Become Stronger and Immortal By Picking Up Attributes From the Battlefield

Chapter 223: The traitor to King Yan! Zhao Feng hates clan traitors the most! Order that no chickens

Chapter 223 The traitor to King Yan! Zhao Feng hates clan traitors the most! Order that no chickens or dogs be left behind!

After Yuyang City was captured by Da Qin.

Time flies!

Two months have passed.

The Wu'an camp had an army of 300,000. In addition to the 50,000 main army and 50,000 logistics troops to guard the surrendered soldiers, the remaining troops attacked the Yan Kingdom with all their strength.

Now most of the territory of Yan State has fallen into the control of Da Qin.

Jicheng is already in sight.


"This place is only thirty miles away from Jicheng." Zhang Han rode his horse and loudly announced.


"Pass this general's order and attack with all your strength."

"Today our army will set up camp in Jicheng."

Zhao Feng shouted immediately.

"I will understand." Zhang Han nodded immediately.

Then he shouted loudly: "The general has an order, march with all your strength and go straight to Jicheng."

Counting the time when Zhao Feng first mobilized his troops, in just three months, the troops came to Jicheng.

This is difficult to achieve even with an absolute military superiority. After all, the territory of Yan State is not small, and Jicheng is in the east.

However, under the leadership of Zhao Feng, all the Yan army was crippled. Except for a few county soldiers, the rest retreated to Jicheng.

Moreover, the combat power of Wu'an Camp far exceeded that of other camps.

This is how we achieved such results.


It is now heavily guarded.

Incompetence will rule the situation.

King Yan could only let his own imperial guard commander lead the troops. After the border troops were transferred back, although there were more than 200,000 soldiers and horses in the city, except for the 70,000 border troops, the rest of the fighting strength was not strong.

Chaoyi Hall!


"Start the memorial, Your Majesty."

"Something bad happened."

"Qin Qi rushes to attack."

"The Qin army is only twenty miles away from my capital."

A soldier quickly ran into the hall and reported.

"too fast."

"How could they be so fast?" King Yan frowned, his whole face full of fear.

Even though he had thought so much about resisting, it was still difficult to match the Wu'an Camp's absolute combat power.

His army of Yan State was no match at all.

"Is Sima Lin not back yet?"

King Yan looked at the court and asked loudly.

"Return to the king."

"Sima Lin has not returned yet."

"I don't know his whereabouts."

A minister stood up and said.

"Is there any movement in Northern Xinjiang?" King Yan immediately asked again.

Hear this question.

Many ministers of Yan State looked troubled.

At this time.

"Return to the king."

"The border troops were mobilized and Donghu crossed the border."

"The specific situation is currently unknown to the Qin Army."

A minister stood up and started loudly.

But when King Yan heard this, his face lit up with joy: "Donghu crossed the border. This is my invitation to deal with Qin."

At this moment.

King Yan has nothing to hide.

And his words were earth-shattering, shaking the entire court.


"How could you, Your Majesty, collude with Dong Hu?"

"The misfortune of alien races has existed throughout the ages."

"The aliens are cruel and treat our people as livestock. If they cross the border, our people in the northern border of Yan will be in danger."

"How could your Majesty do this?"

A courtier jumped out and said to King Yan angrily.


"How dare you speak to me like this?"

After being scolded by the minister, King Yan became angry and pointed at the minister below and yelled angrily.

"Colluding with foreigners is the crime of betraying the clan."

"Eternal infamy."

"Can the king bear this burden?"

"Your Majesty, this is betraying my ancestors of Dayan."

"You don't deserve to be king."

The minister pointed at King Yan and cursed without fear.

This time.

He was really angry.


"Someone, drag him down to me."

"Sent to jail." King Yan said angrily.

Several imperial guards immediately rushed into the hall.

But this time!

There are also many conscientious ministers of the State of Yan who have stood up.

"Your Majesty is unethical and colludes with foreign tribes. This will bring you infamy and betrayal of your tribe through the ages."

"It is a disgrace to serve as a minister under the king's command."

"Eternal shame."

"How can I, the king of China, collude with foreign races? How can I do such a thing that forgets my ancestors?"

"You don't deserve to be king."


"You do not deserve…"

One after another, ministers stood up and cursed angrily at King Yan.

Take a look.

At least half of the more than one hundred courtiers in the court stood up and cursed.

There may be countries on the land of China, but they all belong to the same ethnic group and belong to China.

