Become Stronger and Immortal By Picking Up Attributes From the Battlefield

Chapter 268: Martial arts shocked Xia Donger! Looking

Chapter 268 Martial Arts Shocks Xia Donger! Looking forward to recognition!

In a small world!

More than 10,000 people entered it.

Just a moment of entry.

Everyone looked confused.

"Welcome to a whole new world."

"In this world, there is no war or killing."

"In this world, you can work in exchange for food, clothing, food, shelter, and power."

"You will become the first indigenous people in this world."

"Chen Lin."

"You will be responsible for these first batch of people. From now on, they will survive and multiply in this world."

Zhao Feng's voice echoed throughout the small world.

"Subordinates take orders."

The dark warriors stationed in this world immediately took the order and began to make arrangements in an orderly manner.

Tu Sui and Zhang Han also stayed in this world for a brief moment.

When it comes out.

The two people looked at each other with awe and curiosity.

“If you have something to say, say it, and if you have something to say, let it go.”

Seeing the two people wanting to ask but not daring to ask, Zhao Feng cursed angrily.

"My lord."

"Is that really another world just now?" Zhang Han smiled awkwardly and asked immediately.

"That's right."

"Another world, a world under my control."

"In that world,"

"You can understand that this little world is my private property."

"Absolutely safe." Zhao Feng smiled.

"The Lord is truly an immortal god."

Tu Sui and Zhang Han said sincerely.

"In the Xiantian realm, one can live for one hundred and fifty years."

"In the Grandmaster realm, one can live for three hundred years."

"At the level of a great master, one's lifespan can reach five hundred years."

"You have entered the realm of masters, and your lifespan could have reached three hundred years." Zhao Feng said slowly.

Hear this.

Zhang Han and Tu Sui's eyes lit up: "Lord, can we live for three hundred years?"

Regarding the theory of martial arts and longevity.

This is something their Lord has never said.

With the accumulation of Zhao Feng's resources and the abundant spiritual energy of the world, Zhao Feng now has many master warriors under his command.

"On this land of China, there is a force that suppresses the longevity of warriors. The three hundred years of life that originally belonged to the master have been suppressed to one hundred and fifty years."

"But after entering my world, this kind of suppression will no longer exist." Zhao Feng said slowly.

Hear this.

The two of them seemed to have figured it out.

"My lord."

"What you mean is that our future lies in the world controlled by the Lord." Zhang Han said.

"You can't say the way forward, but our way out."

"If I cannot break this lifespan limit in the future, this small world is our retreat." Zhao Feng said in a deep voice.

"My subordinate understands."

Tu Sui and Zhang Han nodded.

"These more than 10,000 people are not enough."

"The world I control has thousands of miles of land, enough to survive for millions of people, and it can be expanded in the future."

"Leave your trustworthy people to guard this valley. From now on, it will be used as a military training ground for Wu'an Camp. No outsiders are allowed to set foot there."

"Every time a period of time passes, I will come here to send the gathered people to the small world for resettlement." Zhao Feng said again.

"My subordinates understand." The two men immediately accepted the order.

"Yes, Lord."

"You didn't ride a horse this time, and you didn't have any personal guards to protect you. How did you get here?" Zhang Han asked curiously.

Zhao Feng smiled.

The body slowly floated into the air, rushed directly towards the void, and disappeared from the sight of Zhang Han and Zhang Han in the blink of an eye.

See this scene.

Both of them were stunned.

It lasted for quite a while.

"My lord can fly."

The two looked at each other and made a sound of surprise.

After flying high into the sky.

Above the clouds.

Zhao Feng directly called out the black dragon, and with the speed of the black dragon, he could return faster.

Chu State, Chu Fang City.

"Mr. Changping."

"Did you leak the news? Only then was Huan Yi aware of it?"

Xiang Yan took the main seat, and Mi Qi sat on the left.

But both of them looked ugly.

This time.

It can be said that they suffered a big loss.

Not only did they not destroy Hangu Camp, they even lost several cities.

Danyang City and several cities conquered by the Qin army were burned down by the Qin army.

And it was after his Chu army entered the city.

The dead soldiers of the Qin army in the city directly lit the fire with their bodies, causing the Chu army to pay thousands of casualties.

