Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 848 Battle against the five-clawed golden-patterned tiger

Killed the ancestor of a sect!

Chen Xuan's words came out lightly, but to the old man Dan, it was almost a great shock.

Since the old man Dan settled down in Beishui City, he often communicated with the flamingo. In the process of communication, he also knew how much power this sect in the cultivation world had gathered.

This is not something that a simple person can do.

And Chen Xuan easily killed the ancestor of a sect, which is enough to show that the people of this sect may not be able to survive.

It is estimated that there are very few people who can survive.

However, being able to get so many good things is also the old man Dan's heart is full of joy, and now Chen Xuan directly entrusted him with an important task, which also made the old man Dan happy. It seems that he still has some use.

"These spirit stones are also helpful for your cultivation."

Chen Xuan waved his hand casually, and a pile of spirit stones appeared on the ground. The main reason is that Chen Xuan also felt that it was a bit of a waste to put these spirit stones on himself.

After dealing with these things.

Chen Xuan also continued to return to the cave he had dug before.

"Now my mind has broken through to the late stage of the fusion period. With my current strength, it should not be a problem to deal with the five-clawed golden tiger, right?"

Now most of the things have been solved, but Chen Xuan still can't forget the five-clawed golden tiger.

This spiritual beast of the cultivation world with powerful blood power can definitely serve as a powerful foil for him, and it will definitely be a great help in fighting in this cultivation world.

The most important thing is that this five-clawed golden tiger looks pretty cool.

If Chen Xuan can subdue this five-clawed golden tiger, it will definitely be very cool in this cultivation world.

Chen Xuan's mind moved.

The body outside is still refining the power transmitted by the Immortal Cauldron, which makes Chen Xuan's cultivation gradually increase at this moment.

And the mind that entered the underworld also maintained the peak state of the fusion period.

This also surprised Chen Xuan. He could actually show the peak state of the fusion period. Now, Chen Xuan must deal with the five-clawed golden tiger directly.

A deep mountain in the underworld.

The girl Ming opened her eyes, and a trace of surprise flashed in her eyes. Now everything in the underworld is under the perception of this girl. She knew it when Chen Xuan came in, but she never expected that Chen Xuan had already reached the peak of the fusion period. It was really amazing.

This would take at least a thousand years to be possible.

Such a situation really surprised the girl.

At this time, as Ming opened her eyes, a colorful bird as big as a palm landed on the girl.

"You want to see this person, right?"

"Then I'll take you to see it."

The girl stood up leisurely. The incarnation of Ming was in the underworld and had already merged with the underworld. At this time, her figure floated up, and she could also feel some powerful aura in it.

After finding the location of Chen Xuan, he immediately rushed towards Chen Xuan.

At this time, Chen Xuan was fighting with the five-clawed golden tiger again.

In this battle, Chen Xuan obviously had the upper hand.

The five-clawed golden tiger had never thought that Chen Xuan had made such great progress. It had only been a short time, and this previously weak human had now grown to the late stage of the fusion period. In this case, the five-clawed golden tiger also felt a threat.

So the five-clawed golden tiger also took it seriously.

After a shocking battle, Chen Xuan was put on the ground again.

Even the cultivation at the peak of the fusion period seemed to be torn apart at this time.

Chen Xuan's divine consciousness gathered again on the top of the mountain.

Although there was no harm to Chen Xuan himself, the pain brought about by it was real, and you will feel how painful it was.

When Chen Xuan recovered, he also savored the previous battle carefully.

"Although I have absorbed the energy of the dark demon, I cannot master it well now. The most important thing is that I don't know how powerful I am!" Chen Xuan thought in his heart, and at this moment he suddenly realized. Now Chen Xuan's realm has been reached, but it is still unstable. The most important thing is that Chen Xuan does not know the limit of this realm, and even does not know what kind of power it has. It feels like a child holding a magic sword. But he does not know whether this sword can be used to kill people, or how strong people can be killed. In the final analysis, it is still because his own power is not strong enough, so he gradually suppressed his own pressure. At this moment, Chen Xuan also maintained the pain just now, and continued to comprehend in this underworld, condensing this with his own power, and a momentum was surging in his palm. Boom! Chen Xuan looked at the surging energy in his palm. Then the power of divine thought condensed into a person in Chen Xuan's palm. Chen Xuan is different from other cultivators. He is not a traditional cultivator, so there is no Nascent Soul in Chen Xuan's body, only the endless sea of ​​qi. This sea of ​​qi is also connected to the underworld.

