Become Marvel Daisy Johnson

Chapter 279: "Do You Have Superpowers"

"Sir, I'm curious. Why did you help me? Looking for your son's accomplice?" Daisy sat opposite Li Wenbin, the deputy police chief.

This man is mature, shrewd, with a righteous face, and a pair of eyes that seem to be able to penetrate people's hearts. Li Wenbin was born in the army, and he almost achieved the position of the deputy bureau by fighting all the way. Even though the murderous intent on his face was well concealed, his domineering aura still leaked out.

This person was investigated by the ICAC because his son cheated on him, but he only stayed in there for less than an hour, and he overwhelmed the interrogation by the ICAC, and walked out unharmed.

"I'm going to wipe the **** out of that brat! Since he has done something to disrupt the peace, I will naturally pull out the mastermind behind it! I will not only give you this news, but I will also give it to Lao Meng."

The old Meng he was talking about was Meng Lianggu from the Shenspear Bureau.

Daisy frowned, and said, "Won't this affect your career? You fought so much with another..."

"Let the goddess of dawn see a joke, but after this happens, I... I will withdraw from my position. The safety of the dragon gate comes first! Anyone who disrupts the order of the dragon gate will be sanctioned! Before I abdicate, I still have to push, yes Longmen is making up... Sorry, I have talked too much."

"Director Li's fighting spirit is commendable..." Daisy put on a half-smile, and the compliment was not distracted.

In Li Wenbin's son's plan, he just wanted to make things bigger, so that Gao Chao fell into the chilling plan. After his plan started, he just wanted to wipe out the votes of Li Wenbin's opponents, but he didn't care about Daisy Johnson's chip.

The Rising Tide chip was hijacked, and Daisy Johnson was furious, and it was part of his plan to blame the host of the chills.

The chip is an unimportant part, so Li Wenbin's son handed the chip to the companion who originally proposed to pull the tide down.

Li Wenbin's news directly exposed his son's hidden clues, and the SHIELD both focused on investigating this matter. Since then, Li Wenbin has committed crimes and performed meritorious service, pulling out the hidden dangers buried in Longmen one by one, and promoting the establishment of a new bill. After the current chief resigned, he was successfully promoted to the new chief of Longmen Police Station!

After Daisy got the clue, she chased it all the way, and while racing against the God of Spear, she also solved one problem after another.

The chip has already been changed hands by several parties, and after a day of in-depth investigation, Daisy was very reluctant to see the figure of Talon's activities.

The other party was not the core of this incident, but only acted as the three sources of information. The development of underground forces will inevitably show their feet in the inconspicuous places at the bottom. Because of the emergency of the chip incident, Daisy sent two people to check the dark line of Black Claw in Longmen. no result.

On the afternoon of the 22nd, Daisy and Sir Chen targeted the prisoners almost at the same time. The other party was carrying the high tide chip and was about to evacuate Longmen, but was blocked by the people from the Shenspear Bureau, but the prisoner with the chip was not caught on the spot.

The panicked prisoner fled to the downtown area near the port, and Daisy was rushing over at that time.

Probably intending to fish in troubled waters, the prisoner sneaked into the recent concert. I plan to use the crowd at the concert as a cover.

At that time, the singing of the singer on the stage was coming to an end.

Both Daisy and Sir Chen's background monitoring system had locked the location of the prisoner, so the struggle was futile.

The prisoner was a young man in his mid-twenties, with conspicuous earrings and dyed blond hair. At this time, because of too much tension, half of the hair has fallen down.

Perhaps this is the first time I have encountered such a big chasing scene, sweating profusely, and very restless. The concert is considered eye-catching among the crowds.

Two large groups of people broke into the concert to arrest people. They charged into the crowd after the concert and went straight to the target. This action was very obvious. For yellow hair, it is full of oppression.

The panting Huangmao made a very bold move under extreme anxiety. He jumped into the track reserved for the mobile camera at the concert, followed the track, and rushed to the stage as if desperately!

At this time, the singer was another star who came to support her. She had just made her debut and wanted to show off her singing voice, but she didn't want this scene to happen. The roller track became the opponent's skateboard, and the speed was so fast that the nearby security guards were stunned and missed the best opportunity to intercept.

The prisoner on the stage was instantly focused by the lights, and the fans off the stage screamed, and the scene was out of control.

The yellow-haired prisoner was drenched in sweat, his expression was tense, unmistakable, his face showed deep fear, and for a while he looked deathly as if at home. He tightly wrapped his arms around the female star's neck, but because he didn't have a murder weapon in his hand, he didn't feel safe, and the audience roared loudly. The voice was projected into the live speakers through the female star's headset.

"Come on! We're going to die together! Everyone's done playing! Damn, play with me! I haven't seen any scenes before! If you get any closer, I'll kill Shi Huaiya!"

Naturally, the security guards below were not vegetarians. Seeing this, they had already climbed onto the stage to subdue the gangsters. After all, the opponent didn't have a sharp weapon in his hand.

Such a move stung Huang Mao's nerves. He lifted his clothes, revealing a black body bag device with dazzling red numbers flashing on it. This made several security guards who were close at hand gasped, looked at each other, and pushed back three steps.

"Let those chasing me get away! Get out! Damn, you can't afford it, can you?"