Moreover, all five cities were burned, causing countless losses.

Hundreds of thousands of people also need the resettlement of the Chu State.

This move caught Xiang Yan off guard.

Perhaps Great Qin would not attack the common people, but now that the Chu State had not yet surrendered, all means of war were feasible, and Great Qin did not use the butcher's knife on the common people, but drove them out of the city.

With hundreds of thousands of homeless Chu people, Chu State will also have a headache.

"When I took action, I sealed off the entire city. There was no way the news would leak out."

"Is it possible that the general leaked the news?" Mi Qize also had doubts about Xiang Yan.

"This is even more impossible."

"Only the general and the commander of his personal guards know about this matter. Before I mobilized my troops to leave Chu Fang City, my generals were still trying to persuade me not to mobilize my troops."

Hearing Mi Qi's words, Xiang Yan frowned and replied firmly.

"Then how could the news leak out?"

"Today's situation."

"The Hangu camp has not been damaged, and Qin's national power has not been greatly damaged. The King of Qin will definitely increase his military strength to attack."

"If this happens, Da Chu will be in danger."

Mi Qi said extremely worriedly.


A strong regret emerged in Mi Qi's heart.

Originally, he wanted to destroy the Hangu camp by treason and cut off food, so as to contribute a great contribution to the return of Chu. In the future, he would also have a certain status in the Chu state. After all, he had made great contributions to annihilating a large camp of the Qin state.

But now he has not received any credit, but instead has a reputation of treason.

This is definitely not a good thing for Mi Qi.

The situation of returning to Chu with merit and returning to Chu without merit is completely different. From this moment, Xiang Yan's attitude towards Mi Qi can be seen.

"Now Huan Yi did not take the initiative to send troops to attack, but instead defended Qin's border city."

"Moreover, Huan Yi has become more vigilant. Next, he will fight steadily and will not underestimate the enemy and rush in." Xiang Yan said in a deep voice.

That's when.


"The secret report just received from Qin."

Xiang Yan's personal guard commander ran over quickly, holding a secret report in his hand.

"Bring it here."

Xiang Yan shouted immediately.

When he received the secret report and saw it, Xiang Yan's expression changed and there was a sense of disbelief.

"How is this possible?"

"How could Zhao Feng know that Lord Changping had betrayed Qin? How could he tell Huan Yi the news in advance?"

Xiang Yan's face was very complicated, obviously she didn't expect it.

"Zhao Feng?"

"What does this have to do with him?"

Mi Qi asked confused.

Xiang Yan didn't say much, and directly handed the secret report in his hand to Mi Qi.

When he saw the secret report in his hand, Mi Qi's face turned ugly.

"Zhao Feng."

"How could it be him?"

"How did he know?"

"Even if he was alerted by me banning the whole city, how did he send the news out?" Mi Qi asked in confusion.

"There must be someone from Zhao Feng by your side."

"Otherwise the news would not have been leaked." Xiang Yan said with certainty at this moment.


"You don't believe me?" Mi Qi frowned and felt a little unhappy.

When initially persuading him to return to the Chu Kingdom, he made many promises, and even promoted himself as the king, but now that the plan failed, Xiang Yan felt a little betrayed at this moment, which made Mi Qi a little angry.

Feel the coldness in Mi Qi's voice.

Xiang Yan stared wide-eyed for a moment, but finally shook her head.

"Mr. Changping doesn't need to be so angry. It's just that this matter failed after all."

"Qin has not suffered any losses, but Chu is in danger."

"Now that Lord Changping has returned to Chu, I have arranged for Lord Changping to return to the capital." Xiang Yan said slowly.

"When will the general's promise be fulfilled that day?" Mi Qize asked with a cold face.

Xiang Yan naturally understood what Mi Qi's promise was.

"After you retreat from Qin, you should honor it." Xiang Yan replied immediately.


In Xiang Yan's heart, she naturally didn't take it seriously anymore.

At first, it was because Mi Qi was valuable and could severely damage the Qin State, so he made a promise. But now that Mi Qi is alone and has no value, Xiang Yan is naturally vague for the time being.

Wait until you actually arrive in Chu State.

Mi Qi really couldn't help himself.

If it really comes to that point, Xiang Yan will even kill him directly.

"That's very good."

