Become Stronger and Immortal By Picking Up Attributes From the Battlefield

Chapter 183: Great victory! Good news to Xianyang! Ying Zheng is inspired!

Chapter 183 A great victory! Good news to Xianyang! Ying Zheng is inspired!

Looking at the raging fire in Yanggao City.

In Long Zhang's view.

This must be Wei Wuji's plan.

Hundreds of thousands of Qin troops will be destroyed in Yanggao City and burned to ashes.

"Send the general's order."

"The Qin army has been burned by fire."

"Follow me to bypass Yanggao and attack the Qin army's camp directly."

"Defeat Qin in one fell swoop." Long Zhang shouted loudly.

"I will obey the general's orders."

Many Wei generals responded one after another.

A scout came running in panic to report.

Although they were far apart, due to the shaking of the earth and the rising sun, countless black-armored Qin cavalry rushed toward their military formation, almost blocking all the roads behind them.

Fifty thousand Wei troops seemed not enough to divide it.

"Line up a fish scale formation to defend."

Boom, boom, boom!

The ground suddenly trembled.

Long Zhang's expression changed and he suddenly looked back.

Now they have completely become the sharp weapons of the Qin Dynasty, riding wildly and shooting in roundabout ways. Even if they are not close to the Wei army, the bursts of arrows will kill countless Wei soldiers.

The formation of the 50,000 Wei army immediately changed, and the entire army formed a formation, with archers behind and spearmen in front.

The sound of cavalry stamping from behind became stronger and stronger.

They have no way to retreat.

Even if he still protects 50,000 elites at this moment, it will not help.

Countless Wei soldiers fell in a pool of blood.

For Rui Shi, killing the enemy and making meritorious deeds.


But just as Long Zhang finished his words.

In just the blink of an eye, Long Zhang made a decision and shouted loudly.

this moment.

"Qin Army, Qin Army cavalry is attacking from the rear."

Nine out of ten of them are former Zhao Bianjun.

Arrows scattered randomly.


As the commander-in-chief, Zhang Han took the lead.


Long Zhang, who was originally happy that he had burned hundreds of thousands of Qin troops, turned livid.

One hundred thousand Qin cavalry shouted intimidatingly, quickly spread out their formation, and dispersed to surround them.

"Wind, wind, wind."

In the past, Zhao Guo's Hufu cavalry and shooting were so powerful that no one could match them.

The wind roared.

As the Wei army's formation changed.

For the prisoner army, killing the enemy means getting rid of slavery.

"General Qi Long."

But this is far from stopping.

The cavalry and shooting of arrows continued.

"Breakout to the south."

Holding a spear.

Qin's cavalry is one hundred thousand.

When the Wei army appeared within the shooting range of Qin's arrows, Zhang Han gave an order: "Ride and shoot in a roundabout way!"

But now they have become Da Qin’s prisoner army.

He didn't expect this part either.

All the Qin cavalry dropped their spears, raised their bows and arrows, and with the sound of bows trembling, countless arrows were thrown towards the Wei army's formation.

Looking at the Wei army in front, for every Qin Qi, it was like looking at prey.

"Zhao Hufu rides and shoots."

Long Zhang gritted his teeth, with a look of fear on his face.

As a general of the Wei State, how could he not know that this was Zhao Guo's invincible cavalry and shooting in Hufu?

"How could these surrendered soldiers of Zhao really sacrifice their lives for Qin?"

"Are they crazy?" Long Zhang was extremely confused in his heart.

But at this moment.

The Qin cavalry around them were making crazy detours, with no intention of getting close, as if they were going to destroy them with a rain of arrows.

"Release the defensive formation and line up to break out."

Long Zhang shouted loudly.

The Wei army's formation changed and they trampled on the corpses of Paoze's companions.


Long Zhang swung his sword.

The Wei army quickly dispersed and rushed towards the south.

Want to break out.

"Outflank and outflank."