Seeing this situation, Daisy and Sir Chen felt uncomfortable. Things got worse, and the impact was very bad.

"Longmen swearing! I need support here, evacuate the crowd!" Sir Chen punched from the air, and the people around her began to evacuate.

The evacuation of tens of thousands of people at the scene, more than a dozen people, is a drop in the bucket, but better than nothing.

Daisy hesitated for a moment, then took two steps forward. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. behind reminded

"Miss Daisy, the matter has deteriorated. If we interfere again, we will be held accountable by Huahua."

"I know!" Daisy seldom replied with a displeased face, but she didn't want to just leave. The distance between her and the stage is at least four to five hundred meters, and the stage is low. She is on a high stage and can be seen clearly on the stage.

The enthusiasm of the audience was ignited because of the hijacking incident. There were dozens of audiences who were scared away by the sudden appearance of the meat bomb, but most of the audience watched and filmed calmly.

There was chaos on the stage, and the yellow-haired robber was panicked and kept backing away. The star in his hand was terrified, at first he screamed twice, and shiveringly followed the prisoner back. There were four security guards in front of the prisoner, but they were intimidated by the prisoner's bomb and did not dare to go forward, but they did not retreat either. As the robber retreated step by step, one of the security guards took a step forward habitually, which caused the three security guards around him to also move forward habitually.

The four of them formed a double-team situation, and just took a step forward in a tacit understanding, which made Huang Mao's nerves oppressed to the extreme.

Chen sir noticed the situation and immediately yelled, but her order was spread several times, and it took a long time before it was transmitted to the four security headsets.

Huang Mao couldn't stop trembling, he couldn't stand the mental oppression, he clearly saw his end, he simply went down in one breath, and activated the bomb on his body!

Daisy saw the prisoner's movement one step earlier, accelerated her dive with a big leap, and jumped onto the stage.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this scene

Then saw the moment when the gangster pressed the button, panic spread among the crowd.

This is already the most unfavorable situation.

Behind the stage is a semi-circular ceiling surrounded by spectators, and the gangsters and hostages are under the ceiling. By the time Daisy hit the ground, the numbers on the yellow bandit's bomb had already begun to change from 1 to 0. There wasn't much time for Daisy to deal with the bomb.

After separating the gangster from the hostage with one hand, she made a subconscious decision, just like Liwanda's operation, and blasted the person and the bomb into the sky.

Immediately, the reaction of the explosion was beyond everyone's imagination!

The time itself was short, and Daisy had no time to push the person to a certain height, and the bomb exploded in mid-air. The generated energy actually blew up the ceiling which was still some distance away. It was also uncomfortable directly under the bomb. Several security guards flew out immediately, and the waves of the explosion lifted the other party out, avoiding the fall.

But the hostage and Daisy are directly below!

This is the worst case scenario!

If Daisy was alone, she could forcibly turn things around by relying on her flying speed and shock waves. But there was a hostage beside him! It is impossible for oneself to ignore the other party.

If they took the hostages and left together, most of the hostages would be no different from being smashed to death. Ordinary people can't stand sudden high-intensity acceleration. She doesn't have the legendary biological stance.

If you use all your strength to blow away the ceiling that fell from your head, then these huge steel pipe frames will directly hit the crowd, and the loss outweighs the gain.

Singer Shi Huaiya, who came to join the show, was crushed by the air wave and fell down, screaming hissingly. Under the pressure of the air waves, Daisy had no choice but to throw herself on Shi Huaiya's body to cover her from the falling ceiling!

A thick layer of black smoke rose from the concert, and was blown recklessly by the ensuing strong wind. The ceiling collapsed suddenly, and after the sound of the huge smashing sound, there was an empty tranquility.

The aftermath of the explosion and the splash damage still caused a lot of casualties, and everyone around fell silent while falling.

A catastrophe happened.

"Eh... what... what should I do?" Chen sir lost his mind in panic for a moment.

Behind the scenes, Meng Lianggu wrestled his hands with a dejected look on his face.

"It's a serious matter, it's not easy to deal with... It seems that the headquarters is going to track it down. Xiao Chen, preside over the order of the scene, and I have already notified the medical and police departments."

"Er...this Daisy Johnson...she..."

"Isn't it called the Goddess of Dawn? If something really happens, the trouble will be over. Let fate, you organize a strong emergency rescue at the scene!"


Under the ruins, Daisy crawled on Shi Huaiya's body.

For a brief moment, Daisy lost consciousness. She woke up soon, and checked the star under her for the first time. The other party was still in a coma, which made Daisy heave a sigh of relief.

Recalling the explosion that just happened, Daisy felt a headache. If nothing else, the explosion just now was the type of entropy invented by Anna. Small and powerful, full of power!

"Is this kind of thing rotten on the street? It's not worth your life..." Daisy muttered in her heart, and then patted Shi Huaiya's face.

While his face was swaying, the other party gradually became conscious.

Daisy, who was afraid of failing to protect the hostage because she was in a coma before, breathed a sigh of relief, her jaw dropped slightly, and a bright smile appeared on her face.

At this time, a hand tremblingly stretched out, and inadvertently stuck it on Daisy's face. It's just that people can't control the strength of their hands when they are frightened. Daisy felt as if she had been slapped, and couldn't smile for a moment.

