On Dragon Saint Island.

As the energy gem was taken away by Chen Xuan's incarnation.

The Dragon Saint Island also suddenly fell from the sky.

After the fall, a huge wave of hundreds of feet was almost set off. Fortunately, the masters on the Dragon Saint Island reacted in time and accumulated the power instantly to hold the Dragon Saint Island back. If If it falls, the Dragon Saint Island will sink.

"Hold it, what the hell is going on here? Why did the good Dragon Island fall down!"

Ming also cursed. He suddenly fell from the top, which was really scary. He was originally suspended in the air very well, but now he fell directly, which also caught these people off guard.

After several masters at the Nascent Soul Stage continuously deployed formations, they finally temporarily stabilized the Dragon Saint Island.

And it was also quickly reported to Ming.

"Clan Chief, it seems that the power of the Gemstone Mountain has been wiped out. Now the Dragon Island has lost its pillars, so it has surrendered."

After hearing the words of the elder below, Ming also looked in the direction of the Gemstone Mountain. In this direction, it was the place where Master Chen Xuan practiced. The Dragon Saint Island was able to be recovered now because of the fact that Master Chen Xuan was here.

Otherwise, why would there be such an inscription on Dragon Saint Island?

"If it falls, just let it fall. The energy on this gem mountain has not been used by us for tens of thousands of years. Now that we have finally found someone to conquer this power, it is a happy thing."

This inscription says.

"Pass the word, all the elders in the Nascent Soul stage will go to strengthen this formation, don't let this and Dragon Saint Island sink."

"Yes, patriarch!"

At this time, it had been nearly five days since Chen Xuan arrived and killed these people.

Within five days, Dragon Saint Island seemed to have restored its order.

Some threatening black dragons have been killed.

Some black dragons who were willing to surrender were also subdued at this time. Of course, these black dragons were also relatively weak and threatening. In this way, the black dragons could continue to reproduce here. Go down, but it is always under the control of the White Dragon Clan.

Because of the rebellion of the Black Dragon Clan, the White Dragon Clan suffered heavy losses. How could Ming just let you go like this? That was impossible, so he severely punished the Black Dragon Clan's men. Now, the Black Dragon Clan has become a vassal clan of the White Dragon Clan.

The area within Gemstone Mountain is now listed as a forbidden area by this inscription. If Chen Xuan is practicing there, if anything happens, wouldn't he be sorry for Chen Xuan? Moreover, the Dragon Saint Island comes from Chen Xuan. If If you offend Chen Xuan, you can imagine the consequences.

The same disaster, but the inflictor is different.

Therefore, even if it was such a big thing as the Dragon Island falling, he would not disturb the car model Nuan. As long as Chen Xuan had fun, Ming would not care about the rest.

When Chen Xuan's spiritual thoughts returned to his body, he opened his eyes. First of all, he didn't know that the dragon island had fallen into the sea. After all, he didn't feel anything before, but when Chen Xuan reached the realm, he completely When this distraction period is reached.

He has also become extremely keen on capturing the surrounding areas.

"How did this Dragon Island reach the sea? How did this Gemstone Mountain be destroyed like this? It's really embarrassing!"

"Too violent."

Chen Xuan took one look at the tragic situation on the Gemstone Mountain, and knew in his heart how terrifying this power was.

Then it was known that the behavior of this wilderness giant was almost the same as Chen Xuan's.

In five years, Chen Xuan also experienced a transformation.

The strength of his spiritual thoughts made Chen Xuan's vision clearer. He was slightly surprised by the power of his spiritual thoughts. This not only allowed him to see things clearly, but also allowed him to see things more thoroughly. .

Chen Xuan was quite clear about this change.

"The power of my spiritual thoughts...has increased! At this level, it should be around...the early stages of the integration stage?"

Chen Xuan was secretly surprised.

"The power of the Dark Soul is so strong that it directly brought me to the early stage of the integration stage. It's really scary."

If the power of the dark soul had not been refined and devoured by Chen Xuan, it would not have been such an easy task for Chen Xuan to upgrade his spiritual consciousness to the realm of this integration stage.

And the power in the body was also refined under that process. As the power of the Immortal Cauldron was continuously poured into the body, Chen Xuan reached the limit of the distraction period. He only needed to break through the last level. At the limit, after passing the power of this thunder tribulation, you can exactly enter the state of distraction period.

Therefore, if you want to enter this state of distraction, you only need this amount of time.

"Enter this state of distraction..."

A glimmer of light flashed in Chen Xuan's eyes.

Feel the changes in your body.

"But I heard that the thunder tribulation in the world of cultivation seems to be more fierce."

Chen Xuan took out the Star God Jade Pendant. At this moment, there was no energy on the Star God Jade Pendant, so Chen Xuan could not be summoned, but now Chen Xuan was trying to use his divine will. , send this power out, and use your own spiritual thoughts to directly search for the location of the world of cultivation.

"Search for me!"

Chen Xuan immediately poured his spiritual thoughts into it. When the power of Chen Xuan's spiritual thoughts poured into the Star God Jade Pendant, he felt a vast power. This was a feeling he had never felt before. In the past, Chen Xuan discovered that this Star God Jade Pendant was just a jade pendant and had not changed in any way.

But now Chen Xuan's spiritual thoughts have entered the Star God Jade Pendant.

Immediately, he took Chen Xuan and started searching frantically.

In this vast starry sky, Chen Xuan is also looking for these powerful existences, looking for where the world of cultivation exists on the stars.

The first search did not last long, and Chen Xuan's spiritual power was quickly suppressed.

Because the consumption was also very high, Chen Xuan was a little overwhelmed.

After this spiritual thought searched two or three stars, it couldn't help but retreat.

When Chen Xuan withdrew his spiritual thoughts.

When he opened his eyes again, the changes before and after made Chen Xuan sigh. After all, his previous power had not reached this level.

Traveling back and forth between the stars.

Chen Xuan was indeed amazed. This was indeed surprising and shocking.

I have never seen such a vast world before, and now that this door has been opened again, the influence on Chen Xuan can be quite long-lasting.

Chen Xuan still doesn't know what exactly exists in this Star God Jade Pendant, but Chen Xuan knows that the world of cultivation can now be found in it.

"Keep looking!"

The world of cultivation.

With the defeat of the White Bone Sect, nearly seven weeks have passed.

And under this Bone Mountain.

The hung Zi Qiong was not put down either.

The ancestor of the Qingyang Sect concluded that the thief would definitely come back, and even sent two disciples to guard here.

Just to prevent Ziqiong's body from being rescued or taken away by some spiritual beasts.

In the distance, Tan Qing couldn't bear it anymore. There was nothing wrong with this senior sister, but she was hung like this. Even the corpse couldn't be buried in the ground. If the corpse couldn't be buried in the ground, then... Cannot be reincarnated.

Tan Qing couldn't wait any longer. He had to bury his senior sister's body before the school

But now there are two senior brothers, both monks in the mid-Nascent Soul stage, guarding here. It is not an easy task to get close, let alone directly rescue the person from the hands of these two senior brothers.

"Tan Qing, what are you doing hiding here?"

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