Become Stronger and Immortal By Picking Up Attributes From the Battlefield

Chapter 162: Father and daughter recognize each other! Zhao's difficulties!

Chapter 162 Father and daughter recognize each other! Zhao's difficulties!

"Mom, have you ever met Dr. Xia?"

Zhao Feng turned his head and looked at his mother and asked.


Mrs. Zhao nodded, waves rising in her eyes.

"Doctor Xia, the head of the medical family, my mother can be regarded as a disciple of Dr. Xia." Mrs. Zhao endured the panic in her heart and said calmly.

"No wonder my medical skills are so good. It turns out that I learned from Dr. Xia."

"Then Doctor Xia really found the right place this time." Zhao Feng said with a smile.

"Feng boy."

At this time!

Seeing Zhao Feng like this, Wu Lizheng smiled happily, but then said: "I heard that you are back. There are many villagers outside the house who want to see you, and they want to express their gratitude to you."


Mrs. Zhao sighed: "Come with me."

"elder brother."

For him, he naturally regards the Zhao Feng brother and sister as his grandchildren.

Zhao Feng smiled and nodded: "These are all small things, there is no need to be like this."

Zhao Ying also happily led her sister-in-law into the house.

Zhao Feng naturally attached great importance to Wu Lizheng, because he had been taken care of by Wu Lizheng in the past. If it weren't for him, his family would have no land to farm, and it would be impossible for his mother to take care of his brother and sister alone.


"I think Mom and Dr. Xia seem to have something to say."

A figure walked quickly. When he saw Zhao Feng, he immediately shouted with a smile.

"I haven't seen you in four years."

"Okay." Zhao Feng nodded, then turned to Xia Wuji and said, "Mom, make some arrangements for Doctor Xia. I'll go meet the folks first."

Although she left the army, Wang Yan was still observant. She just saw that her mother-in-law had a strange expression after seeing Xia Wuqie.

Hear this!

"We have all distributed your title fields to the villagers for planting, and the rent is a symbolic fee. Because of you, the villagers have become rich." Zhao Ying said with a smile.

"When you went to the battlefield, I was really worried that something would happen to you. Now you are back and you have become a general."

Wang Yan could also feel that her mother-in-law and Xia Wuqie seemed to really know each other.

Only Zhao and Xia Wuqie were left, looking at each other.

Hear this!

"I'm happy for you too." Wu Lizheng said with a smile.


"follow me."

Zhao Feng's eyes also showed joy: "Grandpa Wu."

"Go meet them." Wu Lizheng said.

"I just came back and haven't had time to see you yet."

After going on for quite a while.

Thinking of her mother-in-law's medical skills, maybe her mother-in-law would really be Xia Wuji's disciple, and even if she wasn't, it would still be relevant.

"It's good to be back."

In order to give the two of them a chance to be alone, Wang Yan simply moved Zhao Ying away.

"Why are you grateful to me?" Zhao Feng looked confused.

Wang Yan smiled, held the hands of the two little guys, and then said to Zhao Ying.

"sister in law."

Zhao nodded slightly.

The father and daughter arrived at the original thatched house and small courtyard of the Zhao Mansion.

"It may be a small thing to you, but it is a great favor to the villagers."


It seems like there is something hidden.

"Ying'er, take us back to the room first."

Xia Wuji said nothing and followed Zhao quietly.

"Grandpa Wu, Zhao Feng will never forget your great kindness to our family." Zhao Feng said in a very firm tone.

Although a mansion was built, the Zhao family has always lived in this thatched house.

After there are no outsiders.

Mrs. Zhao knelt directly towards Xia Wuji.


"My daughter is unfilial."

Zhao said with tears in her eyes.

See this.

Xia Wuji hurriedly stepped forward and helped Zhao up.


"What did you say?"

"You are not unfilial, it is your father who failed to protect you."

"It's all because of dad."

"If dad could have protected you back then, nothing would have happened."

"You've suffered over the years."

"Dad, I'm sorry for you."

Xia Wuqi also looked at his daughter with tears streaming down his face, and immediately hugged her tightly and helped her up.


"My daughter has not been around to serve her for twenty-one years. My daughter is unfilial."

"Even if she knew her father was in Xianyang, my daughter would not dare to visit him. This is even more unfilial."


Speaking of which.

Mrs. Zhao couldn't help it, and tears flowed down.

Father and daughter have a lot to say to each other.

But Xia Wuqi also understood all the reasons.