"Hey, wake up, are you awake?"

"Woo~" There was a commotion under the body, "So I'm not dead yet! It's so dark..."

Daisy didn't know where the other party fumbled for the phone, and the screen light shone directly on her face.

"Tsk..." Daisy was dazzled for a moment, feeling a little upset.

"We'll go out when we wake up, I still have..."

"Hey! Daisy! Skye!"

"Huh?" Daisy was taken aback for a moment, and then she felt as if an octopus was wrapped around her body, and the other party hugged Daisy all of a sudden.

"Hey, hey, we're still under the pressure, be careful."

"Little b bastard, let me finally catch you! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!"

The last two rough laughs directly made Daisy doubt her life, she was sure that she should not know this star.

"What, there's no response...Look at it." The other party took a mobile phone and sent a message, and Daisy's glasses automatically indicated that the message had been received.

"G? E? M?"

The other party nodded desperately.

"O! M! G!"

The other party nodded desperately.


"Hahaha" Shi Huaiya lay down on the ground, laughing uncontrollably.

"It's really you! Little b bastard, I finally met a real person!"

"What! Who are you talking about, a bastard!" Shi Huaiya, who was still laughing, immediately exploded, pinching Daisy's face, showing off her might.

"But your standard of Mandarin is higher than mine, isn't it a bit too much. Did you grow up in Yingqi?"

"People's language talents are not the same, eh." Daisy was in a good mood, and it was rare to tell a joke.

"Cut! You're so talented, Goddess of Dawn, it's rare for me to go to New York, and you didn't come to see me! I remember this until now, are you going too far!" Said Shi Huaiya and patted Daisy waist.

"Hey, hey, we're still under the ruins, don't move around!"

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" Shi Huaiya immediately withered like a cat.

"Let's talk about the old days later, shall we go out first?"

"oh oh"

"You curl up under my body first."


Daisy dared to lift the ruins after confirming the safety of the hostages. Her whole body supported the weight of the ruins. After Shi Huaiya curled up completely, Daisy used a lot of strength to push away the ruins on her back.

The concert scene was in a mess, and most of the audience had been evacuated at this time. Just as the rescue team was about to clean up the ruins of the roof, the ruins themselves were propped open, and Daisy Johnson came out.

The medical team immediately followed up and pulled out the big star Shi Huaiya who was buried below.

In such a big collapse, Shi Huaiya was only slightly injured on her leg, but Daisy was hit **** the neck, and the soreness could not dissipate.

Daisy couldn't confirm whether her chip was still intact. The power of the entropy bomb directly vaporized the prisoner's body, and the chip was probably gone. The things here can only come to an end, clean up the mood, and return to Yingqi the next day.

That night, Shi Huaiya took Daisy to her favorite restaurant to have dinner together. Both of them are old friends, and it was rare to see each other. They were very happy with each other and chatted a lot with each other.

"When did you become superhuman, amazing!"

"By the way, why did you learn programming when you were a child and become a singer when you grew up? Are you a genius?"

"Have you been here?"

"Oh, have you been here?"

The two girls held their forks, chatted with each other, looked up to the sky and laughed, applauding.

Shi Huaiya is a very temperamental and sassy female singer on the screen, and her works at a young age have reached the level of a queen. But as an off-screen, she is only 19 years old, and her personality is extraordinarily detached. There is a smile on his face, very sunny, very good at acting like a baby, and occasionally revealing a feminine character.

Daisy felt like old friends at first sight, and felt that the other party was her half-sister. That night, Daisy invited the other party to sleep together and had a long talk all night.

Shi Huaiya was extremely excited, holding Daisy with her little hand, trembling all the time. The words that choked on Daisy did not stop, the two of them seemed to be one, swimming in the most prosperous night scene of Longmen, crazy to the deepest part of the night.

"Come on, take a photo, I want to post it on Weibo!" Shi Huaiya pouted while holding the phone.

Daisy first looked disgusted, and then petitioned with a p-face into the picture. The background is dark high-rise buildings. Daisy is wearing a slanted hat and sunglasses nearby. She has a reluctant face, but there is a funny smile on the corner of her mouth.

In the second picture, Shi Huaiya's movements are similar, this time it's Daisy's turn to laugh, the kind that can't stop.

In the third picture, the roles of the two were reversed, Shi Huaiya grabbed the sunglasses that Daisy was wearing, her cheeks were puffed up, the corners of her mouth were down, and she looked sad. Daisy hugged her from behind, smiling O.

Then the fourth, the fifth...

The photos of the two were posted on social platforms, but they each coded each other.

The two talked and laughed together on the bed wrapped in a quilt.

"I'm leaving tomorrow, see you when you're free." Daisy sighed.

"Don't, it's rare to be happy."

"Um... I still have some things to do, although I'm not busy."

Shi Huaiya sternly said: "I mean, I'm going to your place. The company gave me a super long vacation, and I happened to go to Yingqi to relax. Call Emma!"

"Okay! I'll tell her now, I'll take you to visit the land that I have brought down!"

"Cut, stinky! I told Emma, ​​GOO, hahaha!"

Shi Huaiya finally fell asleep at three o'clock in the morning because of lack of energy.

Daisy was full of energy, and kicked Shi Huaiya's calf with her foot, seeing that the other party was really asleep, she couldn't help giving her a lot of attention first.

