Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 932 Meeting Wang Yingjie by chance

A dog-like beast covered in black and unable to even open its eyelids was trembling in Wang Yingjie's arms.

"What is this?" Cai Ningmeng had already put on her shoes and walked over and asked curiously.

The eyes of the people who were chasing Wang Yingjie lit up after seeing Cai Ningmeng.

"Where did the beauty come from? I advise you to just stand there and don't meddle in other people's business, otherwise it will be bad if your beautiful face is scratched."

Several people were laughing.

Guo Yifan's eyes turned cold and he said, "Who are you?"

"Us?" The four of them looked at each other and smiled, "Who are you?"

"Yun Yizong Guo Yifan." Guo Yifan said.

Yun Yizong? No wonder there are such beauties around me.

"As soon as you report yourself, you will report yourself to the family. As expected, he is a disciple of the sect who doesn't care about the world."

The four of them had no intention of explaining their origins.

"They are notorious thieves nearby, and they are also cultivators. They are powerful, so please don't worry about them." Wang Yingjie said from the side.

Guo Yifan glanced at Wang Yingjie and said, "Why should I help you?"

Wang Yingjie sighed and said: "This thing is the young son of the second-level savage beast Black Leopard. If it goes back and finds that its young son is missing, it will definitely go crazy, and the people nearby will be annihilated."

Wang Yingjie accidentally bumped into a few people stealing the young Mo Bao. Taking advantage of his experience in familiarity with the terrain, he snatched it from their hands by chance.

Out of embarrassment, the four of them chased and intercepted Wang Yingjie. If Wang Yingjie hadn't been extremely familiar with the nearby terrain, they would have been caught long ago.

But he couldn't let the four people take away his youngest son like this. The nearby village was the village he had grown up in since he was born, and it was filled with a lifetime of memories. He would not sit back and watch this place turn into a hell on earth.

Black Leopards are cautious by nature, and are very wary of the possibility of strong humans among humans, and will not easily hunt humans.

But if its reverse scales are touched, it will definitely cause a bloody storm.

After Guo Yifan knew that this was the young son of a second-level savage beast, he felt wary and wondered whether he should intervene in this matter.

The four thieves opposite did not show any timidity at all because they were disciples of the Yun Yizong. They still looked fierce and were by no means an easy person.

"Junior sister." Guo Yifan glanced at Cai Ningmeng and said softly.

Cai Ningmeng knew what Guo Yifan meant by asking her, her eyes moved on several people, and finally shook her head.

"Master is still waiting for us. If we delay too much, he will definitely blame us." Cai Ningmeng talked about master, but in her heart, because she had already obtained the jade pendant, she wanted to give it to Chen Xuan as soon as possible in exchange for the elixir.

As for helping Wang Yingjie? It's not good for her.

Guo Yifan nodded and said to Ji Ran: "Since you have all heard it, I don't need to say goodbye."


The four thieves were targeting the young Mo Bao, and they felt more relieved when they saw Guo Yifan willing to leave.

Wang Yingjie looked at the four people who were gradually approaching him and smiled bitterly. He was really showing off.

Fortunately, Chen was there, otherwise what would You Ke do.

Wang Yingjie touched the beast's head and looked into the distance, no longer planning to run away.

"You are the first one who dares to steal from our brothers. Now I will give you a pain."

A steel knife reflected the bright light and fell in front of Wang Yingjie.


The huge roar of the beast shook the entire mountain forest, and the birds and animals were frightened and fled in large numbers.

The thieves paused and their expressions changed wildly. This voice was not unfamiliar to them at all. It was the voice of the beast's mother in Wang Yingjie's arms.

"Oops, it's gone back!"

"It's all this bastard's fault, otherwise we would have run away!"

"What should I do? Mo Leopard's sense of smell is very sensitive. He will definitely be able to catch up."

"No, he's still running away!"

Wang Yingjie saw several thieves captured by Mo Bao's voice. He seized the last opportunity, turned around and ran away, jumped down a slope and walked towards the dense bushes.

"I will kill this person!"

The thieves were so angry that they let an ordinary person without cultivation escape.

Once again caught in a chase situation, Wang Yingjie did not choose to run to a populated place, and ran deeper and deeper into the forest.

Finally, he hid in a tree hole and squatted helplessly inside, breathing heavily.

He had no strength left.

"Let's go and find your mother." Wang Yingjie put the beast on the ground and pushed it gently.

But now the beast couldn't even open its eyelids and couldn't walk anywhere. It stumbled into a tree trunk and lay there refusing to move.

Listening to the footsteps getting closer and closer, Wang Yingjie could only pray that he would not be discovered, otherwise no matter who came, they would be dead.

"Kill if you want. I accept my fate." Wang Yingjie saw darkness in the tree hole and knew someone was coming in. He closed his eyes and waited for death.

"Lao Wang, you're fine."

Hearing this familiar voice, Wang Yingjie was stunned for a moment and opened his eyes excitedly. The person standing in front of him was indeed Chen Xuan.

"Chen, why are you here? It's very dangerous here, leave quickly!" Wang Yingjie struggled to stand up, trying to push Chen Xuan away.

Chen Xuan smiled slightly, picked up Lin Shang's baby Mo Bao, and put it in his arms to tease.

"Don't worry, none of us will die. Come back with me, I've been waiting for you for a long time." Chen Xuan said with a smile.

Hearing You's name, Wang Yingjie's eyes rekindled the will to survive, and he stood up again, but he couldn't help but stagger under the separation.

Chen Xuan walked behind Wang Yingjie and tapped several acupuncture points on his body.

A warmth that he had never felt before appeared in Wang Yingjie's body, nourishing his tired body.

It seemed like he was instantly filled with power.

"What's going on?" Wang Yingjie's eyes widened.

"Congratulations, you have become a Qi practitioner at the first level." Chen Xuan announced.

Wang Yingjie looked back at Chen Xuan in disbelief, had he become a cultivator? But decades ago, he had been declared to have no chance of cultivating in this life.

How can someone without cultivation qualifications become a cultivator?

"I'm sorry, I'm an alchemist who was once known to everyone. If you take my elixir, nothing will happen." Chen Xuan smiled mysteriously at Wang Yingjie and walked out of the tree hole first.

Wang Yingjie followed Chen Xuan blankly, slowly walking towards the direction of his courtyard.

Completely different from what Wang Yingjie imagined, no one stopped the two of them on the road.

"Where are those thieves?" Wang Yingjie's vigilant eyes kept scanning the surroundings, and his calmness made him a little uneasy.

"Are you looking for them?" Chen Xuan looked at Wang Yingjie's actions and pointed to a big tree.

A male corpse was lying on the tree trunk, motionless.

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