Become Stronger and Immortal By Picking Up Attributes From the Battlefield

Chapter 28: Zhao Feng, the commander of the village, became famous in the court!

Chapter 28: The commander of the village, Zhao Feng, became famous in the court!

“Zhao Feng, the commander of the logistics army, was fearless of death and the enemy. He led his troops to fight against the Korean army, which was the only way to change the situation of the logistics army’s retreat.”

"Single-handedly kill three hundred enemies, and kill Korean General Bao Yuan in the midst of the rebel army. This will completely destroy the morale of the Korean army, and then give our army the opportunity to work together to annihilate the Korean army."

"Zhao Feng is indispensable for preventing the violent attack on Daqin's food route and attacking our logistics this time."

"I sincerely request your Majesty to reward Zhao Feng with military merit and incorporate him into the main battle camp to serve the Qin Dynasty."

Zhao Gao's voice resounded throughout the hall, and every minister could hear it clearly.

And when Zhao Feng heard the number of enemies killed, there were also results.

Naturally, it caused an uproar among the Qin ministers in the main hall.

"One person can kill three hundred enemies?"


"It's rare for a logistics army to fight against the Korean elite without dying, but they actually killed three hundred Korean troops? This is simply not something that can be done by manpower, right?"

"With such courage and bravery, how can it be a logistics army?"

"Is this battle report wrong?"

"It was also mentioned that Bao Yuan was also killed by this logistics army named Zhao Feng. Isn't this even more impossible?"

"Even if he is a remnant of the army, Bao Yuan will be protected by elites. How can he be approached by others?"

"Is this battle report wrong? Are the statistics wrong?"

Many ministers couldn't help but start talking. Almost everyone was a little unbelievable about this number of enemy kills and this battle report.

Even Qin Wangzheng was shocked when he saw the numbers and results of the enemy kills just now, and his heart trembled.

From ancient times to the present.

Even the most valiant general in the world has never achieved such results!

No wonder all the ministers in the court were so surprised.

"Start the memorial, Your Majesty."

"The head of the violent kite is here."

The dispatcher below respectfully held the box containing the head of the violent kite.

"This battle report was written by the General himself, and the results of the battle were naturally reviewed by the General himself. There is no doubt that this is true." Wei Liao stood up and said loudly.

Hear this.

The discussion in the court immediately subsided.

The statistics of military achievements have always been very rigorous. The statistics of military achievements of Rui Shi are then reviewed by the logistics army, and finally handed over to the deputy general, chief general, and general.

After all, the Qin Dynasty's military merit system was famous, and military merits were earned by elite soldiers with their lives, so naturally there could not be any omissions.

Moreover, this time it was Wang Jian who went directly to the court to face the King of Qin. This cannot be omitted.

"Your Majesty."

"Have you heard the name Zhao Feng before?" Li Si also said at this time.

"Have Tingwei forgotten the death call of Baoqiu, the son of Bao Yuan, that day?" Wang Wan looked at Li Si and smiled faintly.


"Baoqiu died at the hands of a logistics force that day. Didn't you think it was Zhao Feng?"

"The father and son died at the hands of the same person." Li Si suddenly came back to his senses, but there was a bit of weirdness on his face.

Mention the death of Baoqiu.

Naturally, all the ministers in the court heard about it that day.

To die in a logistics army is an extremely humiliating thing.

Originally, everyone thought that the logistics soldier was just lucky enough to kill Baoqiu and get promoted to an official rank. But now, it seems that it was not the logistics soldier who was lucky, but the logistics soldier named Zhao Feng. He is very capable.

"Bao Yuan's son died at the hands of a logistics soldier that day. Everyone thought it was the logistics soldier's luck. But this time, Bao Yuan and his son met a tough soldier in the logistics army." Wei Liao was quite impressed. Said with emotion.

"God bless the Qin Dynasty."

"Let our Qin Dynasty gain such a powerful general."

