Become Stronger and Immortal By Picking Up Attributes From the Battlefield

Chapter 145: Gu, intends to make Jin Zhao a general!

Chapter 145 Gu, intending to make Jin Zhao a general!

Hearing Ying Zheng's angry words.

Yan Chen, who was kneeling in the hall, changed his expression and said hurriedly: "Your Majesty, the King of Qin, our country of Yan is always grateful to the Qin Dynasty. This move of troops is not the intention of our king, but the will of our prince, the prince of Yan country."

"My king has said that our country, Yan, is willing to compensate Da Qin."

"In addition to compensation, even if the King of Qin wants to kill the crown prince of Yan Kingdom, Yan Kingdom will never have any complaints."

"Ask the King of Qin for forgiveness."


The envoy of Yan paid his respects, full of fear.

"Why did our great Qin send troops?"

"It's all because your Yan country asked for help. If it weren't for me, Great Qin, how would your Yan country survive?"

"The State of Yan intends to take away the fruits of our war with Da Qin, but this time it is working in vain and wants to compensate Da Qin." Wei Liao said with a smile.

"Within one month, all the land of Zhao will belong to our Great Qin." Ying Zheng said with authority.

"General Meng Wu can defend and delay, then turn to attack, and attack Dai Di from the north. In a sudden situation, General Meng Wu can lead the army to attack Dai Di and destroy Zhao in one fell swoop." Wei Liao said loudly.

The envoy of Yan immediately bowed and said, "Thank you, King Qin, for your kindness."

"Prince Prime Minister."

Feeling the overwhelming anger of Ying Zheng, who looked like he was going to raise his troops to destroy Yan, the envoy of Yan was completely panicked, and immediately gritted his teeth and said: "I, the Yan Dynasty, are willing to pay twice as much as the original promise to Qin for the expedition. Give it to Da Qin, and ask Da Qin to forgive me, Yan State."

"indeed so."

The Yan envoy also felt relieved, and turned to look at Ying Zheng expectantly.

"I second the proposal."

"Our Great Qin has gained a lot this time. The money and food obtained from Yan State can just make up for some of the vacancies in the national treasury." Li Si also said with a smile.

"Otherwise, Gu Gu will never give up."

If you just drive away the Yan army that entered Zhao State, it may not bring much benefit, but now the princes of Yan State are in the hands of Da Qin. If you don't make good use of it, then Ying Zheng will be stupid.

"I believe that our Great Qin and the State of Yan originally had an alliance. Now that the State of Yan has sincerely apologized, our Great Qin should be given a chance to make amends."

"I second my opinion."

"Prepared imperial edict."

"Order Mengwu to attack Daidi with all his strength." Ying Zheng immediately nodded in agreement.

In the past, when Lantian attacked Zhao, the main direction of attack was to attack Zhao land. The main purpose of Mengwu's 100,000 troops was to delay Zhao's border troops. Now that the battle situation has reversed, the attack is naturally the main direction.

"The land of Zhao has returned to Qin, and the only land left is Dai, which is no longer a match for our great Qin."

See this.

“The Yan envoy’s move shows Yan’s sincerity.”

"You Yan State has betrayed your trust and you still want to forgive me?" Ying Zheng still looked indifferent.

"If it weren't for me, Da Qin, you would have become a prisoner of Zhao State. How could you stand in the court and speak?"

Ying Zheng will naturally not give up if he doesn't give Yan State a hard blow this time.

"Remembering the covenant, I also ask your Majesty to give Yan a chance." Wang Wan also stood up.

"Your Majesty."

Ying Zheng's expression eased slightly, but he did not speak.

Under a burst of congratulations.

Hear this.

Wait until he leaves.

The civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty seconded the proposal.

"This agreement can be settled."


"Stand back." Ying Zheng waved his hand.

Wei Liao stood up and said loudly.

"I received the report two days ago. The general has mobilized all the troops of Lantian Camp to attack the cities in Zhao."

