Chen Xuan snorted coldly, and did not stop moving in his hand. Just when the Qingyang ancestor was about to get up, the ax in his hand fell from the sky again.

"The Protector of the Universe, the Golden Bell!"

This Qingyang Patriarch also knew that Chen Xuan was about to make a killing move.

And he could clearly feel the boiling spiritual energy coming from the surroundings. Under Chen Xuan's axe, these spiritual energy seemed to be transformed into boiling water that was about to be boiled. Being in this environment also made the Qingyang ancestor I was shocked. I had to resist this force.

When Yin Zhuang exerted his power, a ray of golden light fell on him, covering the entire body of Patriarch Qingyang, forming an absolute defense.

Even so, I felt uneasy. I took out three purple talismans from my arms and poured a stream of true energy into them. Instantly, the stripes on the purple talismans also lit up. After the light lit up, I tore the talisman into pieces. Tao's defensive energy emerged and landed in front of the Qingyang Ancestor.

I want to block Chen Xuan's terrifying momentum.

A powerful air blade descended and flew directly in front of the ancestor Qingyang.

The power on the air blade, after encountering the defense of the Qingyang Ancestor, was like a sharp blade cutting open the piece of paper, so easily.

"How can it be!"

When Ancestor Qingyang saw this scene, his eyes widened. He saw that the power of the ax was about to split his body in half, but unexpectedly, the power of the ax suddenly turned towards the Sweep aside.

boom! !

Bang! !

Ancestor Qingyang felt as if someone had hit him hard with a stick on his body.

He lost consciousness for a moment, and then when he looked over in a blink of an eye, he found that it was not that he had lost consciousness, but that half of his body had been directly chopped away by Chen Xuan.

"What, my shoulder!"

The Qingyang Patriarch was immediately shocked. Seeing that half of his body was directly chopped off by Chen Xuan, what if he had to rely on his own cultivation to re-concentrate his own strength? .

It also takes a lot of time to reshape your body.

Now, half of Patriarch Qingyang's body has been chopped off. Such a cruel end has shocked Patriarch Qingyang's heart.

This Chen Xuan actually has such strong strength.

Immediately, Patriarch Qingyang released his true energy and stabilized his own strength.


A stream of true energy permeated the body, helping Ancestor Qingyang to stop the bleeding. At the same time, he felt that his condition was gradually getting better.


Chen Xuan came over again and looked down at the Qingyang Ancestor, with a glint of coldness flashing in his eyes.

The state of Qingyang Patriarch is nothing to Chen Xuanlai.

Even if he is killed, it doesn't matter, but there are still things for the Qingyang ancestor to do, so this leaves him to stabilize his injuries.

Chen Xuan's ax just now only knocked off half of the Qingyang Patriarch's upper body, while the lower body was still intact.

In addition to taking care of his injuries in time, we can also see that the Qingyang ancestor's condition is gradually recovering.

"Quick, kill this boy quickly!"

The Qingyang Patriarch yelled at the Qingyang Sect Master who was not far away.

And Qingyang Sect Master is not stupid. If he goes up now, he will be killed directly by Chen Xuan.

Even if you can't beat it, then even if you add me now, there's still no chance.

Immediately, the Qingyang Sect Master also shouted lowly.

"Ancestor, don't worry, I will immediately go to the sect compatriots to ask for help! Ancestor must hold on!"

After the Qingyang Sect Leader was finished, he swayed directly and rushed to the sky ten thousand feet high. He soared into the clouds and mist, and disappeared into the sky before he could see it.

Even his own disciples ran away without hesitation and never stayed to help him. This also made the ancestor of Qingyang Sect feel the shamelessness of these people.

Despicable, after all, I was the one who raised you up, and yet you escaped like this.

"If one of you escapes, he can live, but you must die. How about that? Are you sad? There are more exciting things coming."

Chen Xuan snapped his fingers.

Suddenly I saw a huge figure descending from the distance.


After landing, a terrifying aura filled the air.

He turned out to be a strong man in the distraction stage.

However, when I looked carefully, I also found that this man was somewhat similar to Chen Xuan.

"Incarnation outside the body!"

See this giant look.

Ancestor Qingyang was also surprised. He didn't expect that Chen Xuan had already refined his own incarnation.

Not all strong men in the integration stage will have their own external incarnation.

Only some disciples of the real sects, under absolute safety conditions, will split their spiritual thoughts into two in this state of distraction. At this time, they spend a lot of experience to condense their second thoughts. incarnation.

Only after condensing this second incarnation can it truly become one's own territory, but this is a long process, and during this process, a large amount of resources must be continuously consumed to cultivate the external incarnation.

Perhaps this is a trade that is not worth the gain, and few incarnations of Rao can succeed.

Therefore, there are very few people who practice this skill.

Now seeing Chen Xuan's external incarnation is not the most shocking thing, but the most shocking thing is that the external incarnation brought by Chen Xuan actually carries a person with him.

When this man was thrown down, the dying Ancestor Qingyang suddenly stood up.

Everyone has a soft-hearted side.

On this path of cultivation, anyone who stands in the way of Patriarch Qingyang will be killed by Patriarch Qingyang. When killing people, there will be no hesitation or mercy at all.

But the Qingyang Patriarch who was so ruthless, when he saw the mercy brought by Chen Xuan's external incarnation, the Qingyang Patriarch also went crazy in an instant.

"Listen, this is your son. Since you are old enough to kill for your son, I don't know if you are willing to kneel down for your son."

Chen Xuan said calmly.

Looking at the Qingyang ancestor, the Qingyang ancestor saw the unconscious Sun Taishan in his eyes. Although he couldn't bear it in his heart, he still maintained the last trace of his sanity. He won't wake up. Since he said so, it's better to just let Sun Taishan be like this, if he is trapped.

The consequences are also very regrettable.

Therefore, Patriarch Qingyang also needs to cheer up again. You must know that what is happening in front of you will definitely not be difficult for Patriarch Qingyang.

Chen Xuan just saw that the Qingyang ancestor seemed to be unwilling to accept. If this was the case, Chen Xuan just sneered, and then poured the power of his spiritual thoughts into Sun Taishan's body crazily. .


Chen Xuan is very good at killing people, but at the same time, Chen Xuan is equally good at this and saving people.

Chen Xuan naturally understands Sun Taishan's situation.

After knowing the situation of Sun Taishan, Chen Xuan had no problem if he wanted to recover him.

These people cannot be cured because their own spiritual power is not strong enough.

It was difficult to recover from Sun Taishan's injuries.

And Chen Xuan’s spiritual thoughts.

Although he has not yet reached the realm of the Tribulation Stage, he is already at the peak of the Integration Stage. This is a very exaggerated state. Even some monks in the Tribulation Stage have spiritual thoughts that are incomparably different from Chen Xuan.

When Chen Xuan gathered this power, Patriarch Qingyang finally understood why Chen Xuan killed the elixir master so easily before.

It turns out that Chen Xuan's spiritual cultivation has reached the peak of the integration stage and has surpassed him!

However, what shocked this and Qingyang Patriarch was not Chen Xuan's spiritual cultivation.

But under the infusion of Chen Xuan's spiritual thoughts, Sun Taishan slowly regained his consciousness at this time.

Even open your eyes.


When Sun Taishan opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was Patriarch Qingyang.

Seeing that his father ended up like this, Sun Taishan was also shocked.

There was actually someone down there who could hurt his father like this.


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