Chapter 55 Zhao Feng’s powerful attributes!


"Don't brag."

"Hurry up and take a good rest."

After listening to everyone's words, Zhao Feng said with a smile.


Zhao Feng sat down directly on the ground, and everyone also sat down one after another. After a day and night of killing, the warriors who invaded the city were indeed very tired.

Now that there is a temporary truce.

Now it is natural to seize the opportunity to rest.

"Properties panel."

Zhao Feng immediately summoned his panel.

After a day and night of killing, countless enemies died in his own hands.

Zhao Feng picked up countless attributes.

But after fighting all the way, Zhao Feng could feel that his strength had become stronger, but he didn't check what his attributes were.

Take some time off now.

Zhao Feng naturally wanted to take a look.

Age: 16 years old

Strength: 1656 (The stronger the strength, the corresponding power can be exploded.)

Speed: 1234 (The higher the number, the faster.)

Physique: 914 (The stronger the physique, the faster recovery from injuries and endless physical strength.)

Spirit: 923 (The stronger the spirit, the clearer the mind, the clearer the thoughts, the spiritual power can be released externally, and when it grows to a certain level, it can sense the aura of heaven and earth.)

Lifespan: 87 years plus 678 days

Portable space: 9 cubic meters

Cultivation method: Dragon Elephant Technique

Martial skills: Dragon Subduing Palm, Explosive Fist... (mastered at the elementary level, one punch can explode twice as much as one's own strength).

"Strength and speed are the easiest attributes to pick up. This battle actually made my strength and speed increase so much. Who in the world is stronger than me?"

"And the lifespan has also been increased by almost a year."

"Keep picking it up, immortality is no longer a dream."

Looking at his attributes, Zhao Feng was very excited.

The result of this day and night of all-out killing is the enhancement of attributes.


There are four more treasure chests.

All attributes were increased by 200 and two treasure chests were obtained. After killing General Han, he got another one. After killing Zhang Ping, he got another one.

The latter two are in high positions and have good luck, so they can naturally allow Zhao Feng to obtain the treasure chest.

"It's a pity that I can't kill the king. If I kill the king of Han, I guess I can explode a second-level treasure chest, right?"

Looking at the four treasure boxes, Zhao Feng felt greedy in his heart.

However, this idea was rejected by Zhao Feng himself as soon as it appeared.

In this era, royal power is supreme.

This is true even for the king of an enemy country.

No one can kill the king without permission unless ordered by the king of Qin.

Otherwise, it would not be a merit, but a sin.

At this moment!

As Li Teng's chariot approached.

"Welcome General."

The ten thousand generals and deputy generals under Li Teng's command immediately came forward and bowed to Li Teng.

"How's it going?"

Li Teng stood on the chariot and asked very calmly.

"Return to the general."

"The Han Palace has been completely surrounded by our army, and everyone inside is unable to escape."

"There has been no action in the palace. The general will wait for the general's order before making a decision." A deputy general said respectfully to Li Teng.

"Send the general's order."

"Shouting to the King of Han, I will give the King of Han a stick of incense to think about it. If he wants to survive and preserve his clan, he should immediately open the palace gate and order all Korean troops to lay down their weapons and surrender."

"If we don't make a decision after burning incense, our army will bloodbath the Han Palace and leave no chickens or dogs behind." Li Teng said in a deep voice.

The words fell. A messenger on the side walked to the gate of King Han's palace and shouted loudly: "I, General Qin, give the King of Han one stick of incense time to think about it. If he doesn't open the palace gate and surrender within one stick of incense time, our army will immediately attack the palace. Chickens and dogs." Do not stay."

After he made the announcement alone, several more messengers shouted their orders loudly and loudly, which reached the palace.

Just after this sound.

The palace door of King Han's palace opened a gap, just enough to accommodate one person entering and exiting.

A middle-aged man wearing a Korean official robe with a calm and confident air walked out slowly.

Facing the countless murderous Qin army warriors outside the city, this man did not panic at all. Even when the Qin army's bows and arrows were aimed at him, he was not afraid and walked forward steadily.

He has the magnanimity of Zhao Xiangru in the past.

Don't be afraid of swords and axes.

"This man is quite brave."

"With so many bows and arrows aimed at him, every one of our Qin army warriors looked like tigers and wolves, looking at him like prey. He didn't panic at all."

"He is a great person."

And as soon as this person came out.

Zhao Feng also looked a little surprised and praised this man's magnanimity and courage.


He walked up to Li Teng's chariot, bowed, clasped his fists, and saluted: "General Li, you are polite."

"Looking at Korea, there is only one person with such magnanimity and courage."

"That is Gong Zifei, whose reputation is spread all over the world."

"This must be Young Master Han Fei."

Li Teng glanced at the visitor and smiled slightly.

"It's just a name, not a reality." Han Fei said very calmly.

"Since the young master has come out, he must have brought the edict from King Han with him."

"I, Li Teng, am a warrior. I don't like to beat around the bush, so just speak frankly."

"Will King Han fight or surrender?" Li Teng stared at Han Fei with a hint of coercion.

Han Fei was not afraid, but raised his head, stared at Li Teng calmly and said: "May I ask the general, if my king surrenders, what will Qin do with my king? And what will he do with all my officials?"

"It's up to me, King Qin, to decide how to deal with it."

"If your King of Han opens the city and surrenders when my warriors of the Qin Dynasty attack your capital of Han, and don't take any chances, my king will definitely treat you kindly."

"But now that the army is approaching the Han palace, your country has reached its end, and kindness is no longer possible. This time, I can only ensure that you can survive." Li Teng said in a deep voice.

The meaning of these sentences is also very clear.

Surrendering when the Qin army approached Han's capital would be enough to prevent the Qin army's elite soldiers from suffering many casualties, and the troops would be killed without bloodshed, which would be beneficial to the Qin Dynasty.

But now that Han's capital city has been breached, Han only has one palace left.

You, South Korea, are no longer qualified to negotiate with Da Qin.

Hearing Li Teng's words.

Han Fei didn't change his expression at all, but replied calmly: "If my king surrenders, can he not become a prisoner of his subordinates, not enter the Qin State, but go to another country?"

"Young Master Fei."

"Do you think it's possible?" Li Teng sneered, and added: "After all, Han has been defeated. I don't care whether the King of Han surrenders or not. If he doesn't surrender, my great Qin warriors can easily break the palace of the King of Han." , If the King of Han surrenders, he can still survive."


"Young Master Fei, do you understand?"

Hear this!

Han Fei also had a wry smile on his face, and then said: "Can you please give me, General Li, some more time to think about it? I will give you a reply within an hour!"

"Something weird."

When he heard that Han Fei wanted an hour, Zhao Feng immediately felt that there must be something strange in it.

PS: Please give me recommendation votes, please give me monthly votes, please keep reading, please keep reading! The key is to keep reading! It is guaranteed to be updated every day with a minimum guarantee of 10,000 words.

(End of chapter)

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