Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 6694 Using Suzaku Sword Technique as a Medium

This was his power to operate the Vermillion Bird Sword Technique, which blended with the demonic power of the Heavenly Fantasy Formation. Chen Xuan was immersed in this blend and began to understand the rules of the formation. The formation is like a huge and ancient book, containing profound mysteries of sorcery.

In the process of understanding the rules of the formation, he gradually realized how the formation works. The flow of demon power in the formation and the changes in the runes gradually became clear to his perception. Chen Xuan realized that in order to break through this magical formation, he not only needed strong power, but also a profound understanding of the rules of the formation. understand.

Chen Xuan slowly mobilized the spiritual energy in his body, using the Vermillion Bird Sword Technique as a medium, to merge with the demonic power in the Heavenly Fantasy Formation. He felt a wonderful connection, as if he had been integrated into this formation. It is not only a battle, but also a battle between character and rules.

His consciousness went deep into the formation, as if he was in a vast space between heaven and earth. In this illusory space, he saw a strange scene composed of countless complex runes, which shone in the sky like stars. Each rune represents a part of the rules of the formation, and these rules are the cornerstone of the entire Tianhuan Formation.

Chen Xuan worked hard to understand these rules, and he felt that his understanding was constantly improving. The mystery of the formation gradually unfolded in his mind, and he began to understand that the essence of the formation was not simply a collision of forces, but also a grasp and understanding of the rules of demonic power.

As his practice deepened, Chen Xuan began to perceive some subtle flaws in the formation. These flaws may be weaknesses of the formation, or loopholes that can be exploited. He worked hard to use his own spiritual energy to blend with the demonic power of the formation, Try to break through these flaws.

In the process of sitting quietly and practicing, Chen Xuan gradually felt the instability of the formation. He knew that only by understanding the rules could he find a way to break the formation. While practicing, he thought about it and understood the formation. Knowledge gradually deepens.

Time seemed to become blurred in this illusory space. Chen Xuan's cultivation was constantly improving, and his understanding of the formation became more and more profound. He sat there quietly.

Chen Xuanjing was sitting in the Heavenly Fantasy Formation, and the demon clan disciples around him were shocked. They stood in the distance, staring intently at this confrontation between ideas and rules.

"Although Chen Xuan's cultivation level is high, the Heavenly Fantasy Formation arranged by the Lord of Illusory Demon City has left him helpless. The power of this formation is really unbelievable."

"Yes, I heard that this Heavenly Illusion Formation was taught by the city lord himself. It is definitely the most powerful move of the city lord. It actually made Chen Xuan feel troublesome. It's really amazing!"

"I wonder if Chen Xuan has a chance to break through this formation. If he can break through, his status in Illusory Demon City will be even more extraordinary."

The disciples' discussions reached Chen Xuan's ears, but he was not affected by these remarks. His mind was still immersed in the understanding of the rules of the battle. He knew that the challenge in front of him was not just a battle with the lord of the Phantom Demon City. The competition is more of a confrontation with the rules.

The demon clan disciples were discussing one after another, and they were full of curiosity about Chen Xuan's situation. This sword cultivator with fire attribute aura had always had a high reputation in the Illusory Demon City.

"Chen Xuan seems to be unable to escape the shackles of the Heavenly Fantasy Formation this time. I really didn't expect that the formation arranged by the city lord would be so powerful."

"If he can break through, his status will be even higher."

"Don't forget, this battle is related to the majesty of the city lord and Chen Xuan's fate."

The disciples were talking a lot, with some expectations and some worries. The whole scene seemed tense and full of expectations. They knew that this battle would determine Chen Xuan's status in Illusory Demon City and also demonstrate the prestige of the city lord.

Amid their discussion, Chen Xuan's figure was still sitting there.

Chen Xuan realized it for a while, and the rules and runes in his mind gradually became clear. He understood the mystery of the Tianhuan Formation and found the key to cracking it.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and the heavenly fire on his body rose instantly, and the momentum around him reached its peak. Chen Xuan stood up and stared at the Illusory Demon King firmly, like a god of fire.

"The rules of the formation are not unbreakable, but you need to find its vulnerabilities." Chen Xuan said to himself.