The foreign races outside Northern Xinjiang are not included in China.

They moved their troops southward, and there was no obstacle at the border. It would be a massacre of their people.

As long as there are people who identify themselves as the Chinese ethnic group, as long as they still have ethnic justice in their hearts, they can't stand it at this moment.

And saw this scene.

King Yan was also shocked.

He didn't expect that so many people would stand up and scold him.

this moment.

King Yan also felt a sense of regret in his heart.

Did you really do something wrong?

But the next moment.

King Yan came to his senses and said: "I am the king of Yan and the people of Yan. What can I do to deserve their turn to make irresponsible remarks?"

Think of this.

King Yan stood up angrily, raised his finger and pointed at the ministers who stood up in the hall to scold him, and roared angrily: "For the great Yan Cunguo, all sacrifices are worth it."

"Qi and Chu did not come to help, and Qin was aggressive. Asking Donghu to send troops was just a last resort."

"All this was forced by Qin."

"As the king of Dayan, I must protect Dayan Cun."

Seeing that King Yan is still so stubborn.

The minister Yan Chen who was the first to speak looked desperate, pointed at King Yan and shouted: "Hunjun, you still don't know how to repent now?"

"Your actions are even more stupid than what King Zhou You did back then."

"You, Ji Xi, will be blamed for your infamy throughout the ages."

"We are ashamed to be your ministers."

"Colluding with foreign races, I won't bear the name."

"For aliens to invade, you are the sinner of the people of Northern Territory..."

One by one, the ministers cursed angrily.

They were really angry at this moment.

For people in this era, betraying one's clan is very serious.

Even if they die, they don't want to bear such infamy.

Looking at the angry curses that filled the court.

King Yan was completely angry. He waved his hand and shouted coldly: "Rebellion, rebellion."

"Since you are seeking death, I will help you."

"Take all these rebellious ministers who dare to act arrogantly against me and kill them."

This time it was a cut.

A chill enveloped the entire court.

But even so.

None of the ministers who angrily criticized King Yan backed down.

A large number of imperial guards rushed directly into the hall and looked at dozens of ministers standing in the hall angrily criticizing King Yan.

They were also stunned.

"King Yan is ignorant and unworthy of being king."

"Even if we die, we will not betray our clan."

"Even though we are dead, if you, Ji Xi, do such a treasonous thing, the Qin Kingdom will definitely cut you into pieces."

"We are just one step ahead of you, but you, a foolish king, will bear eternal infamy. Even if we die, we can keep our name clear."

None of the ministers were afraid of death.

Just like the historian who is not afraid of death, and the censor who is not afraid of death.

See this scene.

The hundreds of guards who rushed into the hall didn't know what to do. They looked at it, but they didn't take action.


They also heard what was going on in the court.

Their king colluded with foreigners.

If the border troops are withdrawn, won't northern Xinjiang be trampled upon by foreigners?

Think of this.

These imperial guards were also made of flesh and blood, which also gave rise to a silent anger in their hearts.

But in the face of royal power, they did not dare to go too far.

"What are you still doing?"

"Why don't you take down these rebellious ministers?"

Looking at the imperial guards who did not take action, King Yan frowned and reprimanded again.

Just when many imperial guards could not bear it, but had to respect the king's order.


"The vanguard of the Qin army has arrived at my capital."

"It seems like an attack is about to begin."

A general guarding the city rushed over quickly.

"Isn't there still twenty miles left? How could it be so fast?" King Yan's expression suddenly changed.

Facing the ministers under his command, he could still use his royal authority to suppress them, but facing Da Qin, he had no choice, because Zhao Feng's troops came to destroy his so-called royal authority.

Outside Ji City.

Nearly 100,000 cavalry troops have arrived.

Under Zhao Feng's order.

The cavalry arrived at Jicheng half the time.

"In three months, the army will arrive at Jicheng." "Tomorrow, we will attack this city and capture King Yan."

"The King of Yan will perish just like this."

Looking at the city in front of him, Zhao Feng smiled.


"Now that our army is approaching, why don't we fire arrows to kill them for a while to scare the Yan army?" Zhang Han suggested.

Zhao Feng thought for a moment.

The moment of consent is taking place.


"Just received a secret report."

A personal guard came quickly on horseback, holding a secret report in his hand.

Zhao Feng took it and took a look.

His face instantly turned livid.


"Prince Yan Ji Xi, you are really a bastard." Zhao Feng's face showed an anger he had never seen before.