He also saw with his own eyes the darkness under those powerful people, and he knew even more clearly that if his daughter had not been hiding here, she would not be alive, and it would be impossible for his grandson to grow up so big.

"Zhao Feng and Zhao Ying are the king's children, right?" Xia Wuji asked tentatively.

After so many years, Xia Wuqi still wanted to be sure.

Although the time is right, the age is also right.

But when Zhao Feng became a general, his details had been thoroughly investigated by Heibingtai, and there were no problems.

His father was a former Changping veteran who had died fighting for his country long ago, and Zhao Feng's mother was an ordinary Shacun woman.


Mrs. Zhao nodded: "I was already pregnant when I fled to the sand dunes."

"Then why is there no trace of you in Zhao Feng's information? Didn't his father die in Handan?"

"These kings all know it, and he has no doubts."

"Even if the information is not correct, the king will see it." Xia Wuji said in surprise.

"Thanks to Wu Lizheng from Shacun."

"He took me in when I fled to Shacun."

"As for the one who died in Handan, he was the son of one of his apprentices." Zhao explained.

"But aren't the people in this village strange?"

"Shouldn't it?" Xia Wuji became even more puzzled.

There were originally only a few hundred people in this village. You couldn't see it when you looked up, so how could you not recognize it?

"Perhaps what happened back then was God giving our family of three a chance to survive."

"After the son of Wu Lizheng's apprentice went to the battlefield, his apprentice's daughter-in-law left the village and never came back, and there was no news."

"I just took her place."

"And Zhao Feng's father was also recorded as the son of his apprentice."

"It just so happens that my real name is Zhao." Mrs. Zhao replied.

"I see."

Xia Wuji suddenly realized.

Based on his understanding of his daughter, he also knew that he would not look for anyone else.

But I can also think of how hard my daughter has been in these years.


"If dad hadn't found you, wouldn't you have gone to Xianyang?" Xia Wuji asked.


"You know."

"Although so many years have passed, once I go, Feng'er and Ying'er will be in danger."

"Those people will do anything for the royal power."

"I don't want to, I really don't want them to be in danger."

"Even though Feng'er has become a very popular minister now, he can't avoid it. Once it gets to that point, those people will be crazy to kill Feng'er."

"I don't think about anything else in this life, as long as Feng'er and Ying'er can live in peace."

"Besides, Feng'er is not bad now. He is a very popular minister. This is enough." Zhao said with a slight smile.

Xia Wuji's old face showed a kind of confusion: "Don't you miss Zheng'er? Do you really don't want to see him?"

"Dad has been looking for you all these years, but Zheng'er has also been looking for you like crazy. After Zhao was destroyed, Zheng'er went all the way to Handan to find you because he thought you would be in Handan."

"For you, he has not even established a queen until now." Xia Wuji said somewhat unbearably.


He wanted his daughter to meet Ying Zheng.

At least Ying Zheng got his wish.

"Dad, you know him, and I know him better."

"Once I let him know that I am here, he will come over at all costs, and he will recognize Feng'er and the others at all costs."

"At that time, Feng'er will become the target of public criticism."

"Although Feng'er now has a lot of power, and Brother Zheng has truly taken control of the Qin State, those big families and clans will do anything for that position."

"I don't want anything to happen to Feng'er."

"As long as Feng'er and Ying'er can live peacefully, I will be fine even if I die." Zhao said very firmly.

Seeing his daughter's attitude, Xia Wuji nodded helplessly.

And at this moment.

Outside the mansion.

Even in the dark of night, a large number of people gathered outside the house.

All of them were from Sha Village. In addition to the folks Zhao Feng was familiar with, there were also many villagers from outside.

At this moment, most people came with the intention of watching the fun.

"Zhao Feng is out."

"Boy Zhao, you are finally out."

"Zhao Xiaoxiao is really promising now that he's born in Shacun."

"Boy Zhao, I am Uncle Li from the house next door to you. Do you still remember me?"

"Zhao Feng...I am Aunt Zhao..."

Villagers who had been familiar with Zhao Feng shouted one after another.

These were all Zhao Feng's elders, and they had taken good care of Zhao Feng's family.


There are also many people who used to be unreliable and clamoring, seeming to want to have a relationship with Zhao Feng.

To these, Zhao Feng naturally nodded in response.


"I haven't been home in four years."

"Since the folks are here today."

"Then I, Zhao Feng, will make an announcement."

