Become Stronger and Immortal By Picking Up Attributes From the Battlefield

Chapter 136: Kill Pang Nuan and destroy the Zhao palace! Make great contributions again!

Chapter 136: Kill Pang Nuan and destroy the Zhao Palace! Make great contributions again!

 For Wang Jian’s words.

Wang Bi and Yang Duanhe beside him nodded.

Wu'an City Time!

They didn't see Zhao Feng easily break the city and thereby defeat Zhao's army with their own eyes, but they saw it with their own eyes in this battle of Handan.

Under the heavy defense of Pang Nuan who had learned his lesson, in their opinion, Handan would be difficult to break without spending absolute casualties and time.

But in this case.

In just three days, Zhao Feng led his army to break through Handan City, and now they have entered the inner city of Handan.

"Send the general's order."

"As the army enters the city, assist Zhao Feng in continuing the attack." Wang Jian immediately ordered.

"No." Wang Ben and Yang Duanhe responded immediately.

In the past, the Qin State attacked Handan with more troops, but Lian Po defended it with 200,000 troops. At that time, everyone in Handan City felt that they were willing to coexist with the country and regard death as home.

Looking at the Qin army charging forward, looking at the troops who were killed by the Qin army and were unable to parry.

"The old minister is incompetent. He cannot protect Handan, and he cannot protect our country, Zhao."


But after all, he is not an opponent.

After the previous three days and three nights of killing, the morale of the Zhao army has been destroyed by Zhao Feng. As long as the Zhao palace is broken and Zhao Yan is captured, the Zhao army in the city can be completely declared dead.

"Finally we've reached this point."

"Your life."

When Zhao Feng saw the Zhao flag planted in the city from a distance, he immediately understood.

Watching Pang Nuan fight out also gave Zhao Jun the final encouragement. Tens of thousands of Zhao soldiers around him fought out, followed Pang Nuan, and headed towards the Qin army.

An army of three hundred thousand was defeated.


"Lian Po."

"Zhao General Pang Nuan is in front. Kill Pang Nuan and the city will be secured."

This battle!

The key battle to determine Handan.


"Your Majesty."

At this moment, he reached a place in the city.

"Follow the General."


To capture the thief, capture the king first!

Zhao Feng charged all the way, turning into sharp blades and striking wildly.

He had done his best.

"Pang Nuan."

The killing in Handan City continues!

Half a day passed.


Zhao Feng led his army to directly break through the defense line of Handan's inner city, and charged all the way. The target was very clear, which was the palace of King Zhao.

"If you were still here, you might be able to hold on."

But now, none of them exist.

"I hope our army can completely defeat Handan City before the king comes." Wang Jian thought with anticipation in his heart.

The guard commander in front of Pang Nuan slapped the war horse directly, and the chariot carrying Pang Nuan rushed forward in an instant.

A roar.

At this moment.

Pang Nuan couldn't help but think of Lian Po, who had always wanted to suppress him. At this moment, Pang Nuan gave up.

"I'm not as good as you."

Pang Nuan pulled out the sword from his waist. There was no fear in his old eyes, but with the last pride, he pointed at the Qin army and shouted with authority: "Generals of Zhao, I, Pang Nuan, will fight with you today!"

Looking at Qin Jun getting closer and closer.

Where the Chinese army was, Pang Nuan stood on the chariot, feeling bitter in his heart.

"The front is Zhao Zhongjun."

Zhao Feng, who was rushing at the front, immediately saw the chariot rushing towards the front and Pang Nuan who was pointing directly with his sword.

The Rui warriors behind him also followed closely.

"Great Zhao will live forever!"

Zhao Feng drank in his heart.

He held his sword and faced him.

In the sky, arrows from both sides continued to rain.

Chariot, Zhao Feng!

Originally only a dozen feet apart, they rushed toward each other.

The moment is approaching.

Zhao Feng jumped up and jumped several feet into the air. He slashed down with his sword and with a click, the Zhao Bing who was driving the chariot was killed directly. Zhao Feng also landed firmly on Pang Nuan's chariot. above.

Pang Nuan frowned and raised his sword to slash at Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng did not hide or evade.

With the blessing of true energy, he raised his left hand and easily clamped Pang Nuan's sword with two fingers.