Zhang Han, on the other hand, commanded his Qin Cavalry with great ease, widened the distance between him and the Wei army, and continued to fire arrows.

Just then, the Wei army approached Shizhang despite countless arrows.


Zhang Han did not hesitate and directly led his cavalry to charge.

Cavalry encirclement and suppression.

The results are obvious.

As time goes by.

These 50,000 Wei troops were like meat on a chopping board, being slaughtered crazily by Qin Qi.

Even the Wei army who shouted to surrender had no chance of survival.

Every Qin Qi is killing like crazy, killing the enemy like crazy.

Until it was completely bright and the sun was high.

The center surrounded by Qin Cavalry.

Long Zhang and some of his generals and some personal guards were tightly trapped inside.

Of the 50,000-strong army, less than 1,000 people survived.

Surrounded by one hundred thousand cavalry, it was almost impossible to escape.

There were corpses everywhere outside Yanggao City.

Even more cruel than in the city.

Zhang Han came slowly on horseback with a blood-stained spear in his hand.

"Dragon Chapter."

"you lose."

Zhang Han looked at Long Zhang condescendingly.

"General Qin, Zhang Han."

Long Zhang stared at Zhang Han and recognized him at a glance.

once Upon a time.

When Zhao Feng was the deputy general, his reputation was already obvious, and after he became the chief general.

After Zhao Feng's fame dissipated, everyone also knew that Zhao Feng had two strong generals under his command, one was Zhang Han and the other was Tu Sui.

"It seems that you know my Wu'an camp very well." Zhang Han smiled faintly.

Long Zhang looked at Qin Qi, who was all around him, and his eyes were filled with heat, as if he wanted to tear them into pieces.

But then.

Long Zhang suddenly smiled: "Indeed, I lost."

"But you didn't win either."

"Although the cavalry of your Wu'an camp still exists, the infantry must have been reduced to ashes along with Yanggao City."

"And Zhao Feng."

"Isn't he known as the undefeated God of War?"

"Today he died in my hands, Long Zhang. Today Long Zhang died. Zhao Feng was buried with me, and hundreds of thousands of Qin troops were buried with me. It was worth it."

"In the future, my name will be in the history books."



Long Zhang laughed.

He was still very satisfied with the results of this battle.

But at this moment.


A sudden voice came out from the Qin army formation.

I saw many Qin cavalry dispersed one after another.

A chariot is slowly approaching here.

Long Zhang's expression changed and he immediately looked over.

"Who are you?"

Long Zhang stared at the visitor, frowning: "Zhao Feng?"


"Is it strange to see this general?" Zhao Feng smiled faintly.


"You have clearly entered the city, and you are still at the forefront. How could you come out alive?" Long Zhang looked at it with a look of horror, a little unbelievable.

He had always thought that Zhao Feng would be buried in the sea of ​​​​fire, but now that Zhao Feng appeared alive, it seemed that his aura of leaving his name in history was completely shattered.

"Burning the city with fire is indeed a good plan."

"It's just that you are too confident."

"Do you really think that I, Zhao Feng, don't know how to advance or retreat?"

"The moment I burned the city, I withdrew from Yanggao City with my warriors."

"Those who were burned in this city were all soldiers of your Wei Kingdom." Zhao Feng sneered.

As soon as these words fell.

Like being struck by lightning.

Long Zhang almost fell off his horse.


"This is impossible."

"How could you lead the army to withdraw?" Long Zhang's eyes were full of reluctance.

This burning of the city not only failed to retain Zhao Feng, but also failed to retain the Qin army. Instead, it burned nearly 100,000 Wei troops in the city.

It was as if he shot himself in the foot.

Zhao Feng didn't intend to say anything, and slowly raised his hand, holding up the Longquan in his hand.

"Leave no one behind."

Four cold words came out of Zhao Feng's mouth.

Just for a moment.

Qin Qi, who couldn't bear it for a long time, all rushed out.