If Chen Xuan's Qi sea is broken, that is, if Chen Xuan is killed, or even loses all his strength, it will be equivalent to Chen Xuan directly erasing the underworld.

No one in the world will ever find the entrance to this underworld again.

Of course, if this Qi sea is broken, then Chen Xuan will be directly destroyed.

The person in the palm of your hand.

It seems to be the Nascent Soul that Chen Xuan spent all his efforts to condense.

"Although my true energy is only at the distraction stage, my spiritual thoughts have already reached the integration stage."

"My external incarnation still needs some strength to reach this powerful state."

Chen Xuan thought of his giant clone. Although the current giant clone has a trace of Chen Xuan, it doesn't look much like him after all. Now Chen Xuan can already split his mind into two. This is a distraction. period of magical power.

So Chen Xuan tried to inject this separated spiritual thought into his giant clone Zheng

"Giant clone!"

Because this giant clone was practicing Pangu Kaijue, and the Pangu Golden Body was blessed on his body, the giant clone's body gradually shrank. The current state displayed in front of Chen Xuan was only six or seven feet tall. to the extent.

The clone entered the underworld through Chen Xuan's sea of ​​qi.

It is also Chen Xuan's Qihai that is constantly pouring power into the underworld, creating such a scene and maintaining the power of the underworld.

The giant clone sat cross-legged in front of Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan also injected the power of divine thought in his hand into the body of this giant.

Just like when Chen Xuan used the spiritual crystal in the giant's body to control the giant, when such a situation occurs, there is indeed a mysterious feeling. It is clear that there is only one head, but Chen Xuan seems to have four. Eyes can have two senses.

This other one comes from the giant clone!

This strange state of affairs is not inconsistent.

It's even very natural, and there's nothing strange about it, just like being born with two bodies.

Of course, these two people are both Chen Xuan!

When both of them reach the state of integration, they will be able to perfectly fit together. At that time, it will be easier to break through the state of transcending tribulation.

Integrating his own spiritual thoughts into this and the giant's clone, Zheng

This giant clone has already reached the early stage of the distraction stage just by relying on the power of this physical body.

Now the two of them stood up and rushed towards the five-clawed golden-striped tiger one after another.

When the five-clawed golden-striped tiger spent a lot of effort to destroy Chen Xuan, he saw Chen Xuan coming back. The five-clawed golden-striped tiger also roared, and there was a sudden movement on the tiger's claws. There was a burst of momentum.



The giant clone landed on the ground, reached out with his hands, and locked the neck of the five-clawed golden-striped tiger, pressing it directly on the ground, unable to move. The five-clawed golden-striped tiger also kept swinging its body, trying to He leaned out of it, but there was nothing he could do.

He could only keep rolling on the ground, unable to break free.

Chen Xuan himself also surrendered and punched the body of the five-clawed golden tiger.


The terrifying power of the fist instantly poured out like a flash flood, almost trying to devour the five-clawed golden-patterned tiger.

The pained five-clawed golden-striped tiger also burst out with all its strength. The powerful tiger tail flicked hard and hit the giant clone's back directly, sending the giant clone flying away.

Bang! !

"Splitting Mountain Pose!"

Chen Xuan, the giant ax he held in both hands, landed in front of the five-clawed golden-patterned tiger in an instant. The ax suddenly chopped down, and the overbearing power blew the five-clawed golden-patterned tiger away. A distance of several hundred meters.


The five-clawed golden-patterned tiger climbed up. There seemed to be a slight wound on his forehead, but because it was in the state of a spiritual body, there was no blood flowing from it.

The five-clawed golden-patterned tiger roared.

The golden patterns on the claws suddenly lit up at this moment!

Buzz! !

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