"This must be a great blessing for the king, blessed by God." Li Si immediately raised the Chao Hut and shouted.

After his flattery fell.

All the ministers in the dynasty held their imperial huts high and shouted in unison: "Your Majesty, great blessings will reach heaven, and you will be blessed by God!"

Ying Zheng never liked to hear flattery, but today he heard it with a smile on his face.

"It is indeed a blessing from God to have such a strong general in the logistics army."

"Such a great achievement deserves a heavy reward." Ying Zheng said with a smile.


Ying Zheng looked at Wei Liao: "Wei Qing, how should Zhao Feng be rewarded for his military exploits this time?" "Report to your Majesty."

"Under the Five Hundred Masters, you can be promoted by killing enemies."

"The five hundred masters and above should be promoted by their ability to kill generals and defeat enemies."

"Zhao Feng is appointed as the commander of the logistics army. If he kills three hundred enemies, he can be promoted to the rank of Lord of Five Hundred and be promoted to the second level."

"Zhao Fengli's merit of beheading generals and destroying enemy's sneak attack can be promoted to two levels of official rank and two ranks of nobility." Wei Liao immediately stood up and loudly reported.

"Is this a reward based on the merits of a warrior?" Ying Zheng asked.

"Return to the king."

"Such a strong general should be rewarded for his merits as a sharp soldier. Isn't it possible that the king is still planning to keep him in the logistics army?" Wei Liao replied with a smile.

Ying Zheng smiled: "In our great Qin, those who are capable will be used! How can such a strong general be in the logistics army?"

Just then!


"The great doctor Xia Wuqi is outside the palace asking for an audience."

Outside the palace. Ren Xiao, the commander of the Imperial Guards, loudly announced.

Hear the name.

Ying Zheng's eyes flashed with joy, and then he immediately waved his hand: "Xuan!"


An old man wearing the official robe of a Great Qin doctor walked slowly into the hall.

see him.

The eyes of the ministers gathered together, and they all cast friendly eyes.

"Old minister Xia Wuji, please see your Majesty."

After Xia Wuji entered the palace, he bowed and bowed.

Ying Zheng's eyes softened and his voice became gentle: "What's the important matter for Xia Qing's visit? If it's really urgent, you can just go to the palace and tell me."

From these words, we can hear King Qin's kindness to Xia Wuji.

This is an honor that no minister in the entire dynasty has ever had.

"Start the memorial, Your Majesty."

"A genius has emerged from Lantian Camp."

"Medical wizard."

A smile appeared on Xia Wuji's old face and he said excitedly.

Looking at the excited Xia Wuji, Ying Zheng also became curious.

It's not just him.

This is true for all the ministers of the dynasty.

Who doesn’t know the old man in front of me?

The chief doctor of the Qin Empire and the doctor with the highest medical skills was Xia Wuji.

Being able to be called a medical wizard by him is definitely not simple.

"Doctor Xia, don't you always accept talented disciples again?" Wei Liao asked with a smile.

"Not my disciple, but a medical wizard in the army." Xia Wuji turned his head and smiled.

"Xia Qing's family, please tell me specifically what kind of medical genius it is that makes you go to court to report this." Ying Zheng said with a smile.

He could naturally tell that Xia Wuji was extremely excited at this moment.

"Your Majesty."

"What you say is unfounded."

"This is the number of surviving wounded soldiers compiled by my disciples at Lantian Camp."

Xia Wuqie took out a bamboo slip directly from his arms and bowed to present it.

Zhao Gao, who was standing next to Ying Zheng, immediately walked down the stairs quickly, respectfully picked up the bamboo slip in Xia Wuji's hand and handed it to Ying Zheng.

Ying Zheng opened the bamboo slip and took a look out of curiosity.


There was a strange expression on his face...

PS: Dear babies, please give me recommendation votes, please give me monthly votes, please!

(End of chapter)

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