Become Stronger and Immortal By Picking Up Attributes From the Battlefield

Chapter 47: The soul of the Qin army! A brutal siege!

Chapter 47 The spirit of the Qin army! A brutal siege!

ˆ Accompany!

An endless rain of arrows shot towards Han Du, and the entire void was shrouded in arrows as dense as a violent storm.


Cao Yi shouted loudly.

The guards around him immediately held up shields to protect Cao Yi.

The next moment, countless random arrows were thrown towards Handu.



The sound of arrows piercing armor and flesh and blood resounded throughout Handu.

When the arrows fell like a storm, countless Korean soldiers were killed instantly and died tragically in Handu City.

The screams continued.

On the tower.

Inside the city.

Suddenly everything turned into a purgatory.

Blood and corpses were scattered all over the city.


"Hide quickly..."

Just a hail of arrows.

The capital city of Han was in chaos, with Korean soldiers dodging sharp arrows everywhere.

But this rain of arrows is only the first round.

Thirty thousand warriors took turns to fire arrows. After firing from the front line, they immediately retreated, quickly drew arrows from the quiver, and took turns to fire arrows.

The violent rain of arrows continued to radiate, causing endless casualties to the entire Korean capital.

at the same time.

Hundreds of trebuchets also adjusted their angles and aimed at Handu.

Boom, boom, boom!

The trebuchets containing torch stones were thrown one by one, and the torch corpses burning with flames were thrown towards the Handu tower and into the city.

The torch stone fell to the ground, causing a roar like the explosion of a cannonball, and flames scattered in all directions.

The emergence of the trebuchets also caused endless screams in the city, and countless Korean soldiers were smashed into pulp.


It's so cruel.

In the military formation.

Zhao Feng also provided arrows and shot them in the air.

Tens of thousands of people fired arrows. This was an indiscriminate attack, covering the entire Handu city tower. Under such a dense rain of arrows, being exposed to the rain of arrows was almost certain death.

"Kill the Korean soldiers and collect 5 points of strength."

"Kill the Korean soldiers and collect 5 life points."

"Kill the Korean soldiers and gain 5 points of speed."

Although he fired arrows indiscriminately, Zhao Feng also seized the opportunity. Each time he fired, he fired five arrows at the same time. The arrows in his arrow pot were full, with dozens of them. Even if he fired arrows indiscriminately, He didn't see the target, but he also let Zhao Feng use his luck arrow to kill Han Bing and successfully picked up the attributes.

"This level of arrow rain coverage is equivalent to the saturation fire strike of later generations."

"When it comes to military weapons, Qin is the most respected in this era."

"Sure enough, if a worker wants to do his job well, he must first sharpen his tools." Zhao Feng sighed in his heart.

The moment when I think so.

Zhao Feng also fired arrows at full speed, and the arrows in the arrow pot behind him also decreased rapidly.

Zhao Feng couldn't miss this rare opportunity to kill the enemy.

The rain of arrows continued.

The torch stone is accompanied by the continuous bombardment of the void.

Completely suppress the Korean army in the city!

At this moment!

Li Teng, who was on the Chinese army tank, saw that the time was almost up.

Immediately shouted: "My great Qin Jianfeng has suppressed the Korean army!"

"Take this opportunity! Vanguard Army! Attack!"

A shout of command.

The entire army of a battalion of ten thousand generals, which had been preparing for a long time, was solemn.

"The elite soldiers of the 20,000 general camp, today we are the vanguard."

"Great Qin Tianwei vows to destroy the capital of Han."


Wu Hua waved the spear in his hand and shouted loudly.



All the warriors from the vanguard battalion roared, with an aura that looked forward to death. The shield troops were in front, charging towards Han Du with battering rams, chariots, ladders, and various siege equipment.


They passed over the array of archers and attacked Handu.

Under the suppression of Da Qin's archers, the elite soldiers of the Pioneer Battalion quickly rushed to the front of the city 20 to 30 feet away and entered the shooting range of the Korean army.

See this.

Cao Yi, who was guarding the city, knew that he could not sit still and wait for death.

"The Qin army must not be allowed to break the city."

"The whole army obeys the order."


"Fire arrows."

"If you dare to escape from the battlefield, the war supervising army will kill you without mercy." "Set the trebuchet."


Cao Yi shouted loudly.

Under his power, the Korean army on the city began to counterattack under the rain of arrows.

From inside the city, the Korean army counterattacked with random arrows directed outside the city.

And with the threat of the war supervisors, the Korean army in the city also began an orderly defense.

The arrow rain gradually increased and became more dense.

The trebuchets in the city also released huge rocks and bombarded the Qin army outside the city.


Wu Hua shouted immediately.

The warriors at the forefront immediately raised their shields.

Many random arrows were blocked by the shield, but there were also many random arrows that shot directly through the gaps and hit the warriors behind.



The arrow pierces the body.

One by one, the warriors fell under the arrows, struggling in a pool of blood.

The torch stone fell down, causing a lot of casualties.

But these did not stop the vanguard from advancing, they were still approaching the city steadily.

Siege battles are inherently cruel.

When the war breaks out, human life becomes like a piece of grass.

"This is a real siege."

"Fill it with human life."

"Until the city is captured."

Zhao Feng was shooting arrows and observing.

Such a battle, so close, you can see the cruelty here.

But Zhao Feng also saw these pioneers attacking the city. They had no fear, only an indomitable momentum.

A sharp man next to him was shot by random arrows and fell to the ground, and the sharp man behind him was immediately there to take over.

Many warriors around him were killed by boulders, and the warriors at the rear immediately made up for them.

Move forward fearlessly and fearlessly!

"Is this the military spirit?"

“Be fearless and fearless.”

"I will never return until I defeat the enemy's city."

"Life and death are completely disregarded."

Seeing this scene, Zhao Feng had a deep understanding of the Qin army he was in.

Or is it.

In a true sense, I felt the invisible military spirit.

Under the cover of the Qin army's arrows.

The vanguard army has already rushed to the city.

The ladder, approaching the car, quickly approached the city wall.

There are also city buses.

"The trebuchets continue their attack."

"The archers advance thirty feet and release arrows!"

Li Teng shouted loudly.

Now the vanguard army has rushed to the city.

If you continue to fire arrows from a distance, you will hurt your own side. At first, the archers played a suppressive role, but now they need to push forward.

Issue the order.

Great Qin Rui Shi advanced in an orderly manner.

"Pass the original order."

"All troops are mobilized."

"If one person is killed in battle, one more person will be replaced; if ten people are killed in battle, ten more people will be replaced."

"We will never let the Qin army break the city." Zhang Ping shouted loudly.

The guards around him immediately issued orders.

A large number of Korean troops quickly rushed towards the tower.

Tug of war.

Really kick off.

The whole of Korea was completely enveloped in the war.

The vanguard army attacked the city one after another, and the Korean army also guarded closely. Arrows rained down like rain, and the rain of arrows outside the city also continued.

Countless lives are lost with every breath.

Extremely tragic.

"Although the Korean army suffered heavy casualties due to the rain of arrows, they were capable of defending the city and had a lot of troops."

"With such a defense, it is impossible to break through it like this."

"And the city gate seems to be sealed."

Zhao Feng looked at the offensive battle and Pao Ze who died one after another, and a kind of worry arose in his heart.

But even though he is not a pioneer, he can only watch!

PS: Please give me recommendation votes, monthly votes, and follow-up reading. I would be grateful.

(End of chapter)

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