When the Great Elder Wuling came.

It was already impossible to feel the aura just now.

Before arriving just now, I could vaguely feel the aura of the master of Wuyun Peak and the aura of the master of Medicine Peak, but when I arrived now, I didn't see it at all.

After the Great Elder Wuling landed, he immediately saw the body held in the mouth of the five-clawed golden tiger.

This corpse is the master of the Medicine Peak.

How could Elder Wuling fail to recognize such a bloody scene when he appeared here? Immediately, Elder Wuling covered his chest, and with this breath, he almost felt like he was being suffocated to death. , difficult to relax.

This also made the Great Elder Wuling tremble in his heart.

The Yaofeng elder is dead, so the fate of the others will probably not be much better.

However, the extremely angry Elder Wu Ling slowly calmed down in front of this hated enemy, and instead stared carefully at Chen Xuan and the five-clawed golden tiger in front of him.

Anyway, today, if Chen Xuan hadn't died, then he would have died.

Since this is the case, there is not too much entanglement. Chen Xuan must be killed before the school is over.

If he cannot survive today, then he is confident that he can guarantee that Chen Xuan in front of him will also survive.

"Are you Chen Xuan?"

Great Elder Wuquan said slowly.

When looking at Chen Xuan, all the hatred had disappeared, and the originally aggressive aura calmed down at this time.

The five-clawed golden-striped tiger, on the other hand, continued to stare at the Great Elder Wuquan in front of him with an unusually vigilant gaze, because in its perception, the strength of the Great Elder Wuquan in front of him was definitely above it, and even The only person who could compare with the aura of the Great Elder Wuquan was the monster that killed him back then.

Even if this is not the realm of transcending tribulation, it is still a strong man who is about to transcend tribulation.

This momentum is completely different from the previous ones, not on the same level at all.

"I am."

Chen Xuandao.

After taking a look at the old man in front of me, it seemed that he should be with the previous people.

It's just that when the old man appeared just now, he had an aura that was about to kill Chen Xuan, but now he has withdrawn it. This also made Chen Xuan a little strange. What was this guy doing? Could it be that he had recognized the wrong person, or maybe Want to apologize?

"What grudge does our Wuling Sect have against you? Why do you want to kill so many people from my Wuling Sect!"

Elder Wuquan said slowly, even when he uttered the words, there seemed to be thousands of cold rays appearing. The aura revealed in this way also made Chen Xuan frown. This old man was clearly here to cause trouble.

"I, Chen Xuan, kill people. There is no need for hatred. I will kill anyone I don't like."

Chen Xuan said calmly.

These words are also extremely provocative to the elder Wuquan in front of him. Since this old man is so arrogant and self-righteous, and insists on showing off in front of him, Chen Xuan must learn from it.

Originally, Chen Xuan had no intention of letting this man go back alive.

After all, if you kill someone, you will need to collect some interest.

At this moment, Chen Xuan's eyes revealed murderous intent.

"There is no need for grudges. You have killed countless people of my Wuling Sect today. If I can't put you to death here, how can I have the face to face my ancestors of the Wuling Sect!"

Great Elder Wuquan said slowly.

During these words, the momentum was gradually rising.


The mountain peaks in the distance seemed to be cracking, and the sound of cracking kept rolling in from that far away. By the time it reached Chen Xuan, it had already begun to collapse.

"Here comes the axe!"

Chen Xuan opened his palm and grabbed a row of battle axes. Zheng

Facing the crashing waves, at this moment, Chen Xuan also shouted low, and suddenly slashed forward with the battle ax in his hand.

"Splitting Mountain Pose!"


This ax seemed to have widened the land up and down again, and seemed to have divided the land into four halves!

The ax carried a rolling world-destroying arrogance that almost swept up into the sky, and then the terrifying power that suddenly fell down blasted the sound waves created by the Great Elder Wuquan. broken.

The two momentums collided, and the sound was as fierce as a rainbow coming out of its sheath.

The five-clawed golden-patterned tiger next to him landed with five claws, directly clawing out a long ravine on the ground. This figure was forced to retreat, and the sound wave across his body was also directly on this body. The traces left behind looked dripping with blood, which was really unbearable.

This five-clawed golden-patterned tiger actually suffered such intense damage from this move.

If Chen Xuan hadn't taken 90% of the damage from the front, with just such a move, the five-clawed golden tiger would have been seriously injured.

Of course, it won't die so easily. After all, the strength of this five-clawed golden tiger is still here.

Powerful blood-giving veins.

It also makes this five-clawed golden-striped tiger very tenacious.

The five-clawed golden-patterned tiger roared. At this moment, he could only be passively beaten?

This situation of being beaten to death has already happened once. This time, we must not let such history happen again. We must stand up and kill the old man in front of us directly.


However, no miracle happened. After struggling for a while, the situation of the five-clawed golden-striped tiger did not improve. However, the figure stopped and looked helplessly at the old man in front of him, together with Chen Xuan. fighting.

After Chen Xuan split the opponent's attack with an axe.

The power in this hand is slightly weighed in this hand.

The power here is exerted in the hands, which can form a situation like controlling the world.

"bring it on!"

The Great Elder Wuquan in front took a deep breath, and then, a force suddenly rushed into the sky.

In the blink of an eye, the power from above was brought down.

The dark cloud that had been gathering on the head of the elder Wuquan was summoned by the elder Wuquan at this moment, and fell into his hands, forming a strong momentum, and thunder between his palms. roll.

In the blink of an eye, thunder and lightning formed a thunder whip in his palm.

The thunder whip vibrated and roared.

"Nine Clouds Divine Thunder Whip!"

"I don't care what kind of whip you are, just give me one, sea-splitting style!"

Chen Xuan raised his figure and dropped the giant ax in his hand.

boom! !

The Great Elder Wuquan also swung his long whip, just like the dragon rising out of the sea.

Under this swing and roar, the thunder turned into a giant python, biting towards Chen Xuan!

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