"I didn't expect that this mere Shen Transformation Guiyuan Pill would require the use of 3,000 auxiliary medicinal materials. Just this 10,000-year-old elixir would require nearly seven of them, and it would even require a 50,000-year-old elixir. The evergreen purple flower is used as the main medicine."

After a brief reading, Chen Xuan also understood in his heart that the elixir of the God-Transforming Guiyuan Pill was indeed extremely complicated.

This world of cultivation has already created such a magical elixir method with wisdom that has been brewing for countless years.

If Chen Xuan wants to make an elixir now, it may be impossible.

After all, this 50,000-year-old evergreen purple flower is quite difficult to find, and Chen Xuan does not have such a collection on his body.

The so-called divine medicinal materials in Fengyun Continent, if placed in this world of cultivation, are only medicinal materials equivalent to the age of about 30,000 years.

Therefore, Chen Xuan did not have that many medicinal materials that he could use.

"It seems like we need to buy some medicinal materials?"

Chen Xuan thought to himself.

Now that Chen Xuan has prepared these things, he can start making elixirs when he goes back. Otherwise, it would be difficult to find such medicinal materials in Fengyun Continent.

Just when Chen Xuan was about to continue studying this elixir.

But when his nose moved, he was keenly aware that there seemed to be some smell in the air.

Boom, boom, boom.

There was a knock on the door.

It turned out that the shopkeeper came to deliver the food. Of course, Chen Xuan now no longer needs to eat. He can absorb the spiritual energy and gain food. But after all, he is not a god, and his mouth will always be greedy. Moreover, he can't eat without eating. It has been a habit for many years, and I have never forgotten it to this day.

"It's impressive. Your food and drinks are ready."

"Put it on the table."

Chen Xuandao.

"It seems that this inn is very busy. Even the shopkeeper came to deliver meals in person."

Chen Xuan thought to himself.

Then he walked down from the bed and came to the table, drinking wine and eating beef, feeling very happy in his heart.

"Well, it tastes pretty good, and the wine is strong enough!"

Chen Xuan thought in his heart.

It seemed that nothing was wrong.

at the same time.

After exiting the inn, he did not go downstairs, but came to the room opposite.

"Don't worry, I have already set up a soundproof formation. Unless he is a monk in the integration stage, there is no way to detect it."

The fifth elder sneered. Behind the fifth elder, dozens of men in black gathered. These people had already changed their clothes. Now they were waiting for the fifth elder to give the order, and then rushed in to clear the house. All the people among them were torn into pieces, and they were completely killed with the flying sword in their hands.

"How's it going? Has he eaten it?"

"Eat, eat. I took a look before I left. He had already started eating. The way he looked, he was probably almost done eating now."

The shopkeeper also recalled that when he exited, Chen Xuan walked down from the bed, and when he closed the door, he could hear the sound of the other party drinking and eating meat, which was very obvious.

"Hmph, well done. If you poison him directly, it will definitely attract this person's attention. Now that he drinks the poisonous wine, as long as I start using my skills, the green toad poison will penetrate into this person. in vivo!"

At this time, the fifth elder also stretched out his hand and sat down on the spot. After sitting down like this, the terrifying true energy fluctuations began to circulate in the body of the fifth elder, and they were released bit by bit.

This green toad poison is the poison of the fifth elder's hard work. The wine that was sent in earlier was mixed with the fifth elder's essence and blood. Of course, it was diluted and sprinkled on the beef. All it took was this A little bit of blood will do the trick.

The fifth elder sat down, and a force surged in his palms, urging him to move, and with the emergence of this force.

There is also an invisible momentum released.

As this momentum gradually spread, the men in black with fierce faces behind them couldn't help but take two steps back. Naturally, they would not be threatened. They knew clearly that there was no danger, but they still couldn't help it in their hearts. Such a feeling of fear came out.

In the body of the fifth elder, power is constantly gathering.

"Boil it, the first thing to boil will be your blood!"

The fifth elder roared in his heart and stared ahead, waiting for Chen Xuan's painful scream to be heard. However, after waiting for a long time, Chen Xuan's painful scream was not heard.

"Strange, why not? Could it be that he endured it by force."

The fifth elder also had doubts in his heart. From this point of view, Chen Xuan's strength is still very good. He can persist at this time. The toxin of the green toad poison is very ferocious, and can be as violent as a knife.

As long as it stays in Chen Xuan's body, it will definitely explode.