He held the Vermilion Bird Sword, smiled proudly, and advanced with the sword straight. The Phantom Demon King felt that the aura on Chen Xuan's body had become stronger, and his heart sank.

"Chen Xuan, how on earth did you break through my formation?" A look of astonishment flashed in the eyes of the Phantom Demon King.

Chen Xuan smiled calmly, said nothing, and just stepped forward. Every step under his feet seemed to shatter the void, and streaks of sky fire danced around him, forming a layer of blazing fire protection.

The Illusory Demon King glared angrily, as if he was unwilling to accept that the sophisticated formation he designed had been broken through, and the uneasiness and anger in his heart increased.

The distance between the two gradually narrowed, and the Vermillion Bird Sword in Chen Xuan's hand drew an arc of sky fire, like a blazing fire phoenix. The sword energy was extremely sharp and swept across.

The Illusory Demon King snorted coldly, and used his hand to create a spell. The Sky Fire Fox beside him suddenly became more violent, and its body began to turn into a ball of red light, confronting Chen Xuan's Sky Fire Sword Qi.

A fierce battle broke out between the two, sky fire and red light intertwined, and the air was filled with strong spiritual energy fluctuations.

Relying on Chen Xuan's superb mastery of the Suzaku sword technique, every sword hit the Illusion Demon King's defense line accurately, while the Illusion Demon King relied on the demon clan's unique magic to continuously release red light aura to resist.

The scene was extremely fierce, and the two sides were fighting inextricably. Chen Xuan sometimes flickered in the sea of ​​fire, and his sword energy pierced the sky like a phoenix of heavenly fire.

The Phantom Demon King is like a fox transformed by red light, nimbly dodging every attack.

As the battle progressed, the fighting spirit of both sides became more and more high, and the scene was extremely fierce. The collision of sky fire and red light set off a blazing air current, igniting the surrounding void.

The demon clan disciples were stunned. The intensity of this battle was far beyond their imagination. The strength and swordsmanship demonstrated by Chen Xuan made them in awe of this fire-attributed aura swordsman.

This was his power to operate the Vermillion Bird Sword Technique, which blended with the demonic power of the Heavenly Fantasy Formation. Chen Xuan was immersed in this blend and began to understand the rules of the formation. The formation is like a huge and ancient book, containing profound mysteries of sorcery.

In the process of understanding the rules of the formation, he gradually realized how the formation works. The flow of demon power in the formation and the changes in the runes gradually became clear to his perception. Chen Xuan realized that in order to break through this magical formation, he not only needed strong power, but also a profound understanding of the rules of the formation. understand.

Chen Xuan slowly mobilized the spiritual energy in his body, using the Vermillion Bird Sword Technique as a medium, to merge with the demonic power in the Heavenly Fantasy Formation. He felt a wonderful connection, as if he had been integrated into this formation. It is not only a battle, but also a battle between character and rules.

His consciousness went deep into the formation, as if he was in a vast space between heaven and earth. In this illusory space, he saw a strange scene composed of countless complex runes, which shone in the sky like stars. Each rune represents a part of the rules of the formation, and these rules are the cornerstone of the entire Tianhuan Formation.

Chen Xuan worked hard to understand these rules, and he felt that his understanding was constantly improving. The mystery of the formation gradually unfolded in his mind, and he began to understand that the essence of the formation was not simply a collision of forces, but also a grasp and understanding of the rules of demonic power.

As his practice deepened, Chen Xuan began to perceive some subtle flaws in the formation. These flaws may be weaknesses of the formation, or loopholes that can be exploited. He worked hard to use his own spiritual energy to blend with the demonic power of the formation, Try to break through these flaws.

In the process of sitting quietly and practicing, Chen Xuan gradually felt the instability of the formation. He knew that only by understanding the rules could he find a way to break the formation. While practicing, he thought about it and understood the formation. Knowledge gradually deepens.

Time seemed to become blurred in this illusory space. Chen Xuan's cultivation was constantly improving, and his understanding of the formation became more and more profound. He sat there quietly.