Mi Qi also breathed a sigh of relief when he received Xiang Yan's affirmative answer.

He was afraid that Xiang Yan would break his promise. Now that he had committed treason, it was impossible for him to return to Qin.

Apart from taking this road to the end, he has no way out.

"Come here, arrange for Mr. Changping to go down and rest."

"Tomorrow we will dispatch a thousand elite soldiers to protect Lord Changping when he returns to the capital." Xiang Yan shouted immediately. "promise."

The commander of the guards immediately made arrangements.

Wait until Mi Qi leaves.

After the commander of the personal guards returned.


"Now this Mi Qi has no use value. I originally wanted to use him to annihilate the Qin army, but now it has not achieved any results at all. This person seems to be useless, and let him return to the capital. If it is not what he wants, he will write a letter personally written by the general. If you hand it over, I'm afraid it will cause big trouble," the guard commander said worriedly.

"Mi Qi is indeed useless, but only now."

"At the end of the day."

"Mi Qinai is an orthodox royal family of our Da Chu. He has the right to inherit the throne. If he wants to fight with the three families, maybe I will also support a king in the future."

‘This Mi Qi is just right. He has no one to support him, and he doesn’t have any foreign aid in Dachu. He can be controlled by me just right. ’ Xiang Yan smiled, already having a decision in her heart.

For him.

But there’s not a lot of loyalty.

Perhaps there was no so-called loyalty in the original political situation of Chu State.

In Chu State, the royal power was the weakest. The ministers supported the king, and the three families supported the king, and even killed the king and deposed him.

The powerful ministers have always controlled the government. Before there was Huang Xie, then Li Yuan, and now there are three families who are in conflict with Xiang Yan. They are all for the benefit of their own family.

There is a loud slogan in history that has been passed down through the ages.

Although Chu has three households, if Qin is destroyed, Chu will definitely die.

These are the three families that hold the power of Chu State.

They are also the largest family in Chu State, controlling the military and political affairs of Chu State and most of the land in Chu State.

It can be said.

The lifeblood of Chu State lies in the three families.


"Now that the Qin army has not moved, our army is still insufficient in strength. We need to ask the court to allocate troops again." The guard commander suggested.

"I have already played."

"They say they are asking the king to mobilize troops, but in reality they are three families."

"But in this battle, if the three families don't use all their strength to fight, then I will be defeated." Xiang Yan said coldly.

Although the Chu State had more than 700,000 troops, including county soldiers.

But 80% of them are controlled by three families, and most of the generals in the army are appointed by the three families. Maybe some of them have Chu Kingdom in mind, but most of them are driven by family interests.

Although Xiang Yan also has ambitions in her heart, her wealth and life are still important.

If he is really defeated and the army he directly controls is killed, the three families will never let him go.

Chen Yingcheng,


"All Mi Qi's confidants have been eliminated."

"Fighting with over a thousand people."


"The rear has also re-allocated food and grass supplies. Our army's crisis has been over."

Li Xin came to the main hall and reported to Huan Yi.

"Is it a bit of a disaster?"

Huan Yi raised his head, looked at Li Xin and said.


Li Xin nodded, with a look of fear on his face: "If it hadn't been for Lord Wu An's reminder, our army might have been destroyed and Hangu would not have survived."

"My love for Mr. Wu An."

"I will remember it, you must remember it too, and all the soldiers in Hangu Camp will remember it."

"This is the gift of survival."

"It's more about repaying kindness with hatred." Huan Yi said solemnly.

"I will understand." Li Xin nodded heavily.

"Wu Anjun."

"I'm only twenty-four years old. I'm a junior, but my character and courage are not as good as mine." Huan Yi raised his head with emotion.


"I was almost killed by the rebels this time. Now that the crisis has been decided, the logistics army has been reorganized, and the general will ask for a fight." Li Xin raised his head, with a vengeance in his eyes.

Although there was no serious damage this time, Hangu Camp was almost expelled, and this kind of hatred had to be avenged.

"Xiang Yan is stationed in Chufang City. This city is built on the mountains and is easy to defend but difficult to attack."

"Our army cannot attack this city by force. We can only attack from the left and right wings."

"Pass my general's orders."

"You lead the main battalion under your command to attack from the left."

