Chen Xuan naturally has his own unruliness.

After experiencing a tragic experience, Chen Xuan has never let anyone bully him.

At this moment, Chen Xuan must use his own hands to fight a bloody path to prove his identity and majesty.

You are so arrogant, but we are also unwilling to accept it!

You are allowed to kill people, but am I not allowed to shoot you?

Chen Xuan spread his hands, and the book of the underworld suddenly appeared in his hands, dark and shiny.

When I saw this thing appear.

The surrounding atmosphere obviously fluctuated accordingly, and the fluctuation of such power was also shocking.

It seems that powerful power will be born from it.

With the appearance of the Book of the Underworld, billowing black energy spread toward the surroundings.

Rolling towards the surrounding areas.

At this moment, it seemed that this formation was set up in order to fight against the power of the Tao.


At this moment, the five-clawed golden-striped tiger was also stunned.

The tricks Chen Xuan used were really terrifying.

What kind of power is this? Even though the five-clawed golden tiger was dozens of miles away, he still felt such a strong impact.

Chen Xuan opened the book of the underworld in his hand and put his hand into the book, seeming to be fishing for something. Suddenly, a vortex rolled out of the book, and in this whirlpool After that, there was a terrifying power in it, which was directly extracted by Chen Xuan.

"Huh? Good stuff!?"

Chen Xuan's eyes suddenly burst into light.

The next moment, Chen Xuan took out the things directly from the book of the underworld.


It is a black two-handed axe.

When the ax appeared, the power that permeated the air was almost soul-stirring. Even a glance from a distance was enough to swallow the soul of the ax.

It seems that he will fall directly into this endless darkness.

"Mingzhi, soul-breaking axe!"

Chen Xuan also showed a hint of shock in his eyes.

This book of the underworld can actually give Chen Xuan something he likes so much.

Soul-cutting axe.

When Chen Xuan stood up with the soul-breaking ax in hand.

At this moment, there seemed to be a surge of energy on the ground.

The formed aura of darkness spit out, and in terms of this realm of darkness, the power of this underworld is purer.

The underworld accepts the dead souls of this world of cultivation.

And the power of this Tao specializes in destroying souls, so the underworld and the Tao itself are also on opposite sides.

It is very clear that there can be a competition between the two.

"Send me up, I'm going to kill this piece!"

If there is a strong person in the Tribulation Stage who hears what Chen Xuan says, he will definitely laugh at Chen Xuan. After all, Chen Xuan is only in the early stage of the Divination Stage, and he actually wants to kill him.

This is just for fun.

I really don’t know how thick the high ground is.

But if this person knew that Chen Xuan himself was not in the transcendental stage, but he had resisted the first eight levels of thunder tribulation, he would be equally surprised and shocked. It seems that Chen Xuan has many methods!

There are many.

The Book of the Underworld suddenly roared and turned into a black wing, which directly penetrated into Chen Xuan's body, causing Chen Xuan's back to spread its wings.

Taking Chen Xuan with him, he rushed towards the sky with a rushing attitude.


Chen Xuan's speed swept out, and he was able to withstand the power flowing down from above. Under this power.

The power of the calamity also immediately released the last divine thunder of destruction.


The speed of this destructive divine thunder was extremely fast, but in Chen Xuan's eyes, it was not a fatal blow. As his wings vibrated, the figure passed by the divine thunder in an instant.

He rushed directly to Nakong.

Seeing that Chen Xuan had escaped, the divine thunder immediately turned around and chased after Chen Xuan.

This is the first time that he has been able to pass by the destructive divine thunder. At this moment, the divine thunder is at the bottom and Chen Xuan is at the top.

But from this point of view, even if Chen Xuan has wings transformed from the Book of the Underworld, his speed is still slower than this divine thunder of destruction.

But at this moment, speed is no longer the key to victory.

"Open Ax Technique, third position, slashing position!"

Chen Xuan shouted loudly.

The power in his body poured into the soul-breaking ax in his hand like a raging tide.

Open the axe.

Split the mountain pose, split the sea pose.

Now, I finally saw Chen Xuan displaying this third force.

Cut off!

The roaring sound filled the air, immediately releasing an extremely terrifying momentum.

Although Chen Xuan's figure seemed to be very small under the dark clouds, the momentum carried by Chen Xuan at this moment was enough to swallow up the area in front of him.

