Become Stronger and Immortal By Picking Up Attributes From the Battlefield

Chapter 104: The God of War returns to Qin! The king’s edict rewards you!

Chapter 104 The God of War returns to Qin! The king’s edict rewards you!

 After Ying Zheng left!

Xia Wuji took a deep look at Zhao Ji and saw that the latter was still mumbling that sentence. After struggling for a moment, Xia Wuji also turned and left.

the other side.

Inside Zhangtai Palace!

Two ministers, Li Si and Wei Liao, stood in the hall.

Of all the civil and military officials in the dynasty, only he and the two were summoned.

It can be imagined that King Qin must have something important.

"In the battle at the Weishui River interception, Zhao Feng saved the Queen Mother and planned to capture the culprit."

"Do you know who is planning this?" Ying Zheng looked at the two ministers calmly and asked.

"The King's Guard of Zhao is the strongest secret warrior in the Zhao Kingdom. Since they are dispatched this time, it should be the commander of the King's Guard." Li Si thought for a while and replied.

"Wei Ting made a mistake."

"This time, it was planned by Zhao Xiang Guo Kai." Ying Zheng sneered.

Li Si and Wei Liao looked at each other with a bit of surprise.

"Guo Kai?"

"This person actually knows the plan?"

"I heard that this person only ascended to the position of prime minister relying on Zhao Yan's favor and trust. He has no talent or virtue, and is a greedy person who is afraid of death. How dare he come to our Daqin to plan such things?" Wei Liao said in surprise.

"I have underestimated this person's courage." Li Si also said.

Ying Zheng looked at the two ministers and said slowly: "This person is a treacherous villain. As the two beloved ministers said, he has no talent and no virtue."

"Killing him alone is useless."

"Instead, it is left to the State of Zhao. It may become a **** for our Great Qin to destroy Zhao in the future."

Wei Liao immediately understood: "Does your Majesty want to control Guo Kai to serve as our internal correspondent in the Zhao Kingdom?"

"This person."

"Covetous for money and profit, greedy for life and afraid of death."

"Excellent control."

"After Tu Sui brought him back, he also realized that his identity would cause a lot of trouble, so he didn't make any announcement. Zhao State probably didn't know that Guo Kai was captured by Great Qin."

"You two dear friends should understand what I mean." Ying Zheng laughed.

"I understand."

"This Guo Kai will definitely be used by our Great Qin." Li Si and Wei Liao said in unison.

"Go do it."

"Get results as soon as possible." Ying Zheng waved his hand.

"I excuse myself."

Li Si and Wei Liao bowed and exited the hall.

"Tu Sui is heading to Weicheng. The Yongcheng Palace still needs a guard commander."

"And not only the Yongcheng Palace, but also my Xianyang Palace should be cleaned up." Ying Zheng thought to himself.


"Zhao Gao."

Ying Zheng shouted.

Xianyang was imprisoned!

Guo Kai was imprisoned in a separate prison. At this moment, he was wearing prison uniform and had a look of fear on his face.

Along the way.

Guo Kai was extremely panicked. He expected that he would not end well.

Regardless of whether he bullied Qin Wangzheng with Zhao Yan or kidnapped Zhao Ji now, Ying Zheng would never let him go.

Under this kind of panic, Guo Kai was also losing weight day by day.

At this time!

Several jailers came to Guo Kai's prison and opened the door.

The sudden movement woke Guo Kai up instantly. When he saw the jailers entering the prison, he immediately trembled: "What? What's wrong?"

You could tell by the look on his face that he was extremely scared.

"On the order of the Tingwei, I'm here to interrogate you." The jailer said coldly.

Say it.

The two jailers stepped forward, forcibly lifted Guo Kai up and walked out of the prison.

"Let me go, let me go."

Guo Kai shouted in panic and struggled.

But none of this helps.


Guo Kai was escorted to the prison hall by several jailers.

Li Si sat in the main seat, while Wei Liao sat in the side seat on the left.

When Guo Kai arrived.

"Kneel down."

A jailer kicked Guo Kai's foot directly.

Guo Kai was kicked to the ground directly.

"Guo Kai."

"Dignified Prime Minister of the State of Zhao, I didn't expect to meet you here." Li Si looked at Guo Kai and sneered.


