North Water City.

"I have a lot of dragon bone and dragon blood in my hand. With the addition of the ancestral dragon's teeth, I can rely on the power of the ancestral dragon's teeth to arrange a dragon soul array. Once this dragon soul array is deployed, Come out, and you can release a total of ten Nascent Soul stage black dragons for defense."

Chen Xuan calculated the power in his hands.

This Dragon Soul Formation is actually a name directly chosen by Chen Xuan. This formation is also very simple. The power is stored in the Ancestral Dragon's Teeth, and the Ancestral Dragon's Teeth is used as the basis for the released formation. It only takes a gentle push to release the power of the dragon soul.

The Dragon Soul Formation was also created by Chen Xuan based on his own experience.

"In that case, let's get started."

At that moment, Chen Xuan began to try to arrange the dragon soul formation and release the power of the dragon soul from the immortal cauldron.

At the same time, Chen Xuan was also paying great attention to the Star God Jade Pendant in his hand.

Since there is a neighbor once, there may be a second time at any time. Chen Xuan is also looking forward to this world of cultivation. It would be a pity if he misses the conversation.

Zheng Zheng in the world of cultivation at this time

Outside the White Bone Sect.

Ziqiong had been kneeling in Chu for several hours, but there was still no movement. Even the senior brother and Tan Qing were a little worried.

"Let's go quickly. That Zhen Ran has not appeared at this time. If we continue to stay in the cluster, if the White Bone Sect people come back, they will definitely kill us all."

"I won't leave, senior brother, junior brother, you two go first. I must wait here until the real person comes. If the real person refuses to show up, then I will accept it even if it means death!" Ziqiong's attitude was very serious Be determined, if you can't do it,

Then the mother was hopeless. Ziqiong, who had lost hope, was unwilling to face such a situation.

The two were anxious, but also quite helpless.

If you refuse to leave at this time, you will definitely fall under the siege of the White Bone Sect!

"By the way, senior brother, do we still have the summoning stone?"

Tan Qing suddenly shouted, and senior brother Qin was also shocked. Yes, the summoning stone, the summoning stone distributed by the Righteous Alliance.

At the beginning, he had no expectations, but he summoned this real person. Now this real person has advanced cultivation, but he hopes not to go too far. If he goes too far, it will be difficult to summon him back.

"Yes! Yes! That's right, the Summoning Stone, the Summoning Stone, does not need a new one. You only need to pour energy into the Summoning Stone, and you can use it again!"

There seems to be hope.

At this moment, Ziqiong also opened her eyes wide, yes, although it was a bit rude to do so.

But right now they have no other option.

Only in this way can they have a chance to see Chen Xuan again.

Ziqiong, who had been kneeling for a long time, also stood up. Sanrao's spiritual thoughts were released, and they began to constantly search for the direction of the summoning stone around them.

The summoning stone itself was made of a special material, and even the three of them had been looking for it for a long time.

"found it!"

A stone appeared in Qin's hand.

But just when General Qin found the stone, he saw several figures flying in the sky in the distance.

It's coming quickly.


Feeling the terrifying fluctuations, several people immediately realized that those people were coming!

After repeated calculations, these people from the White Bone Sect finally arrived, and you can see that this time a large group of black masters rushed over, obviously intending to destroy them, and even this posture has the potential to destroy them. This Qingyang Sect's posture has been lost.

Seeing this, these three people also immediately hid in a place to hide their figures. The three people hid in a stone cave.

Qin handed the summoning stone to Ziqiong. The summoning stone was used by Ziqiong before, so the supplementary power only recognized the power of Ziqiong.

"Quick, be careful!"

Qin couldn't help but understand.

However, dozens of figures kept falling down in front of them, and the leader of the figure, when several people saw it, took a deep breath of air-conditioning.

"Isn't this the leader of the White Bone Sect!"

"The leader of the White Bone Sect seems to have been conquered by the dark clan!"

"The master of the White Bone Sect is already at the integration stage. Now that he has been refined by the power of darkness, his strength will definitely be even stronger! The three of us here will be discovered sooner or later!"

Qin said in a deep voice, staring at the situation ahead, thinking about countermeasures in his heart, under what circumstances can he escape from these people.

"Junior sister, how much longer do you need?"

Qin looked at Ziqiong. It was not that simple to restore the power of the Summoning Stone. After trying several times in succession, he finally found a way. At this moment, he had begun to instill power.

When the power from here was quietly injected into the summoning stone, the wave of waves released inadvertently was captured by the White Bone Sect Master.


The White Bone Sect Master pointed his finger in the direction ahead.

Immediately, several of his disciples rushed directly in the direction where Qin and others were.

Several people were holding these sharp bone spurs.

After all, he quickly moved in the direction of Qin and others.

"They are the four major disciples of the White Bone Sect!"

The reputation of the four major disciples of the White Bone Sect is also very high. According to the strength of these four people, they are all at the peak of the Nascent Soul stage. However, with the magic skills they practice, when they join forces, they can easily kill those in the distraction stage. Monk.

This method and cultivation are enough to shock some ordinary monks in the distraction period.

"Tan Qing, you stay in Chu and protect Ziqiong! I'll be back soon!"

Qin roared, if he didn't move at this time, he would wait for these people to catch all three of them in one go. In that case, the three of them would have died in vain, and their deaths would be worthless.

Before Tan Qing could react, Qin had already rushed out with a hiss.

"You actually dare to take the initiative to die!"

When the four disciples saw that Qin actually dared to rush toward them, they snorted in their hearts. They could kill Qin with just one easy move. How dare such an ugly person jump in front of them? Huh.

I really don’t know how much I weigh here.

"court death!"

However, Qin did not go to fight them desperately, but rushed out to delay time. At that moment, Qin turned around with a whoosh and rushed in another direction.


Tan Qing felt very sad and angry when he looked at Qin who had attracted the four major White Bone Sect disciples.

But there was no way. The other party was short of fifty or sixty monks, and their cultivation levels were unclear. Among other things, the mere presence of the White Bone Sect master was enough to easily kill all three of them.

If Qin Chong goes out to fight at this time, he will definitely be directly and brutally killed by these four disciples.

These people never show the slightest mercy.

Ziqiong naturally knew that if Qin left, he would definitely die, but Qin didn't look back and rushed out without hesitation. This made Ziqiong deeply moved.

"Hurry up, if it's any later, senior brother won't be able to hold on anymore!"

Ziqiong finally filled up the energy of the summoning stone, and at this moment, it exploded instantly.

A force suddenly spread and rushed out.



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