"How could it be?" Pang Nuan's eyes narrowed, his face full of surprise.

The blood-stained sword edge in Zhao Feng's hand thrust out without any hesitation.

There was a pop.

It went straight through Pang Nuan's heart.

A sharp pain swept through Pang Nuan, his hand holding the sword trembled, and the sword fell.

"Wu'an City allowed you to escape in the past, but you can't escape this time." Zhao Feng said coldly.

"You...who are you?" Pang Nuan shouted with his last strength.

"Qin General Zhao Feng." Zhao Feng said.

"It's you!"

Pang Nuan opened his eyes wide and looked at Zhao Feng in shock.

It has been more than a year since Qin attacked Zhao. During this period, Pang Nuan had heard Zhao Feng's name many times.

The first time I heard it was when the Qin State destroyed Han Dynasty and captured the King of Han Dynasty.

The second time I heard it was to guard Weicheng and defeat Wei Wuji.

The third time I heard it was Zhao Feng beheading Lian Po.

And this time... it was also the last time Pang Nuan heard that Zhao Feng had taken his life.

"Let's hit the road."

Zhao Feng didn't have time to say anything, so he pushed Long Quan out with his hand.

Follow closely.

A sword was slashed at Pang Nuan's neck.

Pang Nuan's body and head were immediately separated.

"Kill Zhao State General Pang Nuan and collect 30 points of all attributes." The panel prompted.

next moment.

"Congratulations to the host for exceeding 5,000 points in all attributes. You will be rewarded with a first-level treasure chest." The panel prompted.

The zhenqi in Zhao Feng's dantian began to surge and began to surge.

And this surge also means that Zhao Feng's zhenqi has broken through to more than 5,000 points.

Zhao Feng did not pay attention to Shouyuan's situation, nor did he summon the attribute panel.

Instead, he raised Pang Nuan's head high and shouted loudly: "Pang Nuan has been killed by my general. Anyone who puts down his arms and kneels down to surrender will avoid death!"

"The general is mighty."

"The general is mighty..."

"Pang Nuan has been killed by my general. If the Zhao army puts down their arms and surrenders, they will avoid death."

"Put down your weapons and avoid death..."

The surrounding Great Qin warriors also roared crazily.

The surrounding Zhao soldiers all looked at Zhao Feng on the chariot and saw Pang Nuan's head held high.

this moment.

The morale of the army was shattered.

"Spare my life."

"I surrender."

"Spare my life."

"Run away, run away quickly."

"The general is dead and we are defeated."


At this moment, Zhao Jun was in two situations.

Some simply dropped their weapons and knelt down to surrender, while others simply turned around and fled.

Even if many Zhao generals tried their best to maintain it, they could not change the situation of overwhelming defeat.

Zhao Feng hung Pang Nuan's head on his waist, then jumped off the chariot and stared at the fleeing Zhao army in the direction of the Zhao palace.


"The Zhao army has been defeated, and it is a foregone conclusion that we, Da Qin, will capture Handan."

"I want the power to capture the king."

"Follow me to kill and break through Zhao Wang's palace."

Zhao Feng shouted loudly and raised his sword again to chase after him.

After the transformation of all attributes once again, Zhao Feng naturally received the gift of all attributes. All fatigue was gone, and his combat power was endless.

"Follow the general to the death."


"Break Zhao Wang's palace."

"Capture King Zhao."


Countless Great Qin warriors shouted with great excitement.


They have already seen the dawn of successfully capturing Handan City.

In the palace of King Zhao!

As Zhao Feng led his army towards the palace, the shouts of killing were getting closer and closer. The Zhao imperial guards and Zhao palace maids in the palace could clearly hear that the fighting was quickly heading towards the palace.

In Zhao Yan's palace.

Zhao Yan also heard the movement.

"Come on, come on."

Zhao Yan shouted outside the hall in a panic.

"Your Majesty."

An **** came quickly and knelt beside Zhao Yan.

"Why did I hear the shouting of killing getting closer and closer?"

"What is the current situation of the war?" Zhao Yan frowned and asked with a worried look on his face.

"Your Majesty."

"The Prime Minister only sent the news half an hour ago. Now General Pang Nuan has achieved victory and has contained the Qin army outside the city." The **** replied in fear.

