Chen Xuan in the box was also stunned for a moment.

"Ah, why did you add 100 million? Isn't this the button to add 1 million?"

Chen Xuan scratched his head, and later he figured out that this button was a button to increase the level.

Seeing that the divine tripod was about to be taken down by him, something like this suddenly happened.

Even Ao Yuefeng was stunned. Who is bidding here now?

Taking a closer look, it turned out to be that guy from the Wuling Sect. Why, even if he sold his spiritual beast tiger, he might not be able to collect 100 million high-grade spiritual stones. This is obviously a joke. With Chen Xuan's strength, how can he spend so much money?

"This guy is looking for death! How dare you make trouble at this time!"

Ao Yuefeng thought that Chen Xuan was here to cause trouble.

He was about to give orders to arrest Chen Xuan immediately, but Su Ying beside her shook her head.

"Since the other party has made a bid, if you take action rashly, others will definitely think that you are bullying others, and Gusulong will take the opportunity to attack you."

Hearing Su Ying's words, Ao Yuefeng also had a cold look in his eyes.

"Okay, then I want to see if you can't come up with so many spiritual stones in the end. Let's see what you do!"

Ao Yuefeng also sneered in her heart. Even if Chen Xuan dared to mess around, as long as Chen Xuan couldn't get such a spiritual stone, then he would directly kill Chen Xuan at a very low price. If you buy this tripod, even the seller behind it will have no chance of surviving.

After getting the divine tripod, he went to kill the seller. This was his purpose. He would do it without stopping. There was no need to be too polite to these people. Anyway, the troubled times were coming, and there were countless such things. If one or two of these things happen occasionally, it is understandable.

"Purple Diamond Box No. 1 offered 100 million high-grade spiritual stones, but someone else increased the price!"

The auctioneer kept repeating this, and even Gu Sulong frowned.

Among these hundreds of thousands of cities, there is actually such a person who can easily produce hundreds of millions of high-grade spirits.

In this Dali Auction House, if anyone dares to deliberately fool these people, they will definitely be torn into countless pieces by this Dali Auction House. You know, even in this Dali Auction House, there are more than five A monk in the tribulation period.

This is much more tyrannical than any ordinary second-rate sect.

This is the strength of Baicao Qiancheng. Even if Baicao Qiancheng breaks out in a concentrated manner, the power that can be formed will be very terrifying.

Therefore, ordinary people do not dare to make mistakes in this Dali auction house.

Even behind the Dali Auction House, there is the Aoyue Jiangshan Pavilion.

Although the Dali Auction House is under the jurisdiction of Aoyue Jiangshan Pavilion, it is not a subordinate relationship. Therefore, even if Aoyue Feng comes, he can only abide by the rules here, but can have some privileges at the appropriate time. That’s all.

Ao Yuefeng took a few deep breaths and finally sat down.

While looking at Gusu Long, his eyes kept wandering, as if he was thinking about some countermeasures.

Finally, the auctioneer made the final decision.

It was sold for 100 million high-grade spiritual stones.

"Congratulations to VIP No. 1 Purple Diamond for successfully capturing a divine tripod!"

Some people also applauded one after another.


Gu Sulong suddenly raised his hand, and everyone looked over.

"Everyone, these 100 million high-grade spiritual stones are not a number. How do we know that the person participating in the auction is actually one of your people? You ask him to pay directly and take the things away!"

"Master Gusu, please be careful with your words!"

A strong man from the Dali Auction House came out and said in a deep voice, "Although this Gusu Long is the son of the Gusu family, you are still a little shorter than this strong man."

Basically, this strong person in the Tribulation Stage has a very powerful majesty. After all, a crazy strong person in the Tribulation Stage is very terrifying.

However, Gusu Long is not someone to be trifled with. I am afraid this matter will not be so simple.

"It's not that we're being unreasonable, but I think everyone wants to see what these 100 million high-grade spiritual stones will look like!?"

That Gusu Longdao, the Ma Zai under his hands also started to boo very quickly.

"That's right, let this person show his face. We want to see how many of these 100 million high-grade spiritual stones are there!"

This is 100 million pieces, not a hundred pieces. No one knows how many spiritual stones there are until they are taken out.

In the world of cultivation, there is never any such thing as a banknote.

I always use some real spirit stones, so just take out as many spirit stones as you have.

Hearing the intense response from so many people, and the large amount of these 100 million high-grade spiritual stones, is indeed very rare. Although this is not the first time I have encountered it, the previous few times, it was all from families with a certain reputation. Purchase transaction.

Now the person in the Purple Diamond Box No. 1.

From this, it can be seen that this person must have some abilities. Otherwise, Ao Yuefeng's character will not let people off so easily.

"Okay, in that case, let's invite the guests in Purple Diamond Box No. 1 to come forward and conduct on-site transactions directly!"

Chen Xuan waited in the box for these people to bring the Immortal Cauldron over, and then left directly. However, after waiting for a long time, someone came up without seeing him.

"Hello, real person, the transaction for this divine tripod requires on-site settlement."

Just when Chen Xuan was a little impatient, a woman with a good figure and a good face came over and said softly, this was a relatively rude request, but Chen Xuan didn't care about it. As long as he can get the Immortal Cauldron, that's all. He doesn't plan to pay anyway.

"Okay, you stay here, you're too big."

Chen Xuan said to the tiger with five claws and golden patterns.

The five-clawed golden-striped tiger was about to get up, and then lay down directly.

When Chen Xuan's appearance appeared in front of everyone's eyes, everyone was shocked and couldn't believe it.

Even here

Who is this young man in front of me?

Never seen it before.

Now Chen Xuan walked onto the stage, smiled at the auctioneer, and then took out his top-quality spiritual stone.

"Is this thing still valuable?"

When Chen Xuan took out this top-quality spiritual stone.

The shock of the entire audience became even more intense.

"What, that's the best spiritual stone! Is that really the best spiritual stone?"

"Only the best mineral veins can give birth to the best spiritual stones! Where did this young man get the best spiritual stones?"

Everyone knows that these top-quality mineral veins are all in the hands of these seven sects. Could it be that Chen Xuan is a disciple of the seven sects.

Even so, this top-quality spiritual stone should not appear in the hands of an ordinary disciple.

This kind of thing is not just a matter of value.

It's a matter of status.

The world of cultivation is rich in resources, but again, only the strong can control the resources.

Ordinary people have no way to master this top-grade spiritual stone.

Even in the Gusu family and the Aoyue family, such top-quality spiritual stones have never appeared.

"It turns out to be the best spiritual stone. Who is this person?"

Ao Yuefeng in the box immediately widened his eyes after seeing this scene. ,

Even he, Ao Yuefeng, has never owned this top-grade spiritual stone, but he has seen it before. Being able to see this top-grade spiritual stone is already an honor.

The brilliance emanating from the top-quality spiritual stone was enough to frighten these people.

"It turns out to be the best spiritual stone. Is this brother unknown?"

"Open the seal for me, I want to check this cauldron."

Chen Xuan was not in a hurry, he simply put away the top-grade spiritual stone in his hand and said to these people.

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