Become Stronger and Immortal By Picking Up Attributes From the Battlefield

Chapter 235: Ying Zheng’s excitement! Enter the foreign royal court!

Chapter 235 Ying Zheng’s excitement! Enter the foreign royal court!

 Following Ying Zheng’s order.

Ren Xiao, who was in front of him, quickly brought up the report.

Ying Zheng took it and opened it with mixed emotions.

The moment he opened it, Ying Zheng was still a little worried. After all, it was indeed very dangerous for Zhao Feng to lead his army deep alone.

The battle report opens.

When you see the words in it.

Ying Zheng's expression changed slightly, the corners of his mouth could not help but curl up, and then he laughed: "Hahaha."

"Gu, you really underestimate Zhao Feng."

"Your Majesty."

"I underestimated him."

Look at Ying Zheng's expression.

The ministers all looked at each other, but they all understood that this was definitely good news coming from Donghu territory.

"Your Majesty."

"Has the general achieved victory?" Wei Liao also asked curiously at this moment.


"And the results are not small."

Ying Zheng laughed, all the worries he had felt for many days turned into joy.

Then he directly handed the battle report in his hand to Zhao Gao beside him: "Read it."


Zhao Gao respectfully accepted the order.

Then he took the battle report and read it to the ministers in the hall: "Report from the hidden men from Donghu territory."

"The border tribes of Donghu were defeated by General Zhao Feng and his army many days ago."

"In this battle."

"The foreigners were unprepared, and General Zhao Feng killed nearly 100,000 people. The old, weak, women and children were not included."

"Moreover, many grain and grass supplies transported by the foreign tribes to the border tribes were all burned by General Zhao Feng. The foreign tribes suffered heavy losses."

"Except for the border tribes, a total of five tribes in Donghu were massacred by the army led by General Zhao Feng."

"My Qin army killed more than 300,000 foreigners."

"Burn the aliens' food and baggage, countless of them."

Zhao Gao read loudly.

"Zhao Feng deserves to be called the God of War of the Qin Dynasty."

"Ten thousand troops entered Donghu and achieved such results."

"Nearly 300,000 aliens were slaughtered."

"Countless grain and grass supplies were burned."

"This is definitely a serious blow to the alien race."

"Based on this, the aliens will never be able to go south in a short time." Han Fei said immediately, his tone full of reverence.

"Weren't the 300,000 foreigners slaughtered by General Zhao Feng all soldiers?" Wang Wan said with some deep meaning in his tone.

"What does the Prime Minister mean by this?"

"Don't you know that all foreigners are soldiers?"

"Is it possible that you still have compassion for these aliens?"

"Has the King and Prime Minister forgotten the hatred of half a million dead souls in Yan Land?"

Wang Jian didn't give Wang Wan a chance to continue and retorted coldly.

"The general has spoken harshly."

"I never meant this." Wang Wan immediately shut up.

Originally, he really wanted to mention the distinction between civilians.

But thinking of the miserable situation of the people in Yandi, Wang Wan immediately shut up.

At this moment, the whole court was angry. The aliens were massacring the city. No matter how many people Zhao Feng killed, they were asking for it.

"Now that General Zhao Feng has killed so many foreigners and burned a lot of the foreigners' luggage, I think the victory has been achieved and he will return soon." Li Si said with a smile.

"I'm afraid it won't be so easy for General Zhao Feng to come back this time." Wei Liao suddenly said.

Ying Zheng's eyes immediately fell on Wei Liao.

"The general's killing of foreigners is certainly worthy of praise."

"But the Donghu clan dominates the grassland and suppresses many ethnic groups. This is not a weak clan. All of their people are soldiers. If all the young and strong people are recruited, they can raise an army of hundreds of thousands. Now that the Donghu have suffered such a big loss, King Donghu will definitely increase their numbers. Send a large army to encircle and suppress the general."

"Once you are trapped in a tight siege, it will be dangerous." Wei Liao said seriously.

Ying Zheng nodded: "It seems that our Great Qin can't do anything this time, and the news can't be conveyed. We can only wait and see what Zhao Feng will do next."

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty."

"Bringing only 10,000 elite troops to fight against Donghu, perhaps this is Zhao Feng's purpose."

"A mere 10,000 soldiers and horses are like gravel on the grassland. It will not be easy for foreigners to find them."