"I am Prime Minister Zhao. If you do anything to me, I, the Great Zhao, will be furious."

"If you let me go back, I will definitely be grateful to Wei Ting, and I will definitely make peace between Zhao and Qin forever." Guo Kai said with a look of horror.

"Guo Kai."

"Don't you think it's a little late for you to say this now?" Li Si sneered.

"Li Tingwei..." Guo Kai was still flustered.

"You must be aware of the crime of entering our Qin Dynasty and robbing our Qin Queen Mother."

"I have been ordered by the king to judge your crimes."

"It is an unpardonable crime to rob me, the Queen Mother of the Qin Dynasty."

"Raising troops to commit murderous crimes in our great Qin Dynasty caused the death of many of our soldiers. This is the crime of beheading."

"Both crimes go hand in hand."

"The sentence of Guo's car splitting will be executed immediately."

"Take the documents and give them to Guo Kaihua." Li Si shouted coldly.


Several jailers stepped forward directly, one held Guo Kai down, another directly raised Guo Kai's hand, and the other took out a bamboo slip and red seal.

See this.

Guo Kai struggled wildly.

"No, don't kill me."

"I am useful. I am the prime minister of the State of Zhao. I know many things about the State of Zhao and the king of Zhao."

"I am willing to serve the King of Qin, and I am willing to become a minister of the King of Qin."

"Don't kill me..."

Guo Kai shouted in horror, trembling all over. He was extremely scared at this moment.

Looking at the bamboo slip getting closer and closer in front of me, I saw that my hand touched the red seal and had already placed it on the bamboo slip.

"Report to Tingwei."

"Guo Kai has drawn the seal." The jailer said loudly, holding the bamboo slip.

Li Si immediately picked it up and took a look.

A smile appeared on his face, and then he waved his hand: "Take Guo Kai to the execution ground."

"This lieutenant and the young man will execute it personally."

Hear the sound.

Guo Kai lost all his strength and collapsed on the ground with a look of despair.

But a few jailers didn't tolerate him, so they directly picked him up and carried him to the execution ground.


The execution ground outside the imperial edict.

There were jailers on duty everywhere.

However, these jailers are all real confidants selected by Li Si, and there is no way that any information will be leaked.

The news of Guo Kai's capture will only be seen by these few people.


Guo Kai was already lying on the ground, surrounded by five carriages. Guo Kai's limbs and head were all tied to the carriages.

Car cracked.

It can also be called the dismemberment of five horses in later generations.

This was also the most cruel punishment of this era.

"I don't want to die."

"I don't want to die."

"King Qin."

"I am willing to be loyal to the Qin Dynasty, and I beg the King of Qin to spare my life."

"King Qin..."

Even at this stage, Guo Kai, in addition to despair, has been begging for mercy. He does not want to die.

He still has countless money that he has not spent, he has many concubines that he has not yet enjoyed, he still has great wealth and glory, and he does not want to die.

"Guo Kai, the crime is unpardonable."

"With the order of Tingwei, the car will be broken."

"Immediate execution."

Li Si said loudly and threw a token directly at Guo Kai.

When the token lands.

Guo Kai struggled even more crazily.

"No, don't kill me."

"I don't want to die."

"Li Tingwei."

"King Qin."

"Forgive me."

"I don't want to die..."

Guo Kai trembled all over and was so frightened that he peed and there was a puddle of water all over his body.

The moment of approaching death is the most frightening.

See this scene.

Li Si and Wei Liao looked at each other with a bit of a smile.

This scares.

Guo Kai was completely frightened to the depths of his soul.

It has come to such a point.

Li Si also knew that the heat had arrived.

A wave of his hand.

Several jailers untied the ropes that bound Guo Kai.

Guo Kai was still struggling and didn't even notice.

"Guo Kai, you look so afraid of death that you really don't have the bearing to be a prime minister!"

Li Si and Wei Liao walked to Guo Kai's face paint, and the former said with a somewhat mocking tone.

Hear Li Si's voice.

Guo Kai barely recovered from his panic and despair, opened his eyes and saw Li Si.

At this moment, Guo Kai was as miserable as he could be, with tears streaming down his face and water stains under his body that made him wet his pants.