"Zhao Feng."

"Fight to the death."

Long Zhang roared and galloped towards Zhao Feng.

Saw his figure.

Zhao Feng had a sharp arrow in his hand.

Blessed by true energy, just wave it.

Under Zhao Feng's terrifying power, the arrow seemed to be shot from a strong bow and shot out of the air instantly.

There was a pop.

The powerful force of the arrow directly penetrated the armor on Long Zhang's chest, instantly piercing Long Zhang.

"Kill the General of Wei and collect 100 points of all attributes." A prompt appeared on the panel.

Follow closely.

Many Qin cavalry swarmed up and directly eliminated all the remaining Wei troops.

The battle of Yanggaocheng.

It took less than three days.

It's over.

On the chariot.

Zhao Feng stood majestically, looking around at the Qin Cavalry officers and soldiers: "Soldiers."

With the blessing of true energy, he shouted loudly.

The eyes of everyone around him gathered.

"A battle today."

"Kill beautifully."


"I will also fulfill my promise to all the soldiers in the army." Zhao Feng said loudly.

The words spread as the whole army repeated it.

"Sima of the Chinese Army." Zhao Feng shouted with authority.

"Here." Kuai Pu immediately rode over.

"Statistics on enemy kills as soon as possible."

"Under my Wu'an Camp, all the elite soldiers who kill the enemy will be promoted according to their merits. All the prisoners who kill the enemy will be pardoned and become slaves. Their status will be converted into ordinary soldiers of our Great Qin Dynasty, and they will enjoy the salary of ordinary soldiers without titles. Anyone who kills the enemy will be pardoned." The prisoner army with more than six people will be promoted to the first level." "This is the case.

"Implement it as soon as possible." Zhao Fengwei shouted.

"I accept your orders," Kuai Pu replied loudly.

After Zhao Feng's voice fell.

All the prisoners in the cavalry battalion looked excited, especially those who successfully killed and beheaded the enemy.

Breaking away from their slave status and becoming ordinary soldiers of the Qin Dynasty meant that they were reborn as human beings.

"The general is mighty."

"The general is mighty."

"Follow the General to the death...Follow the General to the death..."

Countless prisoners and soldiers raised their swords and shouted loudly.

this moment.

It's enough to make all the prisoners' army's worries disappear and they can completely return to their hearts.

The old warrior smiled at the excitement of the prisoner army and was used to it.


Many of them have also been in the prison army, and they have experienced this kind of excitement.

This is like a person who was sentenced to death and was directly pardoned.

Being a slave is similar to being directly punished with death penalty, except that being a slave means you live longer and suffer more pain, while direct execution is a simple matter.

"Zhang Han."

Zhao Fengwei said.

"The general is here." Zhang Han responded immediately.

"Yanggao City has been broken, and Wei's first line of defense has collapsed."

"Almost all the 150,000 troops were destroyed."

"Our army should take advantage of the situation and attack."

"This general orders you to lead the cavalry south as quickly as possible, and seize the city while the Wei army's city is still unknown."

"The armors on these Wei army corpses can be used."

"There is no need for me to say anything about this, right?" Zhao Feng said in a deep voice.

Zhang Han took one look at the corpses of Wei Jun all over the place, and naturally understood immediately.

"I will finally understand." Zhang Han responded immediately.

"Send the order to slaughter Sui, Li You."

"According to the original attack route, divide the troops and move."

"The three main camps of the main camp are divided into three groups and attack the capital of Wei as quickly as possible." Zhao Feng said immediately.

"I will give you the order immediately." Zhang Ming responded immediately.

Immediately arrange for personal guards to pass the order.

"Kai Sima."

"Quickly compile the battle report and send it to Xianyang immediately."

"Your Majesty must have been waiting for this great victory for a long time." Zhao Feng looked at Kuai Pu again and smiled.

"No." Kuai Pu also looked excited.