The people in black behind him were all holding their breath and concentrating, because as long as they fell into that painful state, their combat effectiveness would be greatly reduced. This was the time to attack, and Chen Xuan was directly cut off with a sharp knife. , chop people into pieces so that you can get rewards.

Of course, some people don't know who this Chen Xuan is. They only know that this Chen Xuan is one of their targets. As long as they kill Chen Xuan, they will definitely get a very high reward.

The reward in this will definitely make him feel comfortable for a long time.

However, there was no movement at all, and everyone around them glanced at each other. Is this situation just getting colder?

Should this action continue? He sounds like an extremely dangerous person. If he rushes in now, wouldn't he be killed directly?

Therefore, insurance is the most important thing in all things. To do things, you must have insurance.

"I will continue to use my energy, and this time I will directly inject poisonous gas!"

"Bi Chan Poison Technique!"

"Practice for me!"


From the body of the fifth elder, some terrifying momentum was once again released. The deterrence formed by this made the heart of the fifth elder burst out with a fierce force. Chen Xuan must be killed. Killing School


He even clenched his fists tightly, because the intensity was too great, so his body couldn't help but tremble.

The monks in black around them also retreated further and further away.

There is a light green breath lingering around the body of the fifth elder. If this breath is accidentally inhaled into the mouth, it will explode directly and poison the person to death in an instant, so be careful .

"Come over here, I don't have any room here!"

"I don't have a place here, so hurry up and get to the side!"

The fifth elder was exerting his power with great enthusiasm. At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

Immediately, these black-clothed monks drew their swords and glared ahead.


It seemed like it was going to rush up and kill people at any moment.

However, the door was opened and someone from the inn walked in.

When these two appear.

Some people even threw the flying sword away and almost tore them into pieces. Fortunately, they all breathed a sigh of relief after seeing that it was someone they knew.

"You don't want your life, who let you in!"

The shopkeeper slapped him directly.

It was quite aggrieved for the two of them to be slapped for no reason, but there were still more important things to do now.

"Shopkeeper, yes, someone came to inform that Chen Xuan, that Chen Xuan went to Wuling Pharmacy again..."


The words of the second shop owner shocked everyone around him.

"Pfft! What are you doing!"

The fifth elder who was performing the green toad poison skill suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood. When he saw the second shop owner, he wished he could grab him and beat him up, and then come and question him. Clearly, what do you mean by this sentence?

How dare you do this.

"Is it possible that Chen Xuan escaped directly under the gaze of so many masters!?"

"I don't believe it, you, go and open the door on the opposite side for me!"

The fifth elder pointed directly at the second shop owner.

The second shopkeeper also looked confused and felt that he was very innocent. How could such a situation happen? It would cost him his life.

I am just a whistleblower, there is really no need to target me directly.

This also blinded the waiter, but there was no other way now.

This matter must be completed, otherwise with so many people behind here staring at them, they will be torn into pieces.

In desperation, the two could only move their steps step by step and walked out.

"Go quickly and open the door!"

The fifth elder had already finished his work at this time. Since he ran away directly, the fifth elder could hardly bear such a result. How could it be like this? This person ran away like this. It was really disrespectful.

Could it be that all the energy I had consumed before was wasted until now?

The second shopkeeper came to Chen Xuan's door and knocked.

But there was no movement, and finally the second shop owner gritted his teeth and pushed open the door.

I found that there were no human figures inside.


After Er opened the door, he backed out obediently.

And the person behind him also rushed in quickly, almost unable to believe his eyes.

The whole room is empty!

"How is it possible? When did he leave! I didn't even know!" The fifth elder also walked in.

The black-clothed masters behind him also rushed in and searched the surrounding area.

But it was never found.

It just disappeared.

"Didn't you drink this wine?"

The shopkeeper was also very confused and walked forward and opened the lid of the wine pot.

Just when the lid of the pot was opened, a faint smell of blood filled the air.

When the smell of blood appeared, the atmosphere in the whole room instantly boiled.

Everyone who came close to them had inhaled this poisonous gas and entered their bodies.

"No, poison gas broke out!"

The fifth elder immediately panicked when he saw this. Although he was surprised, Chen Xuan did it. ,

This room was instantly filled with that terrifying aura that filled the entire room.

"Run away!"

Some people who were closer also wanted to rush out, but when they walked out, they discovered that the door could not be opened!

"Damn it, what's going on!"

"The door is locked!"

"It's a trap formation. We are trapped in this formation and can't get out!"

Everyone felt a deep sense of despair.

At this moment, everyone felt an unprecedented fear.

The instigator, Chen Xuan, had already appeared in front of the Wuling Pharmacy.

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