Become Stronger and Immortal By Picking Up Attributes From the Battlefield

Chapter 276: Ying Zheng is overjoyed! Supervise Zhao

Chapter 276 Ying Zheng is overjoyed! Supervise Zhao Feng!


Chaoyi Hall!

The ministers are starting to play.

Although Great Qin is now destroying Chu, now Great Qin has cut off the Three Jins and the Queen of Yan.

The territory has expanded greatly. Most of China has belonged to the Qin Dynasty, and the population has reached 70 to 80 million. (This is not based on historical population. The population of the Chinese ethnic group in China exceeds 100 million)

With such a huge population, one can imagine how many government affairs came from all over the Qin territory, and how busy he would be as the King of Qin.

Many major events require Ying Zheng to decide.

All major issues that could not be explained clearly in the memorials could be resolved by the imperial meeting, and they all needed to be resolved by Ying Zheng in the court, while those that could be clearly stated in the memorials were handled by Ying Zheng in Zhangtai Palace.

As a king.

Ying Zheng is worthy of his honor.

Since he succeeded to the throne and took charge personally, he has been diligent in everything and wrote memorials personally.

It can be said.

He was also very tired.

But it had to be done.

He wants to be the first king to unify the world and the first person in history.

"Start the memorial, Your Majesty."

"A few days ago, Lord Wu'an sent someone to report that hundreds of thousands of Chu troops were surrendered in Chu State."

"Now that our Qin army is strong, there is no need for the prisoner army."

"That's why I'm going to give this to you, Your Majesty." Han Fei stood up and started.

"What does Prime Minister Han think of these surrendered soldiers?" Ying Zheng asked.

"Start the memorial, Your Majesty."

"The soldiers are young and strong laborers who cannot be used without them."

"Moreover, the favor method mentioned by Lord Wu An can also be implemented, and the soldiers will be demoted to work for the Qin Dynasty for five years. Those who perform well can be pardoned from slavery and return home."

"Nowadays, our Daqin territory is vast, but the Chidao is very crude. Our Daqin mobilizes troops and marches, but they are all blocked by the Chidao."

"Furthermore, the specifications of the Chidao of our Great Qin are different from those of the Chidao of the countries that were destroyed by our Great Qin. I believe that the Chidao of our Great Qin should be used as the basis, and the Chidao of other countries should be built to be the same as that of our Great Qin. In addition, The Chi Road in Shu can continue to be built.”

"Let our Daqin Chi Road extend in all directions, whether it is transporting troops, food, or relief, it will be of great benefit." Han Fei announced loudly.

Listening to what Han Fei said, Ying Zheng's eyes flashed with excitement, and then he nodded in agreement.

"What Prime Minister Han said makes sense."

"That's it."

"Lonely nature allows it."

"The deployment of soldiers in the Chu region is all the responsibility of Prime Minister Han."

"The Prime Minister of Han can allocate soldiers from each county to transport troops to surrender." Ying Zheng immediately agreed.

"I accept the edict." Han Fei accepted the order happily.

At this moment!

There was a rush of footsteps outside the hall.

The ministers in the hall followed the sound and looked at the emergency soldiers outside who rushed into the hall.

In Da Qin.

The only person qualified to enter the palace without an imperial edict is the urgent reporting soldier.

"Start the memorial, Your Majesty."

"Jun Wu'an won a great victory over Chu."

"Sima of the Wu'an camp hastened to report."

The emergency reporting soldier bowed and took off the emergency reporting bamboo tube on his back.

"Is Chudu broken?"

Ying Zheng's expression changed slightly and he smiled.

The words fell.

All the eyes in the court gathered.

If that's really the case.

Then Zhao Feng has completed the task of destroying the country.

"You won't really conquer Chudu, right?"

"So, the speed of this advance is too fast."

"It's only been five months since the troops were launched at Wu'an Camp, right?"

"Originally, I thought it would take half a year at the earliest, but Mr. Wu An unexpectedly made it one month ahead of schedule again?"

"The power of this united army is truly invincible."

Many courtiers thought in shock.

It was already a great victory at this moment.

If it weren't for conquering Chudu, I really couldn't think of anything else.

"Send it up and read it directly." Ying Zheng laughed and waved his hand.

Every time he heard the battle report from his son, Ying Zheng couldn't stop smiling.

Because since the first time Zhao Feng's name appeared in his ears, now, almost whenever he hears it, it is a good thing, not a bad thing.

Hear what Ying Zheng said.

Zhao Gao immediately walked down quickly and took the good news with both hands.

Then, under the watchful eyes of the civil and military officials of the court, the bamboo tube was opened.

He took out the good news sealed inside.


Zhao Gao stepped forward, opened the victory report, and said loudly: "Sima Kuaipu of the Central Army of Wu'an Camp is here to report."

"The battle at Ziqu City."

"My Wu'an camp, under the command of Lord Wu'an, marched all the way, and finally reached the capital of Chu State fifteen days later."

"Jing Wu'an Jun led the army to attack in one day."

"The capital of Chu was captured by our army, killing tens of thousands of enemies and capturing tens of thousands more."

