Become Stronger and Immortal By Picking Up Attributes From the Battlefield

Chapter 178: Conspiracy against Zhao Feng! Princess Yan, this Zhao Feng is so handsome?

Chapter 178: The conspiracy against Zhao Feng! Princess Yan: Is this Zhao Feng so handsome?

For Li You!

Zhao Feng didn't value it too much in his heart.

After all.

He was just someone Li Si asked the King of Qin to arrange to join the army. In terms of Qing, Zhao Feng had nothing to do with him. In terms of reason, Zhao Feng was promoted to his current position from a humble background, not to mention that many generals with military merit looked down upon him. Li You, to be honest, Zhao Feng doesn't like him either.


If Li You can prove his ability to command troops and use his ability to convince the generals in the army, then that will be his own ability.

"What the Lord said is absolutely true." Zhang Han also nodded in agreement.

For Li You.

Zhang Han was still a little defensive.

This time, the proportion of the prisoner army reorganized was quite large, with a total of 230,000 soldiers.

It really needs better reorganization.

After following Zhao Feng for so many years, Zhang Han is naturally very resolute. He naturally understands when to be iron-fisted and when to be merciful.

Qing Qin looked at King Yan hesitantly.


Li You is an outsider.

"He said that King Qin has agreed to let him marry me, Princess Dayan."

"Almost all the prisoners obeyed the military orders and did not dare to disobey them. After all, they did not dare to bury their own children with their lives."

For the sake of those old brothers, Zhao Feng still gave a reminder.


These things.


"Don't worry, Lord."

Zhang Han and Tu Sui didn't get too close to Li You.

"Don't worry, Lord."

After all.

"Let Tu Sui and the others do the same."

After all, they were defeated and slaves. Zhao Feng gave them a chance to be human again. If they don't cherish it, no one else can blame them.

"Nine out of ten generals in the army are old brothers who have followed the Lord all the way. Although they are not convinced, they will not violate military orders." Zhang Han immediately expressed his position.

Yan State, Jicheng!

"Your Majesty."

"There is news from Zhao Feng."

An army of 230,000 prisoners.

"What should we do about this matter?"

Li You currently cannot enter the real core circle of generals in Wu'an Camp.

"Those generals may not be convinced by Li You, but they cannot disobey his military orders."

"For those people, my subordinates directly ordered to kill chickens to scare monkeys. If anyone dares to show up, they will be killed directly and their clan will be exterminated." Zhang Han said coldly.

"There are also those who do not respect the general's orders and have thoughts of defecting."

"If they disobey military orders, I won't be able to protect them."


And he and Tu Sui were Zhao Feng's confidants.

After all, Li You is the son of Tingwei Li Si.

"Dispose of all those who are thoughtful." Zhao Feng nodded and did not ask too many questions.

"It is not only preserved in the army, but also preserved in the county government."

Threatening their lives may be a bit cruel, but it can still achieve miraculous results.

It is enough for Zhang Han and others to deal with it.

The reason why the King of Qin arranged for Li You to come here was also for the purpose of weighing and monitoring.

"The birthplaces of these criminals have all been registered."

Zhao Feng still has 100,000 logistics troops to mobilize.

There are more prisoners than Qin Rui.

"Is there nothing unusual about the prisoner army?" Zhao Feng asked again.

King Yan's expression was also uncertain, and it could be seen that he was also very unhappy at the moment.

"Zhao Feng."

"Although he is young, he is now standing alone with others."

"For no reason, I will give him a daughter." King Yan said gloomily.

"It's true that Zhao Feng is too simplistic."


"Maybe that's not a bad thing."

"At least, my royal family and this Zhao Feng are married. If something happens in the future, maybe this Zhao Feng will take some care." Qing Qin said hesitantly.

"Qing Qing."

"you think too much."

"Zhao Feng, he is a cruel and ruthless master."

"Now he has been called the God of Killing by all the countries in the world. His heart is no less cruel than Bai Qi's, and his methods are no less than Bai Qi's."

"With a woman, how can he have any scruples?"

"This time we lost money."

"But there is nothing we can do, the words have already been let out." King Yan sighed.

It seemed as if Zhao Feng had seen through everything.

"Your Majesty, I wonder which princess you plan to marry to Zhao Feng?" Qing Qin asked tentatively.

