Become Stronger and Immortal By Picking Up Attributes From the Battlefield

Chapter 140: Ying Zheng: General Zhao should go wash up first!

Chapter 140 Ying Zheng: General Zhao should go wash up first!

Looking at Zhao Yan being taken away, Ying Zheng felt excited about revenge.

But this excitement was not shown.

The long-standing feud can now be avenged at any time.

For Ying Zheng, he would not let Zhao Yan die so happily. As he said, he would let Zhao Yan see with his own eyes how the Zhao Kingdom was destroyed step by step and how his Zhao family was demoted to slaves. , and will never be able to stand up again.

It's all repayment!

"Guo Kai, you should prepare yourself and leave the Kingdom of Zhao." Ying Zheng looked at Guo Kaidao again.

Hear the words.

Guo Kai kowtowed and cried with gratitude: "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness."


Guo Kai also left Zhao Palace with a sense of joy.

Zhao Feng didn't say much and directly thanked him.

That's how he's always been.

Zhao Feng did not hesitate: "In this battle, because of Guo Kai, Zhao Yan had no time to escape, and many Zhao princes and nobles had no time to escape. However, there are also many who escaped. I guess there will be people who will continue to resist our great Qin in Dai."

"The elite soldiers of Lantian Camp are ready to fight for the Qin Dynasty." Wang Jian replied seriously.

"It seems that the gift of the blood ginseng was correct that day." Ying Zheng laughed happily.

"In this battle, our Da Qin warriors suffered a lot of losses in conquering Handan. Every one of them is a tired division. We will rest and recuperate here before moving on. The general will watch over the specific arrangements."

He has been in Zhao country, so he naturally doesn't know about this.

After Zhao Yan left.

"How does General Zhao view the upcoming battle?" Ying Zheng looked at Zhao Feng with a hint of examination.

"In accordance with my opinion, we must first liberate Zhao's territory, and then conquer Dai's territory." Zhao Fengdao.

"King Zhao has been captured."

"Those who don't know think you are an evil ghost from the underworld." Ying Zheng said to Zhao Feng with a bit of ridicule.

"I will not interfere in the affairs of the general's army." Ying Zheng said slowly.

"General Zhao is the great hero of this battle. He worked hard all the way."

"The first thing is to clean up. I'm afraid you will scare others if you go out like this."

"One word and nine cauldrons."

"Blood ginseng is the most precious treasure of the Great Qin Palace. Did the king really give it to you?" Zhao Feng said slightly surprised.

"And there are still many cities in Zhao land that have not yet been captured. These will also take time."

"I understand." Wang Jian responded immediately.

"I thank you, Your Majesty, for your generous gift."

"Go down and have a good rest."

"The destruction of Zhao has become a foregone conclusion."

"The capital of Zhao has been defeated. At this moment, Zhao is at the end of his power and is no longer a big threat to us, Great Qin."

"General Zhao was the vanguard of the attack in this battle. The attack on Handan and the capture of Zhao Yan were all attributed to General Zhao."

"General, do you think I can bear it?" Ying Zheng sneered.

"The State of Yan has been occupying the border of Yan and Zhao, just waiting for Handan to be conquered by our Great Qin to get a piece of the pie."

"Compared to General Zhao's great military exploits for the Qin Dynasty, what is a blood ginseng?" Ying Zheng laughed.

"Looking at the world, I can't think of any general who can be as brave as General Zhao."

"Handan is broken."

He controlled the ministers under his command to his advantage, and used their abilities to strengthen Qin.

Ying Zheng's eyes fell on Zhao Feng again, and the smile on his face returned again.

If he reveals his existence, Ying Zheng may not do anything to him, but the dignitaries of the ruined Zhao Kingdom will not let him go. It all depends on Guo Kai himself.

With this blood ginseng to recuperate my mother, I think she can make her health much better. After all, this is the elixir of the living dead.

"What does your Majesty think our army should do?" Wang Jian asked.

"With the king's great talent and broad strategy, he will be severely beaten."

The control of royal power was naturally mastered by Ying Zheng. He would not take the initiative to interfere with the march, let alone the generals commanding the troops on an expedition.

Ying Zheng nodded: "I think so too."

