"Burn the fairy fire!" Elder Luo Yi's voice was deep, and the light in his hand suddenly became hot and burning.

A flash of surprise flashed in Elder Song's eyes, but it immediately turned into a more terrifying offensive. The collision of two extreme forces seemed to break the entire space, and all the disciples in the square felt the terrifying fluctuations of spiritual energy.

"That's enough!" Elder Luo Yi shouted in a low voice, and the light in his hand burst into dazzling sky fire, heading straight towards Elder Song like a shooting star.

Elder Song sneered, moved around, avoided Elder Luo Yi's attack, and then launched a powerful counterattack again. His eyes were full of cunning and madness, as if he was unwilling to let Luo Yi go easily.

"Do you think you can stop me?" Elder Song sneered, and one after another spiritual energy storm burst out from his hands.

Elder Luo Yi's expression remained calm. Facing Elder Song's crazy offensive, he remained firm in his heart. Every counterattack he made was like a ray of light, steadily resisting Elder Song's attack. Although the situation was dangerous, he was not at all concerned. Unwavering.

The battle in the square became more and more intense, and the light and aura intertwined into a spectacular scene. The confrontation between Elder Luo Yi and Elder Song has gone beyond ordinary people's imagination. Their power shocked everyone in the Star Dragon Sect. Two powerful spiritual energies clashed in the space, breaking the void. The disciples in the square were even more excited. It's daunting.

Elder Luo Yi has been trying his best to resist, but Elder Song's power is becoming more and more terrifying, as if he wants to destroy everything.

In the Star Dragon Sect Square, the duel between Elder Luo Yi and Elder Song was like a battle between heaven and earth. Light and spiritual energy intertwined, and the space seemed to tremble in their collision.

"Elder Song, what exactly do you want to do?" Elder Luo Yi looked calm, but there was a sense of oppression in his voice that could not be ignored.

"What to do?" Elder Song sneered: "I'm just here to eliminate harm for the sect, don't you understand?"

"Eliminate harm?" Elder Luo Yi frowned slightly: "Did you release the white-haired old man just to eliminate harm?"

Elder Song's smile became even more cunning: "The white-haired old man is just a traitor. For the sake of the peace of the sect, he must be eradicated."

"You mean, you were the one who broke his previous seal?" Elder Luo Yi's eyes flashed with doubts and vigilance.

"Haha, you're a smart man." Elder Song's conspiracy was full of wantonness: "Although he is one of the founders of the sect, in my opinion, he is just a selfish person, and the sect does not need such a person. "

Elder Luo Yi's expression dropped: "Do you think you can decide for the sect who should stay and who should go?"

"Isn't it?" Elder Song sneered: "Look at the chaos caused by his resurrection. Isn't this the mess he left behind?"

"You deliberately created chaos and then took the opportunity to get rid of him!" Elder Luo Yi's voice was full of anger and unwillingness.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Elder Song's lips: "If it weren't for the chaos caused by his resuscitation, how could I have this opportunity?"

The conversation between the two was full of gunpowder. One was for the loyalty and maintenance of the sect, while the other was for selfish desires.

"You are doing this only for yourself!" Elder Luo Yi's voice became heavier and heavier.

"Isn't it?" Elder Song's eyes were cold: "The affairs of the sect have never been related to personal gain? I just saw the opportunity for the future of the sect."

The conversation between the two is full of different positions and viewpoints. One is for the justice of the sect, and the other is for personal gain.

During their conversations and confrontations, the atmosphere in the square became increasingly tense.

In the Xinglong Sect Square, the situation took a turn for the worse.

The fierce duel between Elder Luo Yi and Elder Song continued, but the situation was no longer in Luo Yi's favor. At the same time, the sect master also fell under the powerful offensive of the white-haired old man and was seriously injured. His figure was crumbling. Standing in the square without falling.

The white-haired old man's attack almost covered the entire square. His power was unbelievable. Although the sect leader tried hard to resist, he was obviously at a disadvantage and could not compete with the white-haired old man.

"Sect Master!" Elder Luo Yi's voice was full of anxiety. He was always paying attention to the safety of the Sect Master, but he could not escape to help.

Although the sect leader was seriously injured, he still gritted his teeth and persisted, standing up to resist.

"Old man, is this all you have?" The white-haired old man sneered, and his offensive became more fierce, as if he wanted to completely defeat the sect leader.

Elder Song took the opportunity to increase his attack on Elder Luo Yi. His eyes flashed with madness and joy, and his offensive became more and more fierce, as if he wanted to completely destroy Luo Yi's resistance.

"You'd better just surrender!" Elder Song sneered, his power becoming more and more terrifying, almost suppressing Luo Yi.