"Alas, Wuyang is the only one who is of the right age." King Yan sighed.

"Princess Wuyang?"

"This is the king's favorite princess, and the relationship between him and the prince is also very good. If he marries Princess Wuyang now, I'm afraid it will cause trouble." Qing Qin frowned.

"It's not the turn of the traitor to say anything about my edict."



There was a coldness in King Yan's eyes.


"Come here, tell me about Wuyang entering the palace."

King Yan said to the **** on the side.

"My slave, take your orders." The **** immediately left quickly.

"General Qing Qin, go get ready."

"Tomorrow you will send the princess off in person." King Yan said to Qing Qin again.

"I accept the imperial edict." Qing Qin bowed and then withdrew.

Not a moment.

A stunning woman who was twenty-eight years old and dressed in palace clothes came to the hall of King Yan.

"My son, I will meet my father."

After Princess Wuyang arrived, she bowed and bowed to King Yan.

"Wuyang, sit down."

Looking at the daughter in front of him, King Yan's eyes softened.

"Thank you, father." Wuyang sat aside and looked at King Yan very respectfully.

But then.

Wuyang also spoke first: "Father, did you choose your son to get married?"

Hear the words.

King Yan sighed: "Wu Yang, my father can't help you."

"Now our country is suffering from internal and external troubles, and its national strength has been depleted too much."

"If Qin hadn't taken action, perhaps our country, Dayan, would have been destroyed by Zhao. Although it still exists, its treasury is empty and its military strength is weak. Although Zhao is dead, Qin has occupied Zhao's territory and is even more powerful."

"The tiger and wolf Qin is entrenched on the side, and my father has trouble sleeping and eating."

"And among this powerful Qin, you must have heard of Zhao Feng."

"Although this son is young, he is extremely brave and his ability to command troops is not inferior to that of Qin's veteran generals."

"He has stationed troops in Yunzhong City, right on my side of Dayan. My father is even more uneasy." King Yan said helplessly.


"Is it because you asked your daughter to marry him to win over this person?" Wuyang asked immediately.

King Yan shook his head: "Win over?"

"This son is highly valued by the King of Qin and holds a high and powerful position."

"It's not like he can be won over."

Although he has never met Zhao Feng, as a close opponent, King Yan naturally studied it deeply.

"Then what does the father need from his son?" Wuyang raised his head and looked at King Yan.

Although she is a princess, she can naturally see what her father definitely wants to do.

"rest assured."

"My father will not let you attack him, at least not now."

"My father asked you to do your best to gain his favor. It is best for him to trust you immensely." King Yan said in a deep voice.

"Yes." Wuyang nodded.

"If one day, the State of Qin is really going to take action against our State of Yan."

"If one day this Zhao Feng leads the troops to attack my country, Dayan..."

King Yan changed the topic, and there was a coldness in his eyes: "Father, I hope you can get rid of him for Dayan."

Hear the sound!

Wuyang trembled all over.

There was also a hint of fear in his eyes.

It seemed that she had not expected that King Yan would mention this, and she was completely stunned at this moment.

Looking at Wuyang who was stunned, King Yan stood up slowly, put his hand on Wuyang's shoulder, and said with affection: "Wuyang, my father has been very kind to you since you were a child, and you are not as favored as all your brothers and sisters." As for you, my father knows that if you really do it and kill Zhao Feng in the future, you will definitely be killed by Zhao Feng’s men in the future.”

"But for Dayan, my father can die, and any Dayan person can die."

"Can you promise me, father?" King Yan stared at Wuyang, with a kind of pleading in his eyes, but more of a kind of coercion.

If Princess Wuyang dares not to agree, then King Yan will never have such an attitude.

Feeling the eyes of King Yan and the intimidating pressure.

Even though Wuyang was frightened in his heart, he could only nod his head.


"Wuyang, don't worry."

"If in the future, as my father wishes, the Qin State will send Zhao Feng to attack my country, Yan. As long as you do it, I will be twice as kind to your mother and concubine."

"I will never treat her badly." King Yan said with a smile on his face, very satisfied with Wuyang's statement.

However, his words still contained a strong threat to Wuyang.

This also tells Wuyang that her mother-in-law is still in the palace.

"Thank you, father."

Even though he understood what King Yan meant, Wuyang could only say thank you.


