When Chen Xuan used the power of Taixu again, he could already feel that the power of the moves he had used before and after was very different depending on his level.

Now Chen Xuan is doing this.

Based on the understanding of the power of Taixu, it is already different from what it used to be.

This sword seemed to be shattered from the void, when the sword swept in front of him.

It doesn't take an elder to know that he has no chance at all.

In the face of this move, the only thing you can do is to use your strongest defense to resist it.

Because this sword will fall on you no matter what.

"Star Shining Body Protection!"

What Elder Wu Wu used was his decades of experience in training. If you want to practice fighting, you must first learn to take a beating. If you are going to be beaten, you must first learn to resist a beating.

Therefore, this turtle-shell-like kung fu is also displayed.

On the contrary, Chen Xuan also looked at him with side eyes. This old guy was actually able to draw on the power of the stars as his own supplement.


The power of Chen Xuan's sword.

The defense of the needless elder was shattered, leaving no energy left in the body of the needless elder. However, the needless elder himself was also directly consumed, as if nothing was left.

Well, if Chen Xuan strikes with another sword, Elder Wuwu will not be able to resist it.

Elder Wu Wu at this time would definitely not be able to stop Chen Xuan's move.

After sustaining this thrilling move, Elder Wu Xu also quickly removed himself from his arms.

He took out a porcelain bottle and kept pouring it into his mouth.

Even his nervous hands were shaking.

If Chen Xuan makes a sneak attack at this time, the outcome will be very tragic, so he must be optimistic about Chen Xuan. If Chen Xuan really wants to continue the pursuit, he would rather escape than stay and face him. Such a terrifying opponent.

The Chen Xuan in front of him was really scary.

After the elder Wu Wu took the medicine, he recovered a little bit of his physical strength.


The sword in Chen Xuan's hand was raised again. This time, an even more terrifying force seemed to be gathered on the sword.


A cold wind howled across the land.

When the strong wind blew, the people in Lucheng couldn't help but tighten their bodies. It always felt as if countless knives were scratching through their skin.

It makes people wonder and wonder, what kind of force is at work here.

"What, come again!"

"And it's more powerful than the sword just now!"

"I can't stop it!"

Elder Wu Xu's heart was about to collapse.

Under this sword, the only one who can withstand this terrifying force is probably not many people. Anyway, I am not a schoolmaster.

Therefore, this sword.

With the explosion of the sword energy of the Immortal-Slaying Sword, there was no doubt that the person was directly blown into two halves.

At this time, the sword swallowed up Elder Wuwu. With the huge sword energy, Elder Wuwu was completely dead and gone in an instant.

When the sword energy roared past, only the fragments of clothes could be seen falling on the ground.

Poor Elder Wu Xu, his soul was wiped away by Chen Xuan's sword.

Inn Zheng

The fifth elder of the Lu family also roared out at this moment.

Chen Xuan just deployed the power casually, which was of course limited, so under this collision, he rushed out directly.

Because with the outbreak of the toad poison, these people also fell into a state of killing each other and went berserk.

The fifth elder has the strongest cultivation level. In addition, the power of the green toad poison was released by the fifth elder, so the fifth elder also swallowed up these poisons at this moment.

Instead of weakening, his strength has actually increased.

The fifth elder who was killed by Yin Zhuang was also furious.

A mere Chen Xuanzi dared to use such means to tease them.

This made the fifth elder very unhappy.

No matter what, I still have to swallow this breath before going to school

Therefore, after the fifth elder got out of trouble, he went straight to the Wuling Pharmacy on the corner of the street.

There is still some distance from Nawuling Pharmacy.

When the fifth elder quickly rushed to the door of Wuling Pharmacy.

He happened to see Chen Xuan descend. Just now, Chen Xuan should have killed someone, but because the fifth elder came relatively slowly, he didn't see who died.

At this time, the fifth elder saw Chen Xuan's figure falling, and then saw the ancestor of his family not far away.

Suddenly he shouted.

"Ancestor, this son is Chen Xuan. Let's arrest him quickly and wait for the people from Wuling Sect to come!"

The fifth elder shouted loudly, fearing that the deer behind Chen Xuan might not be able to hear him.

That Lu Ran already knew that something was not good when he saw Elder Wu Xu die, but fortunately, his identity as a member of the Lu family was not exposed from the beginning. He must have only needed to hide a little, then it should be No problem.

But just when he was about to leave, the fifth elder was so eager to kill him that he came out directly.

And shouted loudly.

