Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 827 The consequences of being stubborn

With such a lineup, plus a powerful third prince of the Nether Clan, there will be no problem no matter where they go on the Wind and Cloud Continent. Of course, the premise is not to go to the Dragon Saint Island, or It's a place like Peacock Secret Realm, so there's basically no problem.

When I saw these Nascent Soul stage masters finally showing up.

Ming and others from Dragon Saint Island below couldn't bear it anymore.

At this moment.

The eight masters from Longsheng Island, including Huaiyuan and Huairou, also jumped into the air and rushed into the sky instantly, standing behind Chen Xuan.

This obviously means that we are here to support Mr. Chen Xuan.

When the third prince of the Nether Clan saw Ming and others rushing out, his pupils obviously shrank.

"People from the White Dragon Clan?"

This Ming's strength alone was enough to make them feel like they were facing a formidable enemy, so they had to become nervous.

If there was only Chen Xuan before.

With some extra means, it wouldn't be too difficult to destroy Chen Xuan. After all, it was just a human city, and how could it be so arrogant.

But now that Ming et al. Rao appeared, the three princes were secretly frightened. The intervention of the White Dragon clan would make things more complicated.

After all, the Third Prince doesn't plan to directly confront the power of Dragon Saint Island right now. If he does, there will be a lot of trouble. Of course, if a breakup is really going to happen, there is nothing to be afraid of.

"White Dragon Clan? In this muddy water, even if the White Dragon Clan comes, it's not good for Tang, Ming, give me face and leave now."

The third prince of the Netherworld clan said slowly.

It seems that he is using his identity to conduct reciprocal negotiations with this Ming. The status of this negotiation also puts his identity in the same position as this Ming.

However, Ming shrugged helplessly.

"The White Dragon Clan, block all roads and no one is allowed to let go!"

Ming gave the order, and all the Nascent Soul stage masters behind him suddenly burst out with terrifying momentum, and then soared into the sky, blocking all directions.

"Master Chen Xuan, please."

Ming bowed his hand to Chen Xuan, and now Zai He was showing his goodwill, it was nothing to Ming.

If it weren't for Chen Xuan's existence, the White Dragon clan would have been driven out and exterminated long ago.

The surviving masters of the White Dragon Clan may all be the elites of the White Dragon Clan. There are also some people who have not yet appeared. Even Ming does not know whether these Ran Di are dead or alive.

"Why, the White Dragon Clan can also be used by others?"

Seeing this scene, the third prince of the Nether Clan was quite surprised that he would encounter such a thing. Chen Xuan from Beishui City was actually so capable of summoning people.

And let the people of the White Dragon Clan obey his orders.

"If you say something harsh now, you will regret it later."

Ming also sighed helplessly.

Ming has seen a lot of people who are arrogant in front of Chen Xuan. However, Ming can also sympathize with these people very much. Therefore, even if you have been hanging out for a long time, don't be casual in the first place. Show off in front of others.

Even if you want to show off, you need to understand it before you show off properly.

If you don't know anything and just start showing off, you will end up very disastrous.

"Oh? Make me regret it, haha, I really want to see it!"

Just when the King of the Netherworld finished speaking, he saw that Chen Xuan had already captured the eagle-headed general again, and then pulled out the head directly.

The head of the eagle-headed warrior was placed next to his body.

Although their cultivation is strong, they are not cultivators.

So there is no such advantage of second life.

This is a method that belongs to cultivators and is difficult for ordinary people to achieve.

So after the head is pulled out, it is equivalent to immediate death.

"kill him!"

The third prince of the Netherworld clan roared low, and immediately the five royal guards around him also roared and dived towards Chen Xuan below.


The flying terrifying air waves were like strong winds behind them. Everyone was shocked when they saw this scene.


Chen Xuan also let out a rare roar, stamped his feet, and flew out. In the blink of an eye, he was surrounded by these five people. Their fists and kicks were combined, and the fists and other things between them also rushed out very quickly. .

Bang bang bang!

The domineering power of this fist made these people feel terrible.

However, the strength of these royal guards is also very extraordinary. When they rush out with this momentum, some fierce fists often fall on Chen Xuan, and even some swords and the like are constantly thrust out.


Chen Xuan also had a few scars on his body.

Chen Xuan's style of play is completely a state of venting.

A punch flew out of the air, instantly blowing the head of the person in front of him. The two eyeballs flew out directly from the back of the head, as if two stones were flying towards the ground. On the ground Two holes were blown.

Seeing this, the rest of the people also attacked Chen Xuan.

Four people came to attack and surrounded Chen Xuan tightly. No one outside could see clearly what kind of fierce battle was taking place inside.

Chen Xuan directly knocked the person down on Lin.

Some limbs and limbs were flying in the sky at the next moment.

Whoosh! Plop, plop!

These five royal guards could not last more than a few minutes in front of Chen Xuan.

"It's not fun enough! Come again!"

A fierce light bloomed in Chen Xuan's eyes.

Obviously he felt that this scene was not bloody enough, and the anger in his heart could only be calmed down a little with blood. Even these powerful people put no pressure on Chen Xuanlai at all.

Until now, Chen Xuan had defeated all these people without using anything.

Finally, his eyes were fixed on the third prince of the Nether Clan.

After seeing that all his last guards were dead.

The third prince of the Nether Clan also felt a thump in his heart.

What kind of strength did this guy have, and how could he kill everyone like this?

What to do about this...this situation.

"Please help, yes, please help, this guy is completely a lunatic, a lunatic who likes to kill people!"

The third prince of the Nether Clan was also extremely nervous and wanted to leave here as soon as possible.

But the White Dragon Clan has already blocked all the retreat routes here.

Now the third prince of the Nether Clan truly understands what Ming's words just meant.

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