Zhao Feng waved his hand.

The bodyguard immediately drove the chariot and left.

"All officers and men obey orders."

"Tear off all the uniforms and armor of the Wei army."

"By the way, finish up all the corpses."

"No one will be left alive in this battle." Zhang Han ordered loudly.

"I will obey the general's orders."

Countless warriors immediately replied.

Wei State, Heluo City!


Huan Yi came to the central army and commanded the siege.

Countless Qin Rui soldiers attacked the city one after another.

A battle to siege a city, a battle to pile up lives, this is all about using your lives to fill it.

Even though countless rolling stones fell and countless random arrows were fired, the Wei army's defense was still unbreakable.

Wei Wuji has been planning for the past two years. He has naturally studied Zhao Feng stationed in Yunzhong and Qin's veteran general Huan Yi very thoroughly, and he also knows how to fight.

Heluo City is not only guarded by the generals selected by Wei Wuji, but now he is also visiting the city in person.

"Your Majesty."

"The Qin army's offensive is fierce. With the strength of our army, it is impossible to defend it."

"Perhaps, we really can only adopt that plan." Pang Wu said seriously.

Wei Wuji calmly raised his head and glanced at the attacking Qin army, then said, "General Pang Wu."

"Please give me your orders, Your Majesty." Pang Wu said immediately.

"A month."

Wei Wuji raised a finger, and then said very seriously: "I only need you to hold on for one month. After one month, you will carry out the plan and we will be destroyed."

"I will do my best in the end." Pang Wu bowed immediately.

Wei Wuji shook his head: "I don't want you to do your best, but you must hold on."

"This battle."

"Qin State dispatched two large camps."

"Hangu is an old camp of the Qin State. In the past, the five kingdoms jointly attacked Qin, with an army of more than one million, but they were blocked by Hangu's 300,000 troops. It is conceivable that a large battalion was used to block the five kingdoms. Knowing the combat power of the Hangu camp, and Huan Yi being a veteran who has experienced many battles, the only way to lure him into the city is to make him believe that our army cannot hold it, and it is not intentional. "

"This is how we can annihilate the Hangu camp."


"What's even more critical is the war in the north. If we want to protect the Wei Dynasty from destruction, we must defeat an army. This Wu'an camp is our opportunity for the Wei Dynasty."

"As long as we cherish this month, maybe Long Zhang can annihilate the Wu'an Camp and head north in one fell swoop."

"Qin's crisis can be resolved." Wei Wuji said solemnly.

Seen from this.

This was Wei Wuji's final strategy to resist Qin after thinking hard.

If he wins, Wei will be able to defeat the Qin army and survive.

This was also his final desperate fight.

"Your Majesty."

"Is Zhao Feng really that easy to deal with?" Pang Wu asked hesitantly.

"Compared to Huan Yi, Zhao Feng may be easier to deal with."

"I, Wei, have no choice." Wei Wuji sighed.

At this time!

A personal guard came over: "Your Majesty, everything is ready."

"General Pang."

"Govern Heluo with all your strength for a month."

"I am returning to the capital and preparing to go." Wei Wuji said solemnly.

"Now that everything is under Your Majesty's arrangement, what else does Your Majesty want to arrange?" Pang Wu said in surprise.

Wei Wuji shook his head: "General Pang, Heluo City will be left to you."


Wei Wuji turned around and left.

And in the bottom of his heart, he sighed: "If my plan fails, in the end, I can only stick to the main beam. I hope it can work!"

"Best regards, Your Majesty." Pang Wu bowed and watched Wei Wuji leave.


"Send the general's order."

"Defend with all your strength."

"The Qin army must not be allowed to break the city." Pang Wu shouted loudly.

Xianyang, the capital of Qin!

Chaoyi Hall!

The court meeting started.

Ying Zheng's eyes fell on Wei Liao: "Is there any battle report?"

"Return to the king."

"In terms of time."