Shi Huaiya is an authentic flower-planting rabbit with a petite body. Because of his young age, there is still some baby fat on his face and body. Daisy was used to the figure in Europe and America, so she felt that this GEM was no different from a primary school student when she was on the bed.

After covering her with the quilt, Daisy came to the living room of the hotel and began to deal with the problems left by her during the day.

The chip issue came to an end, the matter of Longmen has been settled, there are still a few days for Fu Rui to ask Daisy to help with some things, it is time to return to China.

Through the secret operation of Hydra's power, Sokovia, the central processing unit, was formally embedded in Daisy's ideal map, changing silently. Important parties in several surrounding countries have been secretly controlled and supported by Daisy. Since the small friction a few days ago, several countries have no intention of getting involved in Sokovia.

The next development of Sokovia has already been written by Daisy, so that there will be no accidents. For that, the only thing Daisy has to do now is to try her best to eliminate Sokovia's sense of existence in the United Nations, so that the city will fade out of everyone's sight.

Suddenly there was a strong wind outside the building, and the rain sprinkled the window sills. Daisy frowned and looked outside.

At eight o'clock in the morning on the 23rd, Longmen News last issued an early warning that the once-in-a-century typhoon "Fez" was approaching Longmen. Longmen Airport was closed urgently.

"Ha, it was still calm yesterday..." Shi Huaiya muttered with her lips pouted, obviously very dissatisfied with the sudden typhoon. At this time, she was in the waiting room, looking at the thrilling scene outside the glass.

"This typhoon is said to be at level 12. It's a crime." Other passengers in the waiting room also muttered.

"Nonsense, it's clearly level 13, it was reported in the news just now." Passerby A

"Oh, it's said that the typhoon was too close and there was no time to warn, so we have no choice but to go now. With such a strong wind, the top of the airport can be blown away." Passer-by B

"Isn't the typhoon too early this year? If it hits the mainland, the coastal cities will be flooded and paralyzed!"

"The typhoon last year, I was in my hometown, and the flood..."

There are sounds all around, Shi Huaiya feels a little dangerous

"The plane can't fly, why don't you go back first? It doesn't seem safe here."

Daisy obviously didn't want to wait for her early morning flight. She thought about it, and smiled at Shi Huaiya

"I'll show you something fun."

"Ah, what?"

Daisy soared into the air, Shi Huaiya's eyes widened, her mouth stayed in the "sucker", she covered her mouth with her hands, unable to speak.

"Wait here for me, I'll be right back."

Said Daisy shot straight into the sky.

Typhoon "Fez" landed in Longmen one hour after the warning, and Daisy flew towards the center of the typhoon.

The closer she was to the typhoon, the more likely Daisy would be affected by the typhoon. Daisy felt annoyed, so she simply turned on the flashing state and shot directly at the center of the typhoon. She intends to kill the typhoon!

Daisy, who stayed in the center of the typhoon, aroused 100% of her strength, her thoughts were clear, and the shock was excited. She gathered a group of incomparably thick waves with a radius of 50 meters in the center of the typhoon. This is all Daisy's strength so far. In the shining state, she drove to the extreme that she could bear. At this time, she was like a little sun, and the light burst and dazzled.

For a moment, Daisy almost lost control of her strength and scattered some out. The fluctuations controlled by the surrounding area suddenly spread violently, and the wind, which was more manic than the typhoon, blew to the side of the typhoon. Breaking through the barriers of the typhoon, this hurricane smoothed out the restlessness of the waves on the sea surface and blew into the distance.

Daisy immediately consolidated her abilities, firmly controlling the fluctuations she generated around her body.

Along the coast of Longmen, one can see behind the huge black and thick clouds, and there is an orange light in the clouds. This light is extending at a speed visible to the naked eye.

About ten minutes later, Daisy opened her eyes, and she waved her hand against the wind. The strong wind passed by, and the vortex in the center of the typhoon immediately twisted!

Daisy unleashes her powers unceasingly, no longer restraining the energy she generates. The energy poured against the wind, the center of the typhoon was visibly collapsing, and the dark clouds were blown away by Daisy's wave. After the center calmed down, the upwind hurricane spread in all directions.

The typhoon is dissipating little by little!

Daisy looked at her masterpiece with satisfaction, the corners of her mouth raised.

On the plane, Shi Huaiya looked at Daisy who was closing her eyes. The feat this woman did three hours ago really scared her.

What kind of existence is it to wipe out a ten-level typhoon with one's own power!

Although the typhoon did not completely dissipate, it also lowered the danger level of a super typhoon by several levels.

Thinking of boarding the plane, Daisy said: "I am very honored to help reduce some natural disasters. If there are droughts and water shortages in some parts of the mainland in the next few months, I hope you don't blame me..."

Shi Huaiya fell into contemplation and confusion, she pulled the blanket on her body, feeling that her mind was muddled, and there was something bothering her. He simply covered his head with a blanket and didn't think about anything else.

Longmen News is vigorously reporting on this matter, whether it is the rescue of a concert, or the strange dissipating typhoon. The reputation of the Goddess of Aurora soared here, and then this matter began to spread wildly, and the Internet has been buzzing for a long time.

