Since he decided to go to this world of cultivation, Chen Xuan was not hesitant and filled up the energy in the Star God Jade Pendant that afternoon.

"The energy this time is enough to last three days."

After Chen Xuan felt it for a while.

With the five-clawed golden-striped tiger integrated into the Star God Jade Pendant, the two of them rushed to the world of cultivation in an instant.

After the five-clawed golden-striped tiger left, all the mysterious beasts in Fengyun Continent, even some that were hidden deep in the mountains and old forests, and some who claimed to be beast kings, finally woke up from their trembling. Come here, this power is really shocking.

"What on earth appeared in Fengyun Continent! What a terrifying aura. Even with my strength, I can't resist that terrifying thing for even half a second!"

A beast king was still trembling just now, even lying on the ground in fear, sneezing one after another. Fortunately, the five-clawed golden-striped tiger did not deliberately release these auras at him, otherwise the beast king would have become like this. The end of a pile of ruins!

The appearance of such momentum can only make these self-proclaimed beast kings look up to them.

Even the flamingos in Beishui City deeply felt the terrifying aura of the five-clawed golden tiger.

But fortunately, the current flamingo is not worth mentioning in front of the five-clawed golden-striped tiger, so it is not taken seriously by the five-clawed golden-striped tiger.

Although it has not yet regained its full strength, the momentum displayed by this five-clawed golden-striped tiger is enough to overwhelm a large number of monster beasts.

Now that the five-clawed golden-patterned tiger has recovered its strength, it is only at the state of the early distraction period.

It is comparable to Chen Xuan's sword energy cultivation level.

But with Chen Xuan's current state, if he wanted to fight the current five-clawed golden-striped tiger, he would probably be killed in an instant.

This outside world is different from that in the underworld. Chen Xuan can be resurrected infinitely in this underworld because of his luck. But after leaving the underworld, if Chen Xuan is caught by this and the five-clawed golden pattern tiger If so, I would probably have to lie on this hospital bed for three to five years before going to school.

The speed of this five-clawed golden tiger is beyond Chen Xuan's ability.

This real combat situation still carries considerable risks.

Chen Xuan took this five-clawed golden tiger and traveled to Zheng, the world of cultivation.


When the five-clawed golden-striped tiger appeared on the land of the cultivation world, it roared angrily. Within a radius of thousands of miles, the sound of the five-clawed golden-striped tiger could be heard clearly.

This time Chen Xuan did not appear at the White Bone Mountain. This time, Chen Xuan chose a place at random, but it was not very far from the White Bone Mountain. It seemed that the map developed by this map was not far away.

Among the thousands of miles around, by coincidence, it happened to be within the scope of Wuling Sect.

However, Chen Xuan didn't know that he was now wanted by the Wuling Sect.

It is said that there are cities and towns in this world of cultivation, so Chen Xuan swept his mind and immediately found a good-sized city within a radius of thousands of miles.

"This spirit stone seems to be the currency of this world of cultivation. In that case, it shouldn't be a problem to buy some pill recipes." Chen Xuan headed towards this town with the five-clawed golden tiger.

There was a loud bang.

The figure of the five-clawed golden-patterned tiger was in the air, leaving a vibrating sound wave in place. When looking at it, the figure of the five-clawed golden-patterned tiger had already landed on the ground.

The city that Chen Xuan came to was controlled by a cultivator family under the Wuling Sect. It was a city, but it was just a place for entertainment and trading. It was lonely in the years of cultivating. Wuhen, then just go to a place like this to relieve loneliness. ,

We are providing some guarantees so that the transactions of some cultivators can be carried out smoothly here. In this case, some commissions can be collected. Hello, hello, hello, everyone.

From this aspect, it also reflects the terrifying aspect of this world of cultivation. If you dare to trade in the wild, you will probably be killed before you take out your things.

These are extremely normal things.

Only a very powerful person would have the courage to trade outside the city.

The family that controls this city is called the Lu family.

The ancestor of the Lu family also has the strength of the distraction stage.

In this surrounding area, he is considered a relatively well-known master, able to dominate one side.

As long as it is a transaction within this town, it will be protected and tax will be deducted.

Basically, all transactions within this cultivator's city are safe, unless you deliberately cause trouble.

Chen Xuan landed in front of the city with the five-clawed golden-patterned tiger.

The aura on his body was too arrogant, so Chen Xuan also slapped the five-clawed golden-striped tiger on the back. The five-clawed golden-striped tiger understood and gradually restrained its aura, but the majesty of its size and appearance was still there. here.

Anyone who looks at it will be afraid and hide away.

