Chapter 209 is worthy of being the first person

And inside the main hall!

Qin Wuyang's face turned pale.

This time it was an assassination.

After all, we ended up with the worst outcome.

The assassination failed.

The country of Yan is over!

Moreover, Qin originally had no reputation for Yan's division, but after this, Qin will have a reputation for Yan's division, and Qi and Chu have no reason to send troops to aid Yan.

"Time is also destiny."


"I failed after all." Jing Ke had a look of pain on his face.

He knew what awaited him.

"The laws of Da Qin are strict."

"Assassins assassinate the king."

"Deserves to be pierced by thousands of arrows and die."

At this time.

Li Si stood up and shouted loudly.

"I second the proposal."

"The assassin deserves to be pierced by thousands of arrows and die."

It was rare for the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty to agree with him.

Zhao Feng glanced at the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty.

Look at the situation here again.

He turned around expressionlessly and looked at Jing Ke who was nailed to the wall.

"Jing Ke assassinated the King of Qin."

"Death is glorious."


"You failed in the assassination, but this time you handed Qin a righteous sword." Zhao Feng thought secretly in his heart.

But at this moment.

Zhao Feng stepped forward slowly and grasped the hilt of Longquan sword.

Just pull it out.


Jing Ke screamed in pain and collapsed to the ground, bleeding from his chest.

"Take it."

Ren Xiao shouted loudly.

Immediately, two imperial guards captured Jing Ke directly.

"Take this assassin to the bustling city of Xianyang and declare his crime."

"The punishment of being pierced by thousands of arrows." Ying Zheng glanced at Jing Ke and shouted coldly.

How could Ying Zheng tolerate this assassin who almost killed him just now?


Ren Xiao immediately accepted the order.

He led several guards to drag Jing Ke away.

Blood was spilled on the hall.

But immediately there were palace maids and eunuchs taking water and basins to clean up the blood stains on the ground.

The broken desk was immediately replaced.

At this moment!

Ying Zheng came back to his senses and looked at Zhao Feng with a touch of gentleness in his eyes: "If it weren't for your sword, I would have gone to the netherworld."

"Fortunately, I came in time."

"Otherwise, we really wouldn't be able to catch up."

"This is also the king's great fortune." Zhao Feng smiled.

"Zhao Feng has done a great job in rescuing the driver."

"It deserves a reward."

Ying Zheng directly held Zhao Feng's arm and faced the courtiers in the hall.

As soon as these words fell.

No one dared to object.

Everyone could see the thrilling scene just now. If Zhao Feng hadn't taken action, the king might really have been assassinated.

Suddenly the entire Qin Dynasty was in danger.

This kind of great achievement is not inferior to the great achievement of destroying a country.

After all, Zhao Feng directly saved Ying Zheng who almost died.

"Prepared imperial edict."

"Zhao Feng has made great contributions to the rescue. He will be promoted to a higher rank and given the title of [Grand Concubine]." Ying Zheng said with authority, with an attitude that left no room for doubt.


Even Wang Wan, who was no longer willing to let Zhao Feng aspire to a high position, had no way to stop him.

Who dares to object to the rescue effort?

Isn't it wrong to say that Zhao Feng rescued him?

That is courting death.

Great concubine.

Eighteenth level knighthood.

Originally, Zhao Feng held the highest title in the Qin Dynasty when he was at the seventeenth level. Now that he was promoted to another level, he even surpassed the other three generals.

See this scene.

All the civil and military officials in the dynasty understood this in their hearts.

"The future captain of the country seems to be determined."

"Eighteenth-level title, Grand Concubine."

"The First Lord of Great Qin."

"Other generals have no chance."

"How can you imagine that the title of national captain would fall on Zhao Feng, who is in his twenties."

"It's incredible."

"Born from a humble family, he rose from humble beginnings and became the most noble and powerful figure in the Qin Dynasty."

The civil and military officials in the court looked at the figure standing on the stairs, and many people felt awe in their hearts.

Everyone understands.

There is no stopping Zhao Feng from becoming a state captain.

"My lord, thank you, Your Majesty."

Zhao Feng did not hesitate at all for the reward of being promoted to the first rank, and immediately thanked him.

"Your Majesty."

"What should we do with this fellow assassin?" Li Si pointed at Qin Wuyang who was being escorted inside the palace.

"Be executed together with the assassin in the downtown area."

"Thousands of arrows pierce the body."

"Declare the crime of assassination to all the people." Ying Zheng shouted coldly.

"Great King Shengming."

Manchao shouted in unison.

Qin Wuyang's face turned pale and he didn't beg for mercy.