Under the "admonishment" of the ministers, Ying Zheng also showed a look of hesitation on his face, but in the end he was determined: "For the sake of our alliance between Da Qin and Yan, we will let this matter go temporarily, but after the war in Zhao is settled, , you, the State of Yan, have promised me that all the resources of Da Qin will be sent to me.”

Ying Zheng raised his hand.

"My proposal."

The hall fell silent instantly.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty."

Then the Yan envoy respectfully left the hall.

"Allocate all the grain and grass supplies." Ying Zheng looked at Wang Wan again.

"I accept the edict."

Wei Liao and Wang Wan responded at the same time.

"Destroy Zhao."

"That's it for this one year."

"Your Majesty."

"Unifying the world is not the work of one person, but requires the efforts of all ministers." Ying Zheng looked at the ministers with expectation.

"I swear allegiance to the king to the death." The ministers shouted.


"I have something to announce." Ying Zheng said slowly, but his expression was extremely solemn.

All the officials in the court looked at Ying Zheng in high position.

"I will read a battle report to all of you, my dear friends." Ying Zheng waved his hand.

Zhao Gao, who was beside him, immediately picked up a battle report that had been prepared long ago, held it high and said to the ministers in the court.

"The Battle of Zhao Kingdom."

"The Zhao army is stationed in Wu'an City, with more than 300,000 troops. Zhao General Pang Nuan is guarding Wu'an City, which is unbreakable."

"Zhao Feng, the fourth main commander of the Lantian Camp of the Great Qin Dynasty, led the troops as a vanguard and took the lead. He broke through the city gate in one day and entered Wu'an City. After a **** battle, he broke into Wu'an City, defeated more than 300,000 Zhao troops, and forced Zhao Jun. Retreat to Handan."

"The Battle of Handan."

"Zhao Feng then led his troops as the vanguard and fought **** battles for six days and six nights. He killed Pang Nuan, defeated Zhao's capital, swept the palace of the King of Zhao, and defeated the Zhao army. By the end of the battle, nearly 100,000 Zhao soldiers were killed and nearly two dozen were captured. One hundred thousand.”

"The King of Zhao fled, and Zhao Feng and his personal guards rushed north, killing thousands of Zhao's imperial guards, and capturing thousands of King Zhao and his princes and nobles."

"Handan is set, the army will move again."

"The Yan State has no righteousness and drives its troops into Zhao to seize the victory of Qin."

"Zhao Feng led his army to severely defeat the Yan army. In one battle, he killed more than 20,000 Yan soldiers, captured the prince of the Yan state, and captured dozens of Zhao cities."

That's it.

Zhao Gao's voice also calmed down.

And all the eyes of the officials were focused on Ying Zheng.

But everyone's heart was also filled with shock.

Most people don't know about these battle reports, because these battle reports have not actually reached the court.

"The king mentioned Zhao Feng's many military exploits this time, so he should be rewarded."

"It's just that Zhao Feng is already the commander-in-chief now. If he wants to be granted the title, he can only add a title, not an official position."

"After all, above the general is the captain of the army guard, who is the general." Wang Wan thought secretly in his heart.

"Zhao Feng, you are really a very human being."

"Bao Yuan, Lian Po, Pang Nuan."

"These generals whose reputations are famous all over the world died in his hands."

"There was another Wei Wuji who was also defeated at the hands of Zhao Feng."

"A born hero, a born warrior."

"With these military exploits, Zhao Feng can at least be promoted to two levels of nobility, and these military exploits can be regarded as Zhao Feng's qualifications. Perhaps he can be promoted to the captain of the guard army before he is thirty years old, becoming the fourth in our Great Qin. General."

In the court room.

Many courtiers could not help but secretly think that if the Qin court had not been so solemn and solemn, they might all be discussing it at this moment.

"Zhao Feng deserves a heavy reward for his merits."

Wei Liao immediately stood up and started playing loudly.

As a disciple of Guigu, and as someone whom Ying Zheng regarded as his most confidant, how could he not understand what Ying Zheng meant.

