Chapter 179

“are you awake?”

Sensing the noise in her arms, Qingming stretched out her hand and rubbed the little head.

“Don’t be afraid, it’s all right.”

Hearing Seimei’s gentle voice, Hinata Hyuga’s still trembling body gradually calmed down, holding Seimei’s clothes on her chest with both hands.

Carefully raising his head, Qingming’s young face was also reflected in Xiao Hinata’s-eyes.

Being hugged by a strange big brother in this way made Xiao Hina feel a little embarrassed-embarrassed.

The face that had been pale from fright was also slightly red at this time.

“Who are you…”

Hyuga Hinata asked very quietly, even if Seimei was so close at this time, he couldn’t hear clearly.

Seeing the leader Yun Ren who still wanted to attack, Qingming took a step forward.

An ice skate quickly condensed, directly beheading this Yunnin leader here.

The ice skates condensed from the essence of the devil are very sharp, coupled with Seimei’s profound 8000 kendo skills.

In the face of the understatement just now, this Yunnin leader, who is at least Shangren in strength, did not have the slightest chance to resist.

Taking a look at the head of Yunren who was gradually losing his vitality on the ground, Qingming slowly raised his head and looked into the distance.

A figure that also wore a white coat was constantly approaching.

Hyuga Hizu, who came after these Yunren, was indeed hindered by the progress of the pursuit because of Yunren’s plan.

So until now, Hyuga Nissa has rushed to this place

“Your father is here, we’ll see you next time.”

Putting the small Hinata in her arms on the ground, Qingming stretched out her hand and gently rubbed the short hair.

“Big brother……”

Hyuga Hinata still wanted to say something, but found that Seimei, who was still rubbing his hair just now, had disappeared.

After Xiao Hina looked around and couldn’t find Qing Ming, he stared at the road in the distance.


At this moment, Hyuga Hinata also rushed to Hinata’s side, and he was immediately relieved when he looked at the intact appearance.

After picking up his daughter, Hyuga Hinzu’s gaze fell on the masked ninja on the ground again.

After a moment of silence, Hyuga Hizu looked at his daughter in confusion.

“Hinata, what the hell is going on?”

Just now, Hyuga Nissa had always thought that his daughter might not be able to save it.

Although he has white eyes, Hyuga can see the direction in which the enemy is fleeing in front of him.

But eyesight can pass through roads and buildings, which does not mean that Hyuga can also chase people through walls.

Therefore, under Yunren’s constant detours, the chasing rhythm of Hyuga Hippopotamus is also constantly being disrupted.

But what Hyuga Hizus didn’t expect was that the ninja he was chasing fell to the ground after staying for a while.

When Hyuga Hizus arrived, he found that his daughter was standing on the ground in a daze.

And the ninja who kidnapped Hyuga Hinata just now was already a cold corpse lying in a pool of blood.

“A big brother, saved me.”

Faced with his father, Hinata Hyuga dared not lie, and whispered what had just happened.

Hearing that, Hyuga Hizuka nodded suddenly, thinking that it was Konoha’s ninja just passing by, and saved Hinata.

“Although I don’t know who it is, this matter is that our Hyuga clan owes a favor.” Hyuga Hizu secretly said in his heart.

“After I return to the family, I will send someone to find this person. I must personally come and thank him.”

Although on the surface he is very harsh on Hinata, how could Hyuga Nissa not pay attention to or care about his daughter.

You know, after discovering that Hinata was taken away just now, Hyuga, who had always been calm, was a little confused.

“Patriarch Hyuga.”

At this moment, several figures rushed to this place.

After receiving the notice from the Hyuga clan, Hao Feng Mizuno, who was about to go home to rest, immediately brought Kakashi and Yamato, and rushed here.

However, it seemed that they had learned something, and the faces of the three Bo Feng Shuimen were very heavy.

A blond-haired Bofeng Shuimen looked rather solemn at this time, and when he saw the corpse on the ground, his expression changed drastically.

On the side, Kakashi Hagi and Yamato, after looking at each other, also saw the weight in each other’s eyes.

“Master Naruto?”

Hyuga Hizusuka looked at Hafeng Mizumon’s heavy expression, and he couldn’t help but feel a little bit puzzled.

Hearing this, Bo Feng Shui Men stepped forward and stretched out his hand to untie the black cloth covering the face of the head of Yun Nin.

·· ········ Ask for flowers·········

When that appearance was revealed, the faces of everyone present changed Qi Qi.

Especially Hyuga Nizu, who had not been aware of it before, had a calm expression that became very shocked.

The people on this ground, Hyuga Hizus also have seen.

After all, a peace treaty was signed between the two villages, and the Hyuga clan, as Konoha’s big clan, was also present.

For the ninja led by Yunyin Village this time, Hyuga Hizusho has also seen roughly.

Maybe the other Yunnin Hyuga did not remember what it looked like, but this Yunnin boss has seen the appearance of Hyuga.

“Patriarch Hyuga, you…”


…. … …

Hafeng Mizumon turned his head, but after seeing Hinata in Hinata’s arms, the words of blame also turned into a sigh.

Bo Feng Shuimen, who is already a father, also understands a father’s feelings when he sees his child being taken away by others.

So even if Hyuga Hizus really kills the leader of Yunnin, Bofengmizumen feels normal.

But the problem is that the death of the leader Yun Nin will be a rift between Konoha and Yunyin.

Although Yunyin Village did the first to kidnap the parents and daughters of the Hyuga clan, there is no evidence of this.

However, Yunyin Village has clear evidence that the leader of Yunnin died in Konoha.

Seeing Hafeng Mizumon’s helpless expression, Hyuga Nizu also reacted.

In this situation, when Hyuga Hizu is standing next to the corpse of Yunnin boss, everyone will think that it is the killer of Hyuga Hizu.

After all, Hyuga Hinata, who was only three years old, could never kill an adult Yunren.

[PS: Fourth today! Subscribe! Seeking collection! Seeking flowers! Ask for a monthly pass! Seek all! ! ! 】

[Some of the random comments in the comment area have been deleted, let alone my accusations, most of the same comment content I did not delete, I deleted you because of your quality. 】

The Grandpa’s Day at the beginning of Madara and Zhujian does not have the kind of yin that arouses dissatisfaction among some readers. Prosperity and decline of disciples appeared, is this a trumpet or? 】wide.

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