Chapter 245 In Zhangtai Palace, both parents laughed!

 The people in the court saw Wang Wan's face and Wang Jian's unrestrained ridicule.

Most people also have a theater-going mentality.


Some ministers who originally supported Fusu also chose to avoid him temporarily and no longer supported him when they saw the current situation.

after all.

Wang Jian has already threatened to break up with Wang Wan and the others.

Under Wang Wan's gloomy gaze, Wang Jian's figure had already left the court meeting hall.

At this time!

Wei Zhuang walked over and winked at Wang Wan. Although he was not directly criticized by Wang Jian, his expression was equally ugly.

Inside Zhangtai Palace!


"Your Majesty."

"The scene in the court today was really enjoyable."

As soon as Wang Jian arrived, he immediately said with a smile.

Looking at the pride on his face, one can imagine how happy he was today.

"Enjoyed?" Ying Zheng smiled faintly.

"Of course, everything remains the same as your Majesty's sage."

"Instead of using the title of Guo Wei to Jin, we will give Zhao the title of Lord."

"Once the title of emperor fell, Zhao Feng's prestige in the army reached its peak."

"Wang Wan and the others can only watch. The key is that in the future, Zhao Feng will make new contributions to the Qin Dynasty, and no one can stop him from being a great captain." Wang Jian said with a smile.

"Over and over again."

"Wang Wan has indeed passed."

"And Chun Yuyue."

"I'm so disappointed." Ying Zheng had a cold look on his face.


For Ying Zheng.

Chunyu Yue's words today were the root cause of his anger, as well as Fusu's.

Ying Zheng once had really high hopes for Fusu.

But as time passed, Ying Zheng became more and more disappointed.

Over the years, disappointment has accumulated.

Ying Zheng was too disappointed with Fu Su.

But disappointed, he is his son after all.

"Your Majesty."

"Let the world be united."

"This court also needs to be cleaned up." Wang Jian replied respectfully.

After Ying Zheng told Zhao Feng's identity, Wang Jian completely understood what Ying Zheng was thinking.

Ying Zheng wanted to cultivate Zhao Feng as the future successor of the Qin Dynasty and the crown prince of the Qin Dynasty.

What Wang Jian thought.

After his daughter married Zhao Feng, she was naturally bound to Zhao Feng. This was a choice she had made.


If he had known Zhao Feng's identity earlier, Wang Jian might still have resisted, but as time passed, his daughter gave birth to children to Zhao Feng, and there was nothing to regret. With such a connection, Wang Jian had to choose Zhao Feng.

Because if Fusu becomes the crown prince, his family will be doomed in the future.

After all, they have completely broken up with Wang Wan and the others.

Even if they help Su Renyi, Wang Wan and the others will never let go of the Wang family.

This is where the dispute lies!


Compared to Wang Wan, they thought that Fusu was uniquely endowed and must have the best chance of being crowned prince, but this was nothing compared to Wang Jian's open-book exam.

Ying Zheng has said it many times.

The future Prince of Qin must be Zhao Feng.

"No need to take the initiative."

"Only after Feng'er's identity is announced."

"They will take the initiative." Ying Zheng sneered.

For those in the court.

Ying Zheng knows it all too well.

Since ancient times.

One emperor and one courtier.

Now in his dynasty, Ying Zheng controls the court with great courage and ability.

The powerful foreigners took over the power of the court as the new rich, suppressing the power of the old nobles and clans.

Benefits are also distributed accordingly.

Let the old nobles and the new nobles fight.

Ying Zheng, on the other hand, just sat back and watched.

While letting them fight, he can better control the royal power.

But this fight naturally has a balance and an anchor point.

That is the future successor of Great Qin.

The old nobles supported Fusu, while many new nobles supported Hu Hai or watched on the sidelines.

But as time passes.

As all the countries in the world are cut off by the Qin Dynasty, the court will eventually become a real arena, and each will select their own supporters to compete for the future position of supreme minister.

This is the court!

"Your Majesty."

"This time the Yan Kingdom has been destroyed."

"The only two countries left in the world are Qi and Chu."

"The unification of the world is already within sight." Wang Jian said with some emotion.


"The world is in sight."

"Gu, I have not let down the previous kings, and I have not let down the expectations of the people of Qin." Ying Zheng raised his head, with a look of excitement in his eyes.

With the destruction of Yan State.

The unification of the world is not far away.

