At this moment, in the dark forest, Chen Xuan concentrated and held his breath, the Vermilion Bird Sword burning with blazing sky fire in his hands. In this demon clan's territory, three demon clan strongmen came over, their demonic aura was strong, and their eyes shone with coldness and contempt. , they are the guardians of Illusory Demon City, extremely powerful, and full of hostility to humans. Chen Xuan's existence is an insult to them, and they are determined to eradicate this human intrusion into their territory.

"It seems that this human being doesn't understand the rules and dares to break into our territory and even makes a fire and barbecues here."

"What an arrogant person. He doesn't know whether to live or die. We need to teach him a lesson and let him understand that humans have no place here."

Three strong men from the demon race approached, the fiery red bonfire reflected on their faces, burning with anger. Chen Xuan stood there with an indifferent expression, without saying a word. He knew that now was the time to act.

The battle began, and a powerful aura filled the forest. Chen Xuan quickly met the first demon clan strongman. He was holding a Suzaku sword. The blade of the sword was burning with blazing sky fire, making a harsh buzzing sound. The demon clan warrior waved The sword in his hand was fierce and struck Chen Xuan hard.

Chen Xuan's figure flickers, his sword skills are as hot as heavenly fire, and every swing carries the power of destruction. His sword light flashes like lightning, accurately cutting through the defense line of the strong demon clan. The strong demon clan He kept backing away, a trace of shock flashing in his eyes.

The second strong demon clan man held a spear, the tip of the spear flashed with cold light, and stabbed Chen Xuan's vital part fiercely. Chen Xuan ducked sideways, and then quickly counterattacked. The blade of the sword slashed across the abdomen of the demon clan strong man, and blood spattered. , there was a painful expression on the face of the strong demon clan man. He couldn't believe that he was actually hurt.

Upon seeing this, the third demon clan strongman roared angrily and rushed towards Chen Xuan. He was an elite of the demon clan, powerful and launched an attack without mercy. Chen Xuan greeted him calmly, his sword skills were like heavenly fire. Usually, the powerful demon clan is trapped in the sword formation.

The strong man from the demon tribe struggled to escape, but Chen Xuan's sword energy surrounded him like an iron net, making him unable to escape. Chen Xuan was merciless and stabbed the strong man from the demon tribe in the throat.

A flash of determination flashed in the eyes of the strong demon clan man. He raised the weapon in his hand and tried to block Chen Xuan's fatal blow. At the critical moment, he instantly condensed a solid defensive barrier. It was the embodiment of his superb skills. The monster clan’s unique defense technique.

Chen Xuan's sword edge penetrated the defensive barrier, making a sharp tearing sound. The strong demon clan man felt the severe pain, and his body was frozen in place by the sword edge. However, he gritted his teeth and struggled to hold on. , preventing the sword edge from going deeper.

The spiritual energy from Chen Xuan's whole body was continuously poured into the sword. His eyes became deep, focused and calm. He knew that the strong monster in front of him was not easy to deal with. His defense skills were surprisingly tough. In this life and death battle, , every minute and every second is crucial.

The sky fire on the sword's edge burned even more intensely, and the sword's body was filled with crimson light. Chen Xuan maintained the pressure on the sword's edge without any letup, striving to break through the defense line of the strong demon clan. His eyes showed determination, he Determined to completely defeat this strong demon clan and show the power of mankind.

Time seemed to freeze at this moment. The surrounding trees and grass seemed to be still. Chen Xuan's breathing became heavy, but his eyes were still as sharp as a sword, without wavering at all.

With the support of top-level defense skills, the strong man from the demon clan gritted his teeth and withstood Chen Xuan's fierce attack. His face was pale and sweat dripped from his forehead, but he never collapsed, showing the tenacious vitality of the demon clan.

At this time, a stalemate was formed between the sword edge and the defensive barrier. A sense of frustration arose in Chen Xuan's heart. He did not expect that the defense of this strong demon clan would be so indestructible. However, while feeling frustrated, , a stronger fighting spirit emerged in his heart.

Chen Xuan took a deep breath, his body trembled slightly, and the spiritual energy around him instantly increased. He decided not to attack rashly, but to use the power of spiritual energy to find flaws in the strong demon clan.

His eyes became sharper, as if they could penetrate everything. He focused all his energy on the strong demon clan, looking for weak points in his defense. At this moment, his state of mind entered a state of extreme concentration. , he can feel everything around him, as if he is integrated with the whole world.

I don't know how long it took, but a glimmer of light finally flashed in Chen Xuan's eyes. He discovered the flaw in the demon clan's strongman's defense. Although it was small, it was enough. His body instantly burst out with powerful power, and the sword edge stabbed the demon again. A defensive barrier for the powerful clan.

This time, the sword edge was as hot as fire, piercing the weak point of the defensive barrier. The demon clan strongman let out a scream, and his defense was completely destroyed. Chen Xuan's sword edge penetrated his throat, and blood spurted out instantly. out.

The body of the strong demon clan trembled for a moment, and then fell to the ground. His eyes were full of despair. He failed to resist Chen Xuan's attack, and was ultimately defeated by humans.

The demon clan's defense line collapsed instantly, but the remaining two demon clan strongmen did not flinch. On the contrary, their faces were livid and angry, and they launched an attack even more violently.

The first demon clan strongman was a lion demon wearing thick animal skin. He was as huge as a mountain and his claws were as sharp as steel. He roared, waved his huge lion claws, and instantly pounced on Chen Xuan, The attack speed of the demon lion demon is extremely fast, and its breath is fierce, like a violent beast, tearing the air apart.