The Prime Minister of Zhao State, Guo Kai, died on the day Handan City was destroyed. As long as Guo Kai did not deliberately commit suicide, the world is so big that there is a place for him.

"Your Majesty."

As a king!


"No." Zhao Feng nodded immediately.

At this time!

Zhang Ming quickly walked into the hall.


"The list of these dignitaries of Zhao State has been preliminary compiled."

"There are some people missing." Zhang Ming handed the compiled list to Zhao Feng.

"General, this is the compiled list." Zhao Feng didn't bother to read it and handed it directly to Wang Jian.

"take a break."

"I will arrange for these people." Wang Jian took it and nodded.

Zhao Feng was not polite and turned around and walked out of the palace.

"I excuse myself."

Generals Tu Sui and Zhang Han immediately followed Zhao Feng.

Left Longtai Palace.

"Take me to the palace treasure house." Zhao Feng did not go to wash up immediately, but said to the two of them.

"This way." Tu Sui said immediately.

"They are all guarded by our people, right?" Zhao Feng asked as he walked away.

This Zhao Palace treasure house must be the same as the one in South Korea, with sufficient resources and sufficient reserves.

Zhao Feng needs a good fight.

After gaining power, Zhao Feng's storage space was almost empty, and it was about to be filled this time.

"Lord, don't worry, they are all our people."

"If the Lord wants, we can secretly transport some out now." Zhang Han said immediately.

He had followed Zhao Feng for so long, and when Zhao Feng was chasing Zhao Yan, he specifically told him to keep an eye on the palace treasure house. How could Zhang Han not understand what he meant.

"Let's see how many things are inside." Zhao Feng smiled.

Not a moment.

We arrived at the treasure house of Zhaowang Palace.

"See General."

When they saw Zhao Feng coming, the sharp men guarding the place immediately bowed and saluted.

"Yes." Zhao Feng raised his hand to signal the warriors to stand up, and then walked towards the treasure house.

Tu Sui and Zhang Han on the side opened the treasure house door directly.

Zhao Feng walked into it and took a look.

"How come Zhao is poorer than Han?"

When looking at the treasure house, Zhao Feng couldn't help but be stunned.

The pile of money that I originally imagined didn't exist, it was completely empty.

"My lord."

"I heard that Zhao State suffered a huge loss of national power in order to conquer Yan State and then fight against our country, Da Qin."

"I'm afraid that all the money in Zhao's treasury will be used by King Zhao." Tu Sui said.

"The money has been spent, and there is no need to think too much about the medicinal materials. They must have been used." Zhao Feng walked slowly into the depths, and almost all of the treasure house was emptied.

The war started.

Not only does it consume money, but also medicinal materials.

After walking around.

Zhao Feng stopped in front of a shelf in the deepest part of the treasure house.

"Sure enough, there is a secret passage." Zhao Feng laughed.

Just a glance of consciousness.

Zhao Feng discovered the secret passage behind the shelf, which was exactly the same as the situation in Han Baokou.

Then the door of the secret passage was opened directly, the shelves were separated, and the secret passage was opened.

"My lord."

"There are still lights burning in here. Why does it feel like someone has gone in?" Zhang Han couldn't help but be surprised when he looked at the lights that had been lit on both sides of the secret passage.

"This secret passage should be the same as the one in South Korea, and there should be a treasure house inside."

"I hope they haven't been evacuated." Zhao Feng thought to himself.

Time passes quickly!

Since inside the treasure house.

Zhao Feng had a satisfied smile on his face.

Zhang Han and Tu Sui remained silent, but their eyes looking at Zhao Feng were full of respect.

"Find a place to have a good rest. We will not move again until the general order comes in a few days."

"If you have anything to do, go to the wounded barracks and find me." Zhao Feng told the two generals.


The two nodded immediately.

This battle is over.

Zhao Feng's soldiers suffered a lot of casualties and casualties. The entire wounded barracks is extremely busy now. Zhao Feng already has advanced medical skills, so he can naturally be of great help. On the one hand, he can rescue the injured Pao Ze. Secondly, you can also obtain merit points.

Zhao Feng has always been like this.

Zhao Feng found a place in the palace.

He took off all the armor on his body and washed himself clean. After changing into a brand new military uniform, he felt refreshed.

After taking a shower.

Zhao Feng randomly found a place to sit down.

