Become Stronger and Immortal By Picking Up Attributes From the Battlefield

Chapter 292: Ying Zheng: The candidate for the crown prince has been decided in Guzhong! Gu’s eldest

Chapter 292 Ying Zheng: The candidate for the crown prince has been decided in Guxin! Gu’s eldest son has been found!

 Hear this.

 All the eyes of the court were focused on Chun Yuyue.

 But many people have a look of emotion in their eyes.

 The matter of the crown prince and crown prince!

Some people have been making suggestions since Ying Zheng took office, but until now, Ying Zheng has never adopted it, or even taken it seriously at all.

 Now the world is unified.

 The position of the crown prince has always been undecided.

 This is definitely not a good thing for a country.

 “The First Emperor.”

“In the past, when the Qin Dynasty had not unified the world and there were foreign enemies, it was okay to postpone the matter of the crown prince. However, now that the world is settled, the country should have a crown prince on the throne.”

“Only in this way can the foundation of Qin be stable and the empire prosper.”

 “Establish the crown prince and establish the foundation of the country.”

 “The Great Qin Dynasty can be passed down to all generations.”

 Chun Yuyue spoke again.

 It’s now.

Chunyu Yue only said that he would elect Fusu as the crown prince.

 This scene.

With Chun Yuyue's opening, all the civil and military eyes of the court were focused on Ying Zheng.


As for Han Fei, Li Si and other ministers who had an open-book examination in Zhangtai Palace in the past, they were very calm in their hearts, because they had long known who Ying Zheng wanted to be the future Prince of Qin.

 At this moment!

Fusu and Hu Hai, who were standing at the foot of the stairs, also felt uneasy.

 As a young master who can handle government affairs at court, if he has no idea about the position of prince, it is naturally false.

 “Establish a prince and establish the foundation of the country.”

Ying Zheng spoke slowly.

Many civil and military eyes were watching.

But at this moment, Ying Zheng's face was extremely cold.


“Da Qin needs a prince.”

“And I already have a candidate in my mind.” Ying Zheng said slowly.

 I heard that there is already a candidate.

 The ministers in the court gathered their gazes.

 Fusu and Hu Hai's hearts were already in their throats.

 At this moment.

 Throughout the Manchu dynasty, candidates can only be chosen from the two of them.


"In the past, when I first returned to the Qin Dynasty, there was a woman who was my childhood sweetheart. She was with me in the Zhao Kingdom. When I was bullied in the Zhao Kingdom, she was by my side. When I was harmed by the Zhao people and was about to die, she stayed with me. She risked her life to save him at all costs.”

 “For me.”

“She left her homeland and came to Xianyang with me.”

 “When I first succeeded to the throne, I was very high-spirited and announced in front of the whole court that I would make her my queen.”

"But in the end, this position actually harmed her, causing her to almost die and even stay away from me for many years."

Ying Zheng spoke slowly, his voice resounding throughout the court meeting hall.

 Except for some veterans who were still in the court in the past, all the other ministers were shocked by this incident.

 Because this part of the past is unknown to most people.


“White Moonlight, known as Qin Shihuang in history, is also one of the reasons why Qin Shihuang never established a queen in his life.”

 In the palace.

Hearing Qin Shihuang narrate the events of that year, Zhao Feng couldn't help but sink into his thoughts and think about the records of unofficial history.

  A Fang Nu.


After Qin Shihuang unified the world, he built the most majestic palace in the world and named it Afang Palace.

Perhaps only Qin Shihuang himself knew the meaning.

“It turns out that the king has such a past.”

 “I shared the hardships with the First Emperor, but did not enjoy any of the glory of the First Emperor.”

 “Even almost died.”

“The First Emperor suddenly mentioned this matter. Is there any profound meaning in it?”

“No wonder the First Emperor has never established a queen. Perhaps in the heart of the First Emperor, this woman is the only wife of the First Emperor.”

 “Those concubines in the harem were not taken into consideration by the First Emperor at all.”

“There was such a thing back then…”

Many ministers all thought about it.

  For them.

At this moment, it can be considered that we know the secrets of the First Emperor back then.

 “The candidate for the crown prince.”

 “It won’t be Fusu…”

Ying Zheng spoke again at this moment.

  When this sentence comes to an end.

 Fusu's face darkened, and he smiled bitterly in his heart.

The faces of the courtiers who supported Fusu in the court suddenly changed drastically at this moment, and their hearts sank to the bottom.

Chun Yuyue's face was also so flat that it was difficult to look at it.

 “The First Emperor.”

“Among the other princes, apart from Mr. Fusu, is there any other prince who is qualified for this position?” Chunyu Yue couldn’t help but said.

 “This Chunyu Yue is really mentally retarded. He dared to question Qin Shihuang.”