This seems to be visible to everyone.

Sand Hill County, Sand Village!

It was under the darkness of night.

Inside the Zhao Mansion!

Zhao Feng and Xiao He sat opposite each other.

There are also various delicacies on the table, as well as fine wine from Jiuxian Tower.

"It is indeed a fine wine from Jiuxianlou."

"Even if you only take a sip, it will be soothing." Xiao He came closer to take a whiff and said with a smile.

"Governor Xiao."

"I am treating you to a banquet today, not for you to smell."

"You can drink this wine as much as you want." Zhao Feng laughed.

I am also very satisfied with Xiao He's free and unrestrained style.

He is worthy of being a historical celebrity and a capable person.

Just half a day.

After the conversation, Xiao He was no longer as reserved as before.


After spending half a day with Zhao Feng, he also saw that Zhao Feng was not the kind of person who sticks to vulgar etiquette.

Xiao He simply let go.

"How many people in the world would be envious of Xiao to be invited to a banquet by the world-famous General Zhao Feng." Xiao He laughed.

Simply lift the bottle and enjoy the wine.

Zhao Feng also picked up the wine bottle and took a sip, then asked with a smile: "How does Mr. Xiao view the government of the world?"



Xiao He said two words without any thought.


Zhao Feng chuckled, then smiled and said, "I'd like to hear the details."

"Although the Qin Dynasty is supported by the Qin Law, anyone who violates the Qin Law should be punished according to the law."

“But although the law is a law, it is still administered by officials.”

"Officials are also mortals, not completely selfless saints."

"There are many people who enforce the law and harm the people."

"There are many people who enforce the law and are greedy for ink."

"The farther away you are from the capital, the more chaotic the implementation of the law will be. The farther away you are from the place of royal authority, the more corruption and perversion of the law will occur."

"The lower official once heard that the superior general used to slaughter villains and behead criminals with his sword when he was a general."

"This matter can be said to have spread throughout the Qin Dynasty."

"This kind of thing is definitely not just one thing, it happens all over the world."

"Not everyone is as lucky as the generals under the general. Being able to serve as a general under the general, and being able to be promoted by the general." Xiao He said with emotion while holding the wine bottle.

"The law is in chaos and the officials are in chaos."

"This is the chaos that Governor Xiao said."

"What about the second word?" Zhao Feng asked with a smile.

"the second."

"It's very simple."

"There are not enough officials in the Qin Dynasty, and almost all the officials and scholars recommended are from the nobility."

"This situation has been set since the Zhou Kingdom divided the world."

"It is difficult for ordinary people to have the opportunity to be knowledgeable, it is even more difficult for them to get ahead, and it is impossible to become an official."

"The nobles are officials and the nobles control knowledge. It is a foregone conclusion and it is difficult to break." Xiao He sighed.

Looking at Xiao He, who was in his thirties, he looked so angry and unwilling.

Zhao Feng smiled: "Then do you think there is a chance to break these two situations?"

"It's difficult, it's difficult."

"But honestly."

"Da Qin has actually initially broken this situation."

"Military merit system."

"It has broken the situation where it is difficult for commoners to become nobles, and it has also allowed commoners with military merits in the Qin Dynasty to be promoted to official positions and become nobility. After becoming nouveau riche, they will have the ability to cultivate their own descendants."

"In this regard, Da Qin is ahead of the rest of the world."

"But, it's still not enough."

"Even if the Qin Dynasty rules the world in the future, if the situation remains like this, the Qin Dynasty will be unstable and the world will still be filled with chaos."

"As for the chaos, it is ultimately due to insufficient supervision by the court."

"Although there are censors above the court, who have the power to impeach hundreds of officials, and also have the power to supervise the officials of the world, but these censors are all above them, how can they really see the world with their own eyes?"

Speaking of which.

Xiao He smiled, but it was a worried smile.

It can be seen even more clearly when holding a wine bottle while drinking.

"Xiao He."

"Born in Luoyi."

"You are a weekend person, but you don't hate Da Qin. You are knowledgeable and capable, so you become an official." Zhao Feng smiled slightly.

Xiao He was naturally a little surprised when he heard that Zhao Feng understood his origin at a glance, but there was no trace on the surface.

"The general trend of the world is that weak countries will not survive."

"What's the point of hatred?"

"If you think about it, the world in the past belonged to Shang."

"The general trend is such that no human effort can stop it."