"Then why are the shouts of killing getting louder and louder?" Zhao Yan frowned, already feeling a little uneasy.

It's not that he doesn't believe Guo Kai, but he clearly heard the shouts of killing, which can't be deceived at all.

"Then this slave will send someone to question the Prime Minister again?" the **** asked tentatively.

"Go, go quickly." Zhao Yan waved his hand.

"My slave, please leave." The **** bowed and quickly retreated.

At this time.

Zhao Yan spoke again: "Are the officials still in Longtai Palace?"

"Return to the king."

"The officials are still in Longtai Palace." The **** replied immediately.

"That's good." Zhao Yancai nodded assuredly.

In order to firmly defend the city, Pang Nuan was also worried that the officials in Zhao's court would defect to the enemy, so he told Zhao Yan to confine all officials in Longtai Palace and only release them from the palace after the war was over.


Pang Nuanga looked high at himself, but also underestimated the Qin army, and even missed Guo Kai, not knowing that Guo Kai had already surrendered to the Qin Dynasty.

Now if all the officials in the Zhao Palace do not escape, they will be caught in the Qin urn.

Inside Longtai Palace!

"Why are the sounds of fighting outside getting closer and closer?"

"Is it possible that the Qin army has already captured the city?" an official asked.


"Previously, the Prime Minister sent someone to report the time and said that General Pang was still defending in an orderly manner and that the Qin army was blocked outside the city." Another official said solemnly.

"Having said that, why are the battles and killings so close? Why do I feel that the Qin army has already attacked outside the palace?"


"The sound is so close, it does seem like it's outside the palace."

"You won't really conquer the palace, right?"

Many Zhao ministers in the court couldn't help but start talking. It was true that the shouts of killing couldn't deceive anyone.

Just then!


"The commander of the royal guards on duty has come to report."

"The Qin army has attacked outside the palace."

"There are still a large number of defeated troops."

"As soon as the defeated army surrenders, the Qin army will attack the palace."

A royal guard rushed to Longtai Palace and loudly reported.


"how come?"

"Didn't it mean that the Qin army was contained outside the city?"

"Why did you attack the palace?"

"what happened?"

"What should I do?"

"The Qin army's attack on the palace did not happen overnight. Why didn't the general report it in advance?"

"We are trapped in the palace and we must die."

"Hurry up, Your Majesty, and let us evacuate the palace as quickly as possible."


When they heard that the Qin army was attacking the palace, all the civil and military officials panicked.

The Longtai Palace, which was originally in order, suddenly panicked and everyone ran out of the palace.

Although some people are shouting to inform King Zhao, in the life and death crisis, they can no longer control so much. Now it is more important to save their lives. They are not civilians, but ministers with titles in Zhao State. If they are captured by the Qin army, , the end will never be good.

Among these officials, there was only one person who was calm, and that was Zhao Yi.

After seeing the panicked officials.

Zhao Yi glanced at it, and then quietly left Longtai Palace from the side hall.


He had other plans.

In the bedroom!

Listening to the closer and closer shouts of killing, even though he asked his servants to seek confirmation, he was still very panicked.


"Your Majesty." "Something is going wrong."

"The Qin army has attacked outside the palace."

The **** who had just gone out to investigate stumbled over, knelt on the ground and shouted.


Zhao Yan's face instantly turned pale.

"No, it's impossible."

"How could the Qin army suddenly attack the palace?"

"Why was there no news before?" Zhao Yan panicked, with a look of fear on his face.

"Your Majesty."

"Now is not the time to think about this matter. Let's evacuate the palace first."

"There are only 10,000 imperial guards in the palace, and it is impossible to stop the Qin army." The **** said in fear.


"Evacuate, evacuate the palace."

"Evacuate to the land of Dai."

"Quick... tell everyone to evacuate." Zhao Yan nodded with a pale face, and then rushed out of the palace, even his steps were very staggering, and he was very scared.

There were corpses everywhere outside the palace.

Zhao Bing's corpses were everywhere.

Although there were still many imperial guards on the palace wall firing arrows to resist, judging from their defense, it was clear that their morale was low and they were no longer interested in fighting.

Looking at the closed palace door in front of him.

Zhao Feng took the lead and rushed over, only to see the Longquan sword raised and slashed.

