Become Stronger and Immortal By Picking Up Attributes From the Battlefield

Chapter 282: Zhao Feng: Your Majesty, please don’t ta

Chapter 282 Zhao Feng: Your Majesty, please don’t take advantage of my mother!

 Hearing Zhao Feng raise it again.

Xia Donger smiled: "Okay!"

Hear this.

Zhao Feng was stunned.

Wang Yan was also stunned.

"Mom, are you telling the truth?"

"Are you willing to go to Xianyang with us?" Zhao Feng also had a look of surprise on his face.

"Of course it's true."

"Every time you have to run around with a whole family, it's too much trouble."

"Besides, Feng'er, you are now powerful and have martial arts skills, so what else do you have to worry about?" Xia Dong'er said with a smile.

Zhao Feng nodded immediately: "Mom, you finally figured it out."

"Don't worry, as long as your son is here, no one in the world can hurt you."

Now Zhao Feng is indeed confident that he can say such things.

Even if there is really a strong person above the immortal, Zhao Fengda can bring all his family members into the small world.

If he really couldn't beat him, Zhao Feng could definitely escape.

His true energy cultivation may not have reached the level of an immortal, but his physical attributes definitely exceeded it.

After all, even if an immortal becomes an immortal and is baptized and has a fairy body, it is impossible for him to be like Zhao Feng, who has all his attributes improved.

"Wait until the New Year is over this time."

"Our family will set off back to Xianyang." Zhao Feng said with a smile.

Zhao Feng was naturally very happy that his mother agreed to return to Xianyang.

"Yes." Xia Dong'er nodded and smiled softly.

But deep down in her heart, there was actually a kind of uneasiness.

After so many years, Xianyang has always been a frightening place for her. There were murderous intentions all over the palace, and she almost died.

These are all things she cannot forget, and perhaps this is also her psychological shadow.


Her son gave her a chance and gave her the capital to be fearless.

Time passes!

The new year has passed, inside Zhangtai Palace!

Ying Zheng was very uneasy, but still had an unspeakable excitement and expectation.

"Afang, finally returns to Xianyang."

"The world will be unified soon."

"Soon, I will announce the existence of Afang to the world, and announce the identities of Feng'er and Ying'er to the world."

"Gu, Gu is not a lonely person, Gu's wife, Gu's children are all coming back."

Ying Zheng clenched his hands, with unspeakable anticipation on his face.

Today's Ying Zheng can be said to be truly in charge of the world and has the power. For him, the world will soon surrender at his feet.

But at the end of the day.

He is a loner.

Fundamentally lonely.

Even though the concubines in the harem gave birth to many sons and daughters for him, after all, they were only inherited by blood and were not regarded as family members by Ying Zheng. His only real family member was his beloved Afang, Xia Donger.

His pair of children.

And now.

The day he was most looking forward to was finally coming.

Outside Xianyang City!

Under the **** of four thousand personal guards.

Several carriages slowly approached Xianyang City.

Take a look at the entire Qin Dynasty.

There are many generals who have personal guards.

Even Jiuqing can have no more than 300 personal guards to protect him.

But the Guards can have four thousand people, and it is completely a private army.

Only Zhao Feng.

With the increase in Zhao's official titles, the number of personal guards has reached 4,000, and they are worthy of being the only ones in the Qin Dynasty.

Said without politeness.

With the strength of Zhao Feng's personal guard army, they can kill the entire Xianyang.

After such a long time, none of Zhao Feng's personal guards were below the seventh level of the day after tomorrow.

There are also many in the Xiantian realm.

Every hundred generals is a Xiantian realm warrior.

"Mom, we have arrived in Xianyang."

Zhao Feng opened the curtain and pointed at Xianyang City Gate.

Xia Donger raised her head and looked at Xianyang City in front of her.

"Twenty-eight years."

"I can actually come back."

Xia Donger stared and murmured in her heart.

For her, this nightmare place had to be set foot in again today.

As Zhao Feng's car approached the city gate.

The capital army and county soldiers stationed at the city gate immediately came forward to greet them.

"We sincerely welcome you back to the capital."

All the hundreds of county soldiers on duty bowed.

"Good work."

Zhang Ming thanked Zhao Fengdao on behalf of him.

Then the personal guards escorted the car and drove towards the city.

The journey was smooth.

With Zhao Feng's status, the territory of Da Qin was unimpeded.

Even the palace is undefended and can be entered without a pass.

This is Guo Wei, this is Wu Anjun of Great Qin.

Return to Zhao Mansion!

When Xia Dong'er got off the carriage, he saw the mansion in front of him.