Being the prime minister of a country is extremely honorable in itself. Generally, those who can bear this official position will have the corresponding magnanimity of the official position without losing their magnanimity.

Even if he is hit with swords and axes, he still retains his magnanimity.

But Guo Kai's actions did not look like a prime minister at all. He was just greedy for life and afraid of death, and did not have any magnanimity of a prime minister.

Maybe looking at the world, only Guo Kai is like this.

Looking at Guo Kai who was so scared that he didn't know how to speak.

Wei Liao spoke: "Are you really willing to serve Great Qin and the King?"

"I do."

"I really do."

At this juncture, how could Guo Kai be unwilling? It was important to save his life.


"As long as you tell the secrets about the Zhao Kingdom and sign an oath that you are willing to serve our Great Qin, the King will pardon you." Wei Liao said again.

"I do, I'll say it right away." Guo Kai nodded immediately.


"Come with me." Li Si smiled with satisfaction.

The reason why these two people want to scare Guo Kai is to make him be used by Great Qin.

And the purpose of this is naturally to get some handle on Guo Kai so that he has to submit.

Even if you return to the Kingdom of Zhao in the future, you must not disobey it.

After all, for villains like Guo Kai, so-called loyalty is a joke.


In the prison hall!

Li Si gave Guo Kai some blank silk books and asked Guo Kai to write them himself.

"Prime Minister Guo, you can write as many secrets about Zhao as you want."

"And the same thing about yourself."

"Finally, you wrote the silk letter that you are willing to serve me, Great Qin."

"all in all."

"As long as you write something that satisfies this court lieutenant and the young master, we will petition the king to pardon you."

"If the writing is not good and there is fraud, then don't blame Ben Tingwei for not giving you a chance." Li Si said with a threatening tone.

"I will definitely write well."

"I will serve Da Qin wholeheartedly." Guo Kai nodded repeatedly.

He was lying on the execution ground just now and was almost torn apart by a car. Now that he is still alive, Guo Kai cherishes it.

For him, as long as he can survive, all loyalty will be ignored.

"Write it."

Li Si waved his hand and took his seat directly.

Time passes gradually.

Probably more than an hour passed.

Guo Kai finally finished writing. While writing, Li Si and Wei Liao looked at each other.

"I didn't expect that there are so many things going on in Zhao country."

"If it weren't for Guo Kai, we really wouldn't know this." Wei Liao said with a smile.


"Guo Cheng is really useful." Li Si also smiled.

Listen to these words.

A flattering smile also appeared on Guo Kai's face: "Thank you both for your compliments." "Come here."

"Prepare some good clothes for Prime Minister Guo, take Prime Minister Guo to bathe and change clothes, and then we will go to see the king." Li Si said to the jailer.


The jailer responded immediately.

After a while!

Zhangtai Palace!

"Your Majesty, Guo Kai, is here to see you."

"May the Qin Dynasty live for thousands of years and the King live for thousands of years."

As soon as Guo Kai entered the main hall, he immediately paid homage to Ying Zheng.

in this way.

He was a full-fledged official of the Qin Dynasty, not the Prime Minister of Zhao at all.

"I have read all the silk books you wrote."

"You are very sincere."

"Since you are willing to serve Gu, Gu will accept you." Ying Zheng smiled slightly.

Hear this.

Guo Kaixin breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that his life was saved.

"I am willing to die for your Majesty." Guo Kai said loudly and kowtowed.

Ying Zheng naturally smiled flatly at this so-called pledge to die.

"Guo Kai."

"The King of Zhao does not know that you have been captured by our Great Qin. This time you will return to the Kingdom of Zhao and continue to be your prime minister."

"If there is anything that Guzi needs you to do, Guzi will let someone tell you."


"You don't have to do it."

"But these secrets you told me, as well as the silk letter you wrote about your service to Gu, will be made public to the world."

"In that case, Zhao will not tolerate you." Ying Zheng stared at Guo Kai and said.

Hear the sound.

Guo's heart trembled. He naturally understood that after writing those things, he had no way out.

As long as he is exposed, King Zhao will never let him go.