Because Daisy tried her best, she rarely used all her concussion ability 100%, and she fell into a state of exhaustion that she hadn't seen for a long time. At this time, I was half asleep on the plane.

Five hours later, the plane landed in New York.

"I thought Emma and Goo would pick me up at the airport..."

"Ha~" Daisy yawned, "They do have this idea, but these two are out of town and are rushing over here. We can have dinner together tonight, and now we'll deal with lunch first!"

Shi Huaiya was taken aback: "Don't go to the hotel first, did you put my luggage? I'll stay here for half a month at least!"

"Okay, miss. Daisy Johnson, room assistant, is at your service." Daisy pulled her suitcase over.

"Heartless, can you stay in a hotel if you come to play?"

"You, you are lacking in mind!" Shi Huaiya scolded, then followed Daisy's pace.

"Huh? Who is she?"

Get off the plane at the same time, and Cynthia who came back from Europe. She was looking at this strange woman curiously.

"Changchao Group, one of the great founders! GEM! The real name is Shi Huaiya, you can call it Xiaoshi, or Xiaoya." Daisy introduced with an extremely exaggerated gesture.

"Oh~ what do you call her? I'll call her after you..." Cynthia felt a little uncomfortable seeing Daisy messing up in a serious manner.

"Little b bastard!"

"Crack! Who are you calling a bastard!" Shi Huaiya slapped Daisy's **** angrily. This made Cynthia look at her curiously.

"Miss, call me GEM, oh you are?"

"I..." Cynthia was about to introduce herself when Daisy snatched the words

"My girlfriend, Cynthia. Stop talking about cross talk, let's go, I'm hungry."

At the dinner table, Cynthia looked like an outsider.

"You have been playing online games for many years, play first, and I will take your luggage home."

As she was about to stand up, Daisy grabbed her and grabbed her hand

"You don't know how much I miss you when you're not around! I miss you so much!"

Cynthia's body froze, "I miss you very much too, don't rush, I'll be back."

"Oh, is the matter over there settled?" The smile on Daisy's face narrowed into a line.

"Uh... I'm done... There will be no mistakes, don't worry! I'll go home and prepare some fruit plates and snacks. You must be too lazy to buy them when I'm not around. There are still customers today." Cynthia said, Dai Only then did Xi reluctantly let go of her hand.

"I miss you so much, my Cynthia. I hope your honesty is as pleasing and reassuring as your beauty. I see you, and I have no worries! Go." Daisy kissed gently Cynthia backed her hand.

Only then was Cynthia relieved, and hurriedly snatched the door from the restaurant. Before getting into her Lamborghini, she frowns and takes a look at the restaurant. Cynthia decided that Daisy had something to say in her words just now, which made her feel like a thorn in the back of Daisy's frenzied little movements during this period of time.

Seeing Cynthia leave, Shi Huaiya was full of doubts, and then she had the space to vomit.

"Isn't she your girlfriend? Why did you tease her so much just now? You found out that she was looking for a man behind your back?"

"My tone was very sincere just now, okay! I really miss her!"

Shi Huaiya looked in disbelief

"You lace! You didn't take advantage of me while I was asleep last night-what are you doing to me! I'm still a pure girl!"

"Haha, brat, you don't have any hair, you look like a primary school student, can I fall in love with you? I'm very specific, okay?" Daisy rolled her eyes.

"Didn't you say that you and Emma were rumored earlier, what's the situation with this girl?"

"Go, go, pick up the rice! After eating, I'll show you the bedroom. Why are you so gossiping when you're older!" Daisy waved her hand, obviously not interested in this matter.

"Me! You!"

Shi Huaiya inexplicably hit a sore spot, back then she kept teasing Daisy for being a brat, but the actual situation was that she was one year younger than Daisy. Now that Feng Shui is turning around, Shi Huaiya really has no temper on this topic.

"Uh... not so good, I'll live directly in your house like this... You see, you and your girlfriend haven't seen each other for so long, it's not appropriate for me to intervene. How about I find a hotel to stay in."

"What are you talking about, hurry up! I'm going to use you as a karaoke machine this afternoon, jie jie jie jie! Emma and Goo can come back in the evening. When they heard that you came, they were so excited Nah!"

Foot basin, Kamakura, Beichen Yidao.

Wade sat kneeling on the tatami mat, watching Akihiko Shimada come in.

"Thanks a lot!"

"Death is like the wind, always with me."

"Deadpool-san, thank you very much for what you have done for me, you will be able to become a teacher soon!"

"It's a pity that I didn't kneel and lick Shimada Jinjiang's long legs. I will never forget the days in the sword hall." Wade respected this master who taught him Bushido very much.

"Deadpool, do you know why I want to train you?"

"Because I'm good-looking! Aha, that must be a big factor, maybe because I can heal?"

Shimada Akihiko smiled knowingly, "In my life, I have a mortal enemy. If he doesn't get rid of, my life will be in trouble! No, this person is the common mortal enemy of my Shimada family! He must be killed!"

"He will heal too?" Wade asked curiously.

"Yes, judging from the healing speed, he is ten times faster than yours."

"This is interesting!"

"Full of iron and steel!"

"It's starting to get outrageous."

"The steel claws protruding from the fist can cut off most steel materials!"

"Fuck, god!"

Wade sighed in a fuss, and finally the two looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

"I used to think his **** were very tactile. I should have guessed who this person is."

