At this time, Wuling Sect has so many strong men.

Even in this death ghost forest, I still have the confidence to break into it.

Immediately, the people of Wuling Sect directly surrounded the forest of death ghosts in front of them. Dozens of tyrannical auras were already permeating the surroundings. Once any situation arises, it will be under their control. Zheng's mastery

You can get these things done right in front of you anytime and anywhere.

Now the masters of Wuling Sect are all out. Even if there are some people in this death ghost forest who are not convinced, they want to appear here and compete with each other to let them know how powerful they are.

The Wuling Sect was also extremely rampant and landed behind the death ghost forest.

Immediately spread out his own breath.

Spreading towards the surroundings.

There seemed to be a force blocking their spiritual power in the death ghost forest, so only after landing and relying on the aura released by themselves could they find Chen Xuanzhi's location.

"Everyone works in groups of five, spread out!"

Even strong men of their level must conduct such a carpet-like search when encountering these death ghost forests, and after separation, they must also stay together in this kind of team, otherwise they will be easily captured. The death ghost forest is separated, and after encountering danger, they can be considered as taking care of each other.

Although hundreds of people from the Wuling Sect came, a trace of black mist gradually rose in the forest of death ghosts ahead.

The appearance of the black mist made this death ghost forest reveal a trace of mysterious blessing.


Several elders suddenly became nervous when they saw the black mist coming continuously.

But the black mist moved very quickly and enveloped all these elders in one fell swoop.

After a little testing, I found that the black mist had no effect at all.

At this moment, these Wuling Sect elders were also relieved. ,

This death ghost forest is so strange and strange that anything could happen.

After a little trial and error, I gradually felt relieved.

"Hey, why are the others missing and we are the only ones left?"

"Isn't it somewhere? As long as we don't spread out, there should be no problem."

"Anything can happen in this Death Ghost Forest. This is a mysterious place in the world. It's not surprising."

An older man said slowly.

It seems that among this group of people, this person is the most powerful.

He also has the most profound understanding of this avenue, so he also knows deeply that the mysteries of this world are not so easy to comprehend.

But the existence of this thing must have a reason for its existence!

The other people also nodded as they thought it was very reasonable.

Just when these people were about to continue walking forward, they saw a black shadow suddenly flashing in front of them.

This black shadow seemed to have been discovered, so it had no choice but to escape like this. When trying to hide, a sharp-eyed elder suddenly yelled.


Then the elder also released his own momentum.


The spiritual thought turned into an invisible hand and grabbed the black shadow in front. Seeing this, the other elders also burst out their own aura at the same time. This aura seemed weak, but these five auras twisted If they become one, the power formed is extremely powerful.

The reason why they acted so excitedly was, firstly, to catch the person, and secondly, they also wanted to tell their companions that they had discovered the situation here. After all, no one would feel at ease in a place like this. Even for monks in the Fusion Stage, many have died here directly throughout the ages.

But the elder's move to reach out his hand had no effect, and he couldn't even bring anything back.

Even this ray of spiritual thought was directly swallowed up.

The occurrence of such a terrible situation also made the elder panic.

"My spiritual thoughts were swallowed up."

At this time, the elder's expression also changed.

"What? My power of spiritual thought is also gone!"

"This black mist actually has the ability to swallow spiritual thoughts."

At the next moment, a figure walked out of the black mist.

Everyone was shocked when they saw the man in front of them.

He even wants to take action right away, first to capture the person in front of him!


Chen Xuan didn't say anything, he just used this figure and rushed out.

The fist in his hand was also swung out with all his strength, and the elder who was targeted by Chen Xuan immediately released his true energy to block it in front of him.


A punch landed.

The elder was instantly thrown away.

However, this figure dragged on the ground for tens of meters before it could stop.


Although there doesn't appear to be any injuries on the outside, in fact you have suffered extremely serious internal injuries, so much so that when your figure stops, you will never get up again.

A mouthful of blood spat out.

"What, are you okay!"

When one person saw Chen Xuan take action, he actually knocked him away. However, the person who showed concern soon came out with a figure and arrived in front of him in an instant.

A punch came down.

boom! !

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