Because Chen Xuan almost killed Senior Brother Sun Taishan, the Qingyang Sect Patriarch also issued a hunting order for Chen Xuan, which made Chen Xuan run away without knowing what happened.

But the Qingyang Patriarch also concluded that Chen Xuan was nearby, and it was impossible for someone to disappear out of thin air, unless Chen Xuan had something like a fairy palace or cave in his hand, but is this possible? This is impossible.

Therefore, the Qingyang Patriarch also persistently sent people to monitor Ziqiong's body, just waiting for Chen Xuan to come to the door in person, but he didn't expect that Chen Xuan really came.

And it was so blatant.

"Quick... Quickly notify, quickly notify the ancestor, quick!"

One of the disciples immediately took out his flare, rubbed it in his hand for a long time, and did not release the flare. Obviously, he was a little nervous, causing his hand to shake violently.

After trying several times in a row, the child finally released the signal.


However, the light did not go far before it was swallowed up by the black fog brought by Chen Xuan. There was no movement at all.

This was not even Chen Xuan's initiative, but the black fog was emitted here on its own. It was really surprising. This guy still had independent consciousness.

But this and the signal flare could not be released.

At this time, the four people were so scared that they were about to collapse. They sat on the ground.

"Don't panic, brothers. We will definitely be able to break through this obstacle if we join forces!"

One of them suddenly roared, and even slapped himself in the face twice, as if he wanted to drive away the fear. Hearing the roar of this brother, the people around him were suddenly awakened. Yes, the other party hadn't made a move yet, but he was thinking that he was going to be killed.

How can this be done? Well, we must fight hard. Where did the things that the master taught us go?

Therefore, each of them also sacrificed their own flying swords.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

These flying swords gathered in front of them.

"We are a righteous sect, how can we be frightened by such evil demons? Kill them all!"

The order seemed to wake up the four people, so they were all excited, all of them gathered their momentum, and suddenly operated the sword tactics and stabbed towards Chen Xuan.

But Chen Xuan did not take action, just standing there, the black mist behind him had already whistled out, instantly swallowing up all the power in front of him.

The four flying swords sank into Chen Xuan's black mist, and directly solved the four flying swords easily.

Chen Xuan felt the power of the Dark Luo, which was a skill that Chen Xuan realized when he refined the Dark Origin Pearl of the Dark Demon, similar to the skills of the Dark Clan.

So now Chen Xuan can also use the Dark Luo.

Moreover, the power is quite strong. Of course, this is only for these cultivators who are only in the Nascent Soul stage. Even if Chen Xuan does not use this move, the effect is the same. It is easy to kill these people.

"Since you like to hang yourself, then hang all of you on this tree!"

Chen Xuan stretched out his hand and the black mist in his hand turned into a black rope, which kept swimming like a snake. It rushed to the front of these people in an instant, tied up the four disciples of Qingyang Sect, and then hung them on the tree, and hung them upside down.

After hanging the people, Chen Xuan also found a flare in one of them.

"This is your flare."

After that, Chen Xuan gently turned the flare in his hand, and a signal was released immediately.

There is a formation carved in the bamboo tube. The energy light released can be clearly heard within a hundred miles, and it can find the direction very accurately. As a flare, it is also the best thing.

"You... put us down quickly, we have nothing to do with this matter, this is all ordered by the ancestors, it's none of our business..."

One of them shouted, as if he wanted Chen Xuan to put him down, and Chen Xuan directly punched him, knocking out all the teeth in his mouth, blood mixed with saliva flowed out, looking quite disgusting.

The meaning of Chen Xuan's punch was very obvious, and the people next to him were scared and dared not speak.

"This guy is here too?"

Chen Xuan put Tan Qing down, and he still had some impression of Tan Qing, after all, he appeared with Zi Qiong at that time.

However, Tan Qing had received these whippings and tortures before, and now he was unconscious, so Chen Xuan also put the corpse down.

Although it was not what Chen Xuan wanted, Zi Qiong did die because of Chen Xuan, so Chen Xuan naturally owed Zi Qiong.

"Don't worry, I will let all the people of Qingyang Sect be buried with you."

Chen Xuan looked at Ziqiong's corpse and took out his seventh-grade warm jade bed, letting Ziqiong lie on it to ensure that the corpse would not be damaged further.

Although Chen Xuan was known as the Immortal Pill Master, that was in this alien world, such as the Fengyun Continent, when he was able to revive the dead, but now it is no longer possible.

First of all, Ziqiong has been dead for nearly seven years.

Furthermore, this Ziqiong was obliterated by the Qingyang Patriarch with the power of Tao, so this Ziqiong's spirit and soul could be destroyed. In such a situation, even if Chen Xuan takes action, there is nothing he can do. This soul has been destroyed, then What's more good is that even in the underworld, Ziqiong's existence was not found, and she just disappeared into this world.

Therefore, death is not the most terrible thing, but the final death is the death of the soul.

When you have nothing but this shell, that is true despair.

Therefore, Chen Xuan could not save the person, but he could avenge her.

Since it is revenge, of course it must be done slowly and torture these people slowly.

When the signal flare rushed into the sky, the people of Qingyang Sect who were hundreds of miles away also immediately saw the signal flare.

So everyone rushed to report to the elders.

While this has not yet been determined, it would be too hasty to inform the ancestor directly.

Therefore, the elder must come to confirm.

At that moment, a group of elders led their disciples and rushed out.

This is the enemy who hurt the ancestor’s son!

If you can catch it, the ancestor will give you a good reward. This is a pretty big reward. If this happens, there is no way for you to refuse.

Therefore, these people rushed out frantically, scrambling to be the first.

The battles and comparisons among the many elders are also very fierce.



Dozens of figures came through the sky. When they saw the heavy black fog below, these elders only hesitated for a moment.

Wealth and honor are sought in danger, not to mention that he himself is in the realm of the distraction stage, and with a group of disciples in the out-of-body stage, is it possible that hIA can't even break through this black mist formation?

"Pretend to be a ghost, let's see how I can break your demonic barrier!"

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