In addition to leaking some of Zhao's secrets, he also leaked some of King Zhao's hobbies and dirty things, such as robbing Zhao Yi of the crown prince's position, and wrote them all down.

If this spreads out, not to mention that Guo Kai is going to die, the Zhao royal family will also be humiliated and suffer humiliation.

"I swear to be loyal to your Majesty to the death." Guo Kai replied respectfully, obviously knowing.


"As long as you serve Gu."

"Gu can promise you that as long as you work for Gu Gu in the future and assist our Great Qin to destroy Zhao, Gu may not give you a high official or a generous salary, but he will definitely promise you a lifetime of prosperity and make your descendants worry-free." Ying Zheng smiled slightly. , also said to Guo Kaidao with a kind of solicitude.

Hear this.

Guo Kai was also overjoyed. Prosperity and wealth were what he pursued. As long as he had these, Guo Kai felt that everything was worth it.

"I will do it with my death." Guo Kai bowed excitedly.

"Wei Qing."

"Find a way to send Guo Qing back to the Kingdom of Zhao, but he must not be high-profile or behave in a mess when he goes back."

"Guo Qing, remember."

"All the people you led this time are dead, and you were the only one who escaped by chance."

"After arriving in Zhao Kingdom, you must not say good things about Gu, let alone favor Da Qin. You must show enough hostility to Gu and Da Qin, do you understand?" Ying Zheng said in a deep voice.

"I understand." Guo Kai nodded repeatedly.

Wait until Wei Liao leads Guo Kai away.

"Your Majesty."

"It's a great achievement to capture Guo Kai this time."

"With him, I, Da Qin, will know more information about Zhao State in the future, and moreover, through what Guo Kai said."

"King Zhao doesn't like Lian Po, he doesn't like Li Mu, and he is especially dissatisfied with Lian Po."

"Perhaps we have the opportunity to use Guo Kai to force Lian Po out of Zhao's court, leaving Zhao without this capable general." Li Si suggested with a smile.

"When Guo Kai regains his footing in the Zhao court, let's start dealing with Lian Po."

"This veteran is indeed difficult to deal with." Ying Zheng nodded.

"The most urgent task now is to establish an alliance with the State of Zhao, so that King Zhao can solve his worries and go to attack Yan."

"This matter requires careful planning." Li Si added.

Time flies!


As a border city with a population, it was built on the Weishui River and had a dedicated merchant dock on the Weishui River. The adjacent Weicheng City was also very prosperous, with a population of hundreds of thousands, many of whom were merchants.

Inside the city.

A tavern called Jiuxianlou has been open for ten days.

It only took ten days to go from being dull at the beginning to being bustling with people now.

"Dear guests, I'm really sorry."

"The three floors of the restaurant are already full. I don't know when the seats will be vacant."

"Of course, if you want to buy wine and drink it back, that's okay."

The shopkeeper in the restaurant bowed and shouted with a smile on his face.

"Oh, I didn't expect that I couldn't get a seat today. Boss, can't your restaurant be expanded? How many people can sit in the two-story restaurant?"

"Yes, let's expand it quickly. Your restaurant is famous for its fine wine and the Weishui River, and the food that goes with the wine is also good."

"Even if you don't expand, you will sell more wine every day. I have been here for several days in a row, and I can't buy it every time."

"Make more wine. The wine in your restaurant is so fragrant and strong. It is truly a fine wine."

"Hey, you don't know. The kind of wine we drink costs 300 yuan a pot. This wine is called Erguotou. But the wine sold for 1,000 yuan is better, called drunkenness. Unfortunately, it's too expensive. I can't afford it. ”

"You are only talking about the one that costs one thousand yuan. I heard that there are more expensive ones, selling for five thousand yuan a pot. There is also the highest one called Jiu Xian, which is the treasure of Jiu Xian Tower and sells for one hundred gold. A pot, I wonder what it tastes like..."

People lining up outside complained to the shopkeeper.

However, while complaining, it is not difficult to reveal their love for the fine wines of Jiuxianlou.

In just ten days.

The fine wines sold at Jiuxianlou have touched the hearts of wine lovers throughout Weicheng. Not only that, as the Weishui River is an important commercial canal, the reputation of Jiuxianlou will continue to grow as time goes by.