"Now that the war is over, the attribute points for killing enemies can be calculated." Zhao Feng thought in his heart.

"The war is over."

"The host's troops killed 56,928 enemies and successfully collected 18,976 attribute points."

"Pick up 2349 points of infuriating energy."

"Pick up 3421 points of strength."

"The picking speed is 3123 points."

"Pick up 2874 points of constitution."

"Pick up 2345 spirit points."

"The pick-up life is 4864 days." The panel prompted.

"Congratulations to the host for breaking through 6,000 points in all attributes. You will be rewarded with a first-level treasure box."

"Congratulations to the host for breaking through 7,000 points in all attributes. You will be rewarded with a first-level treasure chest." The panel reminded again.

See this.

A smile appeared on Zhao Feng's face.

This battle.

Big profit.

"All attributes have broken through two levels, two first-level treasure chests, and has a life span of more than ten years."

"It's great." Zhao Feng was extremely excited.

"Including the one from last time, there are three first-level treasure chests."

"Open them all." Zhao Feng immediately gave the order.

"Open the first-level treasure chest."

"Obtained the first-level high-grade [blood-reverse pill] prescription."

"Obtained the second-level low-grade [Qi Pill] prescription."

"Obtain 100 [Low Grade Spiritual Stones]." The panel prompted.

"You can only look at the elixir recipe, not refine it."

“Is this good luck or bad luck?”

Looking at the first two rewards, Zhao Feng felt like crying because it seemed useless for him to ask for the pill recipe.

This is not something that the so-called alchemists of this era can refine. This is a real elixir, not a heavy metal poison.

"Spiritual stone?"

"Is this the legendary spirit stone? Does it contain the spiritual energy of heaven and earth?" Zhao Feng extracted a spirit stone out of curiosity.


A stone with a faint white light appeared in his hand, about the size of a fist, like white jade.

"The low-grade spiritual stone actually contains such spiritual energy."

"As expected of a spiritual stone."

As soon as the spiritual power was sensed on the spirit stone, Zhao Feng immediately felt a strong spiritual energy in it.

A place in Handan City!

The Praetorian Guards cleared all the surrounding streets.

There are black-armored warriors on duty everywhere.

This place is not the center of the city, but on the edge of the north city of Handan City, in the outer city.

The impact of the war here was not too great, and a small number of corpses had also been cleared away.

"father in law."

"It has been more than ten years, but I never thought we would be able to come back."

Outside the yard of a house.

Ying Zheng said with emotion.

Beside him stood Xia Wuji.


"I didn't expect that I would be able to visit my old place again one day." Xia Wuji also smiled with some sigh.

"Let's go in and have a look."

"It's been many years. I wonder what has changed inside?" Ying Zheng said with some expectation.


With a feeling of anxiety, he opened the courtyard door.

The moment the courtyard door is opened.

The inside is already covered with cobwebs, and there is dust everywhere. This place is already inaccessible, and no one will come again at all.

But for Ying Zheng, even though this place was already inaccessible and dusty, the impact on Ying Zheng was huge. At this moment, Ying Zheng's thoughts seemed to go back to the past.

"Brother Zheng."

"You come after me."


"Stop, you took my book again."

"Hehe, brother Zheng, you have been reading all day long. I am letting you take a rest."

"Zheng'er, you can't bully Dong'er. If you bully Dong'er, mother will punish you."

"Zheng'er, the way to govern a country lies with the king? Do you know how to be a king and how to control his ministers?"

Scene after scene from many years ago appeared in Ying Zheng's mind.

"Years passed."

"Things change and people change."




Ying Zheng stared at the yard in front of him, feeling an unspeakable feeling.


Only here can Ying Zheng show such a weak side.

There was no time to return to Qin.

The mother is kind and the son is filial, and the mother is willing to give up together for him, even if it means her own life.

There was no time to return to Qin.

His mother still regards Dong'er as her daughter-in-law and takes care of the information in every possible way.

But everything changed after returning to Qin.

"father in law."

"I have given the order."

"Search the whole city."

"As soon as there is any trace of Dong'er, report it to Yu Gu immediately."

"I hope the final result will not disappoint us." Ying Zheng turned to Xia Wuji and said.

"I hope so." Xia Wuji nodded in agreement.