"If the world can end China's thousands of years of conquest in the hands of Great Qin, and let the Chinese people no longer have internal strife, then everything will be worth it."

"It can indeed be seen from the current war situation in the world that Da Qin will dominate the world."

"As long as the King of Qin can be kind to all the people, strengthen the law, strengthen the supervision of officials, and strengthen the training of talents, the Qin Dynasty will surely usher in the strongest prosperity." Xiao He said from the bottom of his heart.

Listening to Xiao He's eloquent talk.

Zhao Feng was completely satisfied.

"If I were to give you a chance, let you become a supreme minister, and give you a chance to stabilize the world, would you like it?" Zhao Feng asked with a serious expression.

Hear this!

Xiao He was shocked.

He understands.

This is the solicitation from Zhao Feng.

If he refuses.

Then he should only serve as the county guard in Sand Dune County from now on, and it will be difficult for him to have further opportunities in the future.

But as long as you accept it.

His future opportunities are endless.

This thought lasted only a moment.

Xiao He immediately stood up and knelt directly to Zhao Feng: "Xiao He, I wish!"

Seeing Xiao He's statement, Zhao Feng was very satisfied, and slowly stood up, stepped forward, and helped Xiao He up. "I accept it," Zhao Feng said solemnly.

One of the three heroes of the early Han Dynasty in history.

Already in a urn.

An extremely talented person in domestic affairs.

"You can rest in the mansion tonight. I will take you to meet two people tomorrow." Zhao Feng said with a smile.


Xiao He nodded immediately.

"Keep drinking." Zhao Feng smiled.

And deep in my heart.

Zhao Feng was naturally very happy.

Xiao He entered the urn.

Han Xin is now receiving personal instruction from Li Mu, and with his talent in leading troops, he will definitely not be inferior in the future.

The three heroes of the early Han Dynasty have already won the second.

As for Zhang Liang.

Maybe there is no chance.

After all, he was a Han noble who was destroyed in the past. What he was taught was to restore the country and destroy Qin.

Moreover, his father was killed by Zhao Feng himself.

This person.

There should be no chance to conquer.


Zhang Liang didn't know where he was hiding.

Except for those dignitaries who had lost their country and surrendered to the Qin Dynasty in order to gain peace, the rest were hiding in the dark like mice.

As long as they don't take the initiative to jump out, it will be difficult for Da Qin to eradicate them.

After all, China is too big.

The land is vast and the people are sparse.

The next day!

Zhao Feng did not bring many personal guards, just less than a hundred.

Heading towards a forest more than ten miles south of Shacun.

along the way.

Xiao He did not take the initiative to ask.

Now that he has taken effect, Xiao He will naturally not ask everything.

It probably took more than half an hour.

We arrived at a mountain forest.

"This is an uninhabited mountain in the sand dunes. Wild beasts often appear and hurt people in it. The previous county governor issued an order to relocate the villages around this mountain."

"Master, are you bringing your subordinates down to hunt?"

Xiao He looked at Zhao Feng curiously.

As the new governor of Shaqiu County, Xiao He is naturally very qualified.

A county with hundreds of thousands of people was not difficult for Xiao He.

"You'll find out when you get in." Zhao Feng smiled lightly.

Still riding his horse, he walked towards the peaceful forest, which occasionally heard roars of beasts.

Seeing this, Xiao He did not dare to ask any more questions.

When entering Mi Lin.

dark place.

Several pairs of eyes were watching.

But when they are determined.


Tap tap tap.

A burst of footsteps followed.

A dozen men in black knelt directly in front of Zhao Feng.

"See your Lord."

More than a dozen people looked in awe and chanted enthusiastically.

"Is this the place where the Lord trains dark warriors?"

Just for a moment.

Xiao He understood.

But Xiao He is not surprised.

Once their status reaches a certain level, they will basically keep secret warriors in captivity to protect their family.

Zhao Feng has now reached the rank of general, so naturally he will do the same.

"No courtesy." Zhao Feng waved his hand.

"Thank you, Lord."

All the dark warriors stood up in unison.

At this moment, they were all looking in awe.

"Lead the way."

Zhao Feng didn't talk nonsense.

"My lord, please."

The men in black quickly dispersed and hid in the darkness, as if they had never appeared.

One of the leaders immediately led the way.

With him leading the way.

It also took half a stick of incense to go around, and finally arrived in front of a wooden camp.