"I have taken note of all your guests' suggestions and will definitely ask the winery to increase production."

"Every guest, please line up in an orderly manner. There are still enough drinks now and you can buy them all." The shopkeeper said with a smile.

He was also very happy to see such good business.

And on the innermost floor of the second floor of Jiuxian Building.

"My lord."

"The business of Jiuxian Restaurant is surprisingly good. In just ten days, the Lord may not have imagined how much money this restaurant has made." Han Xi looked at Zhao Feng with excitement.

"Tell me about it?" Zhao Feng smiled.

"In ten days, this restaurant made seven hundred gold."

"In other words, it's winter now, and spirits are selling well to warm up the body." Han Xi said excitedly.

Hear this number.

Zhao Feng also had a smile on his face: "There are many people in the world who love wine. Now it is just a restaurant. When the Jiuxian Restaurant opens all over the world, it will be easy to make a thousand gold a day."

"Congratulations, Lord."

"There is no need to worry about Yan Ting spending money in the future." Han Xi immediately congratulated him.

"From now on, we will increase Yan Ting's recruitment."

"Required to be under 11 years old, male or female."

"Choose a few more hidden training places. As for the final number of people in Yan Ting, four thousand elite dark warriors will be trained within three years."

"In addition to the training of Yan Ting's dark warriors, there are also brewers, blacksmiths, and swordsmiths. As long as they are capable, they will all be recruited by me secretly. You can estimate the specific number by yourself." Zhao Feng immediately ordered to Han Xi.

"My slave understands." Han Xi responded immediately.

"Other restaurants can also be opened quickly. As long as there is enough money and the wine brewed by the winery can keep up, then we will continue to open branches."

"However, as our Jiuxian Tower's reputation grows, we will definitely encounter a lot of situations. There will definitely be people trying to trick the recipe or even steal it. You have to be careful about this matter." Zhao Feng reminded.

"Please rest assured, Lord."

"Only the slaves know the formula, and the winemakers don't know the entire formula. Moreover, every time the wine is delivered, it is diluted. Even if it is really stolen, the formula will never be obtained." Han Xi replied confidently. road.

"In short, treat it with caution."

"From now on, let Han Shuang send some secret warriors to guard the wine shop. If anyone invades, kill them." Zhao Feng said coldly.

From now on.

As Jiuxian Tower continues to be popular, there will definitely be no shortage of people making plans. This is Zhao Feng's money bag, and he will definitely not let anyone succeed.

"My slave understands." Han Xi nodded immediately.

At this time!

"My lord."

"News just came from the army."

"The envoy of the King of Xianyang is here."

Zhang Ming knocked on the door and then respectfully reported.

"I will leave it to you to take full responsibility for the arrangements for the Jiuxian Tower."

Zhao Feng gave Han Xi one final explanation, giving him absolute power to deal with it, and then left.

In the military camp!

A guard wearing different armors was waiting outside the meeting hall of the military camp.

At this moment, all the generals under Zhao Feng are already waiting here.

"The King of Xianyang's envoy has arrived, but he will be far away from us. Please forgive me."

Zhao Feng walked over quickly, cupping his fists and saying.

When he saw Zhao Feng coming.

The envoy of the imperial edict, who was also a hundred generals of the Imperial Guard, immediately smiled and said: "General Zhao is busy with military affairs, so there is nothing wrong with talking about it."

"My subordinates are here to reward General Zhao by order of the king."

Hear this.

Zhao Feng's heart moved: "It seems that the reward for saving Zhao Ji has come. Not to mention promotion, the title will definitely be increased by one level, right?"

Regarding this accidental meritorious service, Zhao Feng naturally had some speculations in his mind.

There is almost no chance of being directly promoted from deputy general to chief general. Even if the Queen Mother is saved, there is no vacancy in the position of chief general and Zhao Feng has no place to go. It is probably a promotion in the title.

And on the side.

Zhao Tuo, Chen Tao and other four generals all looked puzzled.

"Reward General Zhao?"

"Did General Zhao do something meritorious again?"

"Since we moved our troops to guard Weicheng, there has been no fighting at all. It's just about pacifying the chaos and cutting down some trees for the winter."