“Historically, didn’t Qin Shihuang eventually establish Fusu as the crown prince? Let Fusu inherit the throne.”

“How come now, Fusu has no chance at all?”

“I am afraid that this will confuse Fusu, and also confuse those who support Fusu.”

“Fusu, who has the highest winning rate, is not the candidate for the crown prince. I guess Hu Hai is going crazy with joy at this moment.”

"But, will Qin Shihuang really choose Hu Hai? This Hu Hai is not a capable person."

  "Whatever, no matter who he chooses, Qin will die in the second generation, and the title of Qin II is not something that anyone can bear."

"I'll just wait for the opportunity to create my own empire in the future." Zhao Feng looked calm on the surface, but he was thinking deep down in his heart.

 It is just as Zhao Feng said.

 As Ying Zheng directly announced that Fusu would not be the prince.

At this moment, Hu Hai's breathing became rapid, and his whole heart was beating, filled with excitement.

“Fusu won’t become the crown prince, so my father will choose me?”

"Am I really going to become a prince?" Hu Hai was very excited at this moment.


Zhao Gao, who was beside Ying Zheng, saw Hu Hai's uncontrollable joy, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "The candidate for the crown prince has been decided a long time ago, but no one knows it. Who would have thought that the current imperial captain would be The future Prince of Qin?"

 “The future Qin Dynasty will have two generations of powerful kings.”

 “It can’t be changed.”

“I will have to please the new prince in the future, so that I can continue to be stable in the palace.”

 For Zhao Gao.

He is just an eunuch. Even if he is ambitious in his heart, he once thought of supporting Hu Hai to rise to power. After all, Hu Hai is very easy to control. If he really succeeds, he will be extremely powerful in the future.

 But under the current situation.

 Hu Hai has no chance.

Moreover, the First Emperor is still doing well, and the future crown prince and prince is also a strong king, which is not something he can worry about.

 The historical practice of referring to a deer as a horse will no longer appear in the Qin Dynasty.

  can follow.

Ying Zheng’s words did not stop.

Hu Hai's heart instantly sank to the bottom.

"Hu Hai, he won't be the prince either." Ying Zheng spoke again.

As soon as these words fell.

Hu Hai, who was originally looking forward to it and felt that he must be the candidate for the crown prince, suddenly stiffened.

Those courtiers who supported Hu Hai and were already overjoyed were now as depressed as the courtiers who supported Fusu.

 This moment.

 What they call imagination goes as quickly as it comes.

 Their imagination was crushed in an instant.

  Can follow Ying Zheng’s words.

Nearly half of the courtiers in the court focused their gazes on Ying Zheng, feeling puzzled and confused.

 Neither Fusu nor Hu Hai, who could it be?

 “I can tell you.”

“The person who accompanied me through thick and thin, she has returned.” “Moreover, she also gave birth to an heir for me. According to their age, the heir she gave me is the eldest and the first among all the princes.”

  "According to her status, I will enthrone Afang as the empress and the empress of Da Qin. Then the heir she bears to me will be the eldest son."

 “He will be my successor, the crown prince of Da Qin.”

Ying Zheng announced loudly again.

This word.

 The final word.

 Everyone understands it.

 The current Shi Huangdi has made a decision.

 “The First Emperor.”

“If that girl Xia comes back, she may have an heir, but the heir she gave birth to has never been recorded in the genealogy, let alone created a jade butterfly, and lives among the people. Is the bloodline pure?”

 Zongzheng Yingxi, who had hardly spoken in the court until now, stood up and started loudly.

 At this moment.

 Of course he couldn't stand.

When Ying Zheng came into power, the clan held a lot of power in Da Qin. However, after what happened that year, the clan tried to manipulate Ying Zheng, and everything changed. After Ying Zheng came into power, foreigners and outstanding people were reused. , the authority of the clan was gradually weakened.

 When dealing with Xia Dong'er, his family was naturally involved.

If Xia Dong'er is really allowed to successfully become the queen and the heir born to her becomes the prince of Qin, will he still have a way to survive?

 Think about this.

Ying Xi will definitely not sit back and watch.

 So now he stood up.

 Refuting Qin Shihuang in the name of bloodline.

Hearing what Ying Xi said, Ying Zheng's face immediately turned cold.

 “Could it be that I don’t even recognize my own son?” Ying Zheng said coldly.

 “I don’t dare.”

“But it’s about the bloodline of our Great Qin clan and the bloodline of the First Emperor, so we must take it seriously.” Ying Xi said loudly.

“Afang Nuzhen existed and gave birth to a son to Qin Shihuang.”

 “This history has really gone awry because of me.”

“Fu Su will not be the crown prince, and Hu Hai will not be the second emperor of Qin.”

 “The future Qin II was actually the son of Afang Nu.”

 “This is too biased.”