"Three days later, I, Zhao Feng, will host a banquet in my mansion. It can be regarded as the wedding banquet between me and my wife. Firstly, I will give an explanation to my mother, and secondly, I will also thank the villagers for taking care of my Zhao family." "Three days later. "Everyone from Shacun can come to the banquet," Zhao Feng said loudly.

"The general is very generous."

"I will definitely come to the banquet."

"Thank you, General..."

Among the crowd, there were endless sounds of thanks and flattery.

This is the change brought about by gaining power.

Once a person has power, he will be surrounded by good people, and now Zhao Feng is surrounded by good people because no one dares to offend him.

An official is a general, a powerful person in the government, and he holds military power. Who dares to offend him?

"Grandpa Wu."

"I would like to trouble you to take my personal guards to purchase the necessary items for the banquet." Zhao Feng turned his head and looked at Wu Lizheng and said.

"Do not worry."

"I'll definitely do it beautifully for you." Wu Lizheng said with a smile.


"Your Majesty can also help."

"You can go to the county to purchase what you need for the banquet. Only the county and city are the most complete in everything needed." Yan Bing said very respectfully.

"We have the governor of Laoyan." Zhao Feng said with a smile.

"You're welcome, General. It's my honor."

"I wonder if I will be honored to attend the banquet in three days?" Yan Bing asked tentatively.

"Governor Yan has taken great care of my mother and sister these years. I should be grateful."

"Of course this banquet is indispensable for Governor Yan." Zhao Feng said with a smile.

Hear this.

Yan Bing looked excited: "Yes, yes, thank you, General."

Finished explaining.

Zhao Feng also waved goodbye to the villagers and then returned to his mansion.

"Where is Mom and Dr. Xia?"

Once back.

I didn’t see my mother or Dr. Xia either.


"The old lady and Doctor Xia went to the small room."

A maid said respectfully.

Hear the words.

Zhao Feng nodded and walked towards the original small house.

Although he had been away for four years, how could Zhao Feng forget the location of his original home? It was the place where he had lived for sixteen years.

Not a moment.

He saw three thatched houses in the distance. When he returned home, Zhao Feng felt excited when he saw them again.

But after seeing the palaces stretching everywhere beside this small house.

Zhao Feng also felt a feeling in his heart: "Things have changed and people have changed."

“I didn’t expect so much change in four years.”

At this moment!

Zhao Feng also saw Xia Wuji and Zhao sitting in the yard.

After such a long time, the two of them also regained their composure, and Zhao was making tea for Xia Wuji.

"It seems that Dr. Xia really knows my mother."

Zhao Feng walked over slowly and said with a smile.

"Yes, we do know each other." Xia Wuji smiled slightly.


"Doctor Xia is considered your master."

"In the past, when I first started studying medicine, I learned medical skills from Doctor Xia." Zhao said with a very calm expression.

"So, Dr. Xia actually didn't admit his mistake. The bracelet really belonged to his old friend." Zhao Feng looked like he suddenly realized.

Mrs. Zhao nodded and said with a smile: "Of course Dr. Xia had seen this bracelet before."

"It seems like this is really fate."

"If Doctor Xia hadn't taken Yan'er's pulse, he wouldn't have known that my mother was an old friend." Zhao Feng smiled with emotion.

"It is indeed fate."

To this.

Xia Wuqie nodded heavily.

I thought to myself: "If I hadn't seen this bracelet, maybe I would never have come to this sand dune in my life, let alone see Dong'er."

"By the way, mother, have you arranged a place for Doctor Xia?" Zhao Feng asked.

"Don't worry, mother has already told you and everything has been sorted out."

"If you have anything to do, go ahead and do your work. Don't pay attention to us." Mrs. Zhao waved her hand to Zhao Feng.

"All right."

"Mom, please reminisce about the past."

To this.

Zhao Feng smiled, turned around and left without any doubt.

Zhao Feng was undoubtedly very happy to return to his hometown.

Take a rest today and talk about it tomorrow.

Back to the room!

"Where are the two little guys?"

Zhao Feng asked in surprise when he saw that there were no two little guys, Zhao Qi and Zhao Ling, in the room.

"They are pestering their aunt." Wang Yan smiled slightly.

"Just right." Zhao Feng nodded.


"Do you think there's something wrong with Doctor Xia's expression when he saw the Queen today?" Wang Yan asked in a somewhat strange tone.

"What's wrong?" Zhao Feng asked in surprise.

"I can't tell. I feel like they are hiding something." Wang Yan said with a strong feeling.

