathing out fierce flames, the fox demon swayed charmingly, turned into a shadow, and quickly attacked Chen Xuan.

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