A group of people attacked again.

Chen Xuan slowly raised his head and saw five figures coming directly from the sky.


A strong breath filled the air instantly.

It was as if five pillars of communication had fallen on the ground.


There seemed to be a force spreading out from the ground, and soon Chen Xuan's body was also concentrated by this force.


Chen Xuan felt the changes around him. The falling power spread out and seemed to form such a barrier, and it was just such a barrier that appeared in front of him.

Trapped Chen Xuan.

The appearance of these coming barriers made Chen Xuan extremely surprised.

Because this barrier seemed to be piled up with mountains falling on the ground here, the terrifying power formed really shocked Chen Xuan.

If the previous Chen Xuan wanted to break through such a formation, it would be extremely difficult, but unfortunately, the current Chen Xuan is no longer what he used to be.

It only takes a little action to push away everything in front of you.

Chen Xuan's eyes sparkled.

Suddenly I saw a figure falling in front of me.

It fell to the ground with a crash.

When he saw this person, Chen Xuan also had a sneer on his lips.

"I'm still worried that you won't come."

Chen Xuan said with a faint smile.

When the master of Wuyun Peak came down and saw Chen Xuan, he didn't even raise his eyelids.

"Just one of my subordinates is defeated, so what if we do it again."

"This time I want to see where you can escape to!"

Chen Xuan also smiled slightly after hearing this.

"Come here and I'll tell you where I can escape."

Chen Xuan waved to the master of Wuyun Peak.

The leader of Wuyun Peak was also surprised. The Chen Xuan in front of him felt a little different from before. He looked a little different, but even if he was different, it didn't matter. He just needed to get rid of Chen Xuan.

All those problems no longer exist.

In addition, he had to get the sword in Chen Xuan's hand. If he couldn't get the sword, everything would be in vain.

As for revenge.

If you can easily avenge this revenge, then of course you must avenge it first. If you cannot, then you cannot take revenge casually. If there is any loss on the road of revenge, then Isn't it that I can only bear it myself?

"Is this person Chen Xuan? It looks like he is just a fledgling boy?"

"It's just that my hair hasn't even grown yet, so what else do you want to do?"

"With such a thing, there is no need for several peak masters to take action. I'll just wait and take action!"

I don't know why these five mountain kings were so active. In an instant, these five mountain kings had united their own momentum. While attacking Chen Xuan, they also pulled back and controlled the three peak masters behind them. outside this range.

Not only did he want to take down Chen Xuan, he also didn't want them to take action.

This was clearly an attempt to forcibly kill Chen Xuan and then take away Chen Xuan's belongings.

This is the time to grab the treasure.

Seeing the actions of these five mountain kings, the rest of the people were also extremely unhappy. How could anyone not see this?

He actually wanted to do something like this.

Immediately, the Cuiyun Peak Master was ready to take action.

However, he was stopped by the Yaofeng Peak Master.

"Don't worry, let's see how far these guys can do it?"

The Medicine Peak Master was scheming. He glanced at the Wuyun Peak Master beside him. The Wuyun Peak Master was not in a hurry. He was the only one who had fought against Chen Xuan before.

So if the master of Wuyun Peak is fine.

That means these people can't handle it. Otherwise, they definitely wouldn't be so indifferent, and they would have already rushed forward.

"Okay, let's first see how capable Chen Xuan here is!"

The master of Cuiyun Peak said slowly.

Looking at the five mountain kings.

These five masters from Wushan Sect and Wurao Dharma Jue are their own sect in this way. With such a realm, they can naturally achieve a very powerful state.

In front of them, this ordinary person is invincible.


One of them seemed to be pushing a mountain peak down in his hand, and suddenly hit Chen Xuan on the head.

The other four people also cast spells one after another.

He poured all his strength into the mountain held by one person in front of him.


The entire invisible mountain peak was crushing down towards Chen Xuan.

This threat that was so close at hand was nothing to Chen Xuanlai.


Chen Xuan's figure disappeared instantly, and the attack of the five mountain kings had already fallen. There was a loud bang and a terrifying aura that made it difficult for ordinary people to control it.

The huge wave that was set off seemed to spread towards the surrounding area, and the terrifying sandstorm also rose instantly. When people outside the battle circle saw this, they all widened their eyes and looked at the roaring waves. Terrifying power, I was sighing in my heart at the power of these five mountain kings.

Now this power is unleashed.

It's also extremely scary.

It seems that there have been constant breakthroughs among these five mountain kings recently.

It is already very difficult to achieve such a state.

But it's a pity that Chen Xuan is not within the opponent's coverage area.

Even this figure flickered and disappeared in place.

By the time one of the five people saw Chen Xuan, they had already seen Chen Xuan descending with a silver-white long sword in his hand.

"Get down here!"

Chen Xuan directly struck out with a sword.

The terrifying power of this sword suddenly caused the head of the person in front of him to fly off.

The height at which this head flies is at least several hundred meters.

Yes, this head flew very well. After the head left the body, the blood spurted out from the broken part of the neck.

Blood rushed to the sky.

Chen Xuan did not hesitate when he saw this, and continued to kill the other four people.

"The third child!"

The other people roared angrily, and when they saw their brother, their heads were chopped off and flew out.

It turns out that Chen Xuan is also capable of killing them.

But come now.

These people still have one chance to completely kill Chen Xuan.

"Thunder Stone Formation!"

"Let me down!"

boom! Long!

Huge power swayed down.

At this time, the power between the remaining four people has also been condensed to such a peak state.


Chen Xuan's sword fell down as usual.

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