Chapter 168 Ying Zheng: It’s really Afang!

 At night!

Zhao Feng's personal guards were on duty outside the military camp, while the military camp was bustling with activity.

All the old brothers drank happily.

In addition to buying a batch of wine from Jiuxianlou, most of them are ordinary drinks of this era.

After all, with a one-time supply of more than 60,000 warriors, the wine of the Jiuxian Tower is simply not enough, and there has not yet been a Jiuxian Tower opened in Yunzhong City.

Although he now has power, Zhao Feng is still very cautious. It is better not to expose the Jiuxian Tower.

Zhao Feng sat in the center of the military camp and was not separated from these old brothers who were fighting. No matter who came to toast, Zhao Feng would accept it calmly.

"My subordinates congratulate the General on his wedding."

"Congratulations, General."

"Hahaha, I congratulate you too."

The warriors came towards Zhao Feng one by one, raising their wine jars to congratulate him.

Drinking wine in the military camp is either a large bowl or a direct wine jar, but there are no wine bottles.

"Brothers, drink up."

Zhao Feng smiled and raised the wine jar and responded loudly.


"Do you still remember that when I was in the logistics army, the general stepped forward, otherwise my subordinates would have been crushed by Korean soldiers."

A middle-aged man walked up to Zhao Feng and toasted excitedly.

"Wu Kui."

When Zhao Feng saw it, he immediately smiled and shouted.

Hear this.

This man trembled all over, and then said excitedly: "I didn't expect the general to actually remember the names of his subordinates."

"It's not just you, I remember many brothers in the army."

"I fought with my brothers for more than four years of **** battles."

"Old friends are here, old friends go."

"How could I not remember?"

Under the influence of alcohol, Zhao Feng also felt a little emotional.

"Wu Kui, don't talk nonsense."

"I was among the group of people who chased you back then."

At this time.

A sharp man said with a bit of helplessness.

Hear the sound.

Many sharp men looked over.

one look.

I couldn't help but feel happy.

"Chen Quan, can you please stop being such a disgrace to the scenery?"

"I am reminiscing about the past with the General." Wu Kui glared with dissatisfaction.

"Ha ha."

"That Wu Kui."

"It's not just Chen Quan who is chasing him, but also me."

"And I…"

One by one, the warriors stood up and smiled.


These people who were said to be chasing were naturally the soldiers of Han Jiang in the past, but now they have become warriors of the Qin Dynasty, and their families have become the common people of the Qin Dynasty.

"You chase, we run away."

"It wasn't just Wu Kui who was on the run, there were us as well."

"You guys were very fierce in chasing us, otherwise, General, we would have been killed by you..."

Many more warriors laughed and said.


A burst of laughter immediately erupted from the surroundings, without any ridicule or hatred, just a kind of reminiscence of the past between the robes.

See this.

Zhao Feng also had a smile on his face.

He naturally enjoys this kind of atmosphere.

The old days.

Qin and South Korea are hostile.

I don’t know how many Korean soldiers died in the hands of the Qin soldiers, and I don’t know how many Qin soldiers died in the hands of the Korean soldiers.

But now.

As the surrendered Han soldiers were reorganized into the prisoner army, everything naturally changed.

The former enemies have become Paoze, and they have been fighting side by side for several years. Everything in the past has disappeared.

Those who were still alive and reorganized in the former Han army have become the elite soldiers of Great Qin.

Every warrior under Zhao Feng can safely hand over his back to any of their Pao Ze brothers. This is a comrade in arms, a comrade in life and death.

The noise in the military camp continued.

It was a rare opportunity for the entire army to lift the alcohol ban, and naturally no one wanted to miss it.

Moreover, Zhao Feng also ordered that, except for the elite soldiers on duty, the entire army would have a day off tomorrow.


Zhangtai Palace.

"Your Majesty."

"Dead again."

"After trying it so many times, it is enough to prove that General Zhao Feng is right. The elixir is poisonous."

Zhao Gao reported respectfully.

The **** behind Zhao Gao was still holding a box with a dead rabbit inside.

Look at these dead rabbits.

Ying Zheng's face was extremely ugly: "The elixir that Gu has been taking for so many years is actually poisonous. If Zhao Feng hadn't reminded him, Gu would have continued taking it until the poison accumulated in his body and he died suddenly."