For fear of Chen Xuan escaping, these elders are now dead here.

If the deer comes unexpectedly, the city of Lucheng may not be saved.

When the time comes, the Wuling Sect will definitely be angry with them.

So Lu Heran was already thinking in his mind, when would it be more appropriate to run away, or should he just pack everything up when he went back.

As for Chen Xuan, Chen Xuan can go wherever he likes and do whatever he likes.

Anyway, it has nothing to do with their Lu family.

After all, the fifth elder who was sent out to drag Chen Xuan was not included in the calculation. This suddenly appeared, as if he was dragging Chen Xuan, and we were also involved in dealing with you.

So come and fight us quickly and kill us all together.

Such a direct death.

Chen Xuan saw the fifth elder shouting, and then looked back. The deer immediately pretended that he didn't know the fifth elder at all, picked up the boards and bricks on the ground, put his hands behind his back, and shook it left and right. , just like a boring old man who had nothing to do, but saw that this place was quite lively, so he came here to look for any bargains.

"You want to catch me?"

Chen Xuan looked at the fifth elder in front of him.

"You must have been the one who poisoned me at the inn earlier."

"Since you arrived in time, I will give you a chance to make a fortune. If you can control this pill and refine it, your poison skills will be ten times better than what you are now!"

Chen Xuan smiled lightly.

Then he took out a black pill from the arms.

"Tch, you can just eat it. Do you think I'm stupid?"

The fifth elder immediately smiled disdainfully and said, Chen Xuan could not have been carried away by this stupidity, and he actually wanted to eat such a thing by himself. Even a three-year-old child knows that he must not eat food from strangers. thing, let alone an enemy.

However, the disdainful expression of the fifth elder quickly turned into a look of shock.

Chen Xuan reached out and made a move, and the fifth elder's body flew towards Chen Xuan involuntarily.

With a pop, he knelt down in front of Chen Xuan.

When he looked up and saw Chen Xuan in front of him, his eyes were full of horror and disbelief. He really didn't believe that Chen Xuan dared to put him on the ground. And at this moment, the fifth elder There is no resistance whatsoever.

The elixir in his hand was stuffed into the body of the fifth elder. Chen Xuan released the power that bound the fifth elder. Immediately, the fifth elder also quickly covered his throat.

"Damn it, what did you feed me!"

The fifth elder wanted to use his kung fu to force the toxins out of his body, but he never expected that after Chen Xuan's pill entered his throat, it instantly turned into tens of millions of particles, which poured into the fifth elder's body. Every corner of the body, and it is also hidden very deep.

Even if the Fifth Elder circulates this and the true energy throughout his body, he cannot dig out all these particles one by one.

Then he felt the green toad poison in his body, which seemed to be activated at this moment.

That nearly ten times the power exploded in the body!

"My Green Toad Poison Skill has gained ten times the power!"

Suddenly the fifth elder was pleasantly surprised.

This green toad poison power rapidly grows in the body.

This is equivalent to a tenfold increase in the strength of the fifth elder!

As long as the current situation can be controlled, the fifth elder himself can become a master whose strength has increased tenfold.

"No, my poison power is still getting stronger!"

At this time, the fifth elder also laughed. In his opinion, Chen Xuan seemed to want to poison him, but he accidentally took the wrong medicine.

It just so happened that in such a self-defeating situation, the fifth elder was a blessing in disguise.

"Chen Xuan, you are so unlucky that you gave me a poison pill that can enhance my power. I really want to thank you!"

The fifth elder burst out laughing.

Chen Xuan didn't say anything, but looked around, then picked up a door panel from the ground and blocked it in front of him.

He seemed to be worried about something splashing on him.

The fifth elder's wild laughter soon stopped, because he found that his Bi Toad Poison Technique was constantly operating, but the power of the rapid increase in speed in his body was also constantly expanding, and it was still doubling and doubling the breakthrough. .

In the blink of an eye, it has already exceeded twenty times.

Quickly, thirty times!

Fifty times!

"No! Stop it, stop it!"

The fifth elder of the Lu family roared in horror and kept stamping his feet. At the same time, he tried his best to speed up the operation of his spells and quickly suppressed these powers, but it was still of no use.

Finally, when the poison power in the body reaches a hundred times.

The five elders could no longer withstand the magic.

Bang! !

"It seems you still can't survive it."

"It'll be fine if you just hold on a little longer."

"At most, it only increases the poison power in your body three thousand times. If you can't bear this, how can you cultivate?"

"I wasted one of my pills."

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