There is a feeling of being apart from another world.

When she and Ying Zheng returned to Xianyang, she had been to all the large and small mansions around the palace.

For Xia Dong'er, although Xianyang has changed a lot, she is still very familiar to her not far from the palace.


"From now on, you can rest assured in your house."

"Our family finally doesn't have to run on both sides." Zhao Feng said with a smile.

"Yes." Xia Dong'er nodded.

An expectation to see Ying Zheng also emerged in his heart.


"Wait a while, take your mother to get acquainted with the mansion."

Zhao Feng turned to Wang Yan and explained.

"Husband, please rest assured."

"I will stay with my mother well." Wang Yan immediately replied with a smile.


A group of people entered the house.

All the servants in the mansion gathered, a total of seven or eight hundred people.

After all, this mansion is very large, and Zhao Feng has many children. In addition to being given by the King of Qin, these servants are also placed among them by Yan Ting's secret agents.

"Welcome to the old lady to return home."

When Xia Donger came.

Under the leadership of the housekeeper, all the servants knelt down.

See this.

Xia Donger immediately waved her hand: "Everyone, get up."

"Thank you, madam." All the servants thanked in unison.

But for most servants, they are naturally very nervous.

A few days ago, the news that the old lady was returning to the mansion had spread in Xianyang Zhao Mansion. They were naturally in awe of the old lady, and naturally also had a kind of anxiety, in case the old lady was not easy to get along with. , that is definitely not a good thing for them.


"It's all gone."

"My mother has a gentle personality and is not a harsh person. You are the same as you were before." Zhao Feng said.

"Yes, sir." Many servants bowed respectfully and retreated.

At this time!

"Commander Ren Xiao is here."

"The king's envoy is here."

"I also sent over a dozen horse-drawn carriage gifts." Zhang Ming walked over quickly.

behind him.

Ren Xiao came in person.

Behind him was a kind of imperial guard carrying various gift boxes.

"Commander Ren, what's the matter?" Zhao Feng turned his head and smiled.

"According to the king's decree."

"I know that Lord Wu An's mother has returned to Xianyang, so I came here to give you some gifts." Ren Xiao said with a smile.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Zhao Feng thanked him immediately.

This time, King Qin was also surprised by his speed.

He had just returned from the front, but King Qin sent someone to deliver gifts from the back.

Apparently, he was preparing as soon as he entered the city.


"You'd better go into the palace and thank the king." Xia Dong'er said with a smile. When saying this.

Xia Donger's eyes were also full of concern.

If the world hadn't been unified yet, Xia Dong'er would be impatient to meet Ying Zheng.

The couple suffered too many hardships and were separated for twenty-eight years.

If it weren't for Zhao Feng, they might never have the chance to see each other again in this life.


"Please take good care of your **** girl."

"I'm going to the palace." Zhao Feng said to Wang Yan.

"Husband, go ahead."

"I will take good care of my mother." Wang Yan said immediately.

Inside Zhangtai Palace!

Ying Zheng was reviewing the memorial somewhat absentmindedly.

After knowing that Xia Dong'er had arrived in Xianyang, he couldn't help but want to go directly.

"Should we directly summon Dong'er to the palace?"

"After all, she is Zhao Feng's mother, so my calling does not seem to have any influence."

"And what if we find out?"

"Now there is only one Qi State left."

At this moment, Ying Zheng was thinking about whether he should directly announce Xia Dong'er's entry into the palace and meet him.

Ever since they met in the sand dunes, Ying Zheng really couldn't help but miss him.

Now that we are in the same city, they are not as far apart as before.

At the moment when Ying Zheng was thinking.

"Jun Wu An has arrived."

Zhao Gao's voice came from outside the hall.


Ying Zheng came back to his senses and said loudly.


Zhao Feng strode into the palace.

"I see you, Your Majesty."

Zhao Feng bowed.

"It's rare that I came back so quickly this time, less than a month ago." Ying Zheng smiled slightly.

"This time, my mother is willing to follow her back to Xianyang, so I don't have to run around anymore." Zhao Feng said with a smile.

"This is a good thing." Ying Zheng said with a smile.

At this moment, he was trying his best to suppress the joy in his heart.

"It's indeed a good thing."

"The sand dunes are thousands of miles away from Xianyang, and I don't want to run away."

"Every time I went back to ask my mother to return to the capital, she refused, but this time she finally agreed." Zhao Feng also had a smile on his face. For him, this was a good thing.

The reason why his mother changed her mind is naturally attributed to her current achievements.

The key is martial arts.

"Ha ha."