"Go down and get ready."

"I'm getting married tomorrow."

"My father will let you marry in style, and the dowry will never be shabby." King Yan said to Wuyang.

"Thank you, father." Wuyang bowed and then retreated.

Looking at Wuyang's back, King Yan's expression turned cold again.

"Although I suffered a hidden loss this time, if Wuyang stays by Zhao Feng's side and gives him a fatal blow at the critical moment, it will be enough to solve the serious problem for my Dayan."

"Zhao Feng." "You may be very smart, but you can also fall into the trap of others." King Yan thought coldly.

Prince's Mansion!

"A great disgrace, a great disgrace."

"I, Princess Dayan, want to marry someone else as my concubine."

"My father is really extremely stupid."

When Yan Dan received the news that her sister was going to marry Zhao Feng, she immediately became furious.

"Prince, be careful what you say."

"Don't say this nonsense."

The doorman on the side said immediately.

Realizing that what he said was indeed a bit excessive, Yan Dan's anger gradually calmed down.

"I, Princess Dayan, am so noble, and this Zhao Feng is barely worthy of me, but if she is a wife, she is fine, but why is she a concubine?"

"This..." Yan Dan said with a livid face.

"The king has decided."

"The princess will get married tomorrow." The retainer said helplessly.

"If I want to save the king, my father cannot save me. Only this prince can." There was a hint of determination in Yan Dan's eyes.

Now his father's various behaviors have made him very disappointed.

In Yan Dan's view, this was a loss of power and an insult to the country.

"What the prince said is absolutely true."

"Only the prince can save Dayan." The retainer said immediately.

"Has Fan Yuqi done anything recently?" Yan Dan asked.

"Reply to the prince."

"He still enjoys it every day and there is no change." The guest replied respectfully.

Yan Dan smiled lightly: "Let him enjoy it."

Under Yan Dan's smile, there was a coldness that no one could understand.

A few days later.

Yan border.

Qing Qin led thousands of Yan troops to **** him. There was a wedding carriage in the middle, and there were many wooden boxes on the carriage behind, and there were hundreds of carriages.

The princess gets married.

The specifications are naturally very high.

King Yan seemed to not want his daughter to be wronged by marrying him, so he prepared an extremely generous dowry.

The border of Daqin.

Zhang Ming was riding a horse, with 1,500 personal guards behind him.

All of them belong to Zhao Feng's personal guards.

In addition to one thousand belonging to Zhao Feng's bodyguards as the captain of the army, there are another five hundred who belong to his title bodyguards.

Of the fifteen hundred personal guards, only Wang Jian could compare with Zhao Feng.

The personal guards of the other two generals were not as good as Zhao Feng.


This is also where latecomers catch up.

border line.

Qing Qin rode forward, and Zhang Ming also rode slowly over to the border.

"The commander of the general's personal guards came here to welcome the bride on the order of the general." Zhang Ming cupped his fists and raised his hands.

"I, General Qing Qin of the Kingdom of Yan, have come here to send the princess off to get married according to the edict of the King of Yan." Qing Qin also replied with clasped fists.

"General Qing Qin, you've got to work."

"Do you want to join me in Da Qin for a wedding banquet this time?" Zhang Ming smiled and said to Qing Qin.

"I came here on the king's order to see the bride off, and there was no order from the king to go and have a wedding banquet."

"So goodbye."

"The king tells the general, please don't treat the princess poorly." Qing Qin said slowly.

"Please tell King Yan."

"My general has a mellow personality and will never treat the princess poorly." Zhang Ming replied immediately.

"in this way."

"The princess will be handed over to the commander."

"This is the dowry list given to the princess by our country, Yan."

Qing Qin took out a piece of cloth from his arms and handed it to Zhang Ming.

"Thank you." Zhang Ming naturally took it easily.

After the explanation is completed.

Qing Qin waved his hand.

A carriage pulled by six horses arrived. In addition to the convoy, there were hundreds of servants, no less than five hundred.

Apparently he was a slave who was married to the princess of Yan Kingdom.

When the carriage came to the border.

"Farewell to Princess Wuyang." Qing Qin cupped his fists and raised his hands, shouting loudly.

"Farewell to Princess Wuyang."

Thousands of Yan army soldiers also shouted loudly.

In this congratulations.