Akihiko Shimada patted his thigh, "Very good! I hope you can cut off his head and give it to me. This is your final test, please!"

Saying that, Akihiko Shimada took a deep seat towards Wade.

Wade, holding the knife, sat up and propped himself up.

"It's a bit difficult, but that's Wolverine!"

Luo Genshen stretched out his steel claws, glaring at the enemy in front of him.

The enemy in front of him was holding the ax called Zhan Biao tightly, and his face was ready to go. On the plywood of the ship behind him, the hasty helicopter roared in the distorted wind, and one person was running to cover his head with a box in his arms.

The burly man who blocked Logan came with an axe!

Logan dodged, and the empty ax slashed straight into the plywood, like cutting tofu!

Logan took the opportunity to swing his fist sideways, and the steel claws stabbed the big man's lower abdomen. The opponent's eyes were sharp and his hands were quick, so he loosened his hand and blocked Logan's counterattack with the boxing side. And with all his strength on his fist, Logan was sent flying with one blow!

The opponent took the opportunity to pull Zhan Biao out, and quickly ran towards Logan, about to cut him down!

Logan was first hit on the wall of the splint, and then fell headfirst to the ground. His body is heavier than ordinary people, and the injury from falling is also more serious than ordinary people. He felt a little dizzy at the moment. When he saw clearly in front of him, the opponent had already gathered his ax and chopped down.

In response to survival, Logan made a fist with the hand lying on the ground nearby, swung the opponent's calf in the air, and cut off the opponent's calf! Logan reached up with the other hand, taking advantage of the moment when the opponent lost his balance due to pain, he snatched Zhan Biao!

The moment he snatched Zhanbiao, Logan almost let the ax fall on him because he miscalculated the weight of the axe. He simply took a breath in the air and swung the ax outwards to prevent this embarrassing thing from happening. And the strong man weighing nearly 400 kilograms in front of him, like a piece of fragile paper, had his chest split open by Zhan Biao, the blood had not flowed out, and he had no reaction. Passed away suddenly.

Logan got up against Zhanbiao, and the sharpness of Zhanbiao had been embedded in the splint just by the strength that Logan relied on.

He looked at the little squirrel-type helicopter that was already flying on the sea level in the distance, carrying the battle brigade, striding towards the edge of the ship's fence. Logan held the ax and spun around twice, like throwing a shot put, and threw the rather mysterious ax straight out.

Zhan Biao slammed into the COSCO plane at once, like a plastic toy had been slashed, and there were obvious slash marks on the plane body, and the wreckage sank into the sea.

Logan wiped his prickly beard and called into the headset.

"This is Logan, the matter is over, you may need to salvage the team."

After speaking, he took out a cigarette from the jacket he had thrown on the ground and lit one for himself. After exhaling the cloud of smoke, he squinted his eyes and glanced at the corpses lying on the plywood, and took another puff of smoke into his mouth. Spit out the shredded tobacco.

Zhan Biao went straight in from the tail of the plane, and finally settled into the driver's body. The engine stalled in disorder, and the plane was damaged and crashed. Blood water, sea water, finally entered Zhan Biao's body, exuding a faint red in the dark blue-gray sea.

At a certain moment, the bright red color on this strange ax bloomed in all directions, like ripples, spreading towards the ocean at a very fast speed! Soon, this trickle of red covered the entire earth!

Logan looked at the S.H.I.E.L.D. colleagues who came to support him on the splint, and glanced at the incident just now knowingly, but found nothing unusual. It turns out that this strange red color spreading all over the world is not visible to most people!

At the same time, Odin, who was in the Asgard Asgard, was full of melancholy and looked towards the Nine Realms. He felt upset and didn't notice this small piece of strangeness in the earth's sea.

The golden Heimdall next to him gave him pious advice:

"Your Majesty, you should give the son of Odin, Thor, the honor he deserves at the ceremony."

"Heim, something is brewing. You know, I am old, the glory of the northern gods is dusk, and the younger generations are not mature enough and still need to experience, dusk is just around the corner."

"Perhaps we can release Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess."

Odin, the benevolent god-king in the past, turned his head and looked at Heimdall vigilantly with his remaining eyes exuding great pressure.

"In the past, you were not so presumptuous."

Heimdall shuddered, knowing that he had made a mistake, and bowed his head in shame.

"Today is a lively day, Heimdall."

With a fluttering word, God King Odin left with his scepter.

On this side of the earth, Zhan Biao disappeared.

In a certain wreck on the bottom of the earth, an invisible crimson is wrapping around an old box full of coral. A mysterious force is squeezing, and at a certain moment, a long string of bubbles is released above the mechanical wreckage.

The dilapidated chest was opened!

Inside the box stood an extremely long hammer that looked very similar to Zhan Biao. It looks like a slashing giant axe, very similar to the storm battle ax in the movie. The difference is that the one on the bottom of the sea is bigger and more like a hammer.

It is absorbing the crimson energy little by little, extremely hungry and eager to try, causing tiny vibrations around it. It was as if Sun Wukong, who had been crushed under Wuzhi Mountain, was about to burst out of the air, and the surrounding movements changed from small to large, and gradually boiled over.

It's just that the energy provided by red is very small, and the energy of red is quickly absorbed, and the hammer returns to a calm appearance.

