Become Stronger and Immortal By Picking Up Attributes From the Battlefield

Chapter 31: Wang Yan: Don’t you have anything to ask?

Chapter 31 Wang Yan: Don’t you have anything to ask?

"Originally, I thought that **** Baoyuan had escaped, so I led my army in pursuit and vowed to capture him. However, I never thought that that **** Baoyuan was hiding in Yangcheng and almost ruined everything."

"If it weren't for you this time, maybe I would have been directly dismissed from the post of general."

"Because of me, I killed those 10,000 logistics army officers and soldiers."

Thinking of what happened these days, Li Teng felt a little helpless, and of course he blamed himself more.

To this.

Zhao Feng didn't say anything to comfort him. This incident was originally Li Teng's fault. Because he was greedy for power and rushed forward, he did not send troops to guard Yangcheng, which also gave Bao Yuan an opportunity to take advantage of him.

As long as Li Teng left more than 10,000 warriors to guard Yangcheng, Baoyuan would not be able to cause trouble, and the 10,000 soldiers of the logistics army would not die in the battle.

Although it is said that one general's success will lead to thousands of bones drying up.

But this time it was not Li Teng's fault, but his own fault.

And deep down in Zhao Feng's heart, when he was being attacked and pursued by Bao Yuan and his army, Zhao Feng was cursing in his heart that he could still be attacked by the Korean army when the war situation had reached such a stage.

This is also extremely ridiculous.

"If General Li really feels guilty, he can pay homage to the graves of those soldiers someday."

"Or you can report to the king and ask for more compensation." Zhao Feng said slowly.

Hear this!

Li Teng raised his head and looked at Zhao Feng with a strange look.

It seems that he did not expect that Zhao Feng would speak so bluntly, and was not afraid of his identity as a general.

Li Teng was not angry at this, but nodded with a serious face: "After the war, I will go. As for the pensions of those soldiers who died in the battle, the general has already submitted a petition."

"If the pension is really generous, the dead soldiers will be able to get some comfort." Zhao Feng said again.

In this era.

Perhaps many things are out of your control, such as being drafted, joining the army, going to the battlefield, and dying.

But silently, they all do it for one thing, to survive and let their family survive.

Although the soldiers died, their pension was the last gift they gave to their families. An extra 10% would make their families live a better life. After all, in this era, ordinary people who want to make money can only work in the workshop. Apart from work, most of them still focus on farming.

"Do not worry."

"Da Qin will never treat anyone with meritorious service badly."

"I have received news from the General. He has reported your military exploits and those of the logistics army."

"There may be an edict from the king within ten days."

"By then you should no longer be a logistics force, but a warrior of our main battle camp."

"The General's intention is that you will be under the command of my main camp when the time comes." Li Teng looked at Zhao Feng and said with a smile.

"When the edict comes, I will fulfill it myself." Zhao Feng calmly replied with clasped fists.

"Do not worry."

"I know you have just recovered from your injury. You should take a good rest during this period."

"Now our army is chasing the remnants of the enemy and is gradually approaching Handu. There is no major fighting for the time being, so you don't need to worry." Li Teng said with a smile.

"No." Zhao Feng nodded immediately.

"General Lee."

"There will be a suggestion at the end."

Wang Yan suddenly spoke at the side.

"Commander Wang Jun, tell me." Li Teng looked at Wang Yan.

"The general hopes that Zhao Feng can be transferred to my army." Wang Yan raised her head and said.

"Transfer to your army?"

There was a hint of surprise on Li Teng's face. When he met Wang Yan's eyes, he immediately thought of something and asked slowly, "Have you decided?"

"It's decided." Wang Yan nodded. After saying it, she seemed to relax a lot.

"Okay, I'll report it to the general," Li Teng said.

"Thank you, General." Wang Yan thanked him.

Then, he looked at Zhao Feng: "Anyway, you will be transferred to the main battle camp in the near future. How about I take you to familiarize yourself with the military camp?"

Hear the words.

Zhao Feng did not refuse: "Okay, I also want to see the difference between the main battle battalion and the logistics army." Then.

Wang Yan took Zhao Feng and walked out of the palace.

"This kid has a grudge against me."

"Perhaps, I brought this upon myself."

"Because of me, I harmed the logistics army, alas..."

Looking at Zhao Feng's back, Li Teng could naturally feel the indifference in Zhao Feng's words.


This is also Zhao Feng's temperament, he doesn't like that kind of hypocritical disguise.

Zhao Feng really couldn't do it to please Li Teng and follow the trend of others. Moreover, the power he had now did not make it necessary for him to follow the trend of others to please others.

On the way!

Wang Yan walked in front and Zhao Feng walked behind. The two of them walked silently towards the military camp.

In this atmosphere.

Wang Yan suddenly stopped.

Zhao Feng also stopped suddenly, with a surprised look on his face.

Wang Yan turned her head and said with some resentment: "Don't you have anything to say? Do you want to ask?"

"What can I ask?" Zhao Feng replied inexplicably.

"How did you find out my identity as a woman?" Wang Yan stared at Zhao Feng and asked.

Zhao Feng glanced at it strangely, then smiled and said, "Can anyone with no eyesight see this?"

"There are few white-faced boys like you in the army, and no matter how rough your voice is, it can't hide the voice of a woman."


Zhao Feng glanced at Wang Yan's chest: "No matter how hard you entangle me, how can a man like you have such exaggerated pectoralis major muscles?"

"You think I'm stupid!"

The words fell.

Wang Yan looked down subconsciously, and her fair face instantly turned red with embarrassment.


Wang Yan said lightly.

"You asked this yourself." Zhao Feng replied speechlessly.

"Do you want to go home so much?" Wang Yan suddenly asked again.

"What nonsense are you asking again?" Zhao Feng glanced at him and said angrily: "Don't you want to go home?"

"I don't want to." Wang Yan smiled bitterly and shook her head.

Seeing Wang Yan like this, Zhao Feng didn't know how to reply. After thinking for a moment, he said: "I am just an ordinary civilian. I don't understand the affairs of your powerful family. Maybe there are more trivial matters in big families."


"if it is possible."

"I don't even want to be born into what you call a big family. Then maybe I wouldn't be so helpless." Wang Yan said with a wry smile.

Zhao Feng was silent and did not reply, but he already had a guess in his heart: "It seems that this girl is definitely targeted by political marriage, otherwise she would not hide in the army, maybe she just wants to get Military merit changes destiny.”

"But it's almost impossible."

"Her surname is Wang, maybe she is Wang Jian's daughter."

"If it is true, then his daughter is destined to be married into a political marriage, and maybe she will be given a direct edict by the King of Qin to a prince from the royal family."


"For women in this era, most of them are ordered by their parents to find a matchmaker."

"Hard to violate."

PS: Please give me recommendation votes, monthly votes, and follow-up reading. I would be grateful.

(End of chapter)

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