Not far away, a gust of wind and thunder suddenly rose, forming a core of wind and cloud. Chen Xuan's eyes flashed, and he decided to challenge this core of wind and cloud to test his understanding of the sword intention of the wind.

He stood up, his body was like lightning, and he came to the core of the wind and cloud in an instant. This wind and cloud was filled with powerful wind and thunder power. It was a huge test for the monks, but Chen Xuan was determined in his heart, Suzaku Sword Technique and Wind Sword He believes that he can meet this challenge.

Chen Xuan raised the Vermilion Bird Sword in his hand, spiritual energy surged, and the sword glow burned like heavenly fire. He took a step and stepped into the core of the wind and cloud. He was instantly enveloped by the power of wind and thunder. The sword energy surged wildly, and his figure flashed like lightning, matching the wind and thunder. The forces collide with each other.

At this moment, the sky above the seventh floor of the training tower became extremely turbulent.

Chen Xuan stood on the training platform at the sky level, standing as quietly as a mountain, staring at the core of the wind and cloud in front of him with his deep eyes. The wind blew, caressing his body gently, bringing with it wisps of fresh breath, as if it was conveying some wonderful message to him.

He took a deep breath, felt the aura permeating the air, and began to guide the fire aura in his body to blend with the surrounding wind aura. Spiritual energy swirled around him, forming a faint halo of sky fire that complemented the surrounding clouds and mist.

Slowly closing his eyes, Chen Xuan gathered his mind and immersed himself in the state of cultivation. He felt the powerful spiritual energy contained in the core of wind and cloud, and the power of wind and thunder surging layer by layer, as if it were the natural sound between heaven and earth.

At the beginning, he silently recited the secret of the Suzaku sword technique in his heart, activated the sword intention in his body, and the sword energy surged up. With his breathing, it spread like heavenly fire. Chen Xuan thought about it, and the Suzaku sword in his hand made a slight sound. There was a sound, and the sword light flowed, seeming to have merged into the surrounding wind.

In the core of the wind and cloud, the powerful power of wind and thunder gradually condenses, forming an invisible sense of oppression. This is not just a simple compatibility of spiritual energy, but also a test of the monk's strength. Chen Xuan knows very well that he must practice well in this core of the wind and cloud. , a tacit understanding must be reached with the power of wind and thunder.

His body trembled slightly, and the spiritual energy gradually blended with the power of the Wind and Cloud Core, forming a subtle resonance. This resonance process was not easy. Sometimes he encountered obstacles, and sometimes he felt the surge of wind and thunder power, but Chen Xuan always maintained Peace of mind.

A breeze blew by, and Chen Xuan's fire-attribute aura and wind aura in his body reached a wonderful balance. He felt a powerful force pouring out from the sky, like thousands of invisible threads pulling him tightly. .

Next, Chen Xuan began to try to use the Vermillion Bird Sword Technique flexibly under the guidance of this force. The sword moves were unpredictable, and the sword light was as graceful as the wind, as if integrated into the natural laws between heaven and earth. Each of his swords Under the resonance of the power of wind and thunder, it becomes more sharp and subtle.

The training time passed quietly, and Chen Xuan gradually fell into the blend of sword intention and wind and thunder power.

Body, will, swordsmanship, everything becomes more refined in this invisible resonance.

In the process of practicing, Chen Xuan seemed to have entered an otherworldly realm. His whole body was like flying fireworks, blending with the heaven and earth. This was not only a simple sword practice, but also an understanding of the power of nature. Perception of the laws of the universe.

The monks in the distance were all shocked when they saw this scene. Chen Xuan, who was practicing at the level of the clouds, was like a sword cultivator who had assimilated with the heaven and earth, exuding an awe-inspiring aura.

In the cultivation tower, the vision in the sky attracted the attention of many people. The monks stopped to watch, their hearts filled with admiration and yearning. This was a powerful scene of the integration of monks and the power of nature, and it was also a great appreciation of the cultivation tower. A profound understanding of the inner mysteries.

In the core of the wind and cloud, Chen Xuan's practice continued. His resonance with the power of wind and thunder became deeper and deeper, and the power of the Suzaku sword technique was further improved.

In the training tower, on the training platform of the wind and cloud layer, Chen Xuan closed his eyes and rested his mind. He was concentrating on training, integrating the fire attribute aura with the power of wind and thunder. He felt the wonderful resonance of the power of nature, and everything seemed to have entered a peaceful world. situation.