Zhao Gao knelt down immediately, and the **** behind him also knelt down immediately.

"Your Majesty, great blessings have reached the heavens, and the general reminds me that this is where the great blessings lie."

"Now as long as the king stops taking the elixir and lets the great doctor prescribe some detoxifying medicine, the toxins in the body will be eliminated." Zhao Gao said respectfully.

"Use the magic pill to kill the orphan."

"I will never forgive you lightly."

Ying Zheng's face was gloomy, and his eyes were filled with murderous intent.

"Ren Xiao."

Ying Zheng shouted with authority.

"I'm here."

Ren Xiao stood up in response.

"Bring all the alchemists from the Alchemy Palace here." Ying Zheng said coldly.

"I accept the edict."

Ren Xiao strode out and immediately led the imperial guards towards the Alchemy Palace.

As an important place once regarded by the King of Qin, the Dan Palace was also located in the palace, not in the harem, but in the front palace.

Dan Palace!

There are many palaces scattered inside, and each palace contains several alchemy furnaces. In addition to the alchemists who make alchemy in front of the furnace, there are also servants who add wood and light the fire.

In today's world, the status of alchemists is not low.

Not only the kings, but also the powerful nobles all yearned for immunity from all diseases, and even more, for immortality.

Raising alchemists is also a must for many powerful people.

"How many pills were refined today?"

Xu Lin, the deputy chief of Dan Palace asked.

He is the disciple of Xu Fu, the leader of the Alchemy Palace. Xu Fu went out to look for medicine, so he naturally accepted the responsibility of the leader and took charge of the Dan Palace.

"Return to the deputy chief."

"I refined fifty refreshing pills and fifty dragon and tiger pills today." An alchemist replied respectfully.


"Our Alchemy Palace is deeply trusted by the king, so we cannot make any omissions." Xu Lin nodded seriously.

at this time.

The sound of soldiers and armor came along with the sound of footsteps.

"Deputy Chief, something serious has happened."

"There are many imperial guards outside the palace."

"Our Alchemy Palace is surrounded."

A servant ran over in a panic.

"Prisonary Guards?" A look of surprise and confusion appeared on Xu Lin's face.

At this time!

The sound of footsteps at the palace door came quickly.

I saw Ren Xiao as the leader, followed by many imperial guards.

"Commander Ren Xiao, what do you mean by this?"

Xu Lin stepped forward and asked in surprise.

"According to the king's order, seal the Alchemy Palace, capture all the alchemists and servants, and take them to Zhangtai Palace." Ren Xiao shouted coldly.


Ren Xiao waved his hand.

Many guards swarmed up and started taking people.


"Did my Alchemy Palace do anything wrong?" Xu Lin asked with a look of horror on his face.

"When you get to Zhangtai Palace, you will understand."

Ren Xiao glanced coldly and waved his hand: "Take them all away."

"It's unfair, it's unfair."

"We don't know what crime we have committed, how can we treat people like this?"

"We were wronged..."

Everyone in the Dan Palace, from the alchemists to the servants, cried out for injustice.

It's just that none of the imperial guards showed any mercy to them. They were directly ordered by the King of Qin, so how could they listen to their excuses?


Outside Zhangtai Palace.

Hundreds of people were escorted over, including the alchemists and their servants.

"Your Majesty, you are wronged."

"Your Majesty, I didn't do anything."

"Your Majesty..."

Outside Zhangtai Palace, bursts of wailing sounds of injustice could be heard.

for them.

At this moment, he was suddenly captured and was completely confused.

In the palace!

Listening to the cries of injustice and injustice outside the hall, Ying Zheng's face became even more ugly.


Get up slowly.

"Your Majesty."

"They are refining the elixir and want to kill the king. There is no need to say anything to them, just deal with them directly."

Zhao Gao, who had always found it difficult to take the initiative to speak, spoke now.

Ying Zheng glanced at Zhao Gao in surprise. Zhao Gao panicked at this look.

"I want them to understand clearly, and I also need to ask them if they know that the elixir is poisonous." Ying Zheng said coldly.

Walk directly towards the outside of the hall.

When he saw Ying Zheng coming out.