Xia Wuji asked: "How is the king going to deal with Zhao Yan?"

"Death is too cheap for him."

"Loneliness will make his life worse than death."

"After Handan is completely cleared in a few days, Guhui will take him to the teacher's grave in person and ask him to give an explanation to the teacher." Ying Zheng said coldly.

"How does the king treat the people of Zhao?" Xia Wuji asked again.

"Father-in-law, don't you know me after so many years?" Ying Zheng turned his head and glanced at Xia Wuji: "If I were an ordinary person, I would have a personal enmity with Zhao Yan of Zhao State, but I am a king, and Zhao Yan The country will perish, and the people of Zhao will also be my people."

"As long as they surrender to the Qin Dynasty, I will definitely treat them the same as the people of Qin and treat them the same as I treat Han."

"This is not only the case for the Zhao State, but all Chinese clans in the world will be treated equally."

"I once promised Dong'er that if I were king, I would create a world where there would be no more wars, no more fratricide, and the world would be peaceful."

"I will always remember this." Ying Zheng said with a serious face, as if he had promised Xia Wuji again.

Hear this!

Xia Wuji bowed to Ying Zheng and said, "Old minister, I would like to thank the king on behalf of millions of Zhao people."


Xia Wuji was originally worried that Ying Zheng would target ordinary people because of the humiliation and hatred he suffered in Zhao State. Although he knew what Ying Zheng was like, Xia Wuji couldn't help but remind him.

"There's no need for that, father-in-law." Ying Zheng immediately stepped forward and helped Xia Wuji up.

In the wounded barracks!

Master Chen is busy anxiously at the moment.

Apart from him, hundreds of military doctors in the entire wounded barracks were busy and had no time to rest at all.

The entire wounded barracks was filled with wailing sounds.

This battle was too brutal.

There were tens of thousands of injured soldiers, but there were only less than 600 military doctors. This was the number of military doctors in the entire Lantian camp.


"The hemostatic medicine is not enough, we still need to allocate medicinal materials."

"Chief, Military Doctor Lin fainted from overwork."

"Chief, please make some arrangements."

"We haven't slept for many days."

"The medicinal materials are far from enough..."

In the wounded barracks, there were not only wails, but also the sounds of military doctors going back and forth with various appeals.

"Hurry and report to the general,"

"Quickly mobilize the medicinal materials."

"There is completely insufficient medicine for wounded soldiers in the military camp."

Facing these military doctors, Master Chen was also very anxious, but he had no choice but to report the medicine.


"My subordinate will go immediately."

The attendants on the side immediately left quickly.


"There are too many wounded soldiers this time."

"We have exceeded the number of people I can treat in the wounded soldiers camp." Master Chen sighed.

"Master Chen."

Zhao Feng's voice rang in Master Chen's ears.

Hear the sound.

Master Chen's face showed a hint of joy: "General Zhao, why are you here?"

"The Battle of Handan is over. Naturally, I came to the wounded barracks to see if there is anything I need help with." Zhao Feng smiled slightly.

"You came just in time."

"There are too many wounded soldiers after this battle, and we simply don't have enough military doctors."

"And there is a serious shortage of medicinal materials." Master Chen said helplessly.

"I can't do anything about it as a military doctor, but I have brought the medicinal materials." Zhao Feng smiled and clapped his hands.

I saw the guards behind me bringing more than a dozen carts of medicinal materials.

"Where did this come from?" Master Chen was surprised.

"This is only one tenth that was brought from Zhao Jun's Wounded Soldier Battalion. The rest will be shipped in an orderly manner," Zhao Feng said.

"What about Zhao Jun's wounded soldiers?" Master Chen was stunned.

Zhao Feng glanced at him: "I only care about my brother Paoze, what do the enemy soldiers care about him?"

"Come here, take these medicinal materials to the wounded soldiers camp and boil them."

There are countless Zhao Jun wounded soldiers in Handan City.

for them.

If they were seriously injured and died, Zhao Feng directly ordered Rui Shi to give them a ride.

For minor injuries, let them get through it on their own.

This is the enemy!

Naturally, they will not receive treatment like these injured warriors. This is not because Zhao Feng is cruel, this is how the world is.

If Qin's wounded soldiers fell into the hands of Zhao Jun, Zhao would not spend any money on medical treatment.