At the moment of Jing Ke's assassination, he was certain to die.

Under the **** of several imperial guards, Qin Wuyang was also dragged out.

"Han Fei."

Ying Zheng looked at Han Fei.

"I'm here," Han Fei responded immediately.

"Prepare to go out to raise food, grass and baggage."

"Limited time, one month."

"Raise the food and grass needed for the two battalions to go out for half a year." Ying Zheng said in a deep voice.

"I accept the edict." Han Fei responded immediately.

The old days.

When there was no edict in the history of governing millet, Wang Wan and Wei Liao were responsible for the collection and distribution of grain and grass.

But now that Han Fei has assumed this position, it is naturally up to him to handle it.

"The money raised belongs to Han Fei."

"The transportation is under Wei Qing's control." Ying Zheng looked at Wei Liao again.

The latter did not hesitate: "I accept the edict."

As for Wang Wan, who was once involved, it has now been put on hold.

If anyone can understand Ying Zheng's intentions, it is obvious that he does not intend to reuse Wang Wan again.

The so-called power of the prime minister has also been greatly reduced.

To this.

Wang Wan had a gloomy look on her face, but she knew the situation and didn't dare to say anything.


"If nothing happens."

"Let's disperse."

"I'm tired."

Ying Zheng waved his hand.

He immediately issued an edict to disperse the dynasty.

The aftermath of the disaster just now made him feel a little uncomfortable.

"I respectfully send you off to your Majesty."

All the civil and military officials in the court bowed.

Zhao Feng didn't say much and just followed Ying Zheng towards Zhangtai Palace.

Been together for so long.

Sometimes Ying Zheng doesn't speak, but Zhao Feng understands the meaning.

In the middle of a busy city.

Jing Ke and Qin Wuyang were imprisoned in two prison cars.

And after the two prison cars.

All the hundreds of envoys from the Yan Kingdom were shackled and followed behind the prison car.

After Jing Ke and others failed in their assassination attempt, all these people from Yan were captured.

Under an edict.

All must die.

For them, it may be an unforeseen disaster.

But as the envoys accompanying them, they were not innocent.

after all.

The moment they stepped into Great Qin, their death was already doomed.

All this was arranged by Prince Yan Dan.

And at this moment.

On top of the prison van.

Jing Ke's chest was blood red. He was at the end of his strength and seemed to be cut off from life at any moment. The other one was pale and full of fear of death.

"How is this going?"

"These two people were wearing the official robes of the Yan State. Why were they put in a prison car? What did they do? To be treated like this?"

"have no idea."

"The Yan envoy's chest was stained with blood, and he seemed to be injured."

"Keep reading, the court will definitely give you an explanation."

Seeing that these two prison cars were escorted by the Imperial Guards themselves, many people gathered with curious eyes.

And this time!

Ren Xiao, who personally escorted the two men, rode a war horse and said loudly: "The Yan State is unjust. In the name of presenting the map, it hid the dagger in the map to assassinate the king."

"Fortunately, General Zhao Feng returned in time and nailed the assassin to the wall with one sword, otherwise the king would be in danger."


"The king issued an edict."

"The actions of the Yan State are unjust, and the Yan State has no moral violations."

"No mercy, no forgiveness."


"According to the edict of the King of Qin, all the envoys of the Yan State will be punished by being pierced by thousands of arrows."

"Everyone in my country, Qin, can watch the punishment."

Ren Xiao said loudly.

Expose the crimes of these Yan envoys.

The words fell.

The people in Xianyang City who were still so at a loss towards these Yan envoys suddenly changed their expressions, and then burst into overwhelming anger and hatred.


"These **** Yan people, they dare to assassinate the king."

"They are really looking for death."

"By coming to offer gifts, they actually assassinated the king. They deserve death."

"Smash these **** to death."

"They dared to assassinate the king. Damn it."

"Smash them to death."


The originally peaceful people of Da Qin suddenly became angry. They took the surrounding debris and threw them at the Yan prisoners.


The whole street is filled with all kinds of rotten eggs, lazy cabbage leaves, and even stones.

Hearing the news of the assassination of their king, it can be seen how angry these people were.

It can also be seen how high Ying Zheng's prestige is in Da Qin and how much he is respected by the people.

after all.

To the people of Da Qin, the current king is a wise king who enforces strict laws and expands territory.

How could they disrespect such a king?

Under the anger of countless people.

Many of the people in the Yan State mission were beaten in great pain, moaning in pain, and their heads were bleeding.

But no one stopped it.

All the guards looked on with cold eyes and even encouraged him.

These Yan people had already aroused public anger. If Wang Zhao hadn't executed them in the busy city, they would have cut their bodies into pieces in the palace.