At this moment, a monk wearing a green robe walked up to Chen Xuan. This monk was young and handsome, but there was a touch of indifference in his eyes, as if he did not appreciate Chen Xuan's practice method.

"How dare you practice in the wind and cloud layer? I don't know how high the sky is. This is not a place that a junior like you can set foot in." The green-robed monk sneered, with a hint of disdain in his voice.

Chen Xuan slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were deep, and he was not moved by the other party's words. He said calmly: "There is no fixed place for cultivation. If you feel it is inappropriate, why not find your own cultivation platform?"

A cold light flashed in the green-robed monk's eyes when he heard this. He was not used to other people's arrogance, especially a monk who was not worth mentioning in his eyes. He snorted coldly and said more mockingly: "Boy, don't get too proud too early. , I am the resident monk of the Wind and Cloud Layer, a novice like you should just go back and level up."

Chen Xuan smiled faintly and said nothing. He knew that this monk was not a friendly person, but at the moment he just wanted to concentrate on his cultivation and did not want to be distracted by trivial matters.

Seeing that Chen Xuan was turning a deaf ear, the green-robed monk became even more angry. He stepped forward with a sudden step, and the flaming red sword in his hand struck down in the air with a flash of edge.

"Shut up. A guy like you dares to practice in the wind and cloud layer. You are so impatient!" The green-robed monk was furious and slashed at Chen Xuan with his sword.

Chen Xuan responded calmly, dancing the Vermillion Bird Sword in his hand to meet the opponent's attack. The two sword lights met in mid-air, emitting a harsh sound of gold and iron. At this moment, the air on the training platform seemed to solidify, turning into a tense atmosphere.

When the monk in green robe saw that Chen Xuan dared to resist, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and the anger in his heart increased. His offensive became more and more fierce, and the sky fire sword light swept over like a wave, trying to completely defeat Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan's sword flashed, his footwork was agile, he cleverly avoided the opponent's attack, and then quickly counterattacked. The power of the Suzaku sword technique was fully exerted in his hands, and the sword moves contained the heat and burning of heavenly fire.

Not far away, a gust of wind and thunder suddenly rose, forming a core of wind and cloud. Chen Xuan's eyes flashed, and he decided to challenge this core of wind and cloud to test his understanding of the sword intention of the wind.

He stood up, his body was like lightning, and he came to the core of the wind and cloud in an instant. This wind and cloud was filled with powerful wind and thunder power. It was a huge test for the monks, but Chen Xuan was determined in his heart, Suzaku Sword Technique and Wind Sword He believes that he can meet this challenge.

Chen Xuan raised the Vermilion Bird Sword in his hand, spiritual energy surged, and the sword glow burned like heavenly fire. He took a step and stepped into the core of the wind and cloud. He was instantly enveloped by the power of wind and thunder. The sword energy surged wildly, and his figure flashed like lightning, matching the wind and thunder. The forces collide with each other.

At this moment, the sky above the seventh floor of the training tower became extremely turbulent.

Chen Xuan stood on the training platform at the sky level, standing as quietly as a mountain, staring at the core of the wind and cloud in front of him with his deep eyes. The wind blew, caressing his body gently, bringing with it wisps of fresh breath, as if it was conveying some wonderful message to him.

He took a deep breath, felt the aura permeating the air, and began to guide the fire aura in his body to blend with the surrounding wind aura. Spiritual energy swirled around him, forming a faint halo of sky fire that complemented the surrounding clouds and mist.

Slowly closing his eyes, Chen Xuan gathered his mind and immersed himself in the state of cultivation. He felt the powerful spiritual energy contained in the core of wind and cloud, and the power of wind and thunder surging layer by layer, as if it were the natural sound between heaven and earth.

At the beginning, he silently recited the secret of the Suzaku sword technique in his heart, activated the sword intention in his body, and the sword energy surged up. With his breathing, it spread like heavenly fire. Chen Xuan thought about it, and the Suzaku sword in his hand made a slight sound. There was a sound, and the sword light flowed, seeming to have merged into the surrounding wind.

In the core of the wind and cloud, the powerful power of wind and thunder gradually condenses, forming an invisible sense of oppression. This is not just a simple compatibility of spiritual energy, but also a test of the monk's strength. Chen Xuan knows very well that he must practice well in this core of the wind and cloud. , a tacit understanding must be reached with the power of wind and thunder.