Seeing this, Master Chen didn't ask any more questions.

"General Zhao's medical skills are superb, you alone can compare to a dozen people."

"Are you doing surgery or medicine today?" Master Chen asked.

"Old rules."

"I'll do the suturing while you debridement and apply medicine." Zhao Feng said.

"Okay." Master Chen nodded immediately.

Then the two of them walked towards the wounded barracks.

One is a general and the other is a doctor.

But the cooperation between the two is already very tacit.

time flies!

In the wounded barracks.

The figures of Zhao Feng and Chen Fuzi were moving around the wounded soldiers camp, just like before, working together to treat the seriously wounded soldiers.

"Treat a wounded soldier and get a little merit."

"Treat a wounded soldier and get a little merit."

Zhao Feng also continued to gain merit points in the process of rescuing and treating wounded soldiers.

Yanzhao border!

"Your Highness."

"Just received the news."

"Handan has been captured by Qin."

Inside the border military camp.

A scout reported to Yan Dan.

Hear the sound.

Yan Dan's brows immediately moved, and his face immediately showed joy.

"General, the opportunity has come."

Yan Dan said excitedly.

"Your Highness, do you really want to use troops?"

"Once our army enters Zhao territory, it is very likely that it will encounter Qin and even fight."

"With the national strength of Yan, we cannot be the opponent of Qin." Le Cheng said still worried.

He had always persuaded Yan Dan not to do this, and even sent a memorial to persuade King Yan.

But Yan Dan insisted on his opinion and didn't take it seriously at all.

"Ying Zheng.

"He can't start a war on two fronts."


"Zhao is the enemy of our country, Dayan. Our country, Dayan, is also famous for attacking Zhao, and Ying Zheng cannot stop it."

"As for encountering the Qin army?"

"If it really happens, I am sure that Ying Zheng will not dare to fight against me, Dayan." Yan Dan said with extreme confidence and innocence.

"All right."

Seeing such a determined Yan Dan, Le Cheng could only nod his head.

"Pass this order from the Crown Prince."

"The general will personally lead one hundred thousand troops to invade the territory of Zhao."

"Capture the city when you encounter it; kill the army when you encounter it."

"Take this opportunity to expand my territory in Great Yan." Yan Dan shouted excitedly.

Such an opportunity is not to be missed.

Not only can he avenge the humiliation he suffered when he was held hostage in the Zhao State, but he can also open up territory for the Yan State. As long as he succeeds, he will have a higher reputation in the Yan State, and he will also be able to get a higher level after he succeeds to the throne. support.

Think of this.

Yan Dan is naturally looking forward to it even more.

As for the state of Qin.

In his heart, he was still naively thinking that there wouldn't be a sword fight because of his invasion of Zhao State.

Wei State!

Above the court.

"Start the memorial, Your Majesty."

"I just received the Zhao Guo war report."

"The Qin Army's Lantian Camp has defeated Handan City, and Zhao's capital city has been destroyed."

"General Pang Nuan, the general of Zhao State, died in battle, and the 300,000-strong army guarding Handan was defeated."

A messenger ran into the hall and reported hysterically.

Hear the sound!

King Wei's expression suddenly changed.

The faces of the Wei courtiers in the court also became complicated.

"The capital of Zhao was conquered by Qin, and Pang Nuan died in the battle? This is not good."

"If this happens, the country of Zhao will be in danger."

"Two of Zhao's three generals have been killed in battle, and only one Li Mu is left."

"With Li Mu and Zhao's border troops, can they stop the Qin army?"

"The lips are dead and the teeth are cold."

"If Zhao Ruruo dies, we, the Wei Dynasty, will be in danger."

"What should I do?"

At this moment, the faces of many Wei officials were full of worry. They seemed to be thinking about the complete destruction of Zhao State and the situation where Qin State would attack Wei State in the future.

This is already inevitable.

Not to mention them, King Wei in the high position was also like this. His face was pale and uneasy, and he looked for help at Wei Wuji, who was guarding the military ministers.


"In such a situation, what should I, the great Wei, do?" King Wei's voice was a little anxious.

See this.

Wei Wuji stood up slowly, with an indescribable sense of exhaustion on his old face.

(End of chapter)

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