At this moment, in the dark forest, Chen Xuan concentrated and held his breath, the Suzaku Sword in his hand was burning with blazing fire. In this demon territory, three demon warriors came, with strong demon aura and cold and contempt in their eyes. They were the guardians of Huanyao City, extremely powerful and hostile to humans. Chen Xuan's existence was an insult to them, and they were determined to eradicate this human who invaded their territory.

"It seems that this human doesn't know the rules. He dared to break into our territory and make a fire here to roast meat."

"What an arrogant guy, he doesn't know how to live or die. We have to teach him a lesson and let him know that humans have no place here."

The three demon warriors approached, the flaming bonfire reflected on their faces, burning with anger. Chen Xuan stood there, his face indifferent, without saying a word. He knew that it was time to act.

The battle began, and a strong breath filled the forest. Chen Xuan quickly met the first demon clan strongman. He held the Suzaku sword, and the sword tip was burning with blazing fire, making a harsh buzzing sound. The demon clan strongman waved the big knife in his hand, and the knife aura was sharp, and slashed at Chen Xuan fiercely.

Chen Xuan's figure flickered, and his sword skills were as hot as the fire of the sky. Every swing brought the power of destruction. His sword light flickered, like lightning, and accurately cut through the defense line of the demon clan strongman. The demon clan strongman kept retreating, and a trace of astonishment flashed in his eyes.

The second demon clan strongman held a spear, and the tip of the spear flashed with cold light, fiercely stabbing at Chen Xuan's vitals. Chen Xuan dodged sideways, and then quickly counterattacked. The sword tip passed through the abdomen of the demon clan strongman, and blood splashed. The demon clan strongman showed a painful expression on his face. He couldn't believe that he was actually injured.

Seeing this, the third demon clan warrior roared angrily and rushed towards Chen Xuan. He was an elite among the demon clan, powerful and mercilessly attacking. Chen Xuan calmly greeted him, and his sword skills were like heavenly fire, trapping the demon clan warrior in the sword formation.

The demon clan warrior struggled to get out, but Chen Xuan's sword energy surrounded him like an iron net, and he could not escape. Chen Xuan was merciless and stabbed the demon clan warrior's throat with a sword.

A flash of determination flashed in the demon clan warrior's eyes. He raised the weapon in his hand and tried to block Chen Xuan's fatal blow. At the critical moment, he instantly condensed a solid defense barrier, which was the embodiment of his superb skills and the unique defense technique of the demon clan.

Chen Xuan's sword pierced into the defense barrier, making a sharp tearing sound. The demon clan warrior felt the severe pain, and his body was frozen in place by the sword. However, he gritted his teeth and struggled to support it, not letting the sword go deeper.

Chen Xuan's spiritual energy was continuously infused into the sword. His eyes became deep, focused and calm. He knew that the demon in front of him was not easy to deal with. His defense was surprisingly tough. In this life-and-death contest, every minute and every second was crucial.

The sky fire on the sword edge burned more vigorously, and the sword body was surging with red light. Chen Xuan maintained the pressure of the sword edge without slacking off, striving to break through the defense line of the demon. His eyes revealed firmness. He was determined to completely defeat this demon and show the power of mankind.

Time seemed to freeze at this moment, and the surrounding trees and grass seemed to be still. Chen Xuan's breathing became heavy, but his eyes were still as sharp as a sword, without the slightest wavering.

The demon, with the support of the top defense, gritted his teeth and withstood Chen Xuan's fierce attack. His face was pale, and sweat dripped from his forehead, but he never collapsed, showing the tenacious vitality of the demon.

At this time, a stalemate formed between the sword and the defense barrier. Chen Xuan felt frustrated. He didn't expect that the defense of this demon clan strongman was so indestructible. However, at the same time as the frustration, a stronger fighting spirit emerged in his heart.

Chen Xuan took a deep breath, his body shook slightly, and the spiritual energy around him instantly increased. He decided not to attack rashly, but to use the power of spiritual energy to find the flaws of the demon clan strongman.

His eyes became sharper, as if he could penetrate everything. He focused all his spirit on the demon clan strongman, looking for the weak points of his defense. At this moment, his state of mind entered a state of extreme concentration. He could feel everything around him, as if he was integrated with the whole world.

After an unknown period of time, a gleam of light finally flashed in Chen Xuan's eyes. He found the flaw in the defense of the demon clan strongman. Although it was small, it was enough. His body instantly burst out with powerful power, and the sword tip pierced the defense barrier of the demon clan strongman again.

This time, the sword was as hot as fire, piercing the weak point of the defense barrier. The demon clan strongman screamed, his defense was completely destroyed, Chen Xuan's sword pierced his throat, and blood gushed out instantly.

The body of the demon clan strongman trembled, and then fell to the ground, his eyes were full of despair, he failed to resist Chen Xuan's attack, and finally lost to humans.

The defense line of the demon clan collapsed instantly, but the remaining two demon clan strongmen did not retreat. On the contrary, they were livid, furious, and launched an even more violent attack.

The first demon clan strongman was a lion demon wearing heavy animal skins. His huge body was like a mountain, and his claws were as sharp as steel. He roared, waved his huge lion claws, and instantly pounced on Chen Xuan. The demon clan lion demon's attack speed was extremely fast, and his breath was fierce, like a violent beast, tearing the air apart.

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