"Send an order to General Sima Chong to attack from the left wing."

"Capture the city when encountering it and form a siege on Chufang City." Huan Yi immediately ordered.

"General, take your orders." Li Xin bowed and immediately retreated.

Wait until he leaves.

Huan Yi fell into deep thought again.

"Zhao Feng."

"He is truly an outstanding person."

"I'm not as good as anyone in the world."

"Wang Jian has really found a good son-in-law."

"It's a pity that Zhao Feng was not born in our Hangu camp, so Wang Jian picked up a ready-made one." Huan Yi thought with some amazement.

Sand Village!

It was just daybreak.

"Dad, look."

"I can even lift this big rock."

Zhao Qi lifted a large stone weighing several hundred kilograms and said to Zhao Feng happily.

"I can do that too."

Zhao Ling also walked over and moved it together.

If the people around were not personal guards, but ordinary servants in the mansion, they would be shocked to see this scene.

Two seven-year-old children, gifted with supernatural powers, were able to lift such a heavy stone.


This is just two little guys entering the acquired realm.

With the support of Zhao Feng's cultivation techniques, as well as pills and resources, their cultivation will improve very quickly. Moreover, they have Zhao Feng's bloodline and their talents are not bad at all.

"Be careful."

"Don't hit it."

Xia Dong'er said with great concern.

Think about it.

She should have also received the skills taught by Zhao Feng, otherwise she would not be so calm.

"Grandma, we are amazing." Zhao Qi raised his head and said proudly.


‘Now that the children have begun to practice, you should also practice well. ’

"Our family can be together for a long time in the future." Zhao Feng turned to his mother and said.


Xia Donger nodded.

After seeing how powerful martial arts was, she finally understood why her son was invincible.


Deep down in her heart, she actually cares about her brother Zheng.

If my brother Zheng can also practice, then the family can really be together for a long time.

Because his son said that practicing this martial art can lead to immortality.


Now Xia Dong'er doesn't dare to speak, after all, they haven't recognized each other yet, and Xia Dong'er doesn't know what her son's attitude is.

"Let Feng'er talk to his father later."


"Looks like it now."

"My worries are indeed unnecessary. It seems that no one in this world can hurt Feng'er." Xia Dong'er thought to herself.

Xia Donger was actually surprised when she learned that Zhao Feng had brought down Wang Wan and wiped out his entire family.


There is also the powerful martial arts power of Zhao Feng.

It can be said.

Ordinary people couldn't hurt Zhao Feng at all.

She used to be so worried at home, but now she realizes that she is too concerned.

Her son had grown to a level that even a mother like her could hardly imagine.

And this really gave Xia Donger confidence.

All the time.

She was worried that after the world was truly unified, Brother Zheng would take her back to Xianyang and get to know Feng'er.

She was worried that her family would still be as helpless as the Xianyang Palace more than twenty years ago, but now it seemed that such a thing would never happen again.

The son she gave birth to could protect her.

It can also protect the whole family.

At this time!

"My lord."

"The king's emissary is here."

Zhang Ming came over and respectfully reported.


Zhao Feng's expression became serious, and then he thought of something.


Zhao Feng immediately walked towards the main hall.

This place is protected by personal guards, and servants in the mansion cannot approach it, so Zhao Feng is naturally not worried.

In the main hall.

A middle-aged man is waiting.

When he saw Zhao Feng arriving, he immediately bowed: "Greetings, Your Majesty."

"I wonder if the king has any secret edict?" Zhao Feng asked directly.

In fact, deep down in his heart, Zhao Feng had already made some guesses.

"Please take a look, sir."

"After reading this, we will set off immediately." The man immediately handed it over respectfully.

Zhao Feng took it.

Take a look.

A smile immediately appeared between his eyebrows.

"Please go back and report to the king, Zhao Feng, and leave immediately." Zhao Feng said immediately.


The middle-aged man did not stop, turned around and left the hall.

"Pass my orders."

"Leave a thousand personal guards to garrison Dune Mansion."

"The rest of them all set off for Yunzhong." Zhao Feng said to Zhang Ming.

"My lord."

"Are we going to launch troops against Chu?" Zhang Ming's eyes lit up.

"Yes." Zhao Feng nodded, a bright light emerging in his eyes.

(End of chapter)

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