The sword energy turned into a sharp slash and shot out.


The palace door shattered instantly.

No matter how thick the Handan city gate was, it was broken by Zhao Feng's sword, let alone the palace gate.


"After capturing the palace."

"Except for the treasure trove of King Zhao's Palace, I will allow you to rob whatever you see,"

"You can pack as much as you can."

"This is the honor I bestow upon you on behalf of the King."

Zhao Feng turned around and shouted to the Rui Shi behind him.

"Follow the general to the death."


Hearing Zhao Feng's words, all the warriors were extremely excited, and their morale increased to a higher level.

Money is indispensable for a person's life.

If you join the army as a soldier in the military camp, what you gain is your salary, and what you gain is a position of great minister, wealth and glory.

And now there is an opportunity to gain wealth. I wonder which warrior is not excited.

What is in front of me is the royal palace of a country. There are so many treasures, gold and silver, that I really can’t even imagine.

Seeing that the morale of the warriors behind him was once again inspired, Zhao Feng was satisfied and then rushed into the palace.

The more enemies you kill, the more attributes you pick up, and the more longevity you pick up.

Zhao Feng will never get tired of it.

As for motivating by robbing.

This is not Zhao Feng's first creation. It exists in today's era, and there will be more in later generations.

It's just that many times in later generations were more cruel. Once a city was broken, there would be no shortage of burning, killing, and looting, and there were also massacres and looting.



Countless warriors roared and frantically attacked the Zhao imperial guards in the palace.

Faced with such an attack.

The imperial guards of the Zhao Palace could not defend themselves at all and could only retreat backwards.

Throughout the palace, black-armored warriors spread, and for the first time since the founding of the Zhao Kingdom, the killings spread to the palace of his capital.

"Those who lay down their weapons and surrender will avoid death."

"Those who kneel down and surrender will avoid death."

After entering the palace, it also means that Zhao is determined to be destroyed.

Zhao Feng did not completely sink into the killing, but shouted loudly.

"Surrender and avoid death."

"Those who refuse to surrender will be killed."

Many warriors roared while attacking.

Tens of thousands of warriors were like a wave, madly sweeping through the entire palace of King Zhao.

Facing the murderous Qin Rui Shi, as long as he did not put down his weapons and kneel down, as long as he was running away, whether he was a soldier or a slave in the palace, he would die if he was caught up.

Real war is not that kind.

After all, this is a foreign country and they are all enemies.

No mercy.

"Split your forces and attack."

"Control Zhao Wang's palace as soon as possible." Zhao Feng shouted.

"I obey the general's order." After Tu Sui was killed, Zhang Han immediately led his troops to divide their forces and move.

time flies!

The whole palace was filled with shouts of killing and wailing.

Blood enveloped the palace.

"Run away, run away quickly."

"The Qin army is coming to kill."


"I, Da Zhao, are finished."

"It's over..."

Throughout the palace, the Zhao imperial guards and the slaves in the Zhao palace fled in panic.

Facing the murderous Qin army, everyone was extremely frightened.

In the square in front of Longtai Palace.

The Qin army attacked wildly, and corpses everywhere stained the once solemn square red.

At this moment.

Zhao Feng was no longer in a hurry and walked slowly on the square, surrounded by sharp warriors who were charging everywhere.


Zhao Feng walked up the ladder that was once the highest in the Zhao Kingdom.

"Longtai Palace."

"Zhao's imperial court meeting hall."

"It belongs to the same clan as Zhangtai Palace of Qin State." Zhao Feng raised his head and looked at the hall in front of him, with a smile on his face.

Have an understanding of history.

Naturally, we know that Zhao and Qin belong to the same ancestor, and both have the surname Zhao.


"There are only a few old guys in this hall."

"All the other officials of Zhao State have fled."

Tu Sui walked quickly from the main hall and reported to Zhao Feng.


Zhao Feng nodded and walked slowly into the main hall of Longtai Palace.

as expected.

In the huge hall, all the officials were originally gathered together, but now there are only six old Zhao ministers left.

When they saw Zhao Feng coming in, several Zhao Chen glanced at him coldly, not afraid of anything.

"Where is King Zhao?" Zhao Feng asked, looking at several people.