"Judging from Qin Shihuang's tone, the heir born to Afang's daughter has been found. I don't know who he is. But since he is so valued by Qin Shihuang, he must be heavily guarded at this moment. After all, he is the future Prince Qin, and there is no room for sloppiness. ." Zhao Feng was thinking secretly at this moment.

 This moment.

 It’s just like watching a big show.

  The matter has nothing to do with you, just hang it up high.

 No matter how much commotion there is in the court, it has nothing to do with him.

 “I have already confirmed it.”

 “No one may change it.”

“When Mount Tai is enshrined, I will announce his identity in front of the sky, and confer him the title of queen and crown prince.” Ying Zheng glanced at him coldly and shouted with authority.

There was an undoubted domineering tone in his voice.

At this moment the world is unified.

Ying Zheng doesn’t care much anymore.

 Let him do it if he objects in court.

 They can no longer afford to make any waves.

 Make your Afang the queen and Feng'er the prince.

Ying Zheng has been waiting for this day for a long time, and no one can change it.

He Yingzheng is no longer the King of Qin who had never taken power.

 It is Qin Shihuang who rules the world and controls the world.

“Did the First Emperor ignore his ancestors?”

Ying Xi said loudly that he was already risking his own life to protect himself.

 “I, the ruler of the world.”

 “Ancestors and ancestors learn from it.”

“One day when Mount Tai is enshrined in Zen, I will explain it to my ancestors.”

 “I won’t tolerate you making mistakes.”

 “Get down.”

Ying Zheng raised his hand and waved.

   I don’t have much of a good attitude towards Ying Xi at all.

 “The bloodline is orthodox, inherited by my great Qin family.”

“If the bloodline is dirty and unclear, how can the First Emperor explain to his ancestors?”

 “I, I would rather die than protect the innocence of the Great Qin clan.” Ying Xi had a serious look on his face and knelt down directly.

 “Please, the First Emperor, think twice.”

 “The royal family’s orthodoxy must not be blasphemed.”

 “The matter of the eldest son needs to be treated with caution.”

 “The bloodline of my great Qin royal family cannot be dirty.”

 “Please, the First Emperor, think twice…”

 Following Ying Xi.

Many ministers also stood up and agreed.

 At this moment.

 They naturally understand Ying Xi’s purpose. Similarly, for their purposes and interests, they have to stand up.

“On the day when Mount Tai is enshrined in Zen, I will confess my kinship with my eldest son by shedding blood on the top of Mount Tai.”


Ying Zheng glanced at it and waved his hand.

to be honest.

Ying Zheng didn’t care because he knew clearly that Zhao Feng and Zhao Ying were his children.

 He also knew that his Afang had always been his alone and had never been owned by anyone else.

But in order to truly rectify the names of our children, as upright clan members and members of the Ying surname, this step has to be taken.

Looking at Ying Zheng turning and leaving.

A hint of unwillingness flashed in Ying Xi’s eyes.

 But he understands.

Acknowledging one's relatives with blood is already Ying Zheng's last concession, and the final result, if it is really father and son, may be a certainty.

 Looking at the many courtiers in the court, they had different expressions, including disappointment, unwillingness, and various emotions.

 Zhao Feng was very calm.

 “What a big show.”

 Zhao Feng laughed.

 Then he stood up and walked out of the palace.

 “A good son-in-law.”

Wang Jian caught up with him and shouted.

"What's the matter with father-in-law?" Zhao Feng asked with a smile.

“How did you feel about the scene just now?” Wang Jian asked with a smile.

 “The affairs of the royal family have nothing to do with me.”

 “This is the First Emperor’s family matter.” Zhao Feng replied with a smile.

“Aren’t you curious about who this eldest son is?” Wang Jian asked again with a smile.

“Curiosity is curiosity, but obviously this eldest son must have been hidden by the First Emperor. If not, there will be many people in the court who want his life.” Zhao Feng smiled.

  It can be said that he has a thorough understanding of the thoughts of many people in the court.

The identity of the eldest son has not yet been announced.

 Once it is announced.

 There are definitely many people who want his life.

Even though he is protected by the First Emperor, compared to the value of the death of the eldest son, there is no need to say much at all, just find a few scapegoats.

 “You are quite straightforward.” Wang Jian smiled.

 “After all, it’s about that supreme position.”

 “This will force a lot of people to do it.”

"Of course, this has nothing to do with me. Now that the war has been decided, I can rest at home." Zhao Feng smiled and didn't take it seriously at all.

 Then he prepared to leave the hall.

 “Wu Anjun.”

Han Fei shouted.

Zhao Feng turned around and saw Han Fei walking over with a serious look on his face.

 “I’m talking about Han Fei.”

 “When did you become so serious?”

 Looking at Han Fei like this, Zhao Feng couldn't help but joked.


 (End of this chapter)

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