"Chu has been destroyed."

"Mr. Wu An led his army to attack the Chu Palace and surrounded the Chu Palace Chaoyi Hall."

"Although the King of Chu is young, he has the heart to coexist with the country."

"After surrounding the palace of the King of Chu, Lord Wu An personally persuaded the King of Chu to surrender, but the King of Chu refused and drew his sword."

"To coexist with the king of Chu and the country, and to protect the majesty of the king."

"Wu'an Jun fought with the King of Chu, killed the King of Chu with his sword, and gave the King of Chu a generous burial, fulfilling the King of Chu's desire to coexist with the country."


"The King of Chu is dead."

"Wu'an Camp continues to march and capture the cities of the Chu Kingdom. Soon, the Chu Kingdom will be completely destroyed and all its territory will be returned to the Qin Dynasty."

"The three families of Chu are Qu, Jing and Zhao."

"After the city was broken, the intention was to surrender."

"But before, our Wu'an camp fought to the death, and there were many obstacles in the way of the three families. Lord Wu'an issued an order to kill the three families, confiscated their property and rushed it into the national treasury."

"The three families of Chu State have all died." Zhao Gao read loudly.

And heard the result.

Chudu was conquered.

Although the ministers in the court were surprised, they did not show too much shock. After all, Zhao Feng's ability to command troops and the benefits of the Wu'an camp's march were obvious to all.

However, after hearing that Zhao had killed Queen Chu, the expressions of many ministers in the court changed slightly.

Kill the king.

Even if he is the king of a foreign country, this is no small matter.

Even the king of an enemy country can only be judged by the King of Qin in the end.


Zhao Feng thought that courtiers might come to impeach him this time.

But now, after learning from Wang Wan's mistakes, the court was completely silent about this matter, and no one dared to impeach him.

Even Chun Yuyue, the most fierce and powerful man in the past.

He didn't even dare to speak.


Zhao Feng used his methods to let everyone in the court know that he was a man who would take revenge. If you dare to offend him or deal with him, you must know the consequences of being targeted by him.

At this time!

After hearing this good news.

Ying Zheng smiled slightly and said loudly: "Mr. Wu An, you are worthy of being an important minister of our great Qin."

"To conquer the capital of Chu in such a short time, I am truly the God of War of Great Qin."

"As for the King of Chu."

"Although he is young, even just the same age as Lord Wu'an, but compared to the kings of the countries that our Great Qin destroyed."

"King Chu is very good."

"Coexisting with the country is the duty of a king."

"It would be a shame if the country dies but the king lives on."

"Since the King of Chu begged for death, Lord Wu An granted his wish, which indeed saved the King's face."

As Ying Zheng finished speaking.

All civil and military officials in the court shouted: "Your Majesty, the Holy Ming."

And those courtiers who were interested in impeaching Zhao Feng breathed a sigh of relief at this moment.

"Fortunately, I didn't open my mouth to impeach, otherwise I would have asked for trouble again, and also offended Zhao Feng." "Zhao Feng is a man who must retaliate, and you really can't offend him unless you have to."

"The fate of Wang Wan's entire family serves as a warning to others."

"Fortunately I didn't say anything..."

Many people were thinking secretly in their hearts, and even broke out in cold sweat.

"There are three families in Chu State, three powerful families."

"They don't care about the survival of Chu State at all. It would be a good thing if it dies now."

"In the future, our Great Qin will have one less trouble." Ying Zheng thought in his heart.


There is no need for Zhao Feng to do it.

If Zhao Feng really accepts the surrender, then Ying Zheng will not allow the emergence of three families that control the military and political affairs of Chu State. It will have a great impact on the country.

Even in Great Qin, such a family must not appear.

"Chu has been destroyed."

"The Kingdom of Chu is considered dead." Feng Quji said with a smile.


Wei Liao shook his head: "Although the capital of Chu has been destroyed and the king of Chu is dead, there is still a force in Chu that needs to be eliminated."

"Is this Xiang Yan that Wei Qing is talking about?" Ying Zheng said slowly.

"Xiang Yan is a capable general of Chu State, and he is also a general who wants to strengthen Chu. Although the capital of Chu State is destroyed and the King of Chu is dead, for Xiang Yan, he will never admit defeat willingly, let alone Surrender, he still has hundreds of thousands of troops under his command."

"And Mi Qi is still in his hands."

"As Ruo Chen expected, Xiang Yan will definitely elect Mi Qi as king and establish Mi Qi as a puppet. Xiang Yan will gather his troops to compete with our great Qin." Wei Liao said loudly.

"The unification of the Qin Dynasty has been determined."

"He can't be tolerated."

"The Kingdom of Chu is dead, what can a mere Xiang Yan do?"

"Pass the imperial edict."

"Wu'an and Hangu, the two battalions are encircling Xiang Yan with all their strength," Ying Zheng said domineeringly.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty," the whole court shouted.

"Start the memorial, Your Majesty."

"After the fall of the Chu State, its territory was vast and its population was nearly 20 million."

"Now most of the Chu Kingdom has been conquered and is under military control."