Most people in the court here understood that Ying Zheng wanted to reward Zhao Feng. After all, all the military exploits Zhao Feng had made had been read out, but perhaps not many people thought that Ying Zheng was setting the stage for this. Zhao Feng took another step forward.

After all, Zhao Feng is too young.

"Gu, I intend to be promoted to Zhao and appointed as the captain of the army."

"What do you think, gentlemen?"

Ying Zheng looked down at the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty and asked with authority.

The words fell.

This sentence was like a groundbreaking statement.

The entire court exploded instantly.

Whether it was Wang Wan, Wei Zhuang, or other ministers, they all looked at him in shock.


None of them expected this move.

"Your Majesty."

"Absolutely not."

"Although General Zhao Feng has made many military exploits for the Qin Dynasty, he is still too young and has limited qualifications." Chunyu Yue immediately jumped out and retorted.

"The veteran seconded the proposal."

"General Zhao Feng is indeed capable of commanding troops, but he is not good enough to be a general."

"This position is too important." Wang Wan immediately stood up and objected.

Although Fusu went to apologize to Zhao Feng that day, there must still be some gaps. If Zhao Feng was allowed to go further, he would be more attracted by other princes, which Wang Wan did not want to see.


Zhao Feng is the son-in-law of the Wang family. Winning over Zhao Feng is equivalent to winning over the entire Wang family. When they control the military power, the two of them are comparable to half of the court.

For the sake of balance in the court, for Fusu.

Zhao Feng must not be promoted to the throne, at least not now, and it can be delayed as long as possible.

"Please, Your Majesty, take back your life."

"Zhao Feng's military exploits for the Qin Dynasty are indeed not small, but he is still too young after all. He still needs a few more years of experience. When Zhao Feng is older and has higher qualifications, he will be promoted to the title in the future."

"Now, although General Zhao has made many military exploits, a knighthood is enough." Wei Zhuang also said immediately.

Ying Zheng didn't speak, just looked at the ministers in the court quietly.

"Fusu, what do you think?" Ying Zheng looked at Fusu and said.

"My son and I think that the words of Prime Minister Wang and Prime Minister Wei are right."

"Although Zhao Feng has made great achievements in battle, he is still too young and needs a few more years of experience."

"After you regain your composure, you will definitely be able to take on the important task of guarding the army." Fusu immediately replied.

Hear this.

Ying Zheng nodded.


With a wave of his hand, he picked up a royal edict from the table.

"Read it out." Ying Zheng said solemnly.

Zhao Gao respectfully held the king's edict in his hands and read loudly: "The edict of the King of Qin!"

"The master of Lantian, Feng Zhao, has made great achievements in destroying Zhao. He is a model for our Great Qin generals. He guarded Weicheng to prevent our Great Qin from losing its territory. He attacked the Zhao Kingdom, killed Lian Po, killed Pang Nuan, and captured the King of Zhao. He made great achievements in battle."

"After Zhao is defeated, Jin and Zhao will be granted the title of Captain of the Guard and the title of General." "And they will be promoted to the second level."

Wait until Zhao Gao's reading voice falls.

The whole court was silent.

Everyone understands.

Ying Zheng proposed that this matter was not discussed with them at all, but that the decision had already been made and the royal edict had been drawn up.

Even if the ministers object, it is useless, because this is the king's will.

After Zhao Feng is defeated, Zhao Feng will be promoted to general, the youngest general in the Qin Dynasty.


It is even possible to aspire to become a state captain, like Bai Qi did back then, commanding the entire Qin army.

The faces of many of the ministers who had just objected also looked ugly.

"Your Majesty."

"Zhao Feng is not qualified enough. Now that he is promoted to general, I am afraid that the whole army will be dissatisfied." Wang Wan said bravely.

"Are all the soldiers in the army dissatisfied?"

"Is it so strange what Wang Xiang said?"

Wei Liao stood up with a somewhat funny tone.

"Doesn't the King know that the elite soldiers in the army all aim at General Zhao Feng and set General Zhao Feng as their benchmark?" Wei Liao said with a smile.

