Chapter 17 Wang Yan’s shock


There is no right or wrong for ordinary soldiers.

All of these are wars waged by the royal power and those in power to expand territory.



The power of the world!

These are all drives.

But for ordinary soldiers, the separation of life and death, and the love of robe and Ze, made them hate each other, which may also be used by the superiors.

Looking at the head of the violent kite.

All the surrounding soldiers looked shocked, and they looked at Zhao Feng with special awe.

I saw the Junhou who was kneeling on the ground slowly stood up and walked to Zhao Feng.

"Lu Hao, Marquis of the Fifth Army of the Logistics Army, would like to thank Brother Zhao for his great kindness on behalf of all the officers and men of the Logistics Army who died after the battle." The Marquis said loudly and solemnly.

"Marquis Laolu presented this head."

"Use this man's head to report the results of our logistics army's battles and the bravery of our logistics army's officers and men. Although our logistics army was defeated, it will never lose the power of Qin's soldiers." Zhao Feng handed Bao Yuan's head to Lu Hao .

This head.

Perhaps it was Zhao Feng's military exploits.

But it can also be considered as a member of the logistics army.

This head count will also make the logistics army famous far and wide.

Let everyone know that although the logistics army was defeated by a sneak attack in Yangcheng, it survived and even faced off against the Han elite led by General Han without defeat, and even killed Bao Yuan.

Lu Hao solemnly took Bao Yuan's head with both hands.

"Brother Zhao, please rest assured."

"I will definitely punish this person."

"All the military exploits belonging to Brother Zhao have been seen with their own eyes, and they will report them truthfully." Lu Hao looked solemn.

the other side!

Where to camp.

"Commander of the Army."

"People from the logistics medical battalion have arrived and are already treating the wounded."


"General Li also came here in person." A military prince reported to Wang Yan.

"This time it's too big."

"Although all the Korean troops who attacked this time have been wiped out, our Great Qin has also suffered a lot of losses." Wang Yan said with a frown.

"Commander of the Army."

"The situation here has been reported to the general."

"If nothing else happens, General Li will be severely punished this time." The military commander on the side said with a worried look on his face.

Hear this!

Wang Yan also remained silent.

This time Yangcheng was attacked, and it was attacked from within. Although Bao Yuan had a plan to hide the Korean army, in the final analysis it was because of Li Teng's greed for power and rash advancement. If there were more warriors left, things would not be like this at all.

No more than ten thousand soldiers will die at the hands of the Korean army.

"At least this Korean army is destroyed, and Bao Yuan is also dead."

"Our Great Qin has lost a great enemy."

"Have you calculated the battlefield situation?" Wang Yan asked.

"This is the basic result. Regarding the number of enemies killed, the losses of our army are still being calculated."

The military lord on the side took out a bamboo slip and handed it to Wang Yan respectfully.

Wang Yan took it and took a look.

"Bao Yuan is indeed a Han general. He is good at using troops to hide his troops. All 8,000 Korean troops were hidden in Yangcheng, which caused a big loss to our Qin Dynasty." Wang Yan said.

"By the way, Commander-in-Chief."

"Here is an additional battle report, which is somewhat unbelievable."

After Wang Yan finished reading, the military lord on the side took out another battle report.

"Unbelievable?" Wang Yan looked surprised.

"A garrison commander in the logistics army killed nearly three hundred enemies." The military marquis said with a serious face.

"One man killed three hundred enemies?"

"Is this battle report wrong? And how did the statistics of this battle be so chaotic?" Wang Yan frowned and asked immediately.

"Commander of the Army."

"There is absolutely no error in the battle report." "Because the people killed by the logistics army commander all have the same characteristics, all of them have missing heads."

"After half a day of counting, there were a total of 285 headless Korean soldiers, all of whom were beheaded with a sword. After counting, my subordinates also specifically asked the surviving soldiers of the logistics army. They all saw with their own eyes the commander of the village. The bravery." Junhou said with great certainty.

"Such a brave man is actually in the logistics army."

"Kill nearly three hundred enemies."

"There has never been anyone in the world who can do it, right?" Wang Yan also looked horrified.

"This battle report is indeed too shocking." The military lord asked respectfully.

"Report it truthfully."

Wang Yan said directly, and then looked at the military prince: "Have you found the soldier who killed Bao Yuan?"

The moment this question is asked.

Wang Yan's heart is also full of expectations.

The battlefield before was complicated and there were many people.

Wang Yan didn't have time to thank the other party for saving her life. Now that the war was over, she naturally sent someone to find him immediately.

Hear this question.

The military lord on the side showed a strange smile.

Then he clapped his hands.

A soldier came directly holding a wooden box.

"Commander of the Army."

"This is the head of the violent kite."

"As for the man who killed Bao Yuan, he was the fierce soldier who killed nearly three hundred enemies. His name is Zhao Feng."

"The reason why we were able to deal with the Korean army so quickly this time was because the officers and soldiers of the logistics army fought to the death to hold back the Korean army. The first one to break out was the village commander named Zhao Feng."

"Zhao Feng deserves the most credit for the merits of this battle." The military marquis respectfully reported.

"Zhao Feng, commander of the logistics army." Wang Yan murmured to herself, with a curious light in her eyes.

"Commander of the Army."

"Are these all required to be reported truthfully?" the military marquis at the side asked.

"Report everything truthfully." Wang Yan nodded immediately.

"No." The military prince respectfully accepted the order and prepared to turn around and retreat.

"Wait." Wang Yan called to him.

"What else does the commander have to do?" the commander turned around and asked.

"Where is Zhao Feng now?"

"Speak of it."

"He saved my life, I should thank him." Wang Yan asked.

"All the soldiers of the logistics army who are still alive are injured, and they are all in the wounded barracks now." the military marquis replied.


Wang Yan nodded.

In the wounded barracks!

"Little brother, your body is really powerful. Even if you were hit by five arrows, none of them could hurt your muscles and bones. It seems that they were all blocked by your flesh and blood."

"You can recover after more than half a month of rest."

A military doctor stood behind Zhao Feng and wrapped a bandage on him while saying with emotion.

"The military doctor is here."

After the bandage was tied, Zhao Feng also thanked him.

"No need."

"As medics in the military, this is our duty."

"Okay, I'm going to treat the other soldiers." The military doctor on the side smiled.

Take a look.

Wails were everywhere in the wounded barracks.

Perhaps the wounds of many soldiers were numb before entering the wounded barracks, but as the arrows were pulled out and the wounds began to heal, the severe pain was still unbearable.

Listening to these wails and screams is extremely heart-stopping.

"I don't know how many people will survive."

Looking at the hundreds or thousands of people in the wounded barracks, many of whom were seriously injured, Zhao Feng sighed in his heart.

PS: Is anyone watching?

(End of chapter)

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