"Burn the fairy fire!" Elder Luo Yi's voice was deep, and the light in his hand suddenly became hot and burning.

A flash of surprise flashed in Elder Song's eyes, but it immediately turned into a more terrifying offensive. The collision of two extreme forces seemed to break the entire space, and all the disciples in the square felt the terrifying fluctuations of spiritual energy.

"That's enough!" Elder Luo Yi shouted in a low voice, and the light in his hand burst into dazzling sky fire, heading straight towards Elder Song like a shooting star.

Elder Song sneered, moved around, avoided Elder Luo Yi's attack, and then launched a powerful counterattack again. His eyes were full of cunning and madness, as if he was unwilling to let Luo Yi go easily.

"Do you think you can stop me?" Elder Song sneered, and one after another spiritual energy storm burst out from his hands.

Elder Luo Yi's expression remained calm. Facing Elder Song's crazy offensive, he remained firm in his heart. Every counterattack he made was like a ray of light, steadily resisting Elder Song's attack. Although the situation was dangerous, he was not at all concerned. Unwavering.

The battle in the square became more intense, and the light and aura intertwined into a spectacular scene. The confrontation between Elder Luo Yi and Elder Song has gone beyond ordinary people's imagination. Their power shocked everyone in the Star Dragon Sect. Two powerful spiritual energies clashed in the space, breaking the void. The disciples in the square were even more excited. It's daunting.

Elder Luo Yi has been trying his best to resist, but Elder Song's power is becoming more and more terrifying, as if he wants to destroy everything.

In the Star Dragon Sect Square, the duel between Elder Luo Yi and Elder Song was like a battle between heaven and earth. Light and spiritual energy intertwined, and the space seemed to tremble in their collision.

"Elder Song, what exactly do you want to do?" Elder Luo Yi looked calm, but there was a sense of oppression in his voice that could not be ignored.

"What to do?" Elder Song sneered: "I'm just here to eliminate harm for the sect, don't you understand?"

"Eliminate harm?" Elder Luo Yi frowned slightly: "Did you release the white-haired old man just to eliminate harm?"

Elder Song's smile became even more cunning: "The white-haired old man is just a traitor. For the sake of the peace of the sect, he must be eradicated."

"You mean, you were the one who broke his previous seal?" Elder Luo Yi's eyes flashed with doubts and vigilance.

"Haha, you're a smart man." Elder Song's conspiracy was full of wantonness: "Although he is one of the founders of the sect, in my opinion, he is just a selfish person, and the sect does not need such a person. "

Elder Luo Yi's expression dropped: "Do you think you can decide for the sect who should stay and who should go?"

"Isn't it?" Elder Song sneered: "Look at the chaos caused by his resurrection. Isn't this the mess he left behind?"

"You deliberately created chaos and then took the opportunity to get rid of him!" Elder Luo Yi's voice was full of anger and unwillingness.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Elder Song's lips: "If it weren't for the chaos caused by his resuscitation, how could I have this opportunity?"

The conversation between the two was full of gunpowder. One was for the loyalty and maintenance of the sect, while the other was for selfish desires.

"You are doing this only for yourself!" Elder Luo Yi's voice became heavier and heavier.

"Isn't it?" Elder Song's eyes were cold: "The affairs of the sect have never been related to personal gain? I just saw the opportunity for the future of the sect."

The conversation between the two is full of different positions and viewpoints. One is for the justice of the sect, and the other is for personal gain.

During their conversations and confrontations, the atmosphere in the square became increasingly tense.

In the Xinglong Sect Square, the situation took a turn for the worse.

The fierce duel between Elder Luo Yi and Elder Song continued, but the situation was no longer in Luo Yi's favor. At the same time, the sect master also fell under the powerful offensive of the white-haired old man and was seriously injured. His figure was crumbling. Standing in the square without falling.

The white-haired old man's attack almost covered the entire square. His power was unbelievable. Although the sect leader tried hard to resist, he was obviously at a disadvantage and could not compete with the white-haired old man.

"Sect Master!" Elder Luo Yi's voice was full of anxiety. He was always paying attention to the safety of the Sect Master, but he could not escape to help.

Although the sect leader was seriously injured, he still gritted his teeth and persisted, standing up to resist.

"Old man, is this all you have?" The white-haired old man sneered, and his offensive became more fierce, as if he wanted to completely defeat the sect leader.

Elder Song took the opportunity to increase his attack on Elder Luo Yi. His eyes flashed with madness and joy, and his offensive became more and more fierce, as if he wanted to completely destroy Luo Yi's resistance.

"You'd better just surrender!" Elder Song sneered, his power becoming more and more terrifying, almost suppressing Luo Yi.

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