"We still need capable ministers to govern." Han Fei started at the right time.

"Yes." Ying Zheng nodded, with a thoughtful look on his face.

"According to what Prime Minister Han wants, who can go to Chu to take up the post of governance?" Ying Zheng asked in a deep voice.

"Start the memorial, Your Majesty."

"Chu has a vast territory and a large population."

"I think it can be divided into two places for the time being. At least two civil servants should be in charge of the government."

"I recommend Xiao He, the mill commander under my command, to be a great talent. I recommend him to be one of the chief officials in charge of the land of Chu." Han Fei immediately recommended one of his own.

"Start the memorial, Your Majesty."

"When the Han Dynasty was destroyed in the past, the minister Yao Jia was outstanding in ability, and I recommended Yao Jia to be another chief official." Li Si also immediately stepped forward to recommend him.

See this.

Wei Zhuang couldn't sit still anymore and stood up immediately.

"Start the memorial, Your Majesty."

"Shangqing Mengyi is a man of great talent and capable of taking on this great responsibility." Wei Zhuang said immediately.

There is naturally a reason why Han Fei said that there should be two chief officials to govern Chu.

One is that the Chu land was indeed larger and more populous than the countries destroyed by the Qin Dynasty.

If one person governs, it will be too difficult and the authority will be too great, which is not a good thing for royal power.

"Xiao He."

Ying Zheng thought for a moment and immediately shouted.


Xiao He immediately stood up from the middle of the row of civil servants. With a feeling of anxiety, he bowed to Ying Zheng and said, "I am here."

This was the first time Xiao He stood in the hall and faced King Qin directly for the first time.

Although he is now a Beijing official with considerable authority and is in charge of all matters related to grain and taxation, Xiao He was naturally a little uneasy when he was being noticed by the court and was directly shouted out by the King of Qin.

“Good orientation.”

"Since Prime Minister Han became the left prime minister, you have been responsible for managing the internal history of Su."

"I have read your memorial. It is very good. Everything is in order."

"You are indeed a great talent." Ying Zheng praised with a smile.

"As a minister of the Great Qin, I should serve the Great Qin." Xiao He immediately replied.

"I believe in your ability, and you are recommended by Prime Minister Han."

"You put down your political affairs for the time being and go to Chu to govern. As long as you govern Chu well, I will promote you to the rank of Jiuqing when you return." Ying Zheng said to Xiao He.

In addition to being a spur, this is also a promise.

As long as Xiao He returns from governance successfully, he will surely be re-enclosed.

Hear this!

Xiao He's face also showed excitement, and he immediately bowed: "My lord, I will definitely live up to the king's order."

"As for the other person."

Ying Zheng looked at the recommended Wei Zhuang and Li Si.

"Meng Yi."

After thinking about it.

Ying Zheng still chose Meng Yi.

After all, Meng Yi is indeed capable and his family background is trustworthy.

Li Si's eyes dimmed.

"I'm here."

Meng Yi immediately stood up and bowed.

"You and Xiao Qing will go to Chu to govern together, and each will be the chief officer of the county." Ying Zheng said in a deep voice.

"I will never disgrace the king's high expectations." Meng Yi bowed immediately.

"Your Majesty."

"The chief officer has been decided, but we still need auxiliary officers."

"The land of Chu is vast. Even though the army broke through the city and surrendered many officials from the Chu government, they still need to be screened and used."

"These candidates still need to be approved by the king." Han Fei said.

"Prime Minister Han, it is up to you to select the auxiliary officials. After the officials are selected, you can compile a list and give it to me. I believe you." Ying Zheng smiled.

Han Fei bowed immediately and said, "Thank you for your trust, your Majesty. I will never let you down."


"This concludes today's court meeting."

"Wei Qing."

"Pass the imperial edict."

"Order Zhao Feng to quickly pacify the Chu Kingdom. After returning to the capital, I will confer him the title of Lieutenant of the Great Qin Kingdom and command the military power of our Great Qin Dynasty." Ying Zheng said with a smile.

"I accept the edict." Wei Liao responded with a smile.


Under Zhao Feng's consciousness, the small world has initially become populated.

A series of wooden houses have been erected in the center of the small world, stretching for thousands, and it has become a large village.

People who enter the small world also work hard.

Clear land, farm, cut trees, and build houses.

Everything is in order.

Everything developed under the arrangement of the Yan Ting Anshi.

It also developed according to Zhao Feng's thoughts.

"After this intermediate spiritual vein enters this world, it should cause the spiritual energy to surge again."

"As for the spiritual spring, I don't know its efficacy. I'll give it a try later."

Think of this.

Zhao Feng immediately took out the reward from the treasure box.

Directly placed in the small world.

The next moment.

Just like when the high-level spiritual veins entered.

A dragon shadow rushed into the small world.

The spiritual energy between heaven and earth began to surge.

It's just that ordinary people in the small world cannot feel the surge of spiritual energy.

Only those Yan Ting Anshi can feel it.


"It's the spiritual spring, and the spiritual stone veins."

Zhao Feng thought to himself and turned his consciousness again.

(End of chapter)

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