"Not only that."

"Wang Xiang said that General Zhao's promotion to general will make the army dissatisfied?"

"Does the King not know that our Great Qin puts the military merit system first? For the elite men of Great Qin, the military merit system is the basis for promotion."

"With the merits of General Zhao, who among the elites in the army would dare to question him?"

"Dare to ask the Prime Minister."

"Who in the world can do what General Zhao has accomplished?"

"Who can kill Lianpo? Who can kill Pang Nuan?"

"Who can defeat Wei Wuji with a small force?"

"Who can break through Handan City where 300,000 troops are stationed in six days?"

Han Fei also immediately stood up and spoke for Zhao Feng.

"The internal history makes sense."

"Prime Minister, you can tell me who is dissatisfied?"

"Why does it sound like the Prime Minister is dissatisfied with the Prime Minister's tone?" Li Si also immediately stood up to add insult to injury.

Facing the three people's repeated questions.

A look of anger flashed across Wang Wan's face, but he was speechless.

"After all, Zhao Feng is too young."

"The general commands the camp and has hundreds of thousands of troops."

"The old minister's suggestion requires further consideration." Wang Wan couldn't make sense and once again used the word "young" to object.

"If the word "young" prevents a capable general from being promoted in our Great Qin, that would be too much." Wei Liao said in a deep voice.

At this time!

Ying Zheng raised his hand.

The sound of arguments in the court suddenly stopped.

"If the word age is used to hinder the promotion of our Great Qin War General, it will make millions of our Great Qin warriors disappointed with the military merit system."

"Age does have something to do with a person's character."

"But Zhao Feng, I have seen it with my own eyes."

"He has a stable mind and a mature personality, and he is qualified to take on this important responsibility."

"Gu believes that he can serve as a good general." Ying Zheng said slowly.

As his words fell, the matter was completely finalized.

No one can change it anymore.

Unless Zhao Feng committed suicide and committed treason, the position of general would completely belong to him.

"Old minister, I understand."

When Wang Wan saw this, he knew that it could not be changed.

"Wei Qing."

"Pass an edict to Wang Jian and ask him to order Zhao Feng to release Yan Dan."

"And tell him that after the Zhao territory is completely conquered, it is best to destroy Zhao before the winter comes. Otherwise, everything will be difficult to handle after the winter comes." Ying Zheng said solemnly.

"I accept the edict." Wei Liao immediately accepted the order.

"Zhao Feng."

"This kid can't hold himself back at all."

"The Captain of the Guard, the general of a country."

"This boy is not yet twenty years old, but he has already become one."


"Another Bai Qi." Wang Wan sighed, with a heavy look on his old face.

Perhaps because of the previous criticism, Wang Wan felt a strong sense of uneasiness in Zhao Feng's rise to power this time.

"Be as friendly as possible."

"As long as he doesn't fall under the influence of other young masters, then we don't need to be too targeted. But if he really chooses to go against us, we will still have to suppress him in the future."

"When you become a general, you will mainly be at the Xianyang court in the future. This is not like being in the army." Wei Zhuang said slowly.

At this time!

"Two prime ministers."

"Do you think my father is very disappointed in me?" Fusu suddenly asked, with a look of suspicion on his face.

Hear the words.

Wang Wan and the two were shocked: "Why did the young master say this?"

"When I was sixteen years old, my father allowed me to join the court and participate in politics. However, every time I mentioned the policy proposed by the court, my father would not adopt it. Every time I mentioned the implementation of national policies, my father would ignore it."

"I really can't see through my father's attitude of being far away and suddenly approaching." Fusu sighed.


"Who is the king?"

"He is the king of a country, and he is one of the few men in the world who has great talent and great strategy."

"His strategies for governing the country and the way he controls his ministers are inferior to those of a young master."

"As the eldest son of our Great Qin, the young master is naturally stronger than the other young masters. Apart from the young master, which other young master can join the government and participate in politics?"

"This is the king's unique attitude towards the young master." Wang Wan immediately comforted him.