"The Lord is coming up."

The dark warrior leading the way said loudly.

Hear the sound!

The dark warriors training in this camp stopped their training and gathered quickly.

in a blink.

Four to five hundred people in the wooden camp gathered together, knelt down toward the camp gate, and said in unison: "Yan Ting Wuchang respectfully welcomes the Lord."

Zhao Feng got off his horse and walked slowly towards the camp.

"They are full of murderous intent. These people are all elite dark warriors."

Xiao He was secretly frightened, so he got off his horse and followed Zhao Feng into the camp.

Zhao Feng walked up to the dark warriors and glanced at them.

Everyone's eyes are full of enthusiasm and awe.

Dead soldiers, swear allegiance to the death.

Those who were disloyal have been directly eliminated by Zhao Feng.

Yan Ting's secret agents are all collected from the people.

There is no shortage of people in this era, let alone people who cannot survive.

The Yan Ting Anshi collects them from the children who cannot survive.

"No gift."

Zhao Feng said in a deep voice.

"Thank you, Lord."

All the dark warriors replied in unison.

There was a crash.

Hundreds of people are still uniform.

"Let's break up."

Zhao Feng nodded and looked deep into the camp.

I saw a few people walking over quickly.

One of them has a heroic spirit. Although he is wearing ordinary civilian clothes, he still has a military spirit. The same is true for the two people beside him.

It exudes a military atmosphere.

And they are all around forty years old, in their prime.

"See your Lord."

The visitor saluted directly to Zhao Feng.

"They all look pretty good."

Zhao Feng smiled.

Then he looked at Qing Qin: "General Qing Qin, how do you feel?"

If you are a general who has experienced the battle to destroy Yan in the past, you will definitely recognize that this is Qing Qin, the general of Yan.

But outsiders knew that Qing Qin was dead.

But now he is alive.

This is just like Li Mu back then.

On the bright side.

Li Mu is dead, but he is alive and well.

And behind Zhao Feng.

Xiao He was a little stunned.

Although he didn't know Qing Qin, he knew Li Mu.


Before he became an official in Qin State, he had traveled to Zhao State and happened to meet Li Mu once.

As the general of Zhao State, how could Xiao He not remember it fresh in his mind?

"Li Mu is still alive."

"Didn't it mean that Li Mu was ambushed by King Zhao and died in Zhao?"

"What did the Lord do in this?"

"And this Qing Qin, if I remember correctly, this seems to be the general of Yan State. He committed suicide in front of the city when he surrendered, and now he is alive."

"How on earth did your lord do this?" Xiao He was shocked in his heart.

This is only his first day of service!

I came into contact with it like this.

"In the past, General Qing Qin of the State of Yan is dead, and now only Qing Qin is loyal to the Lord."

Qing Qin paid homage to Zhao Feng with a look of sincerity on his face.


"No courtesy, please take a seat."

Zhao Feng waved his hand and walked towards a room in the camp.

Everyone also followed suit.

After Zhao Feng sat down, everyone stood aside and waited.

"Everyone, take your seats."

Zhao Feng smiled.

"Thank you, Lord."

Everyone thanked him and sat down on both sides of Zhao Feng.

"Xiao He."

"I'll introduce it to you too."

"This is Li Mu."

"The former general of the State of Zhao, this is Sima Shang."

"This is Qing Qin, the former general of the Yan Kingdom."

"As for the person next to me, he is well versed in government affairs and has great talents. His name is Xiao He."

Zhao Feng pointed at the three people and introduced them.

Xiao He immediately clasped his fists: "Three generals are famous, Xiao He is like thunder."

"It is rumored by the outside world that the three generals have died. Seeing them again today is a blessing for China."

This naturally comes from Xiao He's heart.

"I've met Brother Xiao."

The three of them immediately returned the favor with clasped fists.

"We are alive only because the Lord is kind and saved us."

"If not."

"We have long been buried deep in the loess and turned into white bones." Li Mu said with a smile.

So long.

Li Mu had already been relieved.

The once so-called loyalty to Zhao also disappeared under the ambush of King Zhao.


Not the same as Yu Zhong!

"My lord."

"My subordinates heard that you led thousands of troops into the alien territory of Northern Xinjiang and killed all directions."

"Subordinates respect you."

Sima Shang said with excitement.

The eyes of Li Mu and Qing Qin were also filled with awe and awe.

(End of chapter)

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