There seemed to be laughter in the surrounding deep sea, disturbing a school of fish.

The red net all over the world did not disappear because of the power, but became extremely indifferent. Whenever there is a person under the red net who feels fear, the red will gain a meager amount of power, and then this power will be transmitted to the hammer in the deep sea at a very high speed, and the cycle will repeat itself. It accumulates strength and waits for the earth-shattering shock.

Daisy dragged Shi Huaiya to live in her own villa, and Shi Huaiya took the opportunity to take a nap on the grounds that she was tired from the long journey. Because Daisy had dealt with the typhoon with all her strength, her body hadn't recovered yet, but she wouldn't fall asleep after returning home.

After receiving Shi Huaiya, Cynthia didn't show her face much in front of the other party. Daisy only exchanged a few words with her, and then began to get busy with the matter at hand. Cynthia returned to the high tide headquarters first, leaving Daisy and Shi Huaiya at home.

It wasn't until three o'clock in the afternoon that Shi Huaiya crawled out of the room.

"Hey, what's your hairstyle?" Daisy asked casually.

"Do as the Romans do, how about it, does it look good?" Said Shi Huaiya twisting her neck, shaking her dreadlocks.

Half of Shi Huaiya's hair was **** in a dirty braid, and decorated with bright-colored hair accessories, which was concise and quite capable. The hair on the other side of her is soft and lovely, and she shakes it along with her.

Maybe he felt that his movements were a little silly, so Shi Huaiya, who hadn't moved a few times, stopped, and giggled for a while.

"Isn't it troublesome to take it apart? Isn't it heavy against a pile of iron sheets?" Daisy muttered, holding up her glass and was about to leave, when she came back and added, "How often do you wash your hair, it's oily. "

"Longmen foul language! What are we doing in the afternoon? I want to go out for a stroll!"

"Well... How about going to the company? Just to show you the way."

"Hey, where's your girlfriend? Together."

"She went to the company first. It's too much to even take Googo away with me! Too much." Daisy said angrily.

Shi Huaiya obviously didn't want to get involved, so she talked about other topics while talking and laughing.

"Speaking of Rising Tide Company, where are my shares!" In the car, Shi Huaiya spread her hands towards Daisy.

"Share your head, but you gave it up voluntarily at the beginning. Now you want to regret it."

"Hmph, it's not that you and Emma bullied me when I was young and ignorant!"

"I remember that you seem to be the richest woman in Longmen, right? Do you care about this?"

"Cut, who still thinks that I have a lot of money. If I have the shares, I will be the richest woman in Asia! Okay! But for me, it is enough to spend enough money. People, you still have to do good deeds and do more good deeds." , Shi Huaiya casually glanced out the window.

"Tch, you're talking so old-fashioned. It makes me look like a wealthy landowner who has done all kinds of bad things."

"My teacher taught me, my teacher taught me well! Haha."

After that, the two still talked and laughed, and came all the way to the headquarters of the tide. Daisy acted as a tour guide, leading Shi Huaiya around every corner of the company's non-confidential areas. Shi Huaiya was so excited that she was full of energy.

Qin Gelei, who was promoted to be the video director of Rising Tide, was in a daze. She couldn't understand why Daisy Johnson paid so much attention to the immature little girl in front of her.

They don't know that Shi Huaiya is in another state of dominating the world on the stage, let alone that she is one of the founders of GEM.

Daisy did not officially introduce Shi Huaiya's identity, because it would easily cause turmoil within the company. Shi Huaiya didn't care, and proudly introduced her identity as a singer.

It wasn't until the chairman of the company, Miss Emma and Goo all rushed back to visit Shi Huaiya that her GEM identity gradually spread in the company's social circle at a very small speed.

Daisy took Shi Huaiya to stay in her office for a while, and gave her some basic permissions of the company. Shi Huaiya smiled and talked about her experience after leaving High Tide, saying that she almost forgot about her hacking skills.

After Emma Goo came back, among the three, only Goo was the first to meet and had a good relationship.

Emma was quite surprised that GEM was younger than Daisy. At the same time, I was also a little curious, because the little girl in front of her could read very little in her mind.

During the day at the company, Shi Huaiya went to the bathroom alone, and when she came out to wash her hands, she happened to meet Riven, Qin Gree's college roommate. The two just rubbed shoulders without even saying hello. Shi Huaiya looked at the back of the other party curiously for a while.

During the evening, GEM introduced himself seriously. Origin, family status, self-growth process, current achievements.

"Damn, it's so powerful, it's not as difficult as our high tide. What's the situation, is the little girl's movies so powerful now?"

GEM is Shi Huaiya, and the family conditions are superior, even better than Emma's. In the past, his academic performance was among the best, and his attainments in all aspects were almost mastered. I want to develop into science. After failing to apply for the Chinese Academy of Sciences at the age of 14, I became a celebrity and made my debut directly. It took only one year to become the image ambassador of the United Nations, and the star journey was smooth, with almost no setbacks.

"I suspect you're dissing me," Daisy complained to Emma.

Emma laughed, "I knew I had brought GEM into the group. The family is so rich, and the three of us didn't have to be so tired in the early stage. Oh, I was cheeky and begged my family for investment. It's shameful."