Zhang Han and the surrounding generals all changed their expressions.

They had never seen their general so angry.

"General, what happened?" Zhang Han asked tentatively.

Zhao Feng said nothing and handed the secret report in his hand to Zhang Han.

Zhang Han took it and took a look. Suddenly, Zhang Han's face turned livid.


"How does he deserve to be king?"

"How dare you collude with foreigners."

"No wonder he said that the border troops guarding the northern border withdrew into Jicheng. It turned out to be to allow the foreigners to move south."

"Hateful." Zhang Han immediately scolded.


"This King of Yan is colluding with foreign tribes?"

"What a courage."

"This **** who has forgotten his ancestors has the guts to be king."

"General, give me the order to attack this Ji city today."

"When foreigners invade, China will fight together. This has been the rule from ancient times to the present."

"Now the foreign tribes going south will inevitably cause endless killings in the northern border of Yan State. We can't just sit back and watch."

One by one the generals asked for battle.

Everyone looked indignant.

Although the foreigners who went south wanted to kill the people of Yan State, now the generals have replaced the people of Yan State as the people of Qin.

If the foreign tribes go south, they will definitely cause disaster for all living beings.

Every general knows this.

And when King Yan withdrew the border troops, the foreign tribes would definitely go south after noticing, but no one would have thought of directly colluding with the foreign tribes.

After conquering Yuyang, he reached Jicheng two months later. You can imagine what kind of urgent march Zhao Feng made along the way and what kind of attack he carried out to break the city.

The purpose is to quickly secure the Yan Kingdom and then strengthen the defense line in the northern border of the Yan Kingdom so that the foreign races have no chance to take advantage of it.

But now it seems it's still too late.

"Originally, I thought that King Yan was only transferring the border troops to protect the country. It seems that there may be room for salvation."

"But he actually dared to collude with foreigners."

"He already has a way to die."

Zhao Feng said coldly, raised his head and looked in the direction of Jicheng, already filled with overwhelming murderous intent.

How cruel the uneducated aliens of this era are. Even if Zhao Feng has never seen it with his own eyes, but with the memory of his previous life, Zhao Feng knows very clearly that the aliens of this era are ferocious beasts, no, more cruel and ferocious than ferocious beasts.

They will definitely commit rape, robbery, and massacre.

The life of foreigners must be **** on earth.

"Please give the order, General."

Zhang Han bowed directly.

"Please give the order, General."

Many generals bowed to Zhao Feng one after another.

"Wait a minute."

"The people guarding the city this time are the border troops guarding the northern border of Yan State. I don't believe they have no conscience."

Zhao Feng raised his hand, with an unprecedented seriousness in his eyes.

King Yan made this move.

Betray the Chinese ethnic group.

Once word spreads, the world will despise it.

You must know that through the ages, anyone who betrays the clan will be despised by his own clan and regarded as a clan traitor.

"The whole army is in formation."

"Prepare to attack."

Zhao Feng explained.

Then he spurred his horse and rushed towards Jicheng.

"The whole army obeys the order."

"Prepare for war."

Zhang Han immediately gave the order.

On the Jicheng city tower.

Watching the Qin army array.

All the defenders on Ji City looked solemn.

After the Yan Kingdom's border troops were transferred, almost all of the border troops defending the city were border troops. On the one hand, they were powerful in combat, and on the other hand, they were all veterans who had experienced battles with foreign races.

King Yan naturally relied on them to hold on.

"General Gongsun."

"A Qin Qi is here."

The commander of the imperial guard said to Gongsun Guang, the commander of the border army on the side.

"It should be to persuade him to surrender, there is no need to panic." Gongsun Guang said in a deep voice.

The commander of the imperial guards also nodded and said no more.

Although King Yan asked him to be the general of defense, he did not have much military exploits and was not that perfect in commanding troops, so he relied heavily on Gongsun Guang beside him.


Zhao Feng rode his horse to the front of the city.

"Who is the general in the city?"

Zhao Feng shouted in a deep voice.

Gongsun Guang looked at the commander of the guards beside him.

"General Gongsun."

"Although the king has ordered me to lead the defense, the defense here is all frontier troops. You can ask this Qin general what he is going to do." The commander of the imperial guard said immediately.

Gongsun Guang nodded, stood up immediately, and said to Zhao Feng below the city: "I am General Gongsun Guang."