Chen Xuanjing was sitting in the Heavenly Fantasy Formation, and the demon clan disciples around him were shocked. They stood in the distance, staring intently at this confrontation between ideas and rules.

"Although Chen Xuan's cultivation level is high, the Heavenly Fantasy Formation arranged by the Lord of Illusory Demon City has left him helpless. The power of this formation is really unbelievable."

"Yes, I heard that this Heavenly Illusion Formation was taught by the city lord himself. It is definitely the most powerful move of the city lord. It actually made Chen Xuan feel troublesome. It's really amazing!"

"I wonder if Chen Xuan has a chance to break through this formation. If he can break through, his status in Illusory Demon City will be even more extraordinary."

The disciples' discussions reached Chen Xuan's ears, but he was not affected by these remarks. His mind was still immersed in the understanding of the rules of the battle. He knew that the challenge in front of him was not just a battle with the lord of the Phantom Demon City. The competition is more of a confrontation with the rules.

The demon clan disciples were discussing one after another, and they were full of curiosity about Chen Xuan's situation. This sword cultivator with fire attribute aura had always had a high reputation in the Illusory Demon City.

"Chen Xuan seems to be unable to escape the shackles of the Heavenly Fantasy Formation this time. I really didn't expect that the formation arranged by the city lord would be so powerful."

"If he can break through, his status will be even higher."

"Don't forget, this battle is related to the majesty of the city lord and Chen Xuan's fate."

The disciples were talking a lot, with some expectations and some worries. The whole scene seemed tense and full of expectations. They knew that this battle would determine Chen Xuan's status in Illusory Demon City and also demonstrate the prestige of the city lord.

Amid their discussion, Chen Xuan's figure was still sitting there.

Chen Xuan realized it for a while, and the rules and runes in his mind gradually became clear. He understood the mystery of the Tianhuan Formation and found the key to cracking it.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and the heavenly fire on his body rose instantly, and the momentum around him reached its peak. Chen Xuan stood up and stared at the Illusory Demon King firmly, like a god of fire.

"The rules of the formation are not unbreakable, but you need to find its vulnerabilities." Chen Xuan said to himself.

He held the Vermilion Bird Sword, smiled proudly, and advanced with the sword straight. The Phantom Demon King felt that the aura on Chen Xuan's body had become stronger, and his heart sank.

"Chen Xuan, how on earth did you break through my formation?" A look of astonishment flashed in the eyes of the Phantom Demon King.

Chen Xuan smiled calmly, said nothing, and just stepped forward. Every step under his feet seemed to shatter the void, and streaks of sky fire danced around him, forming a layer of blazing fire protection.

The Illusory Demon King glared angrily, seemingly unwilling to accept that the sophisticated formation he had designed was actually broken through, and the uneasiness and anger in his heart grew stronger.

The distance between the two gradually narrowed, and the Vermillion Bird Sword in Chen Xuan's hand drew an arc of sky fire, like a blazing fire phoenix. The sword energy was extremely sharp and swept across.

The Illusory Demon King snorted coldly, and used his hand to create a spell. The Sky Fire Fox beside him suddenly became more violent, and its body began to turn into a ball of red light, confronting Chen Xuan's Sky Fire Sword Qi.

A fierce battle broke out between the two, sky fire and red light intertwined, and the air was filled with strong spiritual energy fluctuations.

Relying on Chen Xuan's superb mastery of the Suzaku sword technique, every sword hit the Illusion Demon King's defense line accurately, while the Illusion Demon King relied on the demon clan's unique magic to continuously release red light aura to resist.

The scene was extremely fierce, and the two sides were fighting inextricably. Chen Xuan sometimes flickered in the sea of ​​fire, and his sword energy pierced the sky like a phoenix of heavenly fire.

The Phantom Demon King is like a fox transformed by red light, nimbly dodging every attack.

As the battle progressed, the fighting spirit of both sides became more and more high, and the scene was extremely fierce. The collision of sky fire and red light set off a blazing air current, igniting the surrounding void.

The demon clan disciples were stunned. The intensity of this battle was far beyond their imagination. The strength and swordsmanship demonstrated by Chen Xuan made them in awe of this fire-attributed aura swordsman.

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