"You don't want to know where the king is."

"Da Zhao will never die."

"Kill if you want. I will coexist with the country and will never be afraid of you."

"Come on, Thief Qin."

"kill me…"

Several Zhao ministers spoke to each other and looked at Zhao Feng with hatred.

No matter which era, no matter which country.

Under the heart of the people.

Where there are traitors, there will also be loyalty.

There are people who are traitors to the country, and there are also people who swear to protect the country to the death.

The few people in front of him are loyal ministers of Zhao State, people who coexist with the country.

Look at these people.

Zhao Feng's expression was calm.

A wave of his hand.

Then he turned around and walked out of the hall.


Tu Sui beside him immediately shouted.

After following Zhao Feng for so long, how could he not understand the meaning.

This fulfilled the wishes of several Zhao ministers to coexist with the country.

"Great Zhao Wannian."

"The great Zhao will not be destroyed."

Several Zhao ministers shouted in the end, and were directly killed by many warriors, leaving the dragon platform stained with blood.


"King Zhao has escaped, what should we do?" Tu Sui asked anxiously.

"They can't escape far." Zhao Feng replied calmly.


Zhao Feng turned around and shouted loudly: "Zhang Ming."

"My subordinate is here." Zhang Ming responded immediately.

"Assemble the six hundred personal guards and follow this general to pursue King Zhao." Zhao Feng shouted loudly.


Zhang Ming responded immediately.

"Tu Sui, you and Zhang Han take control of the palace."

"Especially the palace treasure house." Zhao Feng said solemnly.

The royal palace treasury.

This time King Zhao escaped in such a panic that Zhao Feng had to go and fight the autumn wind. After all, the storage space now is larger than before.

"General, I understand." Tu Sui nodded.


"The battle in the city is not over yet. Should we send troops to exterminate the remaining troops together with the other two main camps?" Tu Sui asked again.

"In this battle, my fourth main battalion has made the greatest achievements and suffered the most losses. The rest will be left to Yang Duanhe and Wang Ben." Zhao Feng said solemnly.

"General, I understand." Tu Sui nodded immediately.


"Pursue King Zhao."

"If we let him escape, our military exploits this time will be reduced a bit." Zhao Feng said, striding out.

However, this time it was not the main entrance through which the attack came, but the back entrance.

Having withstood Zhao Feng's fierce attack on the front, King Zhao would not escape through the front gate. He could only leave through the back gate, from the back city of Handan.


With their frightened bird-like flight, they definitely wouldn't be able to escape very far.

Outside the city!

Wang Jian guarded the Chinese army.

From the beginning of Handan's attack to now, it has been five days and five nights in total, and Wang Jian has slept for less than two hours in total.


"Report to the general."

"I just received good news from the city."

"Pang Nuan has been killed by General Zhao Feng, and the Zhao army has been defeated!"

The commander of the personal guards came to Wang Jian with excitement and reported.


Wang Jian's face also showed joy.

"Absolutely true."

"Now General Zhao Feng has attacked the palace of King Zhao."

"Within today."

"Perhaps General Zhao Feng can conquer the palace." The guard commander smiled excitedly.


Wang Jian laughed loudly and could no longer hide his joy: "This general's son-in-law is truly a God-given general. With him, our great Qin Dynasty will be blessed!"

"What the general said is absolutely true."

"Great Qin has General Zhao, which is really a blessing to Great Qin."

"Such a majestic city as Handan was captured by General Zhao in five days."

"Looking at the world, no one can do it." The guard commander said excitedly.

This battle is undoubtedly a testimony.

"Call Wang Bi and Yang Duanhe."

"Let them lead the army to deal with Zhao's remnant army in the city as soon as possible."

"The king will be here soon." Wang Jian said in a deep voice.

"No." The commander of the personal guards immediately went to deliver the order.

Just after he left.


"Report to the general."

"I just received news that the king is only five miles away from Handan City."

"The king will arrive at Handan within an hour at most." A messenger came quickly and reported to Wang Jian.

Hear the sound.

Wang Jian's expression also became serious.

"Quick, pass on the order."

"Get ready to welcome the king."

"Send the battle report." Wang Jian immediately ordered.


When King Qin came, Wang Jian didn't dare to pay attention.

(End of chapter)

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