"From now on, you can serve your mother with peace of mind." Ying Zheng also laughed.

And deep down in my heart.

He naturally understood why Xia Dong'er suddenly came to Xianyang.

"Unification of the world is in sight."

"Dong'er still remembers my promise to her."

"And she can't let me go." Ying Zheng thought happily in his heart.


Ying Zheng and Xia Donger are both kind of love brains.

"I have never met your mother."

"When you go back later, ask your mother to come into the palace."

"I also want to see what your mother is like, how she was able to train such an outstanding minister for me." Ying Zheng smiled and mentioned casually.

To this.

Zhao Feng naturally had no objection and nodded immediately: "Then I will ask my mother to come to the palace to see you after I return."


Ying Zheng nodded, feeling very excited in his heart.

Even the hands in the sleeves were clenched.

And this time!

Looking at Zhao Feng who was still standing.

Ying Zheng was stunned: "Why don't you go back?"

"Your Majesty, I have just arrived." Zhao Feng asked somewhat inexplicably.

"I want to see your mother, so please go back for now."

"I don't have anything to say to you."


"Now that the snow has melted, it's a great time to attack Qi."

"You can find a time to go to Yunzhong in the next few days and lead the troops to attack them all."

"How much grain and fodder are needed, how much luggage is needed, you can arrange it according to the king's edict."

Ying Zheng said immediately.

Then he took out half of Wu'an Camp's tiger talisman from the box on the side, as well as a royal edict that had been written long ago.

See this.

Zhao Feng was even more confused.

Every time he entered the palace, King Qin wanted to hold him and chat with him all the time, and would not let him leave at all. He asked for orders to leave every time.

This situation is completely wrong today.

Does King Qin care so much about his mother?

Think of this.

Zhao Feng said uneasily: "Your Majesty, you have many beauties in your harem, so you can't take advantage of my mother."

"Although my father has been gone for decades, my mother is as protective as a jade, so please don't mess around."

Hear this.

Ying Zheng's eyes widened, and then he said angrily: "Get out of here."

"have to."

"I excuse myself."

Looking at the Wang Zhao and the Tiger Talisman in his hands, and then at Ying Zheng whose eyes widened with anger, Zhao Feng smiled bitterly, did not dare to say anything, and turned around to leave.

Looking at Zhao Feng's leaving figure.

"He also said I was dead."

"Your father is alive and well."

"And your mother is my woman, so I asked you not to worry about her."

"This brat."

Ying Zheng cursed in great displeasure.


"This kid is quite sharp. He just wants to have his mother's ideas." Ying Zheng laughed again.

Come to your senses.

"Zhao Gao."

Ying Zheng shouted.

"My slave is here," Zhao Gao replied respectfully.

"Let the imperial dining room prepare the meals and deliver them at noon. Don't disturb me in the meantime." Ying Zheng said in a deep voice.

"My slave, I accept your order." Zhao Gao bowed respectfully and slowly withdrew.

In front of Ying Zheng, he has always been humble. He clearly knows that everything he has is given by Ying Zheng. Without Ying Zheng, he is nothing.

So historically.

When Ying Zheng was alive, he was a loyal dog. When Ying Zheng died, he opened his fangs.

His eyes turned. Zhao Feng returned to his family.

"Come back so soon?"

Xia Donger was a little surprised to see Zhao Feng coming back so soon.


"The king has summoned you to come to the palace for an audience." Zhao Feng said to Xia Dong'er as soon as he came back.

"Summon me?"

Xia Dong'er was frightened and her heart was about to jump out.

"Yes." Zhao Feng nodded and said with a smile: "The king said he wants to see you, there is nothing else. Of course, if you don't want to go, mother, then I will go to the palace again and ask for the king to cancel the imperial edict."

"No no no."

"He is the king after all."

"You have endured so much favor from the king, my mother must see you." Xia Dong'er waved her hand to reject Zhao Feng's proposal and said immediately.

"That's good."

"When we get to the palace, mother, don't worry. Your son is now a state captain and the head of the military officials. No one dares to offend you." Zhao Feng said with a smile.

"Yes." Xia Dong'er nodded, with a hint of joy in his eyes.

It’s been several years since I’ve seen Brother Zheng again, so Xia Donger is naturally looking forward to it in her heart.

"Husband, do you want me to accompany my mother to the palace?" Wang Yan asked at the side.

"It seems okay." Zhao Feng also nodded.

But Xia Donger waved her hand: "No, mother can enter the palace alone."

Seeing Xia Donger's panic, Zhao Feng was a little suspicious, but he didn't think much and nodded.

(End of chapter)

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