Zhao Feng smiled and shook his head: "You are overthinking this. Dr. Xia is indeed acquainted with my mother. My mother just said that he once studied medicine under Dr. Xia. This bracelet was originally used by Dr. Xia." Saw it too."

"I see."

Wang Yan nodded suddenly, but she still felt a little weird in her heart. After all, when Xia Wuji and her mother-in-law looked at each other before, they always felt that they were not just old friends.

"Okay, don't think about it too much."

"It's been a long journey these days, so it's better to go to bed first."

"I haven't slept at home for a long time." Zhao Feng laughed and went to bed directly with Wang Yan in his arms.

The night passed.

The original small house.

For four years, the family sat together and had breakfast.

And this meal was made by Zhao herself for Zhao Feng.

"It's been four years since I've eaten the cakes made by my mother. I really miss it."

Zhao Feng bit into the cake and said with a smile.

"If you miss me, eat more." Ms. Zhao said with great distress.

"elder brother."

"How much sleep has the king given you this time?" Zhao Ying asked.

"One month." Zhao Feng replied.

"It's only been a month?" Zhao Ying was a little disappointed.

"What do you mean it's only been a month?"

"This has been a very long time."

"Now your brother is a general, but the camp has not been set up yet. After Xiu Mu, I will go back to Xianyang to discuss the formation of the camp with the king."

"The establishment of a large camp is a matter of national importance."

"This matter cannot be delayed." Zhao Feng explained.

He naturally wanted to stay at home more, but the King of Qin valued him so much. Although he would have thoughts about the end of Qin in the future, now that the King of Qin was still alive and he valued him so much, Zhao Feng would naturally do his best to treat him.

Moreover, with the formation of the camp, the luck official seal belonging to the general can also be condensed, which will also enhance Zhao Feng's strength to a certain extent.

"I don't know why the camp doesn't agree."

"I only know that you have been away for four years, and you have only been away for a month after finally coming back."

"This king is really too stingy." Zhao Ying pouted and said very dissatisfied.

In front of outsiders, Zhao Ying is an elegant girl, but in front of her brother and mother, she is a naughty little girl.

"You can just talk about this at home, but don't say it outside. I will arrest you and spank you when the time comes." Zhao Feng threatened his sister.

"I'm not afraid."

"Unless this king is really that stingy." Zhao Ying snorted.

"Speak of it."

"Little sister."

Zhao Feng suddenly looked at Zhao Ying with a smile.

"What?" Zhao Ying looked at Zhao Feng suspiciously, always feeling that her brother was holding something back.

"You are already twenty, and you are already a big girl. Do you want me to find a man to marry you off?" Zhao Feng suddenly teased.

"you dare."

"I won't marry."

Zhao Ying suddenly became serious.


In a strict sense, Zhao Feng could indeed find a marriage for her.

After all, they no longer have a father, because an elder brother is like a father, and Zhao Feng is now the head of the family.

You can totally make the decision for her.

"You are twenty years old."

"If you're not married yet, do you really want to be an old girl?"

Zhao Feng was still a little worried when he mentioned this.

After all, women in this era start getting married when they are thirteen or fourteen years old. Although I am very enlightened, this era is not enlightened. Is it possible that my sister will really not marry in the future?

"Anyway, I'm not getting married now."

"I haven't met any good ones."

"Let's talk about it later when we meet." Zhao Ying said firmly.

"You stay at home all day long, where can you find the chance?"

"Just take it." Zhao Feng said angrily.

"How can you be sure about such a thing as fate?"

"Didn't you and sister-in-law meet by chance?" Zhao Ying said very rationally.

Mention this.

Zhao Feng couldn't help but laugh: "Do you also want to join the army? Find one in the army?"

"Hmph." Zhao Ying snorted proudly.

"Husband, let Ying'er leave this matter alone."

"She is your sister. As long as she goes to Xianyang, she can choose from any number of talents. Who dares to treat Ying'er poorly?" Wang Yan spoke for Zhao Ying.

Now she is the eldest sister-in-law, and she comes from a wealthy family, so she naturally has a certain aura.

"Sister-in-law is the best." Zhao Ying immediately hugged Wang Yan's arm and acted coquettishly.


"You said you were going to have a wedding banquet, but are you ready?" Ms. Zhao asked with concern.

After giving birth to a pair of children, she was most concerned about their marriage.

Now, although Zhao Feng has done it once in Xianyang, he still has to do it again in Shacun.

"Speak of it."

"When he was in Xianyang, the king even acted as an elder for my husband."

(End of chapter)

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