As the person they selected, Fusu naturally had high hopes from many courtiers and nobles.

Even most of the Ying clan had high hopes for Fusu.

Fusu is kind and generous.

For their nobles, they can get greater benefits in the future.

If it were a lord as domineering and wise as Ying Zheng, there would not be a good chance for the nobles because the lord was too smart.

Listening to Wang Wan's comfort.

Fusu nodded: "Maybe I'm overthinking."

"It's just that sometimes I really feel that my father is very disappointed in me."

Wei Zhuang also said: "Young Master is overly worried. Entering the court and participating in politics is a training for the Young Master. I believe that with a few more years of experience, the Young Master will be able to let the King look elsewhere."

"What the young master has to do now is to obey the king's will as much as possible, and the policies of governing the country must also conform to the king's heart."

Fusu was a little reluctant: "My father is a wise king, so naturally I am not as capable as my father."

"But people are not perfect. In my opinion, many of my father's policies in governing the country are also wrong, such as attaching great importance to court officials, attaching importance to laws, and being harsh on the people. If it were me, I would be a little more relaxed."

Wang Wan said: "Now the king is in charge of the country, but as long as the young master becomes the prince, he will have the opportunity to implement the national policy in the young master's heart. The world is huge and the future is also long. Young Master, wait patiently."

Inside Zhangtai Palace!

"Your Majesty's decision today really shocked the court." Wei Liao sat on one side and said with a smile.

"In the court, people always rely on their qualifications to make decisions."

"Civil officials need qualifications and reputation."

"After all, knowledge is in the hands of the nobles."

"I just can't bear it."

"But the military ministers are the foundation of our great Qin's strength, and we still have to talk about so-called qualifications. I can't tolerate them."

"I want to use Zhao Feng as a benchmark and become a benchmark for millions of soldiers in our Great Qin Dynasty." Ying Zheng smiled lightly, everything was under his control.

"Great King Shengming."

"With the encouragement of our youngest general in the Qin Dynasty, all the warriors in our Qin Dynasty will be inspired." Wei Liao immediately clasped his fists and said.

"It's just..." Ying Zheng looked hesitant: "I am still considering where to station the camp set up for Zhao Feng, and whether the soldiers should be mainly recruits or prisoners."

"I think that after General Zhao returns to Xianyang, we can let him discuss with the king."

"There's no rush yet."

"After all, the most important thing is to destroy Zhao first." Wei Liao smiled.


"Gu is indeed too anxious." Ying Zheng also smiled in relief.

"Originally, I thought that the king would set up another camp after completely annihilating the three Jin Dynasties, but I never thought that it would be earlier." Wei Liao smiled.

"Perhaps Zhao Feng makes Gu feel that he is too outstanding."

"If we don't set up an additional camp, how can the position of a mere general accommodate his military exploits for the Qin Dynasty?" Ying Zheng smiled.

"So many years."

"This is the first time I have seen the king value a general so highly."

"I believe that Zhao Feng will not disappoint the king." Wei Liao said.

"What do you think of Wang Wan and the others in the court today?" Ying Zheng suddenly asked.

"Ideological achievement, only for self-interest, and Mr. Fusu has been completely controlled by them."

"Their henchmen are all over the court, so the king should also check and balance them." Wei Liao said respectfully.

Ying Zheng nodded: "It is indeed necessary to check and balance."


"If this continues, how can he be Gu's heir in the future?"

Hearing what Ying Zheng said.

Wei Liao was not surprised at all. He knew Ying Zheng's ambition.

He does not want to unify the world in one lifetime, but wants the Qin Dynasty to last forever.

Ying Zheng naturally attaches great importance to his successor.

Fusu's current performance is simply not enough to shoulder such a heavy responsibility.


Wei Liao had no intention of saying anything about the selection of the crown prince or the candidate for the future crown prince.

Because after the world is unified, he may have to leave Da Qin.

He entered the Qin Dynasty just to help unify the Qin Dynasty and create a prosperous age, but he didn't care about his own glory and wealth!

(End of chapter)

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