"I am the Commander-in-Chief of the Guards of Wu'an Camp, General Zhao Feng of Qin."

Zhao Feng raised his head and said in a deep voice.

"Zhao Feng."


Hear the name.

Gongsun Guang, the commander of the imperial guards, and the guards on the city tower were all shocked.

They did not expect that Zhao Feng would be so bold and come to the city alone.

If thousands of arrows are fired at once, this is a fatal situation.

"I have long admired the name of General Zhao Fengshang."

"However, if General Zhao is here to persuade you to surrender, then there is no need."

"Although our country is weak, our country, Yan, will not surrender under the king's orders." Gongsun Guang said in a deep voice.

"I am here today to say only one thing."

"If you still want to be loyal to King Yan after hearing this, then after I break the city, not a single soldier will be left behind."

Zhao Feng said coldly, with an unprecedented seriousness in his tone.

Gongsun Guang's expression remained unchanged, but he was secretly frightened in his heart. He hurriedly said: "If the two armies are fighting, the envoy will not be killed. If you have anything to say, the general, please tell me."

"The king of Yan forgot his ancestors and colluded with foreign tribes."

"Now the foreign tribes have moved south into the Yan territory."

"Are you waiting to know about this?"

Zhao Feng shouted coldly. With the blessing of true energy, most of the city tower could hear this sentence.


Gongsun Guang's expression changed, as did the commander of the imperial guards on the side.


"My king will never be so stupid."

"Foreign races are wolves, and my king will never collude with foreign races."

"General Zhao Feng, don't talk nonsense." Gongsun Guang said with a look of disbelief.

"This is what my Da Qin intelligence agency discovered. You can see for yourself."

Zhao Feng was too lazy to say anything.

He took out the secret report, crumpled it into a ball, and threw it directly towards the city.

The secret report fell directly to Gongsun Guang.

The latter quickly picked it up and took a look.

The moment I saw the secret report.

Gongsun Guang's face turned pale.

caught in the eye.

There is only one sentence: "The Donghu army went south, and there was no soldier guarding the Yan border. The Yan border city of Xiangping has been conquered by foreigners. The foreigners slaughtered the city with blood, and there are very few survivors."

"No, that's impossible."

"How could your Majesty collude with a foreign race?"

"The king said when he mobilized the troops, our border troops will evacuate first, and then other troops will be deployed to guard the border."

"How could this happen?" Gongsun Guang's whole body was trembling, and he seemed to have lost his soul.

He was originally from Xiangping. Although he had family members in Jicheng as hostages, he also had many family members in Xiangping.

The commander of the imperial guards on the side took a look, and his face turned pale as well.

"The King of Yan colluded with the foreign tribes and intended to use the power of the foreign tribes to fight against our great Qin."

"This is his purpose of removing the border troops." Zhao Feng said coldly.

Gongsun Guang raised his head dejectedly and stared at Zhao Feng with blood-red eyes: "General Zhao, this true?"

"Although soldiers on the battlefield are not tired of deceit."

"But this time our Qin army has already arrived at Jicheng. If you give me one day, I can break the city without resorting to such deceptive tactics."

"I think you and others are the frontier troops of the Yan Kingdom guarding the border. We know that the aliens are fierce. If we delay for a moment, more innocent people in the northern border of the Yan Kingdom will be killed by the aliens."

"Although China is divided into various countries, they are all part of China."

"I am here to persuade you to surrender for the sake of the Chinese ethnic group."


"Whether you believe it or not, I will attack the city immediately after I retreat."

"Sudden time."

"No one of Yan's army is left in the city."

Zhao Feng raised his head, his eyes filled with cold murderous intent.

If there is hostility between the two countries, there may be troops who surrender.

But if there is no ethnic justice, then no wonder Zhao Feng is cruel.

Because they don't deserve to live.

Zhao Feng looked at the Yanbian Army officers on the tower with complicated expressions.

Then he shouted: "Commanders of the Yan State's border army, the King of Yan colluded with foreign tribes, betrayed the tribe, and was unfaithful and unjust. If you are still willing to serve for these traitors, I, Zhao Feng, swear here to destroy the city." , not a single soldier of the Yan Kingdom was left alive.”


Zhao Feng also ignored Yan Jun, whose expression changed greatly on the tower.

He spurred his horse and turned around, and finally said: "After half a stick of incense, I will lead the army to attack the city!"

"Sudden time."

"Till death."

(End of chapter)

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