If the assassination of King Qin was really successful.

Then they, the imperial guards who guard the palace, will undergo a major reshuffle, and countless people will die.

After all, it is their duty to protect King Qin.

Under the anger of countless people.

The imperial guards escorted these Yan people to the downtown area and isolated an execution ground.

Li Si serves as a court lieutenant.

Came here in person.

With an indifferent look on his face, he looked at these Yan people with murderous intent.

"Kneel down."

The imperial guards escorted these Yan prisoners and kicked them all to the ground.

Li Si stared indifferently, and then said loudly: "People of Great Qin."

"These **** Yan people assassinated the king in the name of presenting pictures. They are guilty of an unforgivable crime."

"By the king's order."

"This lieutenant will personally oversee the execution."

"Tie up all Yan Kingdom assassins."

Li Si shouted coldly.


Many imperial guards immediately took action and tied all the more than a hundred Yan people to the target.

"My lord, please spare my life. I didn't know about the assassination."

"I had no idea about the assassination."

"My lord, spare my life, King Qin, please spare my life."

"I don't know this little guy..."

When they were tied up, the ordinary envoys of the Yan Kingdom begged for mercy in fear. For them, they were naturally full of fear at this moment. This was an unreasonable disaster for them. After they stepped into the Qin Dynasty, no matter whether the assassination was successful or not, they would die. undoubtedly.

"Archers prepare."

Li Si paid no attention at all and shouted coldly.

This time.

He was also moved and really angry.

Li Si was really afraid of the crisis situation just now.

Although he is Jiuqing, although he is Tingwei.

But if King Qin really dies, then he is finished.

Everything he had was given by the King of Qin. Compared with his background, he was not as good as Wang Wan and other old nobles.

Even at the moment of the assassination, Li Si thought of the worst outcome. If King Qin really died, the most likely successor would be Fusu.

imperial clan.

There are also those old nobles who will strongly support Fusu's succession.

And these people will be gradually eliminated.


Thousands of archers were already in position, aiming their bows and arrows at these Yan people.

"The wind is rustling and the water is cold."

“A strong man once gone never comes back.”

Jing Ke sang loudly with a bit of tragedy.

"Your Highness the Crown Prince."

"I, Dayan, am finished." Qin Wuyang's face showed a trace of sadness.


Li Sihan shouted angrily.


A volley of arrows was fired.

Countless arrows rained towards these Yan Kingdom assassins.

Almost at the same time.

All the assassins were pierced by random arrows and died.

"Keep shooting arrows."

Li Si shouted coldly.

This time.

He didn't intend to leave any intact corpses for these Yan people.

The rain of arrows continued.

This was accompanied by loud shouts from the people around him.

For these assassins.

Even if they die, their bodies will also suffer humiliation.

This is the price for assassinating King Qin.

When the Qin Dynasty destroys the Yan Kingdom one day, their entire clan will also be executed.

This is the price of assassinating the king.

Unless they remain anonymous in the future.

Inside Zhangtai Palace!

Ying Zheng and Zhao Feng sat opposite each other.

The palace door is closed.

"Judging from the date, today should not be the day for you to return to the capital." Ying Zheng looked at Zhao Feng and smiled.

"According to the traveling time of the convoy, it will take at least ten more days to return to the capital." Zhao Feng said.

"Did you know that there was an assassin in the Yan State mission? Are you coming to assassinate him?" Ying Zheng looked at Zhao Feng in shock.

This situation was something he didn't expect.

I originally thought that Yan Guo really came to offer gifts, but ended up coming to assassinate him.

"Wakami said he guessed it by luck."

"Do you believe it, your Majesty?" Zhao Feng smiled slightly.


Ying Zheng didn't think much at all and nodded immediately.

"That's why."

"So, I'm here."

"Running day and night."

"Finally we caught up, otherwise the king would have been stabbed to death by the assassin." Zhao Feng said with a bit of ridicule.

"This also proves that one's life should not be cut off." Ying Zheng laughed loudly.

"But this time, although it was dangerous, we got through it in the end."

"There is a reason to send troops to Yan State." Zhao Feng said with a sneer.


"Although dangerous."

"But after all, I got a legitimate reason to send troops to Yan."

"With this reason for assassinating Yu Gu, Qi and Chu can only watch the Yan Kingdom being destroyed by our great Qin."


"Gu feels that King Yan is not so stupid, and actually gave Gu a sword."

"He won't gamble like this." Ying Zheng said with a slight smile.

He naturally understood King Yan.

"King Yan doesn't dare, what about the other person?" Zhao Feng said sarcastically.

(End of chapter)

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