"Ah, Sister Emma is so miserable. Haha" Shi Huaiya covered her mouth and exclaimed, laughing endlessly.

Goo said regretfully, "We're only one Poi away, so we're really reunited."

"Speaking of which, Poi really hasn't been in touch for a long time. I don't know what I'm doing. GEM, have you looked for him in private?"

"Poi, I don't get in touch with him very much. The last time we chatted, he said something about work, so I didn't get in touch with him."

"It's a pity, forget it. I propose, let's toast to this reunion!" Goo was full of interest.

The three of them had a very happy reunion dinner together.

After the show, the four of them strolled around the bustling district of New York. Goo used his girlfriend as an excuse to withdraw first, and then Emma left as well, and the few people left.

GEM followed Daisy back home, and Cynthia at home was waiting for her. She and Daisy had been bored with each other for a long time, and the young GEM couldn't get along well.

She cooed and cooed alone for a while, and cooing stayed beside GEM very quietly.

They all went back to their room to sleep soon.

At three o'clock in the morning, Daisy and GEM met unexpectedly in the living room.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Daisy asked.

"Uh... I'm thirsty, I'm going to find something to drink in the refrigerator in the kitchen. You came out from below like this?" This is Shi Huaiya, who was looking at Daisy curiously with the fruit juice.

Hearing what she said, Daisy turned over and rolled from the sofa to GEM's side.

"Coincidentally, I came out to get some air. Below is my laboratory, and I'm just improving the circuit of the photonic chip... Well, let me have some too."

Daisy poured herself a glass, next to GEM. When Daisy just touched GEM, she could clearly feel her trembling slightly. He glanced at GEM curiously, then pressed his body against her.

"Oh, yes, I have a request."

"What" Gem asked

"Let's talk in Chinese as much as possible in private."

"Oh, why?" Shi Huaiya switched to Chinese.

"I'm afraid I forgot." Daisy muttered softly, and then took a sip of the juice.

"Is there a lithography machine under you? The base looks very interesting!" GEM quickly returned to the topics he was interested in.

"Well, do you want to go down and have a look?"

"Uh, forget it. I just think it's cool. I wanted to have my own lithography machine before. I don't think so now." GEM's answer was very reluctant.

"Hmph, I think of the past," said Daisy.


"Emma and I used to be poor, and we couldn't afford the computer processor for games. Later, Emma got the right to use the school's lithography machine through her own connections. She got the first chip for Rising Tide."

"Ah, that's it."

"Yeah, it's a pity that she and you... because of the management, they gradually forgot their own ability to eat. Hmm~"

Daisy draws out her last voice for a long time, as if expressing her dissatisfaction.

"You and Emma, ​​no! What's the situation between you and Cynthia." GEM was keenly aware of the situation.

"You said that Sister Cynthia is your girlfriend, but judging from the interaction between you two today, you are very cold, more like an ordinary person. Your dissatisfaction now has something to do with her!"

Daisy looked up at GEM,

"I haven't noticed you are a ghost."

As he spoke, he took a sip of the juice in the glass. After a long silence, he opened his mouth leisurely.

"I hate betrayal very much. If I do something like this, I won't even do it at all."

"Is there someone else outside of her?"

"That's not it."

"Is there another woman outside of her?"

Daisy turned her head to look at GEM with helpless eyes. GEM changed its name immediately

"Oh, career line. A strong woman like you should be able to understand women's independence. What a big deal. Is she a spy?"

"That's not enough," Daisy put down her glass and answered

"Essentially it's not a betrayal, it's just a sign. Xiaoya, you don't know, I'm actually very insecure. People around me are calculating, there are only gains and losses here, no feelings. The feelings of family members always exist only with each other. In a good TV show. There's no morals, no family, no friendship, no... I really hate it here... I'm tired of it."

Daisy said a lot. If Fury or the Parker couple were here, they would be surprised by Daisy's state at this time. Never Daisy really regards the only rabbit friend she knows as her confidant. The thoughts of homesickness far away in a foreign country all tilted out along with the complaints.

Shi Huaiya was stunned when she heard it, and then her body was suppressed, and Daisy curled up and hugged her.

"Wow, don't take the opportunity to eat my tofu!" GEM resisted very much.

Daisy immediately got up when she heard that, brushed her hair, then squeezed her face with her hands, her eyes flickering.

"Sorry. Are you cold? Why are you always shaking?"

"You are so heavy!" Shi Huaiya panted to calm down. "Is it because of this that you broke up with Emma?"


"But today, it seems that you two have a very good relationship!"

"Children come from every family, what do you know, interests and basic manners."

"I think you are very suitable for the rules of survival here. Humans exist in the world, you are a superhero, do you know what you are going to do? Daisy!"


"I think you should read some books about communism. Even if you learn about the modern history of my country and some biographies, it will give you a better direction now. You are a superhero, attracting the attention of the world, Should do more!"

"Huh? Hmm." Daisy felt a little funny when being preached like this by the other party. The other party thought she didn't understand anything. But she knows what will happen in the future, and she is preventing the future step by step.

Having said that, both of them lost interest in the conversation. Shi Huaiya said goodbye and walked back to the room. Cynthia was sleeping soundly in Daisy's bedroom, and she didn't want to be disturbed, so she lay down on the sofa nearby.

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