The soul-breaking ax in his hand exploded.

The surging and profound power bloomed.

It slashed towards the sky.


When Chen Xuan swung the axe, Chen Xuan was also chased and hit by the destructive divine thunder behind him, which directly blasted Chen Xuan tens of thousands of meters high with a roar!


Chen Xuan lost his consciousness at this moment.

To use a common saying, the power of this blow was enough to blind Chen Xuan.

The appearance of this scene was simply too subversive.

Even though this five-clawed golden-striped tiger has lived for such a long time, it has never seen such a situation. This made this five-clawed golden-striped tiger freeze in place.

What the five-clawed golden-striped tiger saw.

Chen Xuan was indeed hit by the divine thunder of destruction.

But the duration is only one ten thousandth of the time. Even with the strength and power displayed at this time, Chen Xuan can be completely destroyed by giving him only one ten thousandth of the time. .

However, this destructive divine thunder has no chance,

The power exerted by the black soul-severing ax in Chen Xuan's hand was as if the dark clouds in the sky were just a piece of paper, and it was swept clean!

At this moment, all the dark clouds were swept away.

That's why the destructive divine thunder behind him would disappear, otherwise Chen Xuan would have been burned completely.

The surrounding tribulation barrier has also disappeared.

The five-clawed golden-striped tiger stared at the scene in front of him in stunned silence. This could be the most embarrassing scene he has seen since the five-clawed golden-striped tiger grew so big.

Can you believe that someone used an ax to directly chop up this calamity cloud?

Have you heard of it.

Although it cannot be unprecedented, it is definitely unprecedented.

I have never heard of any ancient people having such strength. For ordinary people, being able to escape the power of this thunderstorm and survive under this cloud of disaster is already a very happy and very lucky thing. Something happened.

How could someone like Chen Xuan be able to perform such tricks?



When the five-clawed golden-patterned tiger came back to his senses, he realized that Chen Xuan had already flown more than ten miles away.

Although Chen Xuan was only casually touched by the destructive divine thunder, it really made Chen Xuan suffer. It flew not only long distance, but also high.

If you fall from such a height, you will definitely be shattered into pieces. Even if Chen Xuan has a regeneration stone in his hand, there is no guarantee when he will be able to recover.

After all, Chen Xuan's equipment had been blown to a halt just now.

All the power has also fallen into the immersion

So now that Chen Xuan is unprotected, if he falls to the ground and turns into a pile of meat, that would be a very decent way.


The five-clawed golden-patterned tiger was surging in figure at this moment, and it immediately chased after Chen Xuan.


At this moment, without the restraint of that power, the speed of this five-clawed golden tiger is also fully displayed.

It was like a huge storm rolling out.

Finally, Chen Xuan was caught a second before he was about to fall to the ground and shatter into pieces.

He grabbed Chen Xuan's shoulders and slid on the ground for a while before rising into the air again.

Wulingdan Sect.

Back mountain.

A white-haired old man sat cross-legged in a cold cave. A bronze mirror appeared in his hand. The scene displayed in the bronze mirror was Chen Xuan held in the mouth of the five-clawed golden tiger.

The look of shock revealed in his eyes.

It is enough to show how shocking this is.

This person is also the leader of Wulingdan Sect!

A true strong man who has transcended the tribulation period.


When he was crossing the tribulation, the last thunderbolt also left extremely severe injuries. The reason why he couldn't come out of seclusion for many years was because his own injuries failed to heal.

This combat power is only half of what it was during the heyday of the Tribulation Period.

Such power is obviously a bit embarrassing, but for those who are strong in the Tribulation Stage, that is the realm of the Tribulation Stage.

As long as it requires constant maintenance, it will eventually return to its prime.

Naturally, the leader of Wuling Sect knew about Wuquan’s incident this time.

But so what.

When he saw Chen Xuan, he waved his hand to destroy the calamity cloud.

The leader of Wuling Sect already knew that Chen Xuan was no ordinary person.

The power released by the latter was enough to make the Wuling Sect leader understand that it was a power that could fight against Tao!

This kind of person is not someone you can usually mess with.

"If I take action, the Wuling Sect will be completely wiped out."

"If I don't take action, Wuling Sect will have a chance of survival."

In the end, this powerful sect leader chose not to take action, acknowledging that this man-made disaster was caused by that disaster.

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