His body trembled slightly, and the spiritual energy gradually blended with the power of the Wind and Cloud Core, forming a subtle resonance. This resonance process was not easy. Sometimes he encountered obstacles, and sometimes he felt the surge of wind and thunder power, but Chen Xuan always maintained Peace of mind.

A breeze blew by, and Chen Xuan's fire-attribute aura and wind aura in his body reached a wonderful balance. He felt a powerful force pouring out from the sky, like thousands of invisible threads pulling him tightly. .

Next, Chen Xuan began to try to use the Vermillion Bird Sword Technique flexibly under the guidance of this force. The sword moves were unpredictable, and the sword light was as graceful as the wind, as if integrated into the natural laws between heaven and earth. Each of his swords Under the resonance of the power of wind and thunder, it becomes more sharp and subtle.

The training time passed quietly, and Chen Xuan gradually fell into the blend of sword intention and wind and thunder power.

Body, will, swordsmanship, everything becomes more refined in this invisible resonance.

In the process of practicing, Chen Xuan seemed to have entered an otherworldly realm. His whole body was like flying fireworks, blending with the heaven and earth. This was not only a simple sword practice, but also an understanding of the power of nature. Perception of the laws of the universe.

The monks in the distance were all shocked when they saw this scene. Chen Xuan, who was practicing at the level of the clouds, was like a sword cultivator who had assimilated with the heaven and earth, exuding an awe-inspiring aura.

In the cultivation tower, the vision in the sky attracted the attention of many people. The monks stopped to watch, their hearts filled with admiration and yearning. This was a powerful scene of the integration of monks and the power of nature, and it was also a great appreciation of the cultivation tower. A profound understanding of the inner mysteries.

In the core of the wind and cloud, Chen Xuan's practice continued. His resonance with the power of wind and thunder became deeper and deeper, and the power of the Suzaku sword technique was further improved.

In the training tower, on the training platform of the wind and cloud layer, Chen Xuan closed his eyes and rested his mind. He was concentrating on training, integrating the fire attribute aura with the power of wind and thunder. He felt the wonderful resonance of the power of nature, and everything seemed to have entered a peaceful world. situation.

At this moment, a monk wearing a green robe walked up to Chen Xuan. This monk was young and handsome, but there was a touch of indifference in his eyes, as if he did not appreciate Chen Xuan's practice method.

"How dare you practice in the wind and cloud layer? I don't know how high the sky is. This is not a place that a junior like you can set foot in." The green-robed monk sneered, with a hint of disdain in his voice.

Chen Xuan slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were deep, and he was not moved by the other party's words. He said calmly: "There is no fixed place for cultivation. If you feel it is inappropriate, why not find your own cultivation platform?"

A cold light flashed in the green-robed monk's eyes when he heard this. He was not used to other people's arrogance, especially a monk who was not worth mentioning in his eyes. He snorted coldly and said more mockingly: "Boy, don't get too proud too early. , I am the resident monk of the Wind and Cloud Layer, a novice like you should just go back and level up."

Chen Xuan smiled faintly and said nothing. He knew that this monk was not a friendly person, but at the moment he just wanted to concentrate on his cultivation and did not want to be distracted by trivial matters.

Seeing Chen Xuan turning a deaf ear, the green-robed monk became even more furious. He stepped forward with a sudden step, and the flaming red sword in his hand struck down in the air with a flash of edge.

"Shut up. A guy like you dares to practice in the wind and cloud layer. You are so impatient!" The green-robed monk was furious and slashed at Chen Xuan with his sword.

Chen Xuan responded calmly, dancing the Vermillion Bird Sword in his hand to meet the opponent's attack. The two sword lights met in mid-air, emitting a harsh sound of gold and iron. At this moment, the air on the training platform seemed to solidify, turning into a tense atmosphere.

When the monk in green robe saw that Chen Xuan dared to resist, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and the anger in his heart increased. His offensive became more and more fierce, and the sky fire sword light swept over like a wave, trying to completely defeat Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan's sword flashed, his footwork was agile, he cleverly avoided the opponent's attack, and then quickly counterattacked. The power of the Suzaku sword technique was fully exerted in his hands, and the sword moves contained the heat and burning of heavenly fire.

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