"I believe Zhao Feng will take care of it." Wang Jian said immediately.

"Yes." Ying Zheng nodded.

"Continue to pay close attention to Donghu's movements."


"Send the order to Tu Sui and Li You who are stationed in Yandi."

"If they really receive the news that Zhao Feng is surrounded by Donghu, let them send troops directly to Donghu without asking for orders, and they must welcome Zhao Feng back at any cost." Ying Zheng said in a deep voice.

"I accept the edict." Wei Liao also respectfully accepted the order.

Wait until the courtiers retreat.

"Zhao Feng."


"You must come back alive."

"When you come back this time, I will give you a good scolding."

"You don't take your own life seriously." Ying Zheng cursed secretly in his heart.

Zhao Feng charged outside and killed the enemy in the far northern Xinjiang.

His old father was on tenterhooks deep in the palace.

Northern Xinjiang grassland!

Thousands of corpses of Donghu soldiers lay lifeless on the ground.

And there were Qin troops all around.

The weapons in his hands were dripping with blood.

Apparently the war had just ended.

"Report to the general."

"A total of 3,700 foreigners were killed."

"But looking at this formation, they are all the pioneer tribes of foreign races."

"Not the main force." Zhang Han reported.

"Our army has been in the Donghu territory for more than two months."

"We destroyed more than ten alien tribes and killed countless alien tribes."

"For Dong Hu, they naturally don't want to suffer such a big loss."

"Now all the troops must have been deployed, ready for encirclement and suppression." Zhao Feng said solemnly.

"General, what should we do?" Zhang Han asked respectfully.

"Are the two thousand warriors ready?" Zhao Feng asked.

"Already prepared."

Zhang Han replied immediately.

"These two thousand warriors drove these foreign war horses and rushed towards Tu'an in the east, attracting all the foreigners."

"You will personally command these two thousand."

"This job is extremely dangerous. If you are not careful, you will be surrounded by aliens and eventually be surrounded and annihilated by aliens." Zhao Feng said in a deep voice.

"As a soldier of the Qin Dynasty, I am not afraid of death."

"It's worth it to work with the general to inflict heavy losses on the foreign tribes and protect the peace of our country." Zhang Han immediately bowed.

"I don't want you to die, I want you all to live."

"Your mission is to attract the aliens and not fight with them." Zhao Feng said very sternly.

"I will understand." Zhang Han nodded immediately.


"This time we are fighting against the alien race, their main force will arrive soon."

"You drive the war horses and transfer them."

"Let's get going." Zhao Feng waved his hand.


Zhang Han bowed and walked towards the two thousand Qinqi who were ready.


"The results will be achieved today."

"As long as you attract the foreigners, I will lead the army to attack the Donghu Palace."

"This battle."

"I have led the soldiers to destroy more than a dozen foreign tribes, causing great damage to the foreign tribes."

"And as long as the Donghu Royal Court is destroyed this time, this alien Donghu tribe will not invade our country, Great Qin, within five years."

"If this battle is successful, all the soldiers will take great credit, and you will become the heroes of the Qin Dynasty and the Huaxia clan." Zhao Feng looked at the two thousand warriors gathered in front of him and shouted with authority.

"Follow the General to the death."

Two thousand soldiers raised their spears and shouted.

"Zhang Han."

"Lead the troops yourself, go ahead." Zhao Feng shouted.


"Take care of yourself."

Zhang Han cupped his fists and bowed to Zhao Feng.

"General, take care."

Two thousand warriors also clasped their fists and bowed.

Zhao Feng returned the favor with clasped fists and looked at him seriously.


Zhang Han shouted loudly and led two thousand warriors to the east in the direction of Tu Anguo.

at the same time.

In addition, the tens of thousands of war horses obtained from this battle and the previous battles were driven away by two thousand warriors.

On the vast land, there were left the hoof prints of countless war horses, all galloping towards the east.

This is one of Zhao Feng's purposes.

Using Zhang Han's two thousand warriors as bait, he lured the foreign army to pursue in the east.

General Zhao Feng led the remaining soldiers to raid the Donghu Palace.

And these captured more than 10,000 war horses have more footprints. As long as King Donghu is smart, they will definitely pursue them.

If they don't chase.

