Looking at the girl in front of me, this girl has become very different after entering the underworld.

"This book is for you."

Looking at the dark book handed out by the girl.

Chen Xuan also had a look of surprise in his eyes.

Even from the surface of the book, I can feel the extraordinary nature of the book itself.

"What's this?"

Chen Xuan took the book. When he took the book, it suddenly turned into a black light and directly entered Chen Xuan's mind.

Even if Chen Xuan wanted to resist, it would be useless.

Even the Vast Sea Pearl and the Day War God Armor were unable to withstand the influx of power.


Chen Xuan subconsciously retreated, but in the blink of an eye, his whole body fell into chaos. When he opened his eyes again, everything in front of him had become extremely shocking.

"What is this place!"

Chen Xuan looked at the void-like world beneath his feet, as if he were stepping on a dark mirror.

Stare at the world beneath your feet.

Suddenly, some huge monsters appeared in the dark surroundings. If any giant beast's claw fell, it would be enough to trample Chen Xuan to pieces. ,

In front of these giant beasts, Chen Xuan was just like an ant, and there was no trace of Chen Xuan at all.

When these countless giant beasts crossed over Chen Xuan's head, Chen Xuan also saw a staircase made of black stones appearing in front of him.

There are nine steps in total.

Above the main steps, each step is at least tens of thousands of feet high.

This is almost like a huge world.


Chen Xuan saw figures one after another, rushing up the steps, but these giant beasts never set foot on this step.

There is something on the nine steps, and it is this thing that appears. attracted Chen Xuan's interest.

"This black bead? Could it be the origin of the underworld?"

Chen Xuan is now gradually realizing that if he wants to master the underworld, he must master the origin.

Even Chen Xuan has already seen the path under his feet in the future.

Climb these nine steps and gain this source of power.


Suddenly, a fiery red Qilin beast suddenly jumped up and appeared on the first step.

It is this level of stairs.

It also shows the power and power of this fire unicorn.

"So the powerful beasts of the underworld are all gathered here?"

Chen Xuan looked around and knew where the end of the underworld was, which was the Zheng of the world in front of him.

Everyone wants to take down the origin of this world.

But not many people can succeed.

Even the powerful Fire Qilin only stepped onto one level.

As for Chen Xuan, it is difficult to even get close now.

The steps under his feet couldn't help but retreat.

"I understand."

Chen Xuan closed and opened his eyes.

When I opened my eyes again, I found that I had returned to the underworld.

On this path of cultivation, there is still a very long distance to go.

What's more, Chen Xuan also received a huge increase in the book of the underworld at this time.

There is an extra spell in my mind.

This is a spell taught from the Book of the Underworld.

"Pluto's curse!"

Chen Xuan absorbed this power in his mind.

There have also been great changes in this body.

All of a sudden, I fell into the cultivation of Pluto’s curse.

At this moment, Chen Xuan is quite majestic in this underworld.

"In addition to this underworld spell, this underworld can also temporarily lend me power."

In this way, Chen Xuan also has another method.

"According to my estimation, if the origin of the underworld wants to step onto the first level of the realm, it needs to be at the peak level of the realm of transcending the tribulation stage!"

Chen Xuan thought in his mind that this was indeed a very difficult process.

If you want to achieve this step, I don't know how long it will take to achieve it.

A month passed in the blink of an eye.

The Wuling Sect suffered a huge disaster, but it received good news.

That is Wu Quan, the great elder of Wuling Sect.

It turned out to be the thunder tribulation that ushered in the tribulation period.

This shows that if the Wuquan Great Elder survives this thunder tribulation, he will become the second strong man in the Wuling Sect to transcend the tribulation stage.

This change came so suddenly that many people didn't even understand why this happened.

You must know that there are too many things happening in front of you.

Nearly seventy combined-stage elders had just died.

This bad news has not yet passed, but another big good news has arrived.

Of course, only if you have passed through the thunder tribulation during this period, it will be called good news. If not, it will be worse.

The occurrence of such things also makes Elder Wuquan not have so much thought to do these things.

"My thunder tribulation can be postponed for up to half a month! I have delayed it for too long, otherwise the thunder tribulation will only become stronger and stronger in the future. During this time, I will kill Chen Xuan , to dispel my inner demons!”

Great Elder Wuquan said slowly.

This Chen Xuan was so bold that he not only killed so many elders of their Wuling Sect, but also directly killed the people he focused on training.

Clean it up!

This kind of hatred cannot be solved with a few words. It must be washed away with blood.

If Chen Xuan had not died, it would have been difficult to survive this thunderstorm!

"We have already invited the five mountain kings to come. These five mountain kings of the Wushan Sect received the favor from our ancestors many years ago. Now it is their duty to take action. And their Panshan Dafa is enough to make Chen Xuan invisible! "

"It only takes three days at most, and every inch of land within a radius of ten thousand miles will be investigated by these five mountain kings!"

"Okay, within three days, I will definitely kill Chen Xuan and use his blood to pay tribute to the many souls that our Wuling Sect has lost!"

Be knowledgeable about this.

Wu Quan also stood up and struck the Zheng of the Void with his bare hands.

Staring angrily ahead.

After four.

The five mountain kings also returned in embarrassment, because they found no trace of Chen Xuan, not even a shadow of Chen Xuan. There was no trace. Is this the same as Chen Xuan's teleportation?

Or it could be the portable teleportation array of the carrier.

That's why at this moment, he moved tens of thousands of miles away.

But when Chen Xuan disappeared, the Wuling Sect had already issued an order to close all teleportation formations. If anyone wanted to go far away, they should go on their own. So within a hundred thousand miles, They are basically closed and no one can leave.

The five mountain kings also felt very shameless and could not hold their heads up in front of Wuquan.

"Fellow Taoists don't have to be like this. I don't believe that Chen Xuan can hide forever!"

Wu Quan has been unable to suppress the power in his body for a long time. If he drags on any longer, he will struggle to break through.

These were supposed to be a matter of meditation and state adjustment, but because of Chen Xuan's incident, he never calmed down.

We can only keep putting this matter off.

"Great Elder, Great Elder, that Chen Xuan appears in the formation!"

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