Under the control of the groom, the carriage gradually drove out of the border.

In this process, there are no obstacles such as snatching the bride.

One was a princess from the Yan Kingdom, and the other was a general from the Qin Dynasty.

Who dares to offend this kind of formation?

Zhang Ming rode his horse to the side of the carriage, clasped his fists and said, "Princess, this subordinate is the general's personal guard commander. This time, I will **** the princess back to Yunzhong City."


A soft echo came from the carriage.

"Guard camp, return to the city." Zhang Ming waved his hand and shouted loudly.

"Drink, drink, drink."

The 1,500 personal guards gave a uniform shout, seeming to welcome the Princess of Yan with military etiquette.


The guard camp set off, taking the carriage with the princess and the servants, heading towards Yunzhong City.

Qing Qin stood at the border on the Yan side and watched quietly, with an unknown expression on his face.

It was not until Zhang Ming led the guards away that Qing Qin turned around and ordered the withdrawal.

"The prince did not take action this time. This is not in line with the prince's behavior."

"But it just so happens that the king also told him that he must be on guard against the prince. Now the king is too worried." Qing Qin thought secretly in his heart and rode away from the border.

Cloud City.

General's Mansion.

Although it is a concubine.

But she is a princess of a country after all.

Therefore, there is also some wedding atmosphere in the general's house, but it is not as enthusiastic as the one held by Zhao Feng in Xianyang and his hometown. After all, it is just a concubine.


The three generals and a group of deputy generals came to the palace.

Zhao Feng sat in the main seat wearing a military uniform.

"Princess Yan has arrived."

Zhang Ming's shouts sounded outside the hall.

Hear the sound.

Zhao Feng smiled slightly and slowly stood up from his seat. As Zhao Feng stood up, all the generals in the palace also stood up and looked outside the palace.

After Zhao Feng stood up, he slowly walked out of the hall.


Outside the palace.

Accompanied by several maids, Princess Yan has already arrived holding a fan to hide her face.

"See General."

When Zhao Feng came out, all the guards outside the mansion bowed to pay homage.

The maids beside Princess Yan all knelt down: "See you, General."

None of the maids dared to look directly at him.

"I wonder what kind of person this Zhao Feng is?"

"As ferocious as the rumors, like the Jiuyou Killing God?" At this moment, Princess Wuyang was also extremely uneasy in her heart.

Now she has left her mother country and is about to marry Zhao Feng as a concubine. Although she is a princess and her status may be noble, there is nothing noble or disrespectful in front of Zhao Feng.

She was naturally anxious and afraid of her future husband.

after all.

Zhao Feng's reputation is not very good among the countries in the world.

In awe of everyone.

Zhao Feng stepped forward slowly and directly took Wuyang's hand.

"Princess, you have worked hard." Zhao Feng said in a very calm tone, with only a faint smile on his face.

Zhao Fengyuan was not as excited as he was about marrying Wang Yan, and was very calm about taking a concubine.

The reason why the princess of Yan Kingdom was married was to trick King Yan.

A princess after all.

Zhao Feng also had Princess Zhao and Princess Han at his residence in Xianyang.

Although Princess Yan is a princess now, in the future when the Yan Kingdom is destroyed, the so-called princess will become nothing more than an empty talk.

"I see you husband."

Wuyang immediately bowed.

But without Zhao Feng taking action, she could not put down the face-covering fan in her hand.

See this.

Zhao Feng put down his fan directly and looked at Princess Yan.

The two looked at each other.

"This Princess Yan is quite good-looking." Zhao Feng glanced at her and was slightly surprised.

"This Zhao Feng is so handsome."

"The rumors are not true at all."

When she saw Zhao Feng's appearance, Princess Yan was shocked, and her eyes also had a subverted sense of déjà vu.

Don't wait for Wuyang to come to his senses.

Zhao Feng directly took her hand and walked towards the main hall.

"Congratulations, General."

"Welcome to the Fourth Madam."

All the generals in the palace stood up and bowed one after another.


"Today I accept my concubine for a banquet, nothing else."

"You are allowed to drink for half a day."

"I won't stay with you any longer."

"You can do whatever you want." Zhao Feng said with a smile.

"I don't dare to disturb the general's elegance."


"General, please take it easy..."

All the generals laughed.

(End of chapter)

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