With the help of the meteor shield, the elder quickly broke through forward.

There was a dark and thick fog all around, no matter which direction it was, it was the same to him.

However, it was a coincidence that the direction from which the elder broke through happened to be where the master of Wuyun Peak and others were. When he saw that the person in front of him turned out to be the master of Wuyun Peak, the elder Meteor Shield's heart was filled with excitement. , I would have been so moved that I would almost die, if it hadn’t been for this arrival.

"Haha, it's the perfect path!"

There are several elders gathered around the master of Wuyun Peak. With this lineup, it will be easy to block Chen Xuan. If not, at least with so many people, it seems a little safer.

However, after seeing this elder, the master of Wuyun Peak and others suddenly turned extremely cold.

"Hmph, you still want to transform into Elder Qiu to plot against us, but your methods are really poor. Kill me!"

The master of Wuyun Peak gave the order directly.

Several elders around him took action at the same time.

The huge amount of true energy is like a very heavy quagmire.

This directly trapped Elder Qiu.

Elder Qiu was originally full of joy, but when he saw these colleagues from the same discipline actually fighting against him, he felt extremely wronged.

"It's me, Qiu Qianji, don't you recognize me?"

"Don't be deceived by that demon!"

Elder Qiu was trapped by the momentum of these elders and could not move. He could only yell at this moment, but everyone watched indifferently.

"Haha, you are such a coward and want to pretend to be our Elder Qiu. You have made a lot of progress this time. You even changed Elder Qiu's meteor shield. But with our wisdom, how can you use such methods like yours? Deceived!"

One of the elders wearing yellow robes sneered, as if he was completely convinced that the identity of Elder Qiu was false.

After the words fell, his eyes instantly became cold.

"Enough nonsense, destroy him, all the thunder god curses!"

A ray of light was also released from the elder's hand, and a bolt of thunder flashed past and struck directly on Elder Qiu's body.


The rest of the people also took action at the same time.

The previous attack was okay. Under the resistance of the meteor shield, there was still a chance to breathe. Just when Elder Qiu was about to verify his identity.

The person behind him finally took action.


A white tiger flying sword flew from that distance.

As a monk at the peak of the integration stage, the master of Wuyun Peak was so shocked when he took action.

There was a bang.

The meteor shield in Elder Qiu's hand also shattered.

Under the sword of the master of Wuyun Peak, there was no resistance.


Elder Qiu spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his whole body hit Zailin.

The old man in yellow robe threw several spiritual talismans in his hand. The guy in front of him has resisted for such a long time. Maybe he was transformed by Chen Xuan. If the last attack is successful at this time, then when the credit is calculated in the future, it will definitely be He has his own merit.

The old man in yellow robe thought so, and the rest of the people also thought so, and took action one after another.


Several tyrannical moves all fell on Elder Qiu.

Elder Qiu has troubles that he can't express, and he can't speak out.

Watching these terrifying forces fall down before his eyes, his body was shattered in an instant.

"Mad, these idiots!"

This was the last thought in Elder Qiu's mind. The next moment, his body was blown to pieces by these people.

A ray of Nascent Soul came out quickly.

When these elders saw Elder Qiu's Nascent Soul emerging, they were all silent.

The appearance, voice, shape, etc. can be imitated, and they may all be fake. However, the power of this Yuanying, such pure Yuanying power, cannot be easily imitated, even the art of transformation. , no one can imitate the power of this Nascent Soul, which is a unique power.

No, this Elder Qiu is actually the real Elder Qiu!

Ji Rao's face suddenly fell.


Even the master of Wuyun Peak looked at the scene in front of him with great surprise.

Elder Qiu's Nascent Soul seemed to be roaring on the spot. Suddenly, Elder Qiu's Nascent Soul felt threatened and subconsciously wanted to escape.

But he was grabbed by a hand first. ,

Zheng Zheng was pinched in one hand

"Oh, I didn't expect that you are so powerful. You could easily kill one of your elders!"

Chen Xuan's figure appeared, looking at the people in front of him and smiling.

When the master of Wuyun Peak and others saw this scene, they immediately knew that the person they killed just now was one of their own and the real Elder Qiu.

But many fake people appeared in the black mist before, and they all thought they were imitations of this person. Who knew that such a situation would happen.

It was simply unexpected.

"Ci Mo Dao actually killed Elder Qiu, how can we let him go!"

Peak Master Wuyun Peak suddenly pointed at Chen Xuan and said indignantly. At this moment, the aura on his body was also quite angry and angry. It seemed that he was really watching Chen Xuan kill Elder Qiu, but he The feeling of being one step too late.


Chen Xuan smiled calmly, and then released the Nascent Soul in his hand toward the outside. He did not directly kill Elder Qiu's Nascent Soul.

Seeing that Chen Xuan actually let Elder Qiu's Nascent Soul go.

The master of Wuyun Peak also immediately flicked his hand, and the flying sword roared out.

A loud noise instantly shattered Elder Qiu's Nascent Soul.

"Elder Qiu's Yuanying is already under the control of this person. If we don't kill him, it will harm more of our fellow sects. Elders, please avenge Elder Qiu's death!"

At this moment, Chen Xuan was extremely speechless, and he also admired the person in front of him quite a lot.

This is obviously causing trouble. It was obviously you who killed the person yourself. Now you want to kill people and silence them, and it was me who killed them. Such people are simply disgusting.

Chen Xuan was too lazy to go to him.

"Okay, okay, you're awesome, you know everything."

At this moment, Chen Xuan no longer followed some people's nonsense. He could see clearly the faces of these people in the world of cultivation. There were such shameless people. Even if Chen Xuan was in Fengyun Continent or Xuan Continent, he would never Never seen it.

Only after I came to this world of cultivation did I truly see these powerful people.

If you don’t even draft a lie, if you accidentally kill one of your own people, you can treat it as if it’s nothing.

Moreover, the yellow-robed Taoist who took action just now was shouting loudly to avenge Elder Qiu, and he was also the one shouting the most fiercely.

"Kill the demon and avenge Elder Qiu!"

Although it was Chen Xuan who displayed this dark magic.

But Chen Xuan didn't hurt anyone, that was Leader.

Qiao Chu did not leave.

She originally wanted to leave directly, but she was worried about Chen Xuan and had mixed feelings. By some mistake, she ended up here.

Dark Luo had no influence on Qiaochu at all, and she could clearly see some of the things that happened.

Including Elder Qiu pushing his fellow elders out to die, but he escaped with the help of this power.

But in the end he was killed by the master of Wuyun Peak and others.

Although it was a mistake at first, it may be considered a misunderstanding.

But Chen Xuan had already released Elder Qiu's Nascent Soul.

The master of Wuyun Peak also never let Elder Qiu go. He directly found an unfounded crime and killed him.

Both spirit and form are destroyed.

All of this was bloody and happened before our eyes.

"This...this is impossible..."

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