Then Zhao Feng could only continue to charge and kill.

"The army sets off, the target is Donghu Palace."

"Leave five hundred brothers behind and clean up the horse's hoof prints for a mile." Zhao Feng said in a deep voice.


The generals around him replied in unison.

Then the army set off and divided into two groups.

The location of Donghu's army.


"Report to the King."

"Traces of the Qin army were discovered."

"The frontier warriors have fought with the Qin army, and only a few escaped."

A general came quickly and reported to King Donghu.

"Finally we caught these bastards." Hatred flashed in King Donghu's eyes.

these past few months.

The Qin army was like a cat playing with a mouse, crazily destroying foreign tribes and killing crazily.

Although Donghu's army spread out, they were still trying to find a needle in a haystack and couldn't find it at all.

Every time they found some traces and pursued them, the Qin army had already withdrawn.

"Your Majesty."

"Please give the order."

"The general will avenge his previous humiliation and kill all the Qin troops."

Uwu stood up and said with hatred.

And behind him.

The same is true for many Donghu generals, full of hatred.

Zhao Feng led his army to raid Donghu.

More than a dozen tribes were destroyed, varying in size.

Wherever he passed was a massacre.

Naturally, there were relatives of these Donghu generals, and even their children were massacred by the Qin army. "This time, they can't escape."

"Our army's formation has been spread out, and they can't escape." King Donghu said with a cold face.

Then waved his hand.

"All warriors obey orders."

"Outflank the Qin army and cut them into pieces." King Donghu shouted.


"Kill, kill all the people of Qin."


Behind King Donghu.

Hundreds of thousands of Donghu soldiers spread out, a few were cavalry and most were infantry, and pursued the Qin army ahead.

The army was overwhelming, and the whole earth was shaking under this formation.

This time.

King Donghu has already mobilized the entire clan's troops.

An army of four and a half million people.

The purpose was to destroy this Qin army that had sneaked into his Donghu territory.

They carry the fury of revenge.

When they rushed to the place where Qin Qi and their vanguard fought, thousands of corpses were lying in a pool of blood, and there were many war horses pierced by random arrows.

But all the living war horses have disappeared.

"Damn Qin people."

Looking at this scene of massacre again, King Donghu's eyes turned red.

these past few months.

King Donghu has seen him many times.

Tribes that were burned to waste, tribes that were slaughtered.

Hundreds of thousands of his people have been slaughtered by Qin.

Such hatred, such humiliation, such hatred, King Donghu has sworn that if he does not take revenge, he will commit suicide.

"Your Majesty."

"The Qin army fled to the east." A general reported to King Donghu.


King Donghu nodded, his eyes filled with murderous intent: "Chase, I will travel day and night to catch them."

"Your Majesty."

"Will the Qin army escape in another direction?"

Wuwu reminded aloud.

"At this point, are they fleeing to the west from the hinterland of our clan? They are already frightened. How dare they flee to the west?"

"As for the north."

"It's winter now, and heading north is undoubtedly courting death."

"The only way is to go east, pass through Tu'an, and then go south to Qin."

"This is their chance to escape."

King Donghu smiled coldly.


Wuwu always felt that things would not be that simple.

In the past three months, although they have had an absolute advantage in military strength, they have always been led by the Qin army.

It was impossible to form an encirclement at all. Whenever an encirclement was about to occur, the Qin army would escape from the urn.

So this obvious escape this time, Wuwu felt that it was not that simple.


"Lead the army in pursuit."

"This time, I will give you a chance to avenge your shame."

King Donghu didn't want to waste time and immediately ordered the pursuit to continue.


Wuwu could only nod and lead his army in pursuit.

"Send an order to Ta Lin and Wu Tong to surround them immediately." King Dong Hu spoke again.


The general beside him replied immediately.

Donghu's 4 to 50,000-strong army was completely stretched out, forming a siege for the Qin army fleeing to the east.

And in front of their pursuit.

Only more than ten miles apart.


"Keep moving forward, target Tu'an."

"The aliens must have taken the bait and are chasing them now. We are traveling day and night and cannot stop."

"Once the war horse is tired, change the horse immediately." Zhang Han shouted loudly.


"We understand."

"These foreigners are just bastards, so today we are here to walk around with these bastards."