"It has only been less than half a month since our Great Qin started attacking."

"Wei Wuji has deployed heavy troops to defend the border. It may take some time to achieve results."

"But please don't worry, Your Majesty."

"With Hangu and Wu'an Camp, Wei will be destroyed."

"The national power of our country, Great Qin, is not something that the current Wei State can compete with." Wei Liao raised the imperial hut and said confidently.

"What the young master said is absolutely true."

"After two years of recuperation, our Great Qin treasury is full, and we will surely destroy Wei within one year."

"With General Huan Yi commanding the Hangu camp, there is no way the Wei army can compete with it."

"Now the old minister has completely allocated the grain and grass from various places and handed it over to the governors of various places to allocate young people and transport them. There will be no loss."

"I believe the king will hear good news soon." Wang Wan said with a smile.

"I second my opinion."

"We, the Qin Dynasty, are united as one, and the Wei State is nothing to worry about."

"In the past, the five kingdoms united to attack our country Qin, and General Huan Yi tried to stop the five kingdoms from attacking. This battle will definitely be like that again." Wei Zhuang immediately smiled.

From the words of Wang Wan and Wei Zhuang, they all praised Huan Yi, but they didn't mention a word about Zhao Feng.

Obviously this also has a connotation of flattery.

At this moment, push out as much as possible for Huan Yi. As long as Huan Yi takes the lead in breaking through the border, the first victory will belong to Huan Yi. Even if Zhao Feng breaks the city later, his military achievements will not be as good.

This is naturally their intention.

"Two Prime Ministers."

"Everything is uncertain."

"General Zhao Feng has always been victorious in every battle since he joined the army, but the two of them have been praising General Huan Yi. Do they think General Zhao Feng can't break the border?" Hu Hai said with a bit of sarcasm. road.

"Young Master Eighteenth, your words are serious."

"Although General Zhao Feng has not been defeated, he is still too young after all."

"Compared to General Huan Yi, General Zhao Feng is still slightly lacking." Wang Wan said with a confident look.


"This is how General Huan Yi leads the army."

"General Zhao Feng is still not as good as him after all." Wei Zhuang also nodded immediately.

There were also many echoes in the court.

"The two prime ministers are indeed confident in their words."

"The results of the battle have not yet come out, and everything is not certain yet." Li Si said slowly.

Originally, at this moment, Li Si might not have spoken based on his past temperament, but since his son was also at the Wu'an camp, he naturally wanted to speak out to refute.

Naturally, he also saw the purpose of Wang Wan and the others.

Just then!


"Urgent report from Wu'an Camp."

"Great victory!"

An urgent messenger ran quickly from outside the hall, his expression also extremely excited.

"Good news from Wu'an Camp?"

Hearing the word "great victory", all the officials in the court couldn't help but be surprised.

The faces of Wang Wan and Wei Zhuang, who had been bragging just now, changed slightly.

"Two Prime Ministers."

"That's what I said. It's unspeakable."

"Now it is Wu'an Camp that has sent back the good news first." Li Si said with a mocking tone.

To this.

Wang Wan and Wang Wan naturally didn't say anything anymore.

The word "great victory".

The meaning brought is already very clear.

High position.

A smile that had been expected appeared on Ying Zheng's face.

"Send it up!"

Ying Zheng shouted authoritatively.

Zhao Gao immediately walked quickly towards the palace.

This good news was reported to Ying Zheng.

When he saw the contents of the memorial, the smile on Ying Zheng's face could no longer be concealed.

"Okay, okay, okay."

"Zhao Feng, you did not disappoint me."

"The 150,000 troops deployed by Wei State in Yanggao City were overturned in one day!" Ying Zheng laughed and said, looking down at the court.

The smile on Ying Zheng's face showed how excited he was.


Ying Zheng waved his hand and handed the memorial to Zhao Gao: "Read it to all the ministers to cheer up my court!"

(End of chapter)

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