She fainted twice in a row. In the dark, she woke up. Eyes lost from the couch up, hands brush over the desk, as if others are still there in general.

"MINGYE..." Song Jinyu, who was powerless, sat in a daze. The brain is blank, think of Zhong Li MINGYE, can't help heartache.

Where the hell is he? Do you know how heartache you are Don't you want me to cry? But now this tears burst the bank, how to do.

Under pressure, song Jinyu opened the drawer on the right of the desk. There is a picture inside. It's her. It was painted in Liuzhou palace.

The painting he refused to give himself was brought to the capital!

More sad, but she can not allow herself to be so immersed in sadness. "Curl, look for green, make up!" She stood up, powerless, but her eyes were firmer.

How could he be willing to leave himself? They don't have children yet More and more regret, if not let him go to the front line to fight?

Forced to endure her grief, song Jinyu let them dress up for her like a puppet. But in the mind is constantly thinking, judging.

"He's waiting for me!"

Curl and Mei Cui looked at each other, and Qingfeng came in and said, "princess, you are ready!"

Song Jinyu got up without expression and took a look at the bedroom hall. Recalling the first time she came, the interior was simple and elegant, and after she married. Everything here has become more elegant, chic, more feminine boudoir breath.

It's her MINGYE who accompanied her in the most difficult time, determined to marry her and take revenge on her willingly.

How could she have done so easily for her master and Yanfei if she hadn't left MINGYE for Zhong?

Once I knew him, I was the one who was loved and cared for by him. These days, she more and more put down the past, only willing to be his little wife.

Now, no one else. What's the fun day?

"Can the king of Zhongzhou be in your house today?"


Ming Ruyi is still thinking about the truth of Zhong Li's disappearance. Unexpectedly, song Jinyu came to him and said, "Jinyu, you have been hiding from the king. Now..."

"Why do you come here in person?" When the folding fan was opened, although he was joking, he saw that she was much thinner and pale, and could not speak any more.

Song Jinyu laughed miserably, "Uncle Huang is laughing This palace is not hiding from you I came to... " Her tone is slow, and she has not eaten for many days. Her whole body is weak, and she has the posture of weak Liu Fu Feng.

She was taken care of. Mingruyi approached her.

His eyes were burning at her, and then he said with a smile, "MINGYE has no trace. What's your plan?"


His eyes suddenly brightened, and song Jinyu looked at him kindly: "Uncle Huang, your throne is stable, isn't it?"

As soon as this word comes out, Ming Ruyi is stunned. The stone breaks the sky a word, let him astringent banter, facial expression suddenly changes, "nonsense!"

He put the crowd out. Song Jinyu sat down at a leisurely pace, "the crown prince is abandoned, half mad and half demon; the prince Cheng is dead, and Prince Yong is imprisoned..."

"Now, MINGYE has lost his trace." She cold eyes, straight staring at Ming Ruyi, "the emperor's little prince is only one year old." What she didn't say is that most of them are not.

The important ministers in the imperial court are nominally Ming Ye's people. According to the relationship between MINGYE and mingruyi, they are afraid that They're going to go back!

Ming Ruyi seems to have never seen song Jinyu in general, "you can talk about it in the mansion, don't mention it when you leave the house."

"I have never thought of that throne!"

Song Jinyu sneered: "Zhong Li's man, who has some talent, has no one who does not covet that position!"

"Uncle Huang, we Ming people don't speak in secret. Where is MINGYE from Zhongli?"

What does she mean by that?

Ming Ruyi's fan "pa" on the ground! I knew that song Jinyu didn't care about herself, but she didn't trust her at all! Ruthlessly looking at that stubborn and cold figure, suddenly reached out to take her body over, "what do you say?"

The fierce in the eyes, as if to eat song Jinyu in general. But she didn't care, "I said, put the clock away from MINGYE Give it back to me

Give it back to her? Ming Ruyi understood song Jinyu's meaning, "ha ha..."

"Song Jinyu, song Jinyu, you!" Mingruyi is angry. Suddenly she calms down and stares at her: "if Zhong Li Ming Ye is dead, it would be better."

"He's dead. You're the king's

"When I ascend to the throne, I will make you the queen I can afford all the splendor and wealth of your song family As soon as the words dropped,


A slap flew his face, song Jinyu quietly away from the Ming Ruyi some, "don't think about it!"

The red lips grew whiter and leaned against the table. Song Jinyu was weak all over, and this slap exhausted her strength.

Ming Ruyi touched her face as if touching her. "Jin Yu It really needs to be well adjusted! "Her face is full of evil spirits. Ming Ruyi doesn't want to let song Jinyu go. I was about to call someone in, but suddenly I felt as if there were ten thousand insects crawling in my head.

He swayed and held the table until he fell.

But song Jinyu gently pushed, he can no longer control the body, fell to the ground. Although she is still awake, mingruyi understands that

he is poisoned!

The lips trembled and could not speak. Feng's eyes stare at Song Jinyu coldly. Although she is still pale, she is no longer as delicate as before.

"mingruyi, are you afraid of death?"

"This poison is called the bug of ten thousand feet. It was developed by our palace and is unique in the world." Looking at Ming Ruyi from a commanding position, "after three months, you can relieve yourself, but you will be unable to control your emotions; or I can give you an antidote to relieve your pain."

"You can kill yourself, of course." Song Jinyu laughed, "it's just that people like you won't die easily."

Ming Ruyi is helpless to pinch the forehead, with internal force to push back the sense of stimulation like the tide. "Jinyu, how could you..."

It seems that he has never seen song Jinyu before. In order to leave MINGYE, song Jinyu dares to attack him. Deep sadness flows through my heart. Maybe this is the real song Jinyu.

Clapping hands, Qingfeng and meicui come in and listen to the order, "we're going out with the king of Zhongzhou!"

Close to Ming Ruyi, he said with a smile: "you are a little bit better, and the pain will be less."

Consciousness gradually blurred, Ming Ruyi looked at that pretty face. I also thought about how to love her if I got her.

for now, I just want this woman to be more rational.

Qingfeng helps mingruyi, and song Jinyu and miancui change their clothes. Then came a few shadow guards, changed into the bodyguard clothing of Zhongzhou palace.

In this way, Wang mingruyi of Zhongzhou was brought out of the capital.

Mingruyi smiles bitterly. This woman is prepared. However, I am really convinced that my work style is vigorous and resolute.

"Where are you going with me?"


Sure enough, she would go to find Zhongli MINGYE in person. More and more, I feel that Zhong Li Ming Ye is too lucky. In Ming Ruyi's heart, song Jinyu is the Prime Minister of Liuzhou, and he is quite congenial in temperament.

Now it seems that I still underestimated her. I don't know if Zhongli MINGYE knows that his little wife is so brave?

Song Jinyu feels uncomfortable when she sees mingruyi staring at her. I just looked at the scenery outside the window, hoping that the carriage would be faster.

Zhongyuanliu came with tianqianzong and said, "you..."

"Miss, Prince Yu refused to follow him before he left He said, "your safety is the most important thing." Zhong Li Ming Ye left Zhong Yuanliu to protect her before he went out to battle.

Song Jinyu is more and more nervous. She really can't lose Zhong Li MINGYE.

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