"As long as these aliens are completely restrained by us, the general will be able to defeat the Donghu Royal Court."


"That's right."

"When their royal nest is defeated by our army, Donghu will be doomed."

"Brothers, eat and walk at the same time. If we are really caught up by those foreign bastards, we will be full of ghosts."

"Hahaha, that's great. It's a pity that we don't have any wine, otherwise we would really have to drink heavily. This time, our two thousand people have attracted at least hundreds of thousands of aliens to chase us. Who in the world can do it except us?"

Many soldiers galloped forward while laughing heartily.

For them.

This time he was creating a feat that would be world-famous.

Time flies!

Three days later.

It was not long after nightfall.

The palace of Donghu Palace is located.

Just like when Zhao Feng led his army to attack the tribes on the edge of Donghu for the first time.

Nearly ten thousand Qinqi have already dispersed around the royal court.

"Donghu Royal Court."

"It's really magnificent."

"The population living in this tribe is probably not less than 200,000."

"It seems like nothing for the capitals of the Chinese countries, but it is indeed rare for so many people to live in this foreign land."

Looking at the Donghu Palace still flickering with fire in the middle of the night, almost every tent has a faint fire for lighting purposes.


"A few brothers just sneaked over to investigate."

"The Donghu Wangting sentry towers are scattered throughout the entire camp. There are hundreds of sentry towers, and each sentry tower is guarded by three soldiers."

"It seems that the Donghu Palace is indeed on guard."

"There are at least 20,000 troops stationed here."

Zhang Ming stepped forward and respectfully reported.

"They have already suffered a loss from the border tribes, and naturally they will not suffer a second time."


"A royal court stationed with an army of 20,000 to 30,000 people is too small after all." Zhao Feng smiled lightly.

This is why King Donghu and even the generals of Donghu would never think that there was something wrong with the royal court.

After all, his hundreds of thousands of troops have already been deployed. As long as they encounter the Qin army, they will inevitably form an encirclement.


"When will we do it?"

Wei Quan asked respectfully.

Many Qin Qi hidden in the dark night are also looking forward to it.

"Zhang Ming."

"Wei Quan."

Zhao Feng said in a deep voice.


The two responded immediately.

"Old rules."

"First approach the royal court slowly, close to a hundred feet, and then attack immediately."

"One battle will determine the outcome."

"Destroy this alien royal court."

Zhao Feng said coldly.

"I will obey the general's orders."

Every one of the warriors is eager to try and full of fighting spirit.


Following Zhao Feng's order.

Jinhe Wanqinqi began to approach the foreign royal court.

Each of them holds the horse reins and bows tightly in their hands.

The consumption of three months.

The feather arrows originally brought from Da Qin have long been used up.

The feather arrows used today are all obtained from foreign tribes.

After approaching Baizhang.


Zhao Feng shouted loudly.


Tap tap tap.

The cavalry moves.

It was like the sound of dawn in the dark night.

The gate of the alien camp is located.

All the foreign soldiers on hundreds of sentries were alerted.

"not good."

"It's the Qin Army."

"They have reached the royal court."

"Quick defense."

"Quick...quickly defend..."

One by one, the aliens shouted in horror.

The originally peaceful and peaceful foreign royal court instantly fell into panic.

Three months.

The Qin army bloodbathed more than a dozen of their tribes and killed hundreds of thousands.

Let their population decrease sharply. How can they not be afraid now that the Qin army is coming to kill them?


The soldiers in the foreign royal court quickly gathered.

The alien soldiers at the sentry also raised their bows and arrows.

As before.


Zhao Feng shouted again.

The arrow in his hand shot out of the night sky with terrifying murderous intent.

Boom, boom, boom!

Every arrow falls.

Within almost ten feet of where the arrow landed, a zhenqi spread.

Directly kill a group of aliens.

The camp gates were shattered and the sentries were shattered.

Under the blessing of true energy.

This is slaughter.

The slaughter of mortals by spirits.

"Great Qin Tianwei."

"Wind, wind, wind."

Nearly ten thousand soldiers shouted in unison.

The wind shouted.

A rain of arrows swept through the sky and radiated towards the foreign royal court.

This alien royal court, which has been peaceful for many years, is equivalent to the capital of all the countries in China, and is about to turn into purgatory!

(End of chapter)

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