Just when Chen Xuan and the five-clawed golden tiger were about to enter the town, they were stopped by someone.

The one who stopped him was a disciple of the Lu family in Lucheng.


This disciple saw nothing wrong with Chen Xuan, but when the nearly three-meter-tall giant beast in front of him turned its head and stared at him, his legs couldn't help but tremble. This was not what he wanted at all.

"Is something wrong?"

Chen Xuan asked.

When he was not taking action, Chen Xuan was also extremely peaceful. Ruci asked. Upon hearing Chen Xuan's question, the Lu family disciple was so nervous that he was speechless and quickly motioned to the disciple next to him.

He quickly asked Chen Xuan to collect the city entrance tax, but the other man's condition was not necessarily that good. At this moment, his legs were shaking and he couldn't even turn his head.


The five-clawed golden-striped tiger also snorted at this time, and sprayed out two streams of white air from its nose, filling the front.

It seemed like there was an impact.

The two of them immediately fell to the ground.



"No, no... don't kill me. I don't want the city entrance tax. I don't want it. Please come in quickly. Please come in quickly..."

After being frightened, his words became smoother, and he almost exhausted all his strength after finishing.

"Oh, how much."

Chen Xuan asked.

He subconsciously touched his pocket, and suddenly remembered that the coins of Fengyun Continent should be useless here. Fortunately, he reacted quickly, otherwise he would be embarrassed. Chen Xuan took out a pocket of spiritual stones.

"A low-grade spiritual stone..."

When Chen Xuan asked, the disciple couldn't believe it.

I originally thought that I would just pay for it myself and put in such a terrifying cultivation master. Otherwise, because of this low-grade spiritual stone, I would fall out with a cultivation master like Chen Xuan. Wait a minute. The other party just cut you in half with a sword, but you didn't even say anything.

You didn't have time to cry before you died.

It's not like this has never happened.

Although Chen Xuan himself looks very ordinary, the more he is like this, the more ruthless he will be. Some time ago, a senior brother offended a humble-looking old man, and his corpse was cut into pieces and hung in rows on the top of the city. No one dared to put the person down.

It is said that this old man is a big robber who has eaten all over the place, and coming to this city also makes the whole family nervous.

"Low-grade spiritual stone..."

Chen Xuan touched it.

"Is it this one?"

Chen Xuan sensed that among the spiritual stones in his hand, the one with the weakest aura was the one in his hand.

Compared with the piece of top-grade spiritual crystal that the black bear spirit gave to Chen Xuan, the aura of this spiritual stone was indeed weak, so Chen Xuan fully began to believe that the piece of top-grade spiritual crystal that the black bear gave to him was really the top-grade spiritual crystal.

"This is a middle-grade spiritual stone... We can't find it here..."

When the disciple saw that the young man was so generous, he suddenly panicked and wondered where he could find the spirit stone.

"It turns out this is a middle-grade spiritual stone. There's no need to look for it."

Chen Xuan threw the middle-grade spiritual stone to the latter, and walked into the city with the five-clawed golden tiger.

Wait until Chen Xuan and the tiger leave.

The Lu family disciple was also surprised.

I didn’t expect to be able to get money, and it seemed like I was making a profit.

It is really rare to meet someone with such a good temper in the world of cultivation.

After entering the city, Chen Xuan realized how conspicuous the five-clawed golden-striped tiger was, but Chen Xuan didn't have any pet space to put the five-clawed golden-striped tiger away, not to mention that this guy was finally resurrected. Come here, why don't you want to stay in a dark room?

However, there are also many monks walking on the street with their pets.

Even Chen Xuan saw someone walking alone with several wolves on the street.

However, after encountering this five-clawed golden-striped tiger, they could only avoid moving to the side. Some even had no time to walk away, so they just lay down on the ground and expressed their surrender to the five-clawed golden-striped tiger. They walked all the way. The monster knelt down all the way.

"No wonder you have such a stubborn temper. You used to be so sneaky."

Chen Xuan couldn't help but said.

At this moment, this five-clawed tiger with golden patterns is also walking on the ground with its noble paws.

This momentum spread out, almost shocking the entire audience.

"Let me ask, where can I buy elixirs?"

Chen Xuan saw the man with the monkey in front hovering in place and never left.

Because the monkey couldn't move even when he saw the imposing manner of the five-clawed golden-patterned tiger.

After hearing Chen Xuan's question, the man also woke up with a start.

Because the aura of the five-clawed golden-patterned tiger in front of him is indeed quite terrifying.

"Dan... Danfang, if you want Danfang... the one in front... you can find it in Wuling Pharmacy..."

"Thank you."

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