"have no idea."

"It will become clear after listening to the king's edict."

The four generals Zhao Tuo looked at each other and communicated with each other, but there was a kind of doubt and confusion on everyone's face.

Only Zhang Han looked at it with a bit of a smile, but when he looked at Zhao Fenghou, his eyes were full of awe.

"Who would have thought that the Lord could easily save the Queen Mother after going up to the Wei River." Zhang Han thought to himself.

But Zhang Han did not hide it. Looking at the four doubtful people around him, he smiled slightly proudly: "Four generals, General Zhao did a great thing on the Weishui River, so the king will reward you."

"A big deal?" The four of them were even more puzzled.

At this time.

The royal envoy from Xianyang took out an edict, raised it high, and said loudly: "Edict of the King of Qin!"

Three words fell.

Everyone around him bowed down to pay homage, and Zhao Feng was no exception.

"I respectfully listen to the king's edict."

Everyone said in unison.

"Wang Zhao!"

"A few days ago, a thief entered Yongcheng, Qin Dynasty. He conspired with the spies and kidnapped the Queen Mother from the palace in Yongcheng. The guards pursued him for half a month but failed. On the Wei River, the thief almost escaped. Fortunately, Zhao Fengaiqing led his personal guards to stop the thief. , save the Queen Mother, serve the Qin Dynasty, and prevent the thieves from succeeding. "

"Therefore, Zhao is given the title of one-level promotion, the title of Right Concubine Chief, and the annual salary of the title. He is also given five hundred acres of fertile land, a thousand pieces of gold, ten thousand coins, a hundred pieces of jade, a hundred servants, and ten elixirs. ." The imperial guards read loudly.

Hear this.

Except for those who knew about it that day, everyone else was shocked.

Especially Zhao Tuo, Chen Tao and the others.

"When did General Zhao go to the Weishui River? And rescued the Queen Mother?"

"One day it seems that General Zhao led his personal guards to inspect the Weishui River. Could it be that day?"

"While patrolling the Weishui River, you happened to save the Queen Mother?"

"Isn't this really lucky?"

"The rank is promoted to the eleventh rank. As the general, General Li Teng seems to be only the tenth rank."

Several generals looked at each other in shock, obviously not expecting that Zhao Feng would accomplish such a great feat.

"My lord, Zhao Feng, thanks you for your kindness." Zhao Feng immediately replied loudly.

Naturally, he felt at ease with this promotion to a noble title.


The hundred generals of the Imperial Guard handed the royal edict into the hands of Zhao Feng and said respectfully: "General Zhao, except for a bottle of elixir, the rest will be sent to General Zhao's hometown by the Shaofu."

"Thank you." Zhao Feng nodded.

"This is the elixir given by the king."

The imperial guard then took out a small box from his arms and presented it to Zhao Feng with both hands.

Zhao Feng glanced at it and naturally took the elixir solemnly into his hands.

But deep down, I was complaining.


"People in this era regard magic pills as treasures, but they are actually poisons."

"I don't know if King Qin has the habit of taking pills now. If he did, he would probably be poisoned by now." Zhao Feng thought secretly in his heart.

"In addition, the king also asked General Zhao to prepare for the recruitment of new soldiers after the new year. The king hopes that General Zhao will make great contributions to the Qin Dynasty again." The hundred generals of the Imperial Guard said again.

Zhao Feng immediately replied seriously: "Please tell the king that I will do my best for the Qin Dynasty."

"The king's edict has been conveyed, and my subordinates are resigning."

The generals of the Imperial Guard smiled and clasped their fists at Zhao Feng.

"Farewell to the envoy." Zhao Feng bowed and clasped his fists.

After all the imperial guards left, Zhao Feng turned around.

Zhang Han took the lead and walked up: "Congratulations, general, for being promoted to the next rank."

"Congratulations to General Zhao."

Generals Chen Tao and Zhao Tuo also came up to congratulate him.

"It doesn't have to be this way."

"This skill is also a fluke." Zhao Feng replied with a smile.

To this.

The hearts of the four generals Zhao Tuo are also extremely complicated.

Patrolling the Weishui River, he actually saved the Queen Mother.

This is really unbelievable!

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(End of chapter)

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