Xu Lin seemed to have seen the savior, and immediately said humbly: "Your Majesty, why do you want to capture me? I have not committed any crime, let alone any fault."

"Do you know that the elixir is poisonous?" Ying Zheng asked coldly. As soon as these words fell.

Most of the alchemists looked puzzled, but the expressions of a small number of alchemists changed.

And all of this was seen by Ying Zheng.

"It seems that many of you know that the elixir is poisonous."

"For so many years, Gu has placed great trust in you and others, yet you and others actually refined the poison elixir and planned for Gu."

"Gu, I will never tolerate you."

"Someone's coming."

"Bring everyone to the imperial court and let Li Si torture them severely."

"Purpose for the crime of murdering the king."

Ying Zheng waved his hand and shouted coldly.

Hear the words.

Everyone was so frightened that they knelt down.

"Your Majesty, spare my life."

"Your Majesty, please spare my life."

"I don't know, I don't know at all."

"How could the elixir be poisonous? How dare I murder the king..."

Suddenly there was a cry of injustice and injustice.

But there were no disturbances in Yingzheng.

Just by poisoning the king, their entire clan will be wiped out.

"Your Majesty."

"Is there a hidden secret in this?"

"I have always learned according to the teacher's teachings. There is no way that I am poisonous." Xu Lin struggled and finally shouted to Ying Zheng.

Ying Zheng waved his hand.

The eunuchs around him took out some dead rabbits.

Then Ying Zheng turned around and left.

"You don't have to argue anymore."

"In order to test whether the elixir is poisonous, the king has been ordering people to test it for a period of time."

"These rabbits were all poisoned to death by the elixir."

"Successively, a total of twenty rabbits died. Each rabbit will die within four days after taking the elixir."

"Do you understand what this means?" Ren Xiao looked at Xu Lindao coldly.

Looking at these dead rabbits, he looked at Ying Zheng who turned around decisively.

Xu Lin panicked completely and collapsed on the ground.


The Imperial Guards took action directly and sent these alchemists directly to the Tingwei.

This movement naturally aroused the whole Xianyang, and the court was shocked.

Young Master's Mansion!


"Have you received any news?"

"All the alchemists in the Alchemy Palace were imprisoned by the king."

Wang Wan came to the Young Master's Mansion in a hurry.

"Well, I received the news."

"It is said that the elixirs refined by these alchemists are poisonous."

"The news from Tingwei is that they intend to murder the king." Fusu said seriously.

"I didn't expect that."

"In the past, the king treated these alchemists with great courtesy, especially Xu Fu, who was extremely kind and trusting, but now he has imprisoned the entire alchemy hall." Wang Wan also felt a little emotional.

"For murdering the king, these alchemists will all die if they are found guilty."

"I just don't know the reason for this." Fusu said curiously.

"The old minister has a secret report."

"It is said."

"It's because of Zhao Feng." Wang Wan suddenly lowered his voice and said with strong fear in his tone.

Fusu was stunned: "Zhao Feng?"

"Didn't he already leave Xianyang?"

"Why is it related to him?"

Wang Wan shook his head: "I also know this through people in the palace. It is said that before Zhao Feng returned to the capital, he stayed alone with the king for a period of time. After that, the king ordered people to use rabbits to test the elixir."

"How did Zhao Feng know that the elixir was poisonous?" Fusu was very curious.


"What we want to focus on is not why Zhao Feng knows, but how much trust the king has in Zhao Feng now."

"When Zhao Feng was in the court that day, couldn't Master still see Zhao Feng's attitude towards us?"

"So aggressive, so relentless."

"Now it seems that he cannot be won over at all, but is our enemy."

"It's such a big trouble to be so deeply favored by the king." Wang Wan sighed.

It seems that after that day, Zhao Feng was so angry at Chun Yuyue in front of the entire court, and he was even more merciless.

So everyone knew that Chunyu Yue was Fusu's teacher. If he targeted him like this, he clearly didn't take Fusu seriously.

From this matter.

That would be a declaration of war on the entire Fusu lineage.

"The Prime Minister may be thinking too much."

"At the end of the day."

"Zhao Feng did it because the teacher's behavior was too much, and he also fought back." Fusu said calmly.

Wang Wan shook his head: "Although Chun Yuyue is rude, he is the master's teacher and represents the master's continuity. As a minister, he is so ruthless. This is not to save the master's face." ”

"Because of this matter."

"Many court officials who originally supported the Young Master have also changed and turned to the Eighteenth Young Master."

"From this point of view, it is extremely possible to say that Zhao Feng and the Eighteenth Young Master are related." Wang Wan said very seriously.

Fusu frowned and didn't know what to say.


It is not wrong for Wang Wan to have this idea, because it is from his own standpoint.

Because in his opinion, even if Zhao Feng wanted to retaliate, he could not do so in front of the Manchu Dynasty. As a minister, he should have the thoughts of a minister. If he did not give Fusu face, he would not respect the future king.


Wang Wan invested all his wealth in Fusu. Once he lost, his family would surely perish.

The royal power struggle is so cruel.

Once you make the wrong choice, everything will be ruined.

"Let's take a step and see."

"Don't go too far for now, otherwise it will be bad if you really force Zhao Feng into an enemy." Fusu still advised.

For Zhao Feng.

He didn't have much dislike, on the contrary, he admired him very much.

But Fusu naturally couldn't change the thoughts of his supporters, he could only ease them.

the other side.

Inside Zhangtai Palace!

Ying Zheng has recovered from his rage.

Seeing that the alchemists had been escorted away, his anger eased a little.

"The elixir is actually poisonous."

"If it weren't for Zhao Feng, I might not live to be fifty."

"I didn't expect that I owed him my life."

There was an emotional smile on Ying Zheng's face.

Although this incident made him angry, at least he still took advantage of the fact that he now knew that the elixir was poisonous. As long as he stopped taking it and took the anti-toxic medicine as an aid, his body could naturally recover.

Thinking of this, Ying Zheng still felt scared.

Maybe because of this move.

The history of Qin Shi Huang died of illness in a sand dune will be rewritten.

"Your Majesty."

"My slave, please go to the Great Doctor's Hall and ask the Great Doctor to come and take the king's pulse in person." Zhao Gao said respectfully.

"Go." Ying Zheng waved his hand.

"My slave, take your orders." Zhao Gao turned around and was about to leave.

At this time, Ying Zheng suddenly thought of something: "Is Zhao Feng's sister in the Great Medical Hall?"


"Before the general left, he arranged for his sister to study medical skills in the Great Medical Hall." Zhao Gao replied immediately.

"Let Master Chen bring his sister with him," Ying Zheng said.

"This slave accepts the imperial edict." Zhao Gao immediately withdrew.

After he retreated.

Did Ying Zheng change his gaze?

Looking at the pile of memorials on the table, Ying Zheng had a headache again, and there was a tired look on his face.

"Without the elixir as an auxiliary refresher, reviewing memorials is also very tiring."


Ying Zheng sighed.

Along with South Korea, the State of Zhao fell.

Especially since the State of Zhao was still in its early stages, there were many memorials sent back.

This also allowed Ying Zheng to review countless memorials every day, because everything that could be presented to him must be approved by him and affect thousands of people.

If he slacks even a little bit, thousands of people will suffer because of it.

Naturally, Ying Zheng cannot do this.

after all.

Nowadays, the Qin Dynasty is governed by laws, and everything is dealt with by laws. In the words of later generations, today's Qin laws are still too harsh, but in the face of a country that was originally established, it can only be governed by laws.

"Your Majesty."

At this time.

From the back hall.

Dunwei walked out slowly.


Seeing Dun's weakness, Ying Zheng immediately cheered up.


What was previously assigned to Dun Rui has been completed.

Dunruo stepped forward respectfully and took out a white piece of cloth from his arms.

Then he handed it to Ying Zheng respectfully.

Ying Zheng couldn't wait to open it.

Come into view.

It is a portrait.

When I saw this picture.

Ying Zheng was shocked, and his eyes could not help but freeze.

After going on for quite a while.

Endless waves appeared in Ying Zheng's eyes.

"It's's really her."

"It's really A Fang."

Even though it's just a picture.

Although this portrait did not fully depict Zhao's appearance, Ying Zheng recognized it instantly just from the outline.

How could Ying Zheng not recognize the person he had missed for so many years?

No matter what it looks